A 4chan Pass ("Pass") allows users to bypass typing a CAPTCHA verification when posting and reporting posts on the 4chan image and discussion boards. The idea for Passes came directly from the community and were introduced as a way for users to show their support and receive a convenient feature in return. Passes cost $30 for 1 year or $60 for 3 years, which is about $1.67 per month—or less than a single 20oz bottle of soda.
See below for more information and payment instructions, or click here if you've already purchased a 4chan Pass.
Forgot your PIN? Reset it here.
If your Pass has expired or is expiring in less than 6 months, you can renew it here.
If you have trouble purchasing a 4chan Pass, or do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please e-mail 4chanpass@4chan.org
A 4chan Pass allows you to bypass typing a CAPTCHA verification when posting and reporting posts on the 4chan image and discussion boards. 4chan Pass users have reduced post cooldown timers. 4chan Passes also bypass IP range and country blocks.
A Pass does not confer any additional privileges beyond bypassing the CAPTCHA verification. You will still be subject to various post timers and must comply with the Rules of 4chan.
No. Unless you enter since4pass in the Options field, there will be no indication that you are using a Pass to other users, and your posts will display exactly the same as any other. The since4pass Options command allows you to publicly display since when you have been using a 4chan Pass.
Upon successful payment, you will receive a unique 10-character Token and 6-digit PIN. You may then authorize your devices by visiting sys.4chan.org/auth. A receipt containing this information will also be e-mailed to the address you provide.
Your Pass is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
No, we only offer annual Passes at a cost of $30 per year. You will be notified when your Pass is due for renewal.
You will be e-mailed with a renewal link when your Pass is due to expire in one week, and will receive a follow-up e-mail once it expires. When you renew your Pass with this link, its expiration will be extended by one year. You cannot renew Passes that are not due to expire in less than one week.
Passes may be used on multiple devices (computers, tablets, phones, etc), but can only be associated with one IP address at a time. For customers with dynamic IP addresses or who wish to use their Pass while on the move, you may update this IP address by re-authenticating from a new IP (currently limited to once every 30 minutes, subject to change). Note this is done automatically on devices that have already been authorized and are cookied.
No. All payment information is stored securely by our PCI-certified payment provider.
We accept credit or debit cards, Cash App Pay, as well as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dai, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and USDC.
Cryptocurrency can be purchased on Coinbase or, for US residents, on Cash App.
Yes. 4chan Pass users may bypass ISP, IP range, and country blocks, but are still subject to the same rules and restrictions as any other user. Pass users cannot bypass individual (regular) IP bans.
Don't know the difference? ISP, IP range, and country blocks display red "Error" messages when attempting to post (these can be bypassed with a 4chan Pass), whereas individual IP bans redirect you to www.4chan.org/banned (these cannot be bypassed with a 4chan Pass).
Passes used for spam or advertising of any kind will be permanently suspended. Furthermore, Pass users are still subject to post timers and a Pass may only be associated with one IP address at a time.
Your Pass will be permanently suspended for posting spam messages, advertising of any kind, or posting content that violates United States law. Regular bans and auto-bans will not revoke your Pass, however you may not use your Pass while banned. Only senior moderators may revoke Passes for the aforementioned violations, and must do so manually. No refund is provided for suspended Passes, nor will time be credited in the event you are not able to use your Pass due to a ban or for any other reason.