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His return is imminent.
How strong is he?
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Sandro, PLEASE!
With or without principles?
Hassad is too strong to appear.

Locked in. 6 hrs to go
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Probably through legal means this time kek
Micheal will die to save azuma and he will wish he died instead
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If that ends up the case, I propose we give Michael a moment of silence and praise his bravery till the very end
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>Tokio got so pissed about the pistol he very deliberately tortured Markovnikov with feathers before bashing his skull through the ceiling
Nobody is dying in the Tower raid. Tokio will transform into Chaos form and handle the situation singlehandedly.
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>Tokio will transform into Chaos form
Yeah and get one shot again!
>Star scar is because Sora cut the third arm

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>Amazon Ranking: #293

We are so fucking back
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Annoying protagonist, for me. Really loud and obnoxious Luffy type with the same grotesque, exaggerated expressions. I just hate Luffy and this guy is basically Yakuza Luffy. But the yakuza don't act like yakuza. So really just Neighborhood Watch Luffy.
>akane 345
Doing good.
>neighborhood watch Luffy

Just waiting on Buckethead to save the batch now
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My hero is so cool...
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there's a trend for manga criminals and delinquents to be soft teddy bear nice guys that go around cleaning graffiti and helping old ladies carry groceries

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Sometimes I wish America invented anime instead of Japan. Western-style anime are almost always great. American influence was a big part of anime's creation in the first place.
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More like it was never good.
You know it's bad when a yuro can write bedtime stories for kids and be hailed as the best westoid writer of all time.
Disney's old masterpieces consist of adapting some books for kids some yuro made in some remote medieval village.
And that's the peak.
Don't forget about that.
Eh there's other stuff but I do think American cultural output in particular has been in a really bad state and has actually declined. I think the reason for it is probably not that straightforward though.
They could. Look at the Western corpus from the days of the Greeks to about the late 1800s/early 1900s. Lots of interesting stories (real and imagined) and just generally a more vibrant culture overall.

Ever since the end of WW2, the West has been culturally dead and the only books worth reading are technical ones about STEM subjects, with the odd autobiography or sci-fi pulp fiction book. There used to be many great American and European writers and animators (we got a bit of a resurgence in the late 80s and 90s but now they're either dead, retired or pozzed), but cultural homogenization to an absurd degree has killed all that. Not shitting on Japanese anime or manga (which I'm fond of in general) so much as I'm recognizing how shit Western media has been for generations and how that has ruined America on a spiritual level.

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Reminder kekwer was replaced by Nayuta (That is Makima)
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Bretty good
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>Nayuta being killed doesn't make sense thematically
Eh.If you mean regarding the ending of part 1 and conquest devil getting a chance to be happy with lots of hugs, she got that. It didn't last forever, but it happened. I wouldn't say killing Nayuta is a notable misstep in that regard. If anything I can appreciate the irony of Makima, who killed countless Japanese citizens resurrecting herself, being reincarnated as a more "equal" human and being slaughtered by a mob.
The biggest way it could be a misstep is depriving Denji of one of the very few other characters he has a meaningful relationship with; one of part 2's issues is that not many characters have much reason to give a fuck about each other.
I agree that her surviving is rather hard to justify.
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There's just something incredibly cheap about killing a character that already died and got instantly resurrected, again. Thematically, well on top of her getting a second chance Kiga already said she wanted her to help with stopping Death. Are we really expecting an apocalypse without Conquest present? Are we going to see yet another resurrection? At some point it's soap opera tier, I know she's a devil but goddamn.

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What secrets does she hide?
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It was pretty serious. Shame the season was released when it was.
Oh look, spore mines!
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Full on Tyranid invasion now.
And this guy just doesn't stop being an asshole.
Do you kno who's the artist?

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It could be?
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I am working
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Death to the Celestial Dragons!
Why are the fags editing the wiki so sure that vegapunk (stella) is dead
I know he's "disposable" and that the message started playing but it could have easily triggered to troll people into thinking that he's dead
We already had a troll with the snail last chapter
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while posting here? you need a raise anon

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Rejoice. It's the month of May.
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Yes, please.
guess I have to give her the first cum of may
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Great month for best Pokegirl.
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Happy birthday Magia Magenta!

Also, first week sales for BD2 is 9,181 copies.
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I kneel before the superior ALICE system
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I own a copy.

Here's a scan I did just now of my favorite page. I threw it together quickly but that's it for now due to other life stuff. Original dimensions were about 6500 x 4400. Image was about 13MB so I had to shrink it down to compensate 4chan's PoS file limit. If I can get some recommendations for sites with minimal compression I can try to do the rest later and show em' off.
Why did Sayo's hair turn green?
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What do you think Bejita's mother was like?
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Does the premise have to be profit based? Why not just go for the sake of adventure and discovery?
>Yes, recently they've found some new paintings.
New? Where were these paintings found?
>That's something that any martial artist would be able to avoid...
Even the most experienced can still make mistakes, right?
>Hmm, that's not really how it happened, Pan did indeed concoct some silly plans, but they never worked, the balls were always found in the end, but that was because of the plot.
I'm sure Pan is aware of that fact when applying her plans, whereas Bulma's overconfidence in her ability to regulate safety protocols led to the ships failure..
Hmm..........that's different..
Has Nakatsuru ever completed a manga?
>Have you seen his house? It looks like a mansion.
Isn't that what it's supposed to be? If that's the case, then how come Goku isn't living in one?
>Hmm, because Pan damaged it first?

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>He was roleplaying as me earlier, replying to himself
Awwwwww. Try not to lose against your SCHIZO strawman of me, like you did with the ACTUAL me.
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(part 2)

>Mr. Satan getting slapped by Cell wasn't funny?
KInd of, but how did a mere human survive that? Remember that Cell obliterated android 16..
>It's not up to her to make decisions...
Why not? Do you expect her to just stand there and do nothing?
>We don't know that, we never got to see what they did in private.
I thought Goten and his gf had ice cream together?
>Pan was looking at some dumb animated dog...
Maybe she was anticipating the next show to start?
>And what does that make them?
The saiyans of Earth?
>It doesn't look like meat to me...

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So, who is the best, performance wise?
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It is if you devise a sex toy to stimulate, expel and ignite her swollen fuel sacks that she cannot physically do herself.
Bread is a bother to make on the road.
dm has been the only story where i have liked elves and its mostly because they're constantly shit on and antagonists rather than reluctant allies
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They made it twice already
I need to see Marcille eating
Yeah. My theory will be that resurrecting Falin in a proper way would have been possible if they went down with proper preparations, but in the sketchy situation they were in Marcille decided to go for the nuclear option to be sure.
The reason why I care about this is because it supports my other theory that Shuro was right. He was being way more reasonable than Laios' party, descending with new allies and preparations and presumably a plan to set up a proper resurrection using teleportation magic or something. But Laios' party skipped ahead of him doing some extremely risky stuff with no real plan, tried a botched resurrection, and fucked it up.
Shuro being the "reasonable guy", he couldn't really come up with a reasonable plan for defeating the chimera AND the mad sorcerer AND using the dungeon's completely unknown power to revert Falin's transformation. On top of that, he knew that Laios' party would keep trying even more insane things and would likely fuck up any plan he could come up with.
So he does the only reasonable thing and gives up.
Thanks for reading my fictional story overanalyzing blog.

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Title: Sympathetic Maidens
(Is it conveyed?)

I hadn't noticed until someone mentioned it in a previous thread but apparently the last few chapters haven't been typeset. I wonder if anyone else will appear to continue doing it. I never expected my translations to be typeset to begin with though, I just wanted the obsessed /a/ YRYR fans to be able to continue enjoying the manga.
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Imagine all the ancient yurulewds Namori has in her vault
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Was Hima-Goku a chapter? I don't remember.
That's just makes them even more valuable

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Subs are out!! It's time for Mommy!!
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Yuamu baby, please come back your show is falling apart without you...
>3 Damamus in the spot of Yuamu now
The trade off is keep getting better and better!
They're the best mommies.
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>Darkmen giving Yuhi creepy looks even in his imagination
Poor boy is traumatized.
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A double reveal today

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This was a LITERAL, ACTUAL advertisement from honda??? What the fuck, I feel scammed and deceived. I thought it was by some autist who loves this kind of bike, not a fucking corporation. I watched a 240 minute advertisement and now I’m gonna kill myself
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Yes and it's really good and I am very happy with my cub
What does the Executive Office of the President have to do with the Super Cub LNs?
Extra smug.
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They're pretty massive all right

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Last volume is out. Eremika WON
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Is that a key to Eren's dick cage?
>immediately thinks about cuckoldry
Least gay eren hater
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New Eren and Mikasa art for Brave Order
How did Isayama's art manage to get even worse
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