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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Is there a reason women tend to male excellent snipers? From the Soviets, to the Vietnamese, to today women just seem to have a predisposition to good marksmanship.
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Read "Fry the Brain" by John Ford. Most female snipers were tools of propaganda to demoralize the other guys that they were being taken out by a girl. That's not to say they did nothing, but being a sniper has all of the difficulty and austerity of being a grunt with even less sustainment. Girls simply don't last long in the field. I await the rebuttals of milsimps.
>Is there a reason women tend to male excellent snipers?
They don't, the soviet claims were fake for propaganda proposes same reason they had a girl cosmonaut. We learned that when the archives opened in the 90s. We have no data on the Cong other than that they used women to try and humiliate the enemy.

They aren't even scout snipers in the propaganda but sharpshooters operating from entrenched positions. Women suck at shooting .30cal because they have weak woman arms, simple as. anything gained by having less muscles and thus less muscles to twitch is lost by not being able to handle the gun well. Women can shoot air rifles in the Olympics fine, but not much else.

Women have no place and war, homos should be shot, nogs and spics are shit for any duty by cooks.
>mass reply

Nothing but cancer of the worst kind.
>sort of okay at sitting still and shooting targets of opportunity
>be shit at literally every other role within the field units of an infantry battalion
women are best used as spies and informants anyway
idk but it's a real thing and it's really hot desu
i want a waifu to spot for

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I know its the amazon contract every show must have at least one interracial couple
Image limit reached Previous thread>>61517552
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It's exactly what the writers of New Vegas wanted you freak.
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and even he went back on that shit

Giga storage in one tiny tree line. Tons of free (dated) stuff.

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Russians have been gradually toning down on the armbands since late 2022 or so.
>all those rotting corpses with valuable gear on them
Jesus the Russian really don't even try to get their dead back?
it's not forced, last time i saw a post saying "what blew up this time" about an hour later it was revealed a refinery got blown up lol
it's not even a fucking meme, ukranian trannys running cover online run like clockwork, they're so predictable it led to precisely this

you can't even refute this, you sad fuckers don't even try, you just see red and screech at everything and everyone calling them putin fans, because it's impossible to be tired of screeching from glowniggers

the simple fact is, the shills aren't even accomplishing anything by posting here, or trying to sway opinion one way or the other, that's not this works, especially not on /k/
this is something only 50 cent chinks and poojeets do when their migs get blown up during failed bombing runs or something similar
>a wall of text explaining how exactly vatniks are not coping
What a waste of letters.

What tactics to the ethnic armies in Myanmar use? Like specifically how do they take out tanks, planes, squads?

How competent would you say they are compared to other historic guerillas like the taliban or vietcong?
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I was in Burma just before COVID / the military coup. Things seemed to be working well. I entered and exited through Chin state (coming from India) and there didn't seem to be much military presence, border was totally normal, don't remember anything in way of roadblocks.

Is there any chance things can go back to that sort of situation, with a sane civilian national government in control?
I've never seen tactical puttees before.
>What even is Tatmadaw's plan right now?
be so comically evil that they manage to piss everyone off.
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I have no fucking idea what's going on over there. What factions are there that're involved, what are their goals, and what sparked the whole shitshow?
>sane civilian national government in control?
Never say never, but I'd rate that at zero. Recall that Aung San Suu Kyi finally overcame massive odds, got her civilian government, got the Nobel Peace Prize, then greenlit the military's latest attempt to genocide the Rohingya. I know pitifully little about Myanmar, so I'm talking out of my ass here, but I'd dare to bet that was at least partially a bone she threw to them to keep them off her back, and we all know how that one turned out.

Why isn't .32 popular in small carry handguns anymore? Seems better suited for the job
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32 h&r magnum is the ultimate boomer caliber for people who don't shoot their guns, because it's like $1.25 a round and there's only two bullets being manufactured. you can buy 32 s&w long for a little bit more than 357 magnum (50 cents per round) but its all lead round nose lol

i think its a fine round but it's filled this weird niche as a snubnose caliber where i feel like the low mass of the bullet and the low velocity of the round through a 1 inch barrel make it an absolutely ass choice for that compromise even if you do get one more shot. 10 rounds in an N frame would be fuckin based and the bullets would be screaming out the barrel. but, no, we get 6 shot j frames that fart out subsonic bullets
>The dozens of other companies that went bankrupt or stopped importing guns to america are more illustrative of the time.
The "Ring of Fire" companies were manufacturing guns made of nickel that were blowing up in consumers hands. Don't act like it was the cartridge's fault. Take your jimenez arms, jennings, bryco arms, cobra arms, pheonix arms, and raven arms and shove them up your ass you mongoloid.
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phoenix arms rules, nerd
Because the 90s was full of boomers scared shitless that they were going to get caught in the ghetto after dark and raped by crackhead gangbangers wearing body armor.

There's only two kinds of gun owners: hobbyists and the paranoid. The latter will NEVER feel secure and keep a spare gun up their asshole just so they're never caught off-guard. Gun magazines catered to these idiots and manufacturers responded to it.

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4/26/2024 Never Forget Edition
OLD: >>61530478
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They're only posting his pics right now because he's banned for a month
it's like when ur mom goes out to get more napkins for thanksgiving dinner but a drunk driver t-bones her car on the way to the store and she never comes home but you still set a place for her every thanksgiving dinner for the next 40 years
>Doing an A1 clone. I guess there is criterion but lot of cash for something dumb.
Well decide if you want a clone, or something more practical
You run to the jannies as fast as you can don't you?
>he's repented his ways and takes Jesus as his lord and savior.
>charitable works?
^Notice the answer isn't "yes"

Anyone have knowledge of the US Border Patrol? What sort of weapons and gear do they use, and do you know of any cool career paths within the Border Patrol?
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That 90's ass logo is really charming.
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Jesus fucking christ this looks like shit. They try too hard.
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To be fair, they do fight narcs themselves.
What percentage gets to ride horses and ATVs vs the ones pulling TCP duties and getting shit from citizens just out and about?

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Unidentified drones attacked the Ryazan oil refinery. A fire started there.

According to eyewitnesses, the attack took place around three o'clock in the morning. Eyewitnesses report that a rumble was heard, and then there were two explosions.
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I think it was more or less the US said
>"Hey uh just be careful"
Which blew up into
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two more refineries and the nukes will start flying
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Trust Z plan.
According to russia.Weird.

It's obvious who did the better job, but who had the "harder" job?
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The military in 1981 was in shambles and the officers responsible for putting it back together were just getting started.
This post is correct
Its honestly a miracle they were even able to seize Crimea in the first place
>What happened?

Bots and unpaid JROTC shills, I'm not even kidding.
And yet, here you are making one reddit-spaced spam post after another at the quickest pace you can manage
responding to yourself is embarrassing

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What is the hook on the stock for?
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For looking cool.
Did anyone figure out why he blacked out the inside of his mouth in almost all of them?
It lets you fire two rounds at once.
its an italian job, which means it's certainly a sex toy monday through saturday
i heard about it on something awful and found some thread from long after i stopped posting on there, the archive didn't save most of the pictures unfortunately. whats bizarre is that it was always on the domain of some lara croft fan website lmao


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Finally, Sea Trials!
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chinese people trying to imitate americans makes my pp soft, but it's still bigger than you when hard lmao
Lighting and photographers skills:>>61533777
I don't know if Xi is crazy or retarded enough to not see what's going on in Ukraine, and that's just on land.
If they really plan to invade the fish in Taiwan Strait will eat good.
Based, got a new wallpaper for my phone
Old buddy there got absolutely rocked by that hatch

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It should've been adopted.
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i can make her ick and ack, with my penis
Zoomers are 1997-2012.
Could you imagine how fucked it would be had the army actually adopted it and we ended up using that proprietary bullshit instead of the rail system?
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>more simple system overall
oh hello there, are you done being dumb and willing to accept the word of our lord and savior kalashnikov?
instead of being a retard next time, just say AKM.

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What is a "truck gun" actually for? Living in a city keeping a car in your vehicle seems like a terrible idea. Is it suburban larping?
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>and drive down deer population
This is a good thing. Lack of predators is one of the reasons CWS is spreading so rapidly.
Coyotes, wolves and mountain lions target weakened animals which means sick deer have less time to shit prions onto all the other deer around them.

In other news
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>lives around creatures that steal.
Pity the urbanite.
>high trust
America, throughout its history, has never been high trust.
You can usually hear them coming by a mixture of incoherent ebonics and fender rattling bass.
>If you live in a part of America where you don't even need to lock your car, why would you need a truck gun?
Because you're five miles away from the farmhouse and some feral dog or 'yote is trying to run down your dumbfuck 4-months-pregnant sheep 200 yards away. People from places that aren't the Western US or Oz forget that you can have multiple farms the size of entire European countries in one county of one state out here.

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