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Pearls before swine edition.
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Adolph's tenderizer works well with shit cuts in place of salt
2poor4vinegar, but I'd have at least the following in my own place, if not more:
>distilled white
>red wine
>balsamic d'modena
Based dumbass mom, would fuck.
I dated a girl who could cook better than me. So we're in the kitchen and she's cooking and I'm watching and she's like "ok this has to simmer for a while now..." So I bent her over the counter and fucked her and then came on her face but accidentally got some cum in her eyes and her eyes burned
It's just known better by that name in the states because of Jews, there's nothing special about it.

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The dinner. Spring rolls filled with cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, ginger, turkey bacon, bacon bacon, and spring onion. Keep it or need it?
The OP. Cocksucking faggot nigger.
The first post. The best post.
Sounds great, can we see a cross section? Is there dipping action as well?

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What's the best rice cooker? Our 7 year old tiger cooker has scrapped coatings and I fear it
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i see
i thought they had one of those automatic temp control so ur rice will still hot but not too hot and makes it go bad.
well, i just stick with the cheap one then.
They do, he's just retarded
I don't want the CCP knowing I'm into that stuff
Will an expensive rice cooker make rice tastier?

What do you eat at the ren faire?
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A fellow man of culture i see
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Kids got to learn about reproductive biology somewhere.
A cow and a man walking into a Renaissance festival...
You have an eating disorder
your dog is a nigger (in a good way)

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What is ‘sporty’ about it exactly?
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why do people do this and just say things that arent true but also arent funny
it was called sport because it had a unique square shape, and was designed to fit into the pocket of a sports jacket comfortably
Why do you lie on the internet?
SPORT is an acronym for
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>is the absolute best flavor of ritter in your path
This sounds way less believable than chocolate as an energy-booster, especially taking into account that that Nazis gave caffeine-laced chocolate as a ration to their troops.
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I heard it is

Captcha: G0DS

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ITT: stupidest fucking kitchen gadgets
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>t. ESL newfags
my mom uses this multiple times a week for years
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The CEO after this became a raw water grifter.
Some people deserve solitary confinement, and a disproportionate number of those people are CEOs.
Extremely accurate assessment

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I have this quick dinner recipe I make 2-4 times a month that has me heat oil to smoke point and dump it over some dry spices to make an asian-inspired chili sauce.

I typically use this stainless steel saucepan, but the oil gets burnt on and it seems stupid to spend 5 minutes scouring with barkeeper's friend every other time I cook. Is it actually harmful to just leave it there? Is there a better pan for this? Thanks for any input.
It's not harmful at all to just leave it there. I scrub my pans maybe two or three times a year, tops.
I have a tiny milk pan I use for the same thing just about every day and it's completely black from oil residue inside. I ain't dead and the sauce tastes the same.
Thanks bros, appreciate it.
Does it have to be so big? I don't know if non-stick is your thing thing, but doing it in a much smaller pot would probably help alot. Your oils likely too spread out due to the size and that's why it burns. Woks are also an option since it's rounded instead of cylindrical and allows oil to pool rather than spread. Of course that's only for gas stoves since electric needs a flat surface.

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>paying a subscription fee for groceries
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i've literally never heard of sams club until a few months ago on this board, so costco definitely has more of a household name
I have visited both and in my experince Sam's is a bit less packed than Costco, though I think Costco carries better, higher quality items than Sam's club, and the Kirkland store brand is itself generally is pretty quality, too. I favor Sam's Club for most of my in-store shopping because it's less crowded, as well as have a soft spot for the pizza. I've been on the fence for a while about renewing my Costco membership.
Sam's is less crowded that Costco because Sam's is the inferior store
Which canned san marzanos are the best ones?
I wish it wasn't packed. Working in retail and shopping, at Costco in particular, makes me wonder about human consciousness and awareness to the point if I'm becoming a schizo or a sociopath.

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It’s Greek night.
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>(I do speak Greek, tho)
Are you greek? Why do Greek people hate spicy food?

source: going to greece, eating cuisine, and speaking to greeks
Spices and seasnins are for colored people
Wrong. The turks ruled Greece for 400 years. Of course they imposed their language on their captive population. All of those dishes are Greek in origin. How many of the ingredients for those dishes are native to the desert wastelands the Arabs came from?
Turks do use Greek words for things sometimes.

fasulye (bean), from Greek
biber (pepper), from Greek
domates, came from Greek although originally a native american word
Turkish word for oven (fırın) comes from Greek, as in the dish fırında makarna, which is also Greek

Cultural exchange is never one way although yes I know you're right as well that many many Greek foods are Turkish in origin or go by Turkish names.
>no dolma ;_;
Still looks tasty, I hope you enjoyed it.

Aren’t the real Turks originally from the Mongolia area? I don’t see hummus coming from them.

What is your favourite food that is named after a celebrity or famous character?
I used to make fun of Elvis sandwiches until I tried them.
>inb4 unhealthy
I know, but they are delicious. If he really did invent that sandwich he was tuned in to some serious sensualism.
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Orange Julius was named after Julian from Trailer Park Boys. And the Ceasar Salad was named after Ceasar Milan.
> And the Ceasar Salad was named after Ceasar Milan.
That is factually untrue, thoughever.
no its true
the orange fool
Sloppy joe

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>ruins your life
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>realistically, no-one actually drinks soda
u havent been to the flyover states
they literally have themeparks there with unlimited soda built in with a pass and fountains littered around the place
Tamarindo is the only good one
Realistically, you're fucking retarded.
He's right though. Once you're old enough to drink or buy a fake ID soda just becomes a mixer.
I think if that were so, people would either be a lot less fat or a lot more drunk.

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>it's milder than black pepper
Why is this allowed?
I used to add cayenne chilli powder to make it more spicy but now I find it to be spicy enough. Is losing spice tolerance with age a thing?
Because if it was actually hot then old ass boomers would try to sue them for making it that way
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i'm ashamed to admit that i LOVE this shit
that and dinty moore beef stew with some noodles
stagg "chili" is mostly just cans of sauce now
I swear a decade ago they were way chunkier
What kind of noodles?

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Ck webm thread?
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Looks really get you a long way in this life huh
i was expecting urine to come out
those are testicles not kidneys
Why can't a Michelin star chef melt cheese properly?
I hate how watery everything is. It's like there's an arms race of how """juicy""" you can make something look so everyone cooks their shit in three times the amount of fat. So fucking gross.

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47 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
Some poor wagie is going to have to clean the spunk off of that poster every shift
Never seen something as potently anti-punk as a punk wendy's logo. It almost wraps all the way back around
the accent makes it hotter
It was real in your head I'm sure

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