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welp, its hidden thread time
They use them to hold prey in place to pull it apart with their beaks, honestly surprised more birds don't have them, really.
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Reminder that their big ass relatives most likely had these claws as well. As if they weren't horrific enough.
we were SO close to IRL chocobos. it isn't fair.
so they can rip apart prey easier

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Now that the dust has settled, did dunkchuds learn to cope with picrel or did they move onto basedfacing over other marine life?
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Salmon shark
Pelegiac brainless retard that eats plastic bags regularly
Relatively small scavenger revolved a thick body as not to be water by the 900 other fish that are bigger than it in the Amazon.
Needs to regulate them, easier to do with more mass

None of these explain why an apex predator, that needs to catch its prey, would be built like a fucking blood parrot. I recognize that fish were probably much slower that early on, but cmon. Water physics still wired the same.

It might not look like much, but Nicotiana tabacum has killed more people than every other plant combined.
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Isn’t that potentially lethal
The smell is. But I peeled a lot of the green off the potatoes that I ate so my dose was probably pretty minimal, as are the symptoms.
>The problem with nicotine is it's worse than cannabis/alcohol tier
Not really. Most of the bad shit associated with smoking tobacco applies to any kind of smoking in general like benzene and PAH. That’s why snuff tobacco is much less harmful as it’s the act of smoking it that makes most of the toxins.
Smoking weed, kratom or whatever other plant will bring a lot of the similar health risks as tobacco.
hahahaha C and S aren't even next to each other
>Ummm heroin never killed anyone; they died because their heart stopped.

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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>Painted looks correct. I'm glad you guys are getting out there and seeing field herps.
Little dude was in my yard, strange place to see them it wasn't really close to water at all. Least couple hundred feet.
Anything you can do to help them or best to just leave alone? (Sadly had to get in his face for the pic)
Thinking about the judge Alex episode when someone sued a caterer for a wedding because the chicken was cold
And the caterer smugly said the thermometer said the chicken was 90 degrees
And judge Alex said well if my body is 98 degrees, then chicken that's 90 degrees would be cold, and he ruled against them

But lol is that even how it works? Because 90 degrees of air temp feels warm as fuck despite being lower than body temp
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This Gumbo my first pet hes a southern toad. Very photogenic, he has lots of good pictures.
So stoic.
Qrd of setup? Does he live underground or do you see him often?

It's toad season around me and my toddler loves frogs and I've got a spare couple planted but un-crittered terrariums around, so I'm curious...

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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I'm sick and today I took a nap and had a nightmarish fever dream about my boomer mom who refuses to put her betta in a proper tank showing me a discus and an oscar she just bought intending to put them in bowls as well.
didn't know MD wore glasses now
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Nah I wanted Hoplias but used them as an excuse to convince myself to get 3.

Seethe more nanocuck
My thing is I like collecting rare fish, and besides some hypressobrycon species and kali tawa rainbows there’s not anything in nano I consider the level rare I like to keep. But I can’t even post about my bichers on a Cantonese leg shaving forum without people critizing me, so I am waging war.
No im having fun making retards like you mad
Tried some scaping comps early in my hobby. And I quit cus everyone acted like they were discovering fire for the first time. Like is it that hard to make your aquarium pretty?

Had those dreams when I worked at LFS’s. Funny thing is they were all pretty tame compared to what some of the subhumans wanted to put in their tanks irl
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Tigerfish or GTFO.
>Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the nano aquascaping youtubers to tell you what to buy. All cycling knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove. Will you forgo a filter or will you perish like inbred neon tetras?

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise.

/dog/ training:
[YouTube] Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training #196 #podcast (embed)
[YouTube] I REFUSE to Be the “Alpha”. What 4 weeks of Positive Reinforcement looks like with an Untrained Dog. (embed)

Be nice to /dog/s:
Just because hurting them works faster, doesn't mean it works better.

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This was my dog, Radar. He was a very good boy.
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One of our old shelter kittens would sit and stare at my Australian Shepherd then paw his nose when he came to investigate.
Collie website affirmed
>free roaming for months unsupervised with no major happenings ever.
Nice, it's good to be able to trust your dog. Mine stayed outdoors when I wasn't home until about 6 months old when there was some road work going on outside my house that bothered her, and she started chewing the shingles on my house lol, since then she's been allowed in and out of the house on her own, no major issues since then. I always hated using a crate, gave up on that after a few weeks.
Took her to the ER because she had a long hacking fit. She has pneumonia. Fuck me.

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i think mister will sasso needs a haircut.
So smoothly doth he crest
They stay in the air for years at a time. No wonder they don't ground well.

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>Be me 25 year old emt
>Get call from dispatch about a patient going into anaphylaxis (allergic reaction)
>Oh shit.mp3
>Tell my other bls emt to fucking book it throwing on the cherries and berries
>Arrive on scene
>Announce my self and enter through the front door
>Patients mom comes running towards me
>Patients mom leads me to his room
>Walk in see dog in corner and patient with a white substance all over his neck and face
>Run through my med assessment quick and hit the kid with some epi in his thigh

For all those annons who don't know to develop and alergic reaction your body has to have been exposed to it before so it's safe to assume its not his first time FML
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Didn't a woman in the UK almost die because of this exact thing?
>Tell my other bls emt to fucking book it throwing on the cherries and berries
Explain what this word salad means for us normal people
Yes? No? Maybe?
Dog semen isn't white you fucking larper.
you can actually develop an allergic reaction later in life.

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o-oh my....
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seclets are cute
People who say this don't understand the horror of the human vagina, which is uniquely cursed among mammalian vaginas. Most women have a constantly simmering vaginal infection (due to a variety of complex reasons having to do with how humans evolved), which is the source of the very common fishy and cheesy odors. Even "clean" women will have a hint of such smells because cleaning just reduces the number of microbes. You can get a mouth/throat/uterine infection pretty easily from a woman who doesn't wash their cooch out regularly. The relationship women have with their vaginal flora is parasitic, in contrast with the relationship we have with our intestinal flora (mutualistic). Vaginal yeast will readily try to colonize in your urethra while microbes in other bodily fluids generally won't. To be entirely clear, almost all women carry a lifelong STI which they develop by nature of their biology.
The bacteria present in healthy birds isn't dangerous or populous enough to cause you any problems even though birds never explicitly clean their cloaca. They're just naturally less infectious. Sick birds are another story obviously.
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>just inherited a really small aquarium and keeping fish in it would most likely not even be too animal friendly
>dont have the time or money for REAL pets like cats or dogs, nor do i have the motivation to do sth that is kinda pointless like keeping fish
>here's where this environmentalist idea i've heard about comes in:
>i COULD grow algae in the aquarium (but should i?) for some extra oxygen in my room
>i have a sunny window and tap water around here is very clean and comes practically for free
>if i stir it once in the morning and once in the evening, that probably helps with my daily routines
>could even get sth out of it if i ate it
>maybe i'd hate it or it's just way too much to eat for me alone, so i'm cautious and wanna ask some questions first:
1) do different types of algae produce vastly different amounts of oxygen?
2) which types of algae are safely edible?
3) at some point the algae are fully grown (or so), could i instead of eating it or filtering them out for whichever other purpose like throwing it away also just flush it down the toilet or drain? would that be dangerous or just pointlessly kill them all?
4) what's the cheapest and laziest i could go on such a project in terms of nutrients and changing water?
5) is it possible to use it as a live compost for anything in specific? could i throw clean egg shell dust in it to achieve a higher ph, or would i only get chalk on the glass? maybe coffee grounds?
6) do algae smell?
7) since i'm willing to go through all this, how much extra effort would be keeping actually edible or otherwise useful (even sellable) algae?

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Google aquaponics. It's a much better use of your time/resources.
woops, this mightve been a bit unclear. what i meant to imply with it was once the tank is fully saturated with the algae, if i could just pour it out like that or if it would stink for example.
isnt that a type of red shrimp? i dont think it photosynthesises, either, or why else would you recommend it to me? is it like an especially easy animal to keep in an aquarium bc of it being an omnivore? is it like a trash compactor?
thanks bro
just made a quick search, seems too complex to me and that it takes up too much space. just to be clear, i'm only really considering doing all these things bc i got an aquarium out of nowhere and i dont want to throw it away. i dont intend on making a big investment or sth. that's why i was considering just getting some random ass algae from a local lake or river's rock.
The algae Chlorella or the cyanobacteria Arthrospira (commonly called Spirulina due to it previously being classified in that genus). Chlorella has tough cell walls so it needs to be treated to extract the nutrients (relevant paper: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262500). Both Chlorella and "Spirulina" have plenty of DIY videos on how to grow them just make sure you don't get contamination from other cyanobacteria because many cyanobacteria produce some really bad toxins.
ah yes, i was afraid of that, so i'd rather ignore the consumption part and instead focus on the oxygen production and then just dumping away the superfluous stuff regularly, be that down the drain or out the window. now i'm wondering how i could maximize oxygen production, is buying a simple water pump enough, should i jack it up so it's a proper bubble bath or keep it low? i intend on keeping my window closed a lot of the time, is that an issue?
clean that shit it's full of algae

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good luck will come to you.
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I NEED more wiggly noses
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Borzois are so cool

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Discovery channel edition

Post all things insect and arachnid
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I was wondering why I heard a lot of knocking from these boxes. Their breeding like rabbits
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is myriapod acceptable?

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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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AI slop
how do you breed coats like this without compromising the smashed and slammedness of the dog?
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Damn, even cat are smashed and slammed.
Idk who this guy is trying to fool, but that's just a devon rex. A smashed and slammed cat is more like a persian
That might be a bambino.

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>friend brags about his purebred Russian Blue cat
>it's just a plain ass grey cat with green eyes
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Sick cat, anon
I think it is mainly to prevent overpopulation and/or animals ending up in shelters, but I guess there is an element of them protecting their business and keeping the bloodline "pure"
yep, breeder also requested this of me, and also forbid me to not give away my cat to anyone without their permission. i was low-key fuming when i read the contract i was signing. not because i planned to not neuter/breed him, it's just demeaning to sign away my rights like that especially since the reason i went to a breeder is because shelters and others who give their cats away have ridiculous demands
i doubt this is the reason. breeders allow you to breed the cat if you pay them extra. they're just greedy clowns who hate competition. and how are they gonna figure out if my male cat fucked 10 strays by then? they can't. a lot of them neuter their cats before giving them away to prevent this, mine wasn't "because it's not healthy to do it too early" and asked to do so only within a year
>shelters and others who give their cats away have ridiculous demands
this is also why I bought my cat from a breeder. But I was gonna neuter her anyway, cats that aren't spayed are not nice to be around
making half of my window ugly is worth giving him constant unsupervised fresh air :)

Cousin in mid 20s leaves his 16 month child with the mistress/babysitter for 2 weeks and goes on vacay with wife, on week 2 the babysitter gets stoned, leaves baby unattended in grown person tub, dog mauls and drowns baby, mistress killed ferret by not feeding it enough. He had this dog since he was a teen and still kept it after it killed the baby but couldnt keep the wife.

Sister creates 5 hellspawns, buys them each their own chihuahua because of beverly hills chihuahua making movies and the kids crying for them, kids torture them and don't help take care of them, somehow they are all still alive but in old age have become demented pissing machines who wont stop pissing shitting the house and barking. In their youth, always bit everyone all the time hard, especially the kids and screaming and running made it worse.

Grandma manhandling all pets severely, ripping worms out of a dogs asshole when they stuck out and physically fighting the orange mental cat. Punching horses and donkeys in the face.
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just leave them for your own good op
what the fuck kind of mutt retard are you
you are genetically evil you should be dead
The fuck you mean by "hereditary"? There isn't some "shitty pet owner" perk that gets passed down no. If somebody is a shitty person to other humans then they will also treat pets shitty.
I assume you are worried if you get a pet you will treat it poorly, at least that seems to be the implication.
leave it you'll be their next victim
You're lying. As soon as there's a human death involved, the police start an investigation, the dog gets taken into custody and gets put down. As for the chihuahua stuff idk

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