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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

Explain why christcucks are so obsessed with try to reconcile Nietzsche and Christcuckery.
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Okay. Now I know that you don't know what you are talking about. In this whole interaction, you never directly answered my arguments about Christianity or Monarchism. You keep evading.
No one is saying anything about "medievalism" you myopic tard. You're just imagining shit to attack some "larper" strawman that doesn't actually exist outside of your head. Touch grass.
Why wouldn’t they? Nietzsche tried to make a lot of his work against Christianity and went on a mission to dissapate Christianity’s influence on Western civilization. Critiquing Luther and Kant for saving Christianity while the Renaissance was supposedly getting rid of it in his view.
Your very own Pope—one of the last actual political monarchs I might add—has denounced ultra-conservative American Catholicism. Certainly the more extreme-right internet version of it is even more unmoored from any institutional or congregational context or support. The other anon is literally a self-proclaimed monarchist; I am calling him a "medievalist" as a joke, which has apparently struck a nerve with you. No amount of Latin Mass is going to get you to the level of communal religiosity the more insular groups I have cited have. He has, and plainly you as well have, picked a style of extremism as if it were from a furniture catalog, and put it in your mental home. Citing some theologian who says women must obey men is not going to convince a woman of your "religion" that she can't divorce you, because there's no such flesh-and-blood, proximate, generational community of yours where that is a social fact rather than a trivial one you have studied as if it were some old legal code from China or the Roman empire—you are a theology otaku. There is no strawman in calling a larp a larp. I hope our dear lurkers can follow your own posts better than you can.
Nietzsche is the perfectly sharp blade that, left unstopped, will cut through reality itself. Most are so horrified by his conclusions that they stifle him or intentionally misinterpret his works to make them mild and establishment friendly. Once you come to terms with Nietzsche, there are two paths you can take. One path seeks to build a new future, often ruthless and amoral. The other accepts the truth while still trying to cling onto the past, so that it doesn't slip away. Christians would fall into the latter.

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J.K. Rowling writing Harry Potter at a café in Scotland in 1998
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I like how she's against troons but fails to realize(or admit, which is worse) that her favorite movements and ideologies is what allowed troons to do all the things they are doing right now. It's so funny. I sometimes remember 2015 with those wild hardcore feminists who wrote articles about geocoding men. A decade later their movement is hijacked by mentally ill males and if they say a word against they will be punished. Karma is a bitch.
Youd rather they be oversocialized sheep?
>those wild hardcore feminists who wrote articles about geocoding men
what, I'd understand the logic if they wanted to keep tabs on sexual offenders but it would be useless to have a map with a gazillion markers
>geocoding men
I can only assume you meant genociding lmao
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>I like how she's against troons
She ain't, kind of. Notice how her enemies are "trans identified MEN" and how she equates support for transgenderism with "misogyny" it's all about "protect wahmen" about "muh poor wymin victeems" that these "men in dresses" are eroding "women's identity" but not a single word on how women on testosterone erode "male identity" or biological women entering male spaces, or little boys being sold an ideology where they end up doing irreversible damage to their bodies, she doesn't care about transgenderism because if she did she'd lash out against female to male trans (people she's actually friends with by the way) but she doesn't because her actual point is the perpetual victimhood of women, the actual worldview of feminism, that vagina people have to be cuddled by big state every step of their way and kiss their ass constantly.

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Stop talking about schizophrenic messianic prophecies from the levant. Evolution and fossil records already refuted Christianity kys.

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People are driven by self-insert, they only delude themselves of normativity because society wouldn't function otherwise. Anyone who truly believes otherwise, is a sucker and there are many. That is why the rich and powerful keep winning. Religion, Politics, consumerism and even family relations are nothing more than tools used to control the individual. A individual who can break free from all of this rises to the top, the others drown in the swamp. The only person you should focus on is yourself. I know anons will call me an edgy teenager but I honestly feel like a clown for realising this, this late. I need books written by intelligent people who can articulate these thoughts better than me?
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So you have only taken it to further extreme if what I said.
Funny how only Leonidas' name is mentioned.
Anon he’s basically saying if you want to be truly an individual you you would be closer to one by being some drugged up homeless man not caring about anything, not even themself. A position you probably don’t respect nor want to emulate because you don’t want to be an individual you just want to be seen as the best in society
>not caring about anything, not even themself.
That just sounds like depression. Also, I never said I wanted to be rich and powerful, only that they became so because they are egoists. Same would apply to the homeless person regardless of his standing in society.
Possibly anarchist philosophy.
Stirner is the basics.

Peikoff perfected and improved Rand’s philosophy so much. Really erudite man.

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Dead white boy edition.

Previous: >>23338292
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Sometimes parents consider their children important.
Feeling like I missed out always has this way of creeping up on me. I shake it off, get over it, but a month later it worms into my mind and I brood a while before I move on again.
I broke up with my gf of 3 years two months ago (she lost interest), I am good with being alone, but no friends, no family, no kids, and being 30 already takes its toll and its getting harder day by day to deal with it. I just miss sharing my life with someone.. but who would want to be with a broke, lone, failed artist? I feel like I already depleted my chances with women. To be fair, it could be much worse, yet I still yearn for some company.
I mean the apostles either had the authority to teach or they didn't. If they didn't, then who they taught and sent out doesn't matter, but Christ clearly gives that teaching authority.

/his/ is a shit heap and every other site is either gay shit or vapid boomer theo.

Giving authority is interesting. I would say the fallacy here is that the authority is somehow 1) institutionalized and 2) heritable as such. That the authority is then kept exclusive to the institution is an even bigger problem. It really bothers me to learn about the medevial Church executing people for preaching the gospel.
I think the Day of Pentecost shows that the Holy Spirit can descend upon people freely. I don't think the Holy Spirit is kept corralled in an institution like that.

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Doomers get in here and talk about anything Houellebecq. I'm currently reading Interventions 2020. Approaches to Distress (3) is full of his potent cynicism that I'm loath to enjoy.
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Just finished aneantir, my first Houllebecq. Will reread. It was quite melancholic, very sentimental. Really enjoyed it, but not at all what I expected. I've always heard Houllebecq is caustic and edgy, is this the exception or did he write more like it?
>is this the exception
Yeah, his earlier books are more angry and edgy and funny. Now that he's getting older it seems he is getting more quiet, more resigned. But he always had a certain romantic side.
The Map and the Territory. It has some macabre moments but it's no where near as acerbic as Whatever, Platform, The Elementary Particles, and Submission
> “Some censorious types worry that incels might be reading Houellebecq, but I tend to think he is exactly who incels should be reading. For when you suspect that your life is sapped of all prospects of success, sexual or otherwise, it can be reassuring to read a book that confirms your experience. As Schopenhauer — another pessimist with a terrible relationship with his mother, and a stated inspiration for Houellebecq — once wrote: “Life is a business which does not cover the costs.” For those men who have found that the sexual revolution did not cover their costs, reading Atomised must come as a relatively harmless salve to the anguished mind.”

He should have taken the shot.

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What's his best story?
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The Dark Cat

stfu Kadath is gold you're just a casuel faggot
Nobody saying Dreams in the Witch House. Where my Silent Hill sistas at?
best? Hard to say.
casual readers and critics would probably argue that his "best" (AKA most well-known) stories are, in no particular order:
>The Call of Cthulhu
>The Colour out of Space
>Shadow Over Innsmouth
>The Dunwich Horror
But here are some of my favorites, for Reals Niggas Only (in descending order):
>The Whisperer in Darkness (i could sperg about how much i love this one but i wont. the final reveal is so fucking good. so much good imagery. my absolute favorite)
>The Doom that Came to Sarnath (close second for first place. absolutely epic, i love stories about fallen civilizations)
>The Nameless City (Sarnath and Nameless City are sister-stories and i would pair them together)
>Beyond the Wall of Sleep

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Beyond coincidence. This is Lovecraft's spirit coming from beyond the grave

Relaxing in the thermae edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

NOTE: replace ' dot ' with an actual dot to access the links below
>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

Feel free to write your thoughts/stories/etc... in your target language.

>Work in progress FAQ

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Yeah alright
I'll save this but I probably should just read more modern French and then start reading Middle French before I tackle Old French
Do you think it helps reading bilingual editions? I'd be worried I'd just start reading Old French parsed through the modern French translation
Anyway I'm mostly interested in Chrétien de Troyes, Song of Roland and the histories
>Of course this already exists and is called Epitome Historiae Sacrae, but everyone pretends it doesn't exist. I guess the people just want Medus and Lydia or whatever.
there are also the 19th century readers by people like Appleton to fill this gap with more vocab and grammatical reinforcement. People are just lazy.
>Pubius Ovidius Naso
>People are just lazy
Not wrong, but it also benefits to have material that's relevant/familiar to learners before they dive into the unfamiliar stuff. Familia Romana holds learners because it follows a basically recognizable modern pulp novel/TV narrative pattern, in addition to its being an excellent textbook. There's nothing wrong with wanting more material like that, even if people like you and I would still prefer Epitome or such texts. This is also a reason why new generations tend to need new standard texts even for subjects that don't change.
>Do you think it helps reading bilingual editions?
Sure. If your modern French is good enough then you'll start picking up on where they differ in idiom and where they match, which was helpful for me. I just wouldn't recommend it before you've committed the grammar to mind; thankfully, Einhorn's textbook is actually really short.

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Is reading overrated?
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And yet every right winger could beat you up and is more of an alpha male than introverted /lit/ basement dwellers
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every chudcel cries like jordan peterson lol
>Sees any critique of the right wing as evidence someone is a leftist
Good Lord you're stupid. Why are you on this board?
>future lies in its merger with prose
Yes. Until we lose mass literacy or somehow become an oral culture again, prose will always be king
You need to go back

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/pg/ - Poetry General
Post poetry, your own or otherwise, and discuss. Critique and discussion constantly in dire supply. If you're looking for critique, consider giving details on what exactly you're wishing to improve in the work(s).
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>I have good taste
>source? Well me of course
Fucking tards
you are asking a source for an opionion? hmmmm
I got to try and increase my vocabulary if I'm going to write nice poems
It's well put to together. Damn anon keep going and you'll be making the really really good shit soon
Yeah an above average vocabulary and the ability to feel rhythm in speech are probably the two most important things when writing poetry.

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Is picrel enough to be able to write the next Great American Novel?
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The Great American novel died when Hemingway decided to eat buckshot.
It's enough but writing a great american novel is so much more than iq. you gotta have a cool life and have unique expierences to pull from. write what you know
It is exceedingly unlikely that anyone who wants to write the next great American novel will do so. But sure. I imagine plenty of great novelists had similar IQs.
God OP please do not do this to yourself. Just read and write and try to enjoy those activities. If you cannot enjoy them after some years of trying then set them down. The idea of fame is poison to all artistic endeavor. As is the idea of failure or success. Good art is produced out of love, with great effort.
No man on earth can tell you your potential and I am deadly serious.

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Fess up, who are some Booktubers that you watch as a guilty pleasure?
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being attracted to women is some creepy old-folks shit.
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I suppose I am a woman then. I will now proceed to castrate myself so that the exterior matches its interior.
well at least it's not as bad as regular vampirism
I tried to watch her but I couldn't last 10 seconds. She's too cringy in her attempts to be humourous.

Are sex scenes always cringe and bad? Most people say that they should be there to talk about character or advance the plot, but why is that necessary? If fiction is able to go to great lengths to show something as mundane as a character's daily routine, even if it's goal is to show something important about that character, then why can't I go into detail about a sexually repressed character fingering herself? Why is sex such (still) a taboo in English media? Why am I the creep for wanting to show the beauty of such a scene?

The most beautiful display of the feminine sexual experience is masturbation, because there's no violent men that are corrupting such a beautiful ideal. Why can't I have scenes in normal fiction that talk about this experience without it being dismissed as being porn? Porn is sex for it's own sake. Clearly this isn't. This is one instance of an event or a habitual event, that the character partakes in. Why is it such a taboo? It's just a part of life. Also, why would it be wrong not to go into detail about the experience as to show the character who, perhaps, may be vulnerable and finds the act empowering? There's a million ways you could take this.
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>why can't I go into detail about a sexually repressed character fingering herself?
Whatever you're trying to convey can be accomplished by implying the act and exposing the characters feelings before and after. The details make it porn.
Incorrect unless you're a prudish American. Porn is sex for it's own sake.
what makes it porn is the readership (case in point: all those muslims and africans who can't abstain from raping in France / Germany / Sweden / UK / Netherlands / Italy / Spain / etc.)
there is nothing wrong with gestures / details / whatever, one could probably describe the most non-sexual thing in the most non-sexual terms and make people (the right people, the people you would love to have as neighbors... or at least in the neighboring town lol) horny
the opposite is also true: maybe the sexually repressed character is a filthy 300 pound stereotypical gypsy, no matter the skin color... she could do whatever she wants to her vagina, the only thing "rising out" of a healthy person would be vomit
really makes you think how they keep shitting out children without interruption, doesn't it?
tl;dr there is no taboo, only low effort literature... as long as you are not being energized by freudian issues or the seven sins, you need not worry about such things
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forgot the picture, 'scuse me
You don't think that the manner in which people have sex can tell us of who they are as a person/character? That this doesn't contribute to our understanding of them as a person?

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I read a lot of books and majored in English. My vocabulary is better than anyone I know irl and I've rarely (if ever) discovered a word on /lit/.Yet when I write or speak it's exactly like any other normie. Wtf is going wrong here?
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I feel uncomfortable using big words because it might be rude to someone who doesn’t know what the word means. Also some words I’ve never heard out loud so I’m not 100% on how to pronounce them.
Recently a girl didn’t know what the word condense means. I had to just say squish instead
Write and be very selective of your word usage. Diary, stories, theories, etc. doesnt matter, but just write.
excellent post
It's probably important to think with a variety of vocabulary words. If an object is set on a ledge in an unsafe way, some people would think "that's going to fall" but maybe you could think "that is precarious" or some such to start practicing your vocabulary skills.

It's hard to think of examples without being cringe as hell, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at.
Your title contradicts your post.

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