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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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Why can't Modern judicial systems (everything post french revolution) deal with Organized Crime?
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Because organized crime, without fail, has political connections. They have their own role in the pecking order and are useful.
they do
they are not willing to take away their biggest source of revenue, drugs.
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-the judicial system treats everyone the same and fears to discriminate between normal citizens and savages because muh human rights.
-the fear to deal with organized crime in a terminal manner because muh human rights.
-them having the best lawyers because it's a market and organized crime is filthy rich
While there is a demand there will be supply.
Criminalizing drugs, prostitution and gambling while not removing the demand for these things inevitably leads to criminal gangs.

You can eradicate the existing gangs with a lot of money and resources, but there will just be new gangs filling the void.

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Discounting Jesus and Mohammad, who's the most important person in history?
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Thomas Jefferson
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Even counting those two kikes it's your picrel with >>16570359 and >>16570373

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Protty iconoclasts BTFO
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With the possible lone exception of the Church of the East, all of the other historic churches established during late antiquity, such as the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox churches, have lost the plot regarding images. It is quite common within Protestantism to have religious imagery in the church building, as well.
God: Make angels for the ark, make angel embroidery for the tabernacle, make a brass snake and look at it to be healed, etc.
Trying to argue that we cant have any image is fake news.

Yet generations later the people started worshipping the brass snake as an idol so the King had it destroyed.
So, the issue is not having an image, the issue is worshipping it as a deity.

Nowadays no one worships statues as deities, everyone knows they are just pointers to the heavenly realities.
The issue of thinking the statue itself is a god is an ancient superstitious error of archaic societies that Christians dont suffer from.
That's pretty based
I do accept Florence
Church of the East doesn't have images to not offend their Muslamic overlords.
They were adorned with sacred images and paintings before the middle ages.

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what if all religions are government conspiracies to coerce people into good behavior and obedience?
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then why does China heavily suppress Falun Gong
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Chinese ideology is kinda cult already
Scientific studies have shown that humans are evolutionary hardwired to follow religion and believe in the existence of deities. Even atheist communist countries that banned religion only resulted in the formation of religious cults around the dictators of these countries
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Well they aren't very good at it as the more religious a country is the more of a shithole it is and the worse its people are.

Who was the first people that domesticate these 4-legged alphas?

. Basically it was proposed some time ago that they were the Yamnaya, but recent studies and archaeological finds seem to refute this theory.

.some say that were the Yamnaya themselves, others that were people from the Eneolithic Steppe.

. People like Anthony say it was the Yamnaya who didn't use horses for war, and that they were too "complicated" to actually domesticate (DOM1) but states between the lines that they were used for herding.

Lastly, there is a theory that it was the late CWC, but that is still based on the separate wired commodity theory that argues a common sredny origin itself and treats the yamnaya as non-PIE.
and most importantly:

when were horses used for war? apparently it was ridiculously late, some argue as early as 1800, and use Homer as a basis. What do you guys say to me? oh, I need a name for my horse
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only stepoids (R1a\R1b) hate snakes. The EEF, Natufians and other basaloids seem to have revered them.
You just stick to one study and ignore others who prove that earlier groups could also use horses for riding. I don't even understand what's your goal. Is this some ethno-nationalist thing? Are you Z93 and identify with Sintashta or something?

It's perfectly possible that DOM1 horses were also ridden, but were later replaced by MLBA Sintashta horses.
There are pre-Cimmerian depictions of horse riders.
See the top picture? That's from Bronze Age, I think it's from around 2200 BC as shown here.
I'm convinced that Humbaba was a lost ANE/WSHG (Kumsay) guy. Cedar forests were supposedly east of Mesopotamia, so close to Iran. It's close from Iran to Kazakhstan and there are some WSHG outliers from BMAC. Maybe Kelteminar guys were also pretty big.
Worth noting that Loki is considered the parent of the wolf Fenris, horse Slepnir and serpent Jormungand.
Basically all 3 beings that eventually merged into the mythologic Dragon, in large part due to the superstitions and fears of the enemies of Q.

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Nazis were fags that shit talked other people and started a war that they lost, but not without murdering millions of innocent people. Why do some people worship them so much? Is it literally just the uniforms?

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>cucks Serbia out of industry; moves it to Croatia
>cucks Serbia by creating Kosovo and Vojvodina while adding Istria and Dalmatia to Croatia
>prevents Croatia from falling into the hands of either Chetniks, the Red Army or the Axis (who hated Slavs)
>Croats multiplied by over a million under his rule

>is somehow despised by Croatian nationalists
Croats have no historical memory
>prevents Croatia from being civilisedwand following the standards of Western and Central Europe, like they did for hundreds of years, instead forcing them to be in association with a bunch of former slaves to the Turks who have a disturbing boner for Russia and authoritanism
>gee, I wonder why Croatians don't like Tito!
>prevents Croatia from being civilisedwand following the standards of Western and Central Europe,
You mean importing a bunch of Turks?

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Are ulster scots/ulstermen the most psycopathic ethnic group on earth?
>be the scum of england and scotland that nobody wanted, border reivers, thieves and criminals
>get sent to ireland by king james
>massacre the indigenous irish, engage in practises like scalping and headhunting on the native irish
>go to america and do the same thing to the indigenous people there, be the main driving force behind native genocide and westward expansion
>do the same to mexicans in texas
>fly the flags of every evil psychopathic regime, from the confederate flag to the nazi flag to the israeli flag
>celebrate a dutch king coming over and overthrowing the true king of britain
>march in orange bands through catholic neighborhoods as a form of ethnic intimidation
>celebrate british war crimes and genocide
>celebrate the famine
What cuased them to be this way?
Ulster settlers introduced headhunting and scalping to the native americans from their experiences treating the native irish
It's amazing how the methods of genociding the indians were done 200 years before in the conquest of gaelic ireland
that'd have to be the irish taigs

i mean take this, scalping was invented by native Americans and copied by Europeans.
Not only is the irish bastard lying about another ethnic group hes being racist to all Europeans.
You cannot trust a thing an irish person says when it comes to history.

i think nietzsche was a shizo who contradicted himself constantly but he really was onto something with the whole slave morality thing

Here's how I see it:
>back in the day the popular concept of morality was more or less "might makes right"
>then christianity came along and popularised the idea that actually, the poor guys toiling in the fields are the good guys and the cunts lording over them are the bad guys
>over the next 2000 years this gets widely adopted
>at some point it reaches a breaking point, where it is so widely adopted that it becomes the norm and no longer something unique to christianity (and i suppose islam) but rather the general cultural zeitgeist (it got imported to china via communism and to japan via americanising their culture, colonialism everywhere else basically)
>christianity now eats itself because this kind of framework is fundamentally incpmpatible with most of the rest of it

How am I doing so far? Does this idea have any legs?

Think about it, if you accept the idea that the oppressed are the victims and the oppressors are the villains fundamentally, but you don't view it through a christian lense and thus aren't willing to grant 100% unjustified exceptions like "except it's okay when god does it" or "except the souls in hell, fuck them", christians seem like the most hypocritical and tyrranical ones of them all. It's like pretending to be some paragon of democracy talking about universal sufferage but then finishing it with "except kim jong un he should be unelected dictator for life and make all the rules on a whim".

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This makes some sense especially when you look at how many non-Anabaptists have an Anabaptist mentality - they say "let's just retreat and avoid worldly power" but they're not willing to literally go Amish (or Mennonite) to take that to its logical conclusion. So all they can really do is just surrender to whoever seems to be ascendant. I think this mentality derives from the Puritan Separatists and their influence on American Christianity, as well as of course, the actual Anabaptists (the Unitarians, who eventually converted the Puritans, originated from Anabaptism - for more info see this thread:)
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>love and mercy that Nietzsche was shown in the final days of his life
He said the doctors tormented him. He never had signs of syphillis or insanity, he probably died from brain cancer or poisoning arguably. That story was created to smear him by a marxist psychiatrist named Eichbaum.
Master morality isn't might makes right

It's an issue of values, the power dynamics come later
right, it achieved its original objective but is it time for a new path?

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If you found out Christianity was true, would you believe it?
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I'm not asking about society, I am asking about you as an individual specifically. For example, if you found out after death that Jesus is Lord, or if you were presented with an undeniable vision of God, would that be enough to convince you? Or are you making the claim that you would only believe if everyone else believed first?
If the flat earth was an idea filled with contradictions but was true would you believe in it?
In such a scenario I'd try to prove his existence to the rest.
If you knew a thing would you believe it?
do u think someone would go to hell just for lulz

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Plebs like the 3rd Reich.

Patricians realize the 2nd Reich is best Germany.
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let the rest of us know when you figure that out, champ
Yeah, but he got closer to winning than Hitler too. So many times both sides could have won earlier in the First World War honestly.
Yeah but 1914 Germany was a beast of nature in economy, industry and militarism. Hitler had to put together a fragmented German empire, and fight the newly confident USA/USSR.
>Kaiser Wilhelm II threw harder than Hitler
not even close
Dechristianising Europe is a revolutionary and necessary act
The nazis were on the path to succeeding until the cryptochristobolshevik liberal and communist jewish niggers dogpiled them

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>A new and particularly noxious sect of heretics arose. The fighters of these rotten were protected from head to foot by a leather jerkin, and were armed with steel, staves and iron. They went about in bands of thousands and reduced monasteries, villages and cities to ashes. With violence, yet thinking it no sin, they committed adultery, saying "There is no God". This movement arose in Brabant, hence the name Brabançons. From the start these marauders drew up for themselves a curious law, which properly speaking was based on no concept of right. Fugitive rebels, false clerks, renegade monks and all who had forsaken God for any reason joined them.[4]
Lohengrin posted this
Coco won.
Sounds incredibly based to me.

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In 1898, racist cartoons radicalized whites to kill 60 blacks.

To the retarded anon who said that 0.04 is basically a different race: you are retarded.
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Yes. Occitans are northern shifted compared to other meds while Gascony is almost Iberian.
Which one of those individual samples has the highest steppe%? Is it maybe that some nordics are brittonic shifted, some are finnic/baltic shifted, some are even southern shifted and of course sammi shifted?
Vahaduautism rule #34:
We can't apply logic regarding distances between ethnic groups to distances between individuals
What I'm trying to get at is are there any Nordic individuals that are pretty much genetically identical to nordic bronze age/iron age individuals?
there's not

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