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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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I don't even remember what the story is about in Starfield outside of "we live in a multiverse and you need to collect stuff to unlock the multiverse."
At this point, just take it round the back and shoot it
nope. haven't played a minute of it.
Because this was announced before the game was even released.
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I don't own starfield maybe I'll try it after it somehow geats "game of the year" edition thats all dlcs and like 10$ otherwise no
>pic related

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A shame that DD2 has permanently killed interest in this series.
>Leper 1
>Crusader 2
>Plague Doctor/Highwayman 3
>Vestal/Occultist 4

Lol kys dumb fuck.
>Leper shuffled to rank 4
how quickly the tide turns...
Hellion 1
Jester 2
Highwayman 3
Vestal 4

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U N C O N T E S T E D !
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The encounter rate in Sonora is jacked up severely compared to F1 and 2. I just beat those games back to back and the difference is staggering.

It's a shit mod, fuck off and stop shilling it. Also NMA said some butthurt Russian put malware in it. I knew there was a reason why smart app control mysteriously blocked it for me.
Nice logic, go back to Fallout 76 retard
Also come back when you actually have proof for that claim besides some schizo rambling on NMA lmao
I like senora a lot. Much more than Nevada. Nevada had a bunch of weird things like the metal detector and the convoluted detective quest where you had to steal receipts from random people in Vegas. Senora I feel I don't need a guide to get through the BS, it flows better. Besides the small guns complaint I'm enjoying the mod a lot.
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Why are companions in this game so utterly retarded? What compells the AI to rush towards right in front of the enemy group with a knife instead of shooting from a distance? Why is this game like this? Who programmed this? Every time I recruit this motherfucker Ian he aways rushes towards the enemy like a fucking idiot and it's driving me nuts
The party members are retarded in F1. I just let them die. You don't really need them.

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Which is superior?
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>RP as bad guy in BG1
>shops become practically unusable
Does he mog the rest of the party?
me for not playing either
>BG2 on the other hand is just a big Temple of Trials, an endless field of boring combatslop with no roleplaying options or any freedom of choice.
What do you get out of lying so blatantly on /vrpg/? Do you just like spreading misinformation, or do you genuinely believe people will believe something so retarded?

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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The worst part is a few changes could have made the story at least passable.
>village gets burned to the ground
Nothing of value even uses it. One Beyblade trainer and a few recipes.
>Perry gets imprisoned, you rescue her near the end of the game, she's found dead if you don't have every hero
And since Nowa is a nothing character, make him actually surrender himself to the Dux when they're corned. He's executed and Seign becomes the MC.
Perry needed to not be let go by the Duck when he took over her town at the start. She didn't have to be Odessa'd, but at the very least put her in prison and make it so Nowa, or even better Seign, had to set her free.
Also the fact that you could walk right back in and none of the imperial soldiers cared was ridiculous. You try to walk into Gregminster in S1 and you get chased out immediately. Make use of the dual MC mechanic, and have it so you NEED to play as Seign to return to Euchrisse.
It's set before 1, 2 and 3.
>Also the fact that you could walk right back in and none of the imperial soldiers cared was ridiculous
that took all the tension of the losses away, and made recovering the cities late in the game not satisfying at all
I have to give some credit to the dub, Dux has an excellent VA.

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>"Gotta Love That Bethesda Polish"
Fallout 76 abomination, then Starfield disaster, now the Fallout 4 "Next Gen" bugfest.

Todd is RIP isnt he?
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Video games are too big these days and done by hundreds of people in and multiple companies with HR who want to hire women and troons.
It's so big the people who actually care spend all of their time managing other people in stead of making the game they want.
Too many cooks will spoil the broth.
New gaming is almost finished.
no, "gamers" are literally retarded cattle and they will still support whatever shit their corpo daddy of choice tells them
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For me its the anniversary edition update, I have no idea what to make out of the fact that a random modder made all the AE DLCs work without breaking mods while Bethesda couldn't
Not just coders, WRITERS. Emil needs to be fired. It doesn't take that much effort to do a Morrowind quality main quest narrative. it doesn't need to be perfect, it doesn't need to be a novel, it just has to be better than all of this garbage they've put out since Skyrim in terms of main story.
The people he does this for don't play video games and don't care how it does as long as they get paid.

Daggerchuds Rise Up!

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Morrowind is the best game in the series. Daggerfall is dogshit.
Customized spells and verticality count for a lot imo. I wouldn't be swinging fron their nuts like zooms but they are features that always puzzled me that they didn't expand upon properly. Practicing jump skill goes a long way and this type of verticality vacated the fps environmet until you cp2077 put it back slightly. Vertical design is just harder but i think worthwhile in the feel of the scope. Still almost rather play a df vampire than any others with rooftop jumping and custom fireballs etc.
Agree about verticality. That is a large part of why DN3D was my favorite FPS at the time. That and I bought a couple .wad CDs for it providing hundreds of custom made levels back when dial-up was awful and dling took forever.
The one custom map of someone's apartment complex and the music was a MIDI of Robert Miles' "Children" and it was just called piano.mid
Is this guy trans or just very autistic

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Write Japanese...
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Fucking kill yourself necrobumper. What threads could you even be trying to kick off the board with your no life shitposting?
And you're necrobumper too.
I don't think necrobumping is the issue, there's been multiple posts that have been deleted by mods and subsequently reappeared. I think the mods may be at war with each other over this thread.
SE must delete Chadlley and Mai. They annoyed me so badly every opportunity they had.
>go full retard and chase trends like nfts and game of thrones YEARS after that shit dies, moviegames, "LE HECKIN SUBVERT LE HECKIN EXPECTATIONS!!!!" in the most requested remake of all time
You shall deserve it.
That's all.

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Wait, besides Eidos, what the hell else did sell?
They better have fucking not sold anything off to some black hole that is a Chinese mobile company
Promotu this man
They literally sold every single one of their western studios and IPs. Cult status stuff like Thief. Squeenix is trash and people defending them are bootlickers.
IX remake dead in the water?
It never existed. The leacks were a lie and you KNOW it.

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>RPG rewards you for clearing it the wrong way
What are more games for this feel?
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i dont really know shit about this game but i've seen ntr called on less
that said seems like this one is a bit of a reach
>Go to marshes
>Recruit best green magic user
>Do not use her against the Hydra so it dies and does not give birth
>Get her sister killed while fighting the dwarves
>Basically make her miserable and the whole questline a failure
>Get her level 7 tech and a great weapon for her
Razzly had a hard life... if you wanted her to.
Huh, seriously? I didn't know it was possible to beat the game without rescuing her, crazy that Vanillaware would program in an alternate ending if you did something so unlikely.
You have to cheese some high level mission and grind like hell at the last sigil you unlock from clearing that high level mission.
you expect me to recognize that weebshit or something?

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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>industry when they are really just a few people making dumb statements about how they or their bosses are too incompetent to accrue funds over the long term.
nta but I've seen devs from BioWare, Obsidian and the aformentioned Owlcat dev shitting their pants at the expectation BG3 has set, which is why they're trying to manage expectations.
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>You're wasting your life.
Unless you find the Lord, anything and everything you do is a waste of your life.
this, but without the religious angle
there is nothing to waste; you can do what you like
No, it's fucking garbage.
based and Christ-pilled.
yes, the hacks are worried that they won't get a free pass for their slop anymore.

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Name a better RPG pre-made party member than Kim Kitsuragi.

>Kim at the disco.mkv
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Stunning to me that this reddit ass shit ass commie ass game is so popular here. The moment they censored the word "faggot" to not upset any feefees is the moment I dropped that shit and got a refund. Can't believe I drank the Kool-Aid in the first place.
If you genuinely believe this bleeding-heart, performative, pretentious, purple prose populated putrid GARBAGE is the best RPG of all time I would suggest you kill yourself immediately. Even the tourists from BG3 are better.
Trans rights are overwhelmingly supported everywhere outside of your /v/ermin concentration camp and /pol/ gulag.
What a non-sequitur ass remark. Did I mention trannies at all in my post? I'm literally gay you mouthbreathing bootlicker. And if a game wants to say the word faggot, they should have the balls to say faggot. Not tiptoe around it.
No, especially if you can relate to the main character. Women don't like failed men.
He's a paid shill, ignore him.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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Ironic then that he makes his 3dcg art with hunnie pop - against their TOS, no less. Not to mention the laws of Pakistan and the law of Islam. Sigma only cares about Islam when it agrees with things he agrees with.
>This is the comment I took as inspiration to go ahead with a female character on this one.
Your mistake was pandering to them lol, right-wingers don't want anything except for the ability to be assholes to people with zero repercussion. None of them like art nor media, they just like constantly hearing shallow garbage about them being superior to others because they're mediocre white dudes who are more dumb, ugly, untalented, and/or incompetent than the minorities that they complain about. Ever wonder why they consume drama content, shock images, and cringe compilations heavily? They like never improving themselves from looking at the lowest hanging fruit.

You could make the most non-woke media out there and they would still be assholes for no reason. Being an insufferable self-unaware antisocial prick is a form of entertainment to the rightoid and that is why moderators ban them.

They ruin entire communities with their shitty behavior. Sorry if you fell for the anti-SJW grift
>3dcg art with hunnie pop

you sir, are infected with bipartisan politok think. I am afraid it may be terminal.
That post was typed by a woman's hands, a zoomer woman at that.

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Which covenant should I enter?
>Slop Souls
we didn't need ANOTHER thread about this dogshit game here. Fuck off to /vg/ and stay to your containment thread.
You're right sister. A thread about Stellar Blade died for this.

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