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my mother threw my shark away because she said guys cant have soft toys. It's joever for manmoders.
you have to be 18 to post here faggot
Im above 18 bruh

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>Enjoy your movie, SIR.
how do you respond without sounding mad?
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"bro u tanned as hell, must have been on holiday or sum"
I just pretend they called me "ser" and move on...
was he short?
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>my dignity
no, he was very tall. i'd say about 6'4" if not taller.

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should I just kill myself? Ffs didn’t work
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You don't look terrible anon
When you actually see a before and after from the same angle it’s incredible. Your surgeon did an amazing job.
here's a pre-ffs pic of my body in feminine clothing does it still look bad
no, your body shape is fine in those clothes
theyre a bit grandma-looking but i kinda like it. the shape of the actual clothes is good, nothing clashes or stands out in this pic.
Face is good enough with makeup, good hair, clothing complimenting it. Body is clearly making you uncanny though. Sorry "Z"ister.
Why do so many 6' monsters transition?

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Are people getting cracked? Did someone save up the passwords for a lot of frequent trip codes and start using them all tonight? I've seen some things happening in different threads
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Yeah probably someone with a lot of time on their hands saved up a bunch of cracked trips
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sounds like we got a hacker

actually it's only people who have posted in the last maybe, 12 hours or so? hang on let me check
I don't even know how to trip lol did I do it right?
yeah you made an insecure trip
you can put a name you like before the # and it will go in front of the hash
an insecure trip can get cracked pretty easy so if you do ##{password} instead itll make a secure trip
Trips aren't hard to crack really, other boards or outside people have made lists before because they genuinely have nothing better to do

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Last >>35602828
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protective father figure bf would fix me
Posting here doesn't make me feel any negative type of way but then again ive never connected my body to it or a sense of validation
Is nils trans?
You're cute, but it's not in like a sexual take control of you way, it's like actually making you feel cared for
this is just a nice place to shitpost idc about validating anything, what could you possibly even need validated by a bunch of strangers online? How feminine you dick and balls are? Get real

Last: dare failed
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my jeans are nearly bursting trying to contain this thiccness
Same, but it's my wiener causing the tightness atm
i think the world has enough cave dwelling, goat fucking, inbred subhuman arab retards, so alas i support israel by default. simple as
*crushes your head between her thighs*
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They need to move to Europe and America. Israel is too small to house them. I too support Israel.

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QOTT: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. May I take your order?

Last Thread: >>35583516
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A man of trans I most attracted to strong man in india
I suppose so. Do you work at all? Why do you feel you don't have anything in common with normal people? The only common trait here for example is that we're (excluding lurkers and trolls) ftm. Otherwise you might have more in common with a normal person than you do with me
>it's to solve my loneliness and have someone else to go through the shit life throws at you.
i think this is a common enough mindset but honestly i don't think it's a very good one. you usually just end up dragging the other person down with you (or vice versa).

hopefully if you find a partner they will be uplifting to you instead of suffering with you
Yeah i study, in college right now, hard to make friends, but i already spend a lot of time studying so i feel like i wouldn't even have enough time to start dating and shit
Yeah i dunno, i just wish robot girlfriend/boyfriends existed already, shit that's exactly what i need right now, would be pretty cool
my culture is NOT your costume

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>Another /int/twink I liked trooned out
Why does this happen

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I'll never be a man
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bro that side of the fence is complete shit you don't want to be over there i promise
kites fly highest against the wind, listen to your heart and you'll never be wrong
sucks to be you
You don't look like that THOUGH

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why are most (if not almost all) femboys and mtf trannies so FUCKING UGLY?
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Cute as frick
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Thanks :P
You should stop, I'm going to want to steal you from your s.o if you continue :/
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am i ugly?

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QOTT: Whats your *real* Rice Purity Test score?

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I haven't
Oh I don't have one, I'm just trying to be a good boy instead of hooking up
Hmmmmm should I also get high or would I be in for a bad time?
Up to you
If it makes you have more fun then go for it
lmao, I'm a complete virgin, bye hornygen

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Only those born male can actually be 'nonbinary'. A theyfab is just seen as a argumentative woman insistent on being called 'they'. A gender-divergent male that is seen as such is treated much differently.
People treat me like sludge when I go into public
I do not like going out since cutting my hair short again. I look like a freak, not a man.
enbiblobs are all trenders.
They exist exclusively in places where being "trans" is perfectly normal, or even required.

Theyfabs are just girls going through a phase. They're not actually committed to it, they just like the attention it gets them, and get over it the minute their biological clock starts giving them real dysphoria. They exist almost exclusively OUTSIDE places where it's cool to be trans, because in those places they're ordinary and that defeats the purpose.

To wit: 4chan talks about theyfabs more than enbieblobs because the majority of 4channers live outside of major cities and thus they interact with theyfabs with some frequency, but only meet enbieblobs of very rare occasions.

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Is your skin so white in hue
That but the best sunblock will do?
Wish you to promote the man
Who achieves all that an Aryan can?
Do you have a tendency, or way of
Living that demands homosexual love?
Then raise your flags, you know their
Colour, a sign that now on everywhere
Aryan faggots will win again
And to their enemies infinite pain
And I will lead you, a beautiful god
Am I, muscular, male, feed unshod.
stares in supreme disappointment
You don't look like that THOUGH
Of course I don't. The picture is of who I'm addressing with this poem.
I thought this was going to be a skincare thread WTF
qott: what's your daily SPF moisturizer ?

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>hot chasers are pure evil who use me
>ugly chasers are sweet and great but ugly and dont satisfy me
>t4t grosses me out and most are hons aka same as ugly chasers
>straight men wont want me
>women think im a freak or threat

so my only option is to let douchebag hot guys use me and never find true love? i was ghosted again today when everything was going well
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Yeah because stay at home mums and lots of time with dad is normal for a kid these days.
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>Walter White is not the hero of the story.
Who is? Hank is literally just a seething manlet beta male who's pride and cowardice completely leads his downfall with a bitch of a wife. Skyler is just an annoying whore who Walter got in his autopilot stage. Walter had an ego but it was well-earned and ultimately his care for his children was his primary motivator.
>Who is?
It doesn't have a hero. It's a tragedy. It's meant to show the consequences of being naughty.
In this case the wages of sin is death.

Hank was prejudiced, Skyler was arrogant, Jessie was gluttonous.

And Walter was prideful. Pride is the mother of all sins. Rather than beg for charity from his old friends, he corrupted a young man with the promise of all he could desire and hurt everyone he loved, losing it all, and eventually dying in a pool of his own hubris.
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He saved Jesse and his kids will be getting 10 million dollars in support. He died an extremely exciting death and tying up all his loose ends when he was already sentenced to death ~2 years prior.
>women think I’m a freak or a threat
Meaning you don’t pass, either physically, behaviorally, or both. You have to accept that the only people who want you are political lesbians, studs/stones who open to dating clocky transsexuals, other non passing transsexuals, or men who don’t meet your impossibly high standards. Though my recommendation is work on yourself, god will provide you with the ideal partner. Do his will and he will provide you with what you need, though not necessarily what you think you want.

ime, cis women who chase trans women are more unstable than the cis men. Wait, that’s a lie. Both cis male and cis female chasers tend to give me the ick. They’re all penis obsessed weirdos.

Not even into dudes but this is big facts.

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Just get a caffeine enema
you're smoking menthol
>tfw no 6'4'' bf who beats me up and then puts me in a chokehold while he prone-bones me
feels sad, man
i would do anything to make my bottom happy
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im reclaiming them

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