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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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How can i let go for my manifestations?
I'm desperate for this one...

Will the phone call go okay tomorrow?
It's not about romance
What are O's feelings for me?

I feel like im transforming into a better version of myself, I was curious if this is correct?
Six of Coins Rx
Sun Rx
Ten of Swords
Don't do this. It's going to be a lot more money or something with your finances T the time will not allow you to do so, which will cause you issues. Perhaps the process might be problematic as well. I'd hold off until either your financials or something else in your life like studies or work really materialize and takes more hold of things.

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Make a list of things you want to acquire, not every-day stuff but nice-to-haves, and not consumable items, things which stick around.
Make sue the list is big and encompasses your genuine desires as much as is reasonable.
Purchase from the list over time but make sure it's bigger than you'll ever afford in full.
Some prioritization of items is ok, but it's best to draw quantum random numbers to map to the list of items to decide what to get next.
Then (note the past-tense, you should keep adding to the list over time, but it needs to be created prior) draw some quantum random numbers and map them to lottery tickets. Play those ticket numbers.
If you find yourself on the winning worldline buy everything on the list and keep it around as you had intended, beware of things which could make you lose everything and be responsible with the money.
This has two primary effects in play:
>the acquisition lists acts to synchronize your divergent worldlines between non-winning and winning worldlines
>the lottery win is guaranteed in 1 set of worldlines, very small percentage overall, but it's no longer a binary thing of win/lose, it's guaranteed, you're just unlikely to experience it
The result is the temporal magnetism pulls your winning self closer to the losing ones and the losing ones closer to the winning one but with the winning self existing whereas before it did not anywhere near you. Don't get "smart" about it (e.g. being an asshole) on the winning worldline and abandon the acquisition list, or it does nothing for your other selves and the winning one will still likely be overwhelmed by the temporal magnetism from the losing selves and you'll become another "lottery winner lost everything and an hero'd" statistic.
More on the idea athttps://www.quatism.com/theory.htm


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>Explanation is really lacking, some even say to map the date and location of the lottery purchase

If by date and time you mean the scratch offs? The mega millions Powerball and all those drawing games isn't doesn't matter where you buy the tickets or where you buy the items on your list
Yes that's my understanding of it
Hey fuck you I lost you owe me 3$
This is an American website.
You won in some worldline anon even if you didn't win in this one.

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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Hmmmm, that actually makes sense. Is there anything I can take to make sleep deeper? Maybe sleeping pills? I already take melatonin every night.
>Is there anything I can take to make sleep deeper?
Easiest way is to make your sleep environment excessively comfortable. That's a combination of bed, bedding, clothing, habits before sleeping, etc. Basically turn sleep into an artform.
Bump i'm not letting this thread die
I mean like a supplement or something. I already get around 8 hours of sleep a night and my bed is comfortable enough.
Yeah, there are many supplements for this, like galamantine or huperzine-a, etc.

> The European Space Agency spotted signs of giant spiders on Mars.
> They shared the information with the public and now are gaslighting the masses into believing it's "gas" trapped under thicker layers of ice that breaks through slabs and causes this effect.

Why even release the information, to then go "syke, this ain't shit!"
Why do they do this bros? What do they gain?
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>everything is fake this is from nevada
Go drive to nevada with a camcorder and photo camera. Get a bunch of video and pictures of the exact location you think mars photos are from. Prove it.
Shit you remember that too? What was that program? I’ve never been able to fond it again.
>A hidden temple?
Why, yes!
Wait, isn't the spiders of Mars a David Bowie thing?
And that guy was obviously super connected behind the scenes.
The Planet of the Spiders was also a Doctor Who serial in the 70's, incidentally.
Someone just shooped 40k ships onto a black background.

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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Why would you want to destroy your own children?
Do you think animals complain like this when things don't go their way?
Because it's immoral
beauty hurts



This is memesmith. Please pray for me my organ feels weird.
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What hurts, where?
It's okay my chanting is has healed it greatly. please just pray for me if you can.
Too much cringe as always
I've only heard of a fastman now, but if you made it through all that you can make it through this. Believe you're gonna get better. Most people never like that (thank goodness too, most people become bitter living life like that but you can transmute that too.
not bad but where is Lain?

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AI solved everything. you can stop posting now
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Use a reality tunnel to go to an universe where the loosh farm theory is just a crazy conspiracy.
It worked for me.
>loosh farm theory

I mean of course this goes on. Consider that nothing in nature is totally one-sided though and know that there are also loosh feeders to human benefit. <3
You probably fed it a ton of leading questions, it just goes along with any philosophical or spiritual view the user puts out there so long as it doesn't violate the AIs ethical code.
Came here to say this. A.I. chat bots can only mirror what the user talks about. You can make an AI chatbot of Anne Frank heil hitler within a few sentenced of gaslighting (ironic).

I am thankful for AI though because it really reveals who the midwits and living dead pseudointellectuals are, those who actually believe AI is remotely impressive or somehow all-knowing and even worse the retards who claim to see sparks of sentience in the fuckin’ algorithms.

new op just dropped edition

>Can I manifest ___?
For one method, read the Simple Technique below.

Neville Goddard recommendations for beginners:
>How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)
>Neville's Feeling is the Secret

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>Qrd on that Gardner dude?

F Gardner. Patron Saint of /loa/
There is no method. Just a success story, lots of retards shilling Buddhism as the religion, the practice, the "oh may god, I have to worship and adore something!" and lots and lots of "Buy my books, give me money" inserted between /pol/ schizoramblings.
There is nothing more there than the success story.
I don’t usually spoonfeed but I’ve seen an absurd amount of his vids at this point from all these threads. Alright so F. Gardner has a method of stopping his brain from doubting himself. Literally bringing it down to zero percent doubt. Gardner’s also a Buddhist so he believes the world is fake. Literally fake. The surge of confidence allows him to generate what he wants since he has conviction that the world is essentially make-believe. He has unwavering belief in unreality and himself due to all the Buddhist stuff and that he knows how to make his doubt 0%. It roughly boils down to his unique ability to snap himself to this state that he now knows how to activate really well. He said something like how if you know the world doesn’t exist then you can do whatever you want. He emphasizes that you can’t have even the slightest doubt. I don’t have the links but I hope that helps.
Mysticism is inherently connected to understanding most or all religions. I'm sorry this is so difficult for you to grasp. Using Christianity, Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism, etc to benefit your manifesting practice can only be a good thing so long as you're coming at it from a mystic perspective. The endless arguments about whether or not mystic traditions within religions belong here is exhausting.

I'm aware these threads don't really help. What helps the most is image-making. This video has completely awakened me to how I've been wasting my time theorizing instead of living from the end. My final task is to eliminate resistance, which will be easier the more I image-make. Other anons said to eliminate stress in other areas of life such as make more money. I need to do that too.
Discovering Frank has been the most serendipitous and fascinating thing ever from /x/

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>South america was under North America, not east
>Spain was bordering france on it's whole eastern border
>New Zealand was it's own continent
>Brazil wasn't half of the continent
>Alpha Centaurus was a Binary-Star-System
>Canada used to be half of it's size to the East, the west was Alaska

Did i miss anything?
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you are fucking dumb is all
>alpha centauri was a binary star system
it still is, kind of.
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>California didn't use to have islands
>The Falkland Islands didn't exist
>Brazil's State of Acre used to have a straight border, not a pointed one.
>Italy's peninsula that contains Parco Nazionale del Gargano didn't exist
>Turkey was smaller and less bulbous
>Mauritania was never a recognized country
>Madagascar was further South and was tilted more towards mainland Africa
>Australia was further South
>Australia never had "Melvin Island"
>New Zealand was further North and closer to Australia
>Svalbard didn't exist
>Japan was further South
>Cuba was smaller

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it can be whatever nasa says, lol
Speaking of Italy. The island of Sicily
>Wasn't that big
>Wasn't nearly as close

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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i ching is another
are my kicks improving?
What is the best Oracle deck?
What are you looking for
dreaded love general query

how long before this age of aquarius shit kicks in? it's been 19 days. i'm so tired and bored it's insane all my hopes were in this fucking eclipse finally bringing a change
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Plutonic? Why does it have to be plutonic? All of what you're describing has a source but it's not plutonic.

Pluto represents:
Capacity to Transform and Renew/Need to Refine the Self/ Need to let go of the old/Transmutation/Personal Power/Death/Birth/Rebirth

Urge:toward total rebirth; urge to penetrate to the core of experience

Need:to refine the self; Need to let go of the old through pain

Positive Expression: Acceptance of the need to focus one’s mind and will power on one’s own transformations; having the courage to face one’s deepest desires and compulsions and to transmute them through effort and intensity of experience.

Negative Expression: Compulsive expression of subconscious cravings; willful manipulation of others to serve one’s own ends; ruthlessly using any means to avoid the pain of facing one’s self; infatuation

Pluto can symbolize a complete breakdown in ordinary reality. Pluto is the archetype of death and resurrection; it breaks down the old and outworn entities into their component parts and then reassembles them into new being. “

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When there's human element that represents all of this, shouldn't we do something about that first, before pointing fingers to some invisible forces? Or is that just too far fetched?
No I mean that worldwide there must be some major trials and tribulations that humans must face, before they "earn" it. Think major cataclysms such famine, floods, volcanic eruptions etc.
yes but i've been bored for so long i deserve some leadership role during the tribulations already

Neo's Passport has an expiration date set to 9/11/2001.

The film was released in 1999
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I went to the future and then to the far past before all of this was made and the machine decided to future figure out where I went wrong 1920 and why 1945 and when 1953 it was corrected 1968. Oakridge is the time travel capital of the universe. Oakridge is where the Spark of all knowing was created and where it became sentient.
Dairy creamer…
Two planes (two needles) with 19 hijackers (covid 19) get injected into two towers (man & woman) - lets play a game of manifestation manipulation
Yea is the type of thing that will be their downfall irl.

>U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army study


>An elite U.S. Army study center has devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.

>Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”


/x/ film thread
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Constantly trying to find new films for this journey.
Sharing my list here.
Noroi and the other one with the dimensional worms are crazy
what's the worm one's called?

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ITT prove magic is ACTUALLY real. Give examples
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I can tell you about dreams and maybe it's magic.
Father's father, father, and myself, had the same dream of our passed grandmother shortly after she died.
I was describing I had a dream about her, she was in a hospital bed, we were all around, and my dad stopped me. He told me, "She wished us Peace & Abundance."
Uh, Yeah. She did.
He prompted me, What color was her dress?
I replied, Green.
My dad told me he, his dad, and I, had the same dream.
Grandma was in a hoslital bed in a green dress with all of us around and she wished us Peace & Abundance.
How about this,
I wake up on a late Tuesday morning in tears, really upset about my parents' cat. I'm weeping and I don't know why.
I talk with my parents that Saturday.
They put the cat down Tuesday morning.
but wait there's more.wav

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Everything is magic and paranormal until people figure out how it works, at which point it would be labeled a science rather than magic. For example, "ghosts" would remain an occultish woo-woo "schizo" topic in the eyes of religiously pseudo-scientific midwits, but if/when ACTUAL scientists figure out what a ghost actually is by accidentally measuring them in a replicable way, it might be acknowledged as an actual science, (provided the corrupted institutions permit it to be so.)
Not saying ghosts are definitely real, btw. Just using them as an example. We haven't even defined "ghost" after all.
Remote viewing
I had a dream before I visitied family in a other state.
I had a dream about Mr. Peel's house, an elderly man's home along my old paper route.
It was now a dark gray/green/brown.
Driving around the neighborhood with a parent.
Were in the old paper rlute neighborhood, and I tell them abkut my dream.
They remember Mr. Peel. His house was painted yellow.
We round a couple blocks,
Mr. Peel's home is painted a dark gray/green // breen.
I JUST HAD A DREAM about his hkuse, seemingly for no reason besides maybe I'm visiting town,
and straight to his house,
and the color,

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You don't have to have blind "Faith" in Magick like you do for a certain dominant religion. Try it yourself. This creates a psychic shield.

Sit in a comfortable chair.
>Ask for Permission and Protection.
Read Psalm #23 And ask for the Table, the Cup, and the Oil" Then ask for a Staff and a Sword.
>Ritual Preparation - Raising Energy using Chakras
Draw a circle around you with Sword. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your right hand and it'll tingle, then feel your entire body tingle. This is your neural body sense. Concentrate on your feet and see roots growing down into the Earth, and Earth Energy rising into your ankles (you can also feel it); See the chakra at the base of your spine open like a flower or a whorl, and use it to draw the energy to it; see the sexual chakra open up like a flower and use it to draw the energy to it, see it rising to your waist, then your heart just as you did for the first two; See the center of your hands as chakras, see the energy rise from your hands into your arms; see it rise to your throat, then the middle of your forehead. See the energy rise to the top of your head, and See it spill over outside of you like a fountain, See it going to your feet and See the energy flow up from your feet again several times while drawing in more Energy from the ground.
>Create a mental object.
See the Energy form a barrier, an outwards-facing 2-way mirror, surrounding you. See, and Feel the weight of a bronze dagger in your hand.
Put the objects on Table and dismiss them. Release the raised Energy by letting it go. Say something like "So mote it be!".The "god" borrows these objects from Plato's World of Forms. The god does not have to be Abrahamic. That's why it's not "the Table", It's "Table!". Yes, you're "cheating".
"Slow down, you move too fast!" This is like meditation, take your 'ever-lovin' time about it! This isn't a "Wham-Bam, thank you Ma'am!" 'F'n Harry Potter' spell!
"See" means Visualize.

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