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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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I have only ever hiked in Europe but I'm interested in experiences other places when I take a sabbatical next year. Pic rel is the type of environments I have hiked.
Pictures please!
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Wait. You wouldn't be the same tard who makes all the McCandless threads and Steve Wallis threads would you?
This is the most wild european cope I’ve seen on this board
wait. You wouldn't be the same tard who makes all the masturbating outside threads and MGTOW threads are you?
Yep. This is the guy. How can one man have this much condensed autism and retardation?
No. Im the tard who thinks the West is a barren desert and that beavers once ruled the world and that you are a jewish logger. Oh and i like deciduous trees

Hello, I currently live for rent in Germany.
I lost my job last year and don't know if I should look for a new one right away.
I'm thinking about quitting my apartment and traveling for a few years. I can realistically generate 500-1000 US dollars per month with stocks.
Is that enough to travel full-time?
I don't have high standards and can settle for little.
I plan to travel mainly by bus and train.
I would theoretically be homeless and I am afraid of whether I will be able to find my way back into society after a few years of travelling. What are good countries for my project?
My plan is to camp a lot and find small rooms every now and then that I can rent for maybe $200 a month. Do you have any suggestions that might help me?
Are there communities or places where homeless backpackers can meet?

Thanks for any reply or suggestion
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I was living with 490 US dollars per month as student and had
>300 dollar car + all that comes with cars including gas
>aparment in second largest city in Finland
>whatever food, latest electronics, traveling etc. I want
>full health care

I never understand how you can't live with larger amount of money than that. Some anons are thinking to be homeless if they make less than 100 thousand per year. One time one anon said that they make +500 thousand and can't afford a car. What you even do if that amount of money just disappears or something? You can literally give me 200 dollars per month and I can have aparment + car + food + hobbies etc. You don't have to have spotify, youtube premium, three streaming services, $50 phone service, eat out etc. I can literally make full healthy meals and drive a car with almost nothing. If car breaks, then I just sell it for $20-50 and buy used working one for $100-300 for the next year.
>490 US dollars
But not in the US

God bless Finland.
You barely have enough money to live in povery in Southeast Europe.
Funniest thing is that Finland has low salaries/wages, high taxes, expensive fuel, expensive food, alcohol has highest tax and houses are really expensive. For some reason here, we still can buy less stuff, not take loans, not use credit cards to negative levels and we can even have a family and have kids. Weird.

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Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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you aren't wrong friend
Is that a raven?
how am i supposed to wank off on a tree with all your damn cameras everywhere?

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2718306
Fruit thinning allows your plant to allocate its resources more efficiently. Each leaf is a source, and each fruit is a sink. If you have too many sinks, the sources will not be able to provide.
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Decided to go with the Mara for now. Charlotte was another variety on my radar, but it's like $30 for 10 roots.
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Addition to the greenhouse, a cross bar to hang string for tomatoes, also a spot for hanging baskets. Because of the dome there wasn't enough room to get a drill up there to make a bolt hole. So I got a drill / impact driver right angle attachment. Then of course I needed to get a set of drill bits with a 1/4" shank. Even then I needed to undo some of the plastic pieces holding down the plastic. If I didn't already have a piece of rusty 1" square steel tube up in the garage rafters, I would have made something out of wood instead. Nowadays that piece would be over $50.

It turns out I needed the right angle adapter to put the last 3 bolts in the new gazebo. Even with a taller ladder the railing kept me from getting close enough to reach them.

My garlic started coming up today. The tomatoes in starter trays came up over a week ago. Then suddenly 2 of the cells I thought were duds had plants pop up today.
Best guy I know for grains is this leftist who runs "low tech institute". Grains have a lot of benefits if you're growing a survival garden and want to provide a serious part of your calories on your own. Maize is probably the most approachable if you don't have a solid setup for threshing/winnowing.
Rice is probably awesome if you have a paddy to flood and even in Japan rural people grow their own rice somewhat often.
The most underappreciated thing about grains vs tubers is that processing grains might take a long time but it can be down at a casual rate with low effort. Digging out potatoes will work you out but winnowing,threshing wheat is pretty relaxed.
I think Mara will be the best for fresh eating but the other two will be better for jam due to higher yield. I'm a fiend for some jam
>Rice is probably awesome if you have a paddy to flood
You don't need to flood rice. You can just grow it in the dirt like everything else.

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Opinions and facts about cheap high quality forests to live near.
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americans already don’t own anything. the bank owns your house and land. miss one mortgage/property tax payment and see if you truly own it
Where I live

i'd love to know as well...give me a nice little city where you can eat,drink,socialize but then walk out into the woods and go on forever and ever

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I ain't BUILT for dem
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Nah. While that is bad. In the Beaver season they could *only* hunt black bears.
It was pants on head retarded. And they're gps limited in their roaming range to a ridiculously small area. That's not a real test of skills, and if you're not gonna let them really use their skills you can't blame them for starting fat.
>it's not a test of skills unless you make it much easier
>you have to let them all roam 5+ miles from their starting points or it isn't fair
>that's why they have to be fat lards and make a really shitty show
Don’t forget the obese tranny
>I used to be a cop!
>I have PTSD
>Bear sniffs shelter
>Tranny honks clown horn
>Muh PTSD!
>It’s not good to be good at violence!
Fuck off faggot you got scared by a bear.
Ironically, she later died for completely non-bear-related reasons
Self delete?

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What’s it going to take to stop this man?
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Yet it is 100% decriminalized to be bugging off fent in any major Canadian city
he'll probably die in his sleep one day and then wake up to make a video about how sad it was that he's gone but you just gotta move on and keep living. I know that sounds kinda dark and maybe even mean, but I'm serious. The guy is a super hero, no matter how bad the situation gets he just doesn't give up and thats something to admire.
>let me just import 1 million street shitters per year OH NO, THERES A MAN CONSUMING A DRINK IN THE WOODS. SAVE ME CASTRO'S SON. I think i understand why canada legalized killing yourself.
every now and then i make the mistake of checking back, what this asshole has been up to. every time i do so, i am surprised, that the content can still get lower in quality. in those regards i guess i am never let down. pic very related
it drives me crazy how paranoid he gets camping, he wants to run off and hide at the mere thought of a jogger or hiker seeing him...it's not like he's on the run from the law or could ever be arrested, a mere "hey i'm fuckin campin here get out my campsite" should be enough to get 99% of people to not bug him

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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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There is also JPacific Crest Trail which is a part of The Triple Crown of Hiking.
You also have crater lake, but I like Newberry better.

Don't fore get Washington got some nice hiking too.
All the good trails are in California and Washington, Oregon is both full and ugly
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Let me guess you never been out of the Portland area?
You couldn't be further from the truth:
California has 250 people per square mile
Washington has 118 people per square mile
Oregon has 44 people per square mile
What good places are there in Washington? Partially worried about the presence of Brown Bears so are there any over there?

Every girl has hiking in their tinder bio. How do you know if she's really into it or not?
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Hiking dates are dates I have the most success with and I highly recommend them.

The innate sense of danger and a little bit of flora/fauna acumen makes them super moist even for a nerd like me(I grew up in the woods).
just imagine for a second being this guy. maybe you should literally go /out/ once in a while. I genuinely pity you.
fucking hell this is hilarious cuz its true
Fucking hell I can't get anything other than fat bitches on tinder and Chad over here is railing random girls just by posting pictures of his cock.
I put the "cum" in "acumen"... and also in slow hiker chicks

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Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
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Look near their preferred trees on gently sloped, wet hills in areas without a ton of ground cover or leaf litter.
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These are my favorite mushrooms even if it's super cliche
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Lucky. I only have the yellow ones where I live.
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Have a big one.

My vote is the Catskills in NY. Hybrid cars parked all up and down every road. Thousands of fat guys in khaki shorts photographing trees. Loud black women chasing their screaming kids everywhere. Trail closure and no trespassing signs every 50 yards. Literal fucking security cameras at trailhead parking areas. I hope a fucking forest fire claims the whole region.
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I grew up there, it's beautiful. I'm out in Oregon now, which is pretty sweet too, but I'd like to plan to have time to do some hiking in the Adirondacks again the next time I head back East.
based Sedona knower. avoiding weekends helps too
Grand Canyon (south entrance)

>What is the shittiest /out/ place in the USA?
Did slide rock a few months ago. It was grossly overcrowded but well managed at least. They have lots of staff managing the parking and park areas. They even have a clear sign saying absolutely no Bluetooth speakers.

#503- “Not A ManAss” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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I don't even fish but at least once a month I get lured into this general because of the OP pics. The coom brain just gets snagged by the bait.
Keep it up you beautiful bastards.
>that time they tried it with a dude
I want the next one to be a fat hairy man now.
You can stick them in the freezer for a few minutes too, if you have a chest freezer. I have to do it sometimes in the fall if it gets hot outside.
The Googan Revolver is no bueno. The Choppo seems to be okay by all accounts. I'd try it out.

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You guys do mushroom and plant foraging/identifying?

You ever find anything cool or rare? I found these Datura plants recently and dug them up. Anyone ever found one of those plants that eat insects?
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Where do you live? I have never heard of any of these plants in my life. They look cool, nice photos.
Deep south east.

I didn't post the trillium, bearded iris, and Indian plume earlier though I think they are western species.

Alot of the ones I posted are sort of common species just some of my favorite. One of my favorites is the rabbit tobacco which I think has a widespread range you should keep an eye out for it.
The following are from a second anon(me) in the mountains of Northern California(very southern tip of the Cascades)
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When I go mushroom foraging, my favorite thing to find besides mushrooms is Ghost Pipe. It's so strange and improbable. I made a tincture out of some; it doesn't do very much, but it has a unique taste so I use it as a drink mixer now.
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Tons of them grow on my property,and until recently,I assumed they were a fungus.Definitely an interesting plant.

wild animal feeding thread, here’s me feeding a deer
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>The geese are just as tame as the ducks
I'm guessing they aren't around their young, because here in Canada the geese are assholes.
Watch out for bubonic plague unironically
Not wild but I feed some farmer's goats the weeds on the side of the road, its free labor for him when I think about it
Very cute deer, good job anon
You're thinking of leprosy. Bubonic plagues carried on fleas and usually you only see it out west in deermice in the States.

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