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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

If you had to use only one (1) controller
for all your games
for the rest of Life
what controller would it be?
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Keyboard with touchpad, I guess.
No, go away Satan! I'm not playing you're stupid game.

Some games work better with a SNES pad (NES, SNES, & PCE/TGFX16), while Sega Genesis/Sega CD/32X/Saturn work better with a Saturn controller, and if it needs dual analog sticks then that gets a PS2 controller.

One size does NOT fit all. Satan = bad

>sit on a tack!

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I originally got it for the arcade cores (I hate mame so much), but honestly I'm having a blast with the computer cores. I love dialing into BBS' from the Commodore 64 core or playing games from the MSX core (Metal Gear is such a blast). I printed a wedge case and it's fun to use it like this.
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ok zoomer
Anyone who gets bootyblasted about being called a zoomer is a zoomer.
>Anyone who gets bootyblasted about being called a zoomer is a zoomer.
Literally, if they were born after 1995.
Some things are just cool and interesting.
Nice, I would like a couple more.
You mean now I can pay more for an obsolete dev board of exceptionally low quality? Sweet!

>ruins your desire to game
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Huh, didnt that one jap developer from the past mentioned he had RF/Composite in mind when making graphics?
No actual "sharpness" is lost. The width of the blur is not enough for a single point sample to be removed from the displayed image. The primary colors may be less vivid, but it adds additional colors and transparency for free. i actually played Genesis with the included RF as a kid, because almost no one even thought about upgrading a console's cables before 6th gen.
It doesn’t look worse, it looks cleaner and way too sharp
All the stray pixels that are used for dithering and blending become more obvious and make the image worse
But I say that from using a 28” screen, I can see how composite might look bad on something below 20”
Do you think MJ cared that the waterfalls didn't look right?
Composite looks fine - and in some cases preferable even. Raw or close to raw with a Genesis for example looks objectively worse due to composite blending. And it's not like it looks terrible. Even RF looks good (actually better today than back in the day since no analog TV broadcast interference after the digital switch).
If you were talking like dreamcast or PS2, or wii, then component or RGB might actually be preferable in that case.
But the earlier stuff? The opposite.

Regardless, none of the outputs ruins my desire to game. Life does that.

Post a cropped pic of any game screen and anons try to guess where it's from.
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Yes but specify which one
An easy one
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Turok 1. Texture shows up in most areas.
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use code CDUS03 https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805948047262.html
Can someone just ban phonefag already? As an iPhone user, I’m sick of this irrelevant shit advice getting shoved in my face every single day.
For what it's worth, that same Ali store will have 35XX Plus and H on sale.
Also the codes are region locked, so look them up yourself, goes live in 7 minutes.
Damn I just got it and it feels pretty quality for a chinkshit thing. I got the speaker mod too, looking at faggy button customization cuz it's so fucking COOL

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which is better wolfenstien or doom?
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Doom has better music
I've never been able to get into rtcw, the slippery movement and annoying transparent crosshair filter me every time.
You can turn off "always run", which lets you walk around slowly all the time, although being able to strafe around quickly is important to the gameplay. You can kinda mitigate this by changing the walk keybind (caps lock by default) to something like left shift so that pressing it makes you un-walk and just move at normal speed as your new sprint. For the crosshair, if you play through the ioRTCW source port, I've noticed it's less translucent there compared to vanilla.
Doom, Wolfenstein is still really good but Doom just improved in pretty much everything. Doom 2 did the same to Doom aside from the levels which were still OK but felt less consistent in quality. There were more tedious levels too.
If WS got new episodes with better nazis and Dracula it could be based.

Bored of uniting feudal Japan? Why not take a break and unite feudal England instead? At least they only had to do this once in comparison to poor Oda Nobunaga and his repeatedly going into a time warp and being condemned to unite Japan over and over and over.
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Are you the generation who wears pajamas on airplanes? Or are you the generation that dyes their hair Kool-Aid color and wears band shirts from my high school years?

My dad's mid '70s and could certainly kick the ass of most 20-year-olds I see.
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This is the 8th Google result when you look up zoomer fashion btw. Think I'll stick with a skinny tie from the '80s anytime over this....
nigga named nobunga
It's meant to be tacky, it's nerd pulp. You know, the same reason they put slave Leia on Star Wars posters and shit.
KOEI also did Ireland

Yes, I prefer CRT shaders on OLED over real CRTs.
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>I prefer an imitation over the real thing
A copy can never surpass the original. And OLEDs were never meant to be like CRTs. And no retro game was ever made with OLED in mind.
Shader name?
In order to play "the original" you need to be a small child in the 1980s/90s. You can't do that so you'll never recapture the "original experience" of enjoying a video game. You put absurd, obsessive amounts of importance on irrelevant mechanics out of a cultism that will never actually improve your gaming enjoyment. You get irrationally upset like your religion has been insulted when someone plays a game "the wrong way", which shows you have no emotional attachment to the GAMES themselves, only a fake sense of personality that comes from claiming you make the correct propitiations and thus deserve to be a high priest of your imaginary god.

I'm being very serious, I genuinely believe you either have serious emotional/development problems or are on the cusp of developing them. I hope you can find help in time before you utterly destroy yourself with this fixation. There are many, many more important things in life than whether you play a game on some arbitrary hardware.
There are pros and cons. It's not exactly the same, but it's fine. That being said - even if it weren't whatever, play how you want to play that has no bearing on the objectivity of the quality. A preference is a preference not a fact about a thing.
OLEDs are good - they have better contrast than most CRTs do, especially for Televisions. Monitors had better blacks than TVs, but both were actually more of a really really dark grey that you could even see at night as the phosphors lit up.
The pixel layout on OLEDs is worse than CRTs though and the native resolution is a problem under certain resolutions but native resolutions look good.
OLEDs have less blooming and no geometry distortion which is way better than CRTs (well, blooming is sometimes kind of nice - but it's technically accurate)
The biggest issue is just OLEDs are more expensive and suffer from burn-in hard, comparable to even the worst of old monochrome CRTs but in color, so the quality of the display will degrade "relatively" quickly based on cumulative usage. Really, at this point that burn in shit is a bit too quick honestly. I've had CRTs burn in five years of usage even in the early 2000s, but even OLEDs can put that to shame with similar usage as I had and that's when CRTs were like 300-500 bucks for their size. OLEDs at similar size cost a fuck ton still to the point it's not really practical for consumers. Maybe one day they'll get there, it ain't now though. Similar to how LCD displays are at the point they're actually use-ably decent for more emails (and arguably not even great at that either), and that took like three decades.

In general, it'll definitely start out with many advantages over traditional CRTs, but it won't stay that way - but the tech may eventually develop to that being preferential one day. I expect improving QLEDs will eventually win out though due to cost and longevity.
>A copy can never surpass the original.
non-sequitur and patently false.
Literal music and cinema have proven you incorrect. Often absurdly so given better production and things like better acting. Originals aren't always better - not even in the technical world.
Fuck, I don't even bust out original hardware, I keep it in a box because emulation is just better overall with more pros and less cons than the original hardware.

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Zoomers of /vr/, give it to me straight: Is TTYD's remake soulful?
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Oh sorry, meant for >>10896723
Terrible opinion.
Are they really this scared of offending people with mental conditions?
Their localizers are the people with mental conditions.

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Undumped beta build of Legend of Zelda rescued from dead hoarder, cracked out of plastic tomb and dumped.

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Not everyone has credibility. Only those who have contributed have credibility.

Anyone else is just background noise from the peanut gallery.
Now that we know what it is it's obvious he kept it because it was worth more when people thought it might be something interesting
People who argue that dumping a prototype doesn't hurt value haven't really followed the market. For random, run of the mill protos, sure, but unreleased? Those certainly wind up selling for more when they're undumped (and I say this as somebody who has in fact purchased unreleased game prototypes after a dump found its way online, for a fraction of what they sold for prior to being dumped)
You have no credibility. So your claims about who has credibility have no credibility.

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Don't see it mentioned much here. Currently playing Lost Labyrinth.
Anyone else still play these?
Post custom levels if you got 'em.
>Lost Labyrinth
Is that a PC release?
Interesting timing. I've been playing the MSX release.
pc engine

>MM2 adds "normal" difficulty level ie. easy mode but it sounds better that way
>apparently because they got the usual Japanese complaints that MM1 was too hard since they hate difficult games
MM1 wasn't _that_ bad, I've beaten it a few times (yes with the pause glitch, sue me). Pussies.
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Bass is harder if you don't have the right weapon, otherwise it's the exact same thing only you have double jump and dash. Bass is the easy mode.
>double jump and dash
Worthless in boss fights since they don't help much against most bosses, whereas Megaman can slide under a lot of attacks. Plus Megaman gets access to a shield to reduce damage taken by half and a way to restore life, while Bass gets neither.
The only thing Bass has an easier time with is the levels themselves, but the bosses are basically all harder than the actual levels, making Bass a harder mode overall. With how levels let him cheese like crazy and bosses rock his shit, I feel like Bass was an afterthought and the game was really designed around Megaman, plus about 105 of the 120 CDs can be collected with Megaman.
>Also stop thinking that "Japanese = hardcore". The average Japanese player didn't like and wasn't good at action games
This is one of the biggest revisionisms in video game history
The reason we got the "easier" versions wasn’t because glorious Nippon thought filthy gaijin couldn’t handle pure SOVL, it’s because Japanese gamers fucking hated them at the time, so two, three years later when we got them, the developers had retuned them
Japanese gamers in particular hated The Lost Levels so much that the reviewers accused Miyamoto of pulling an elaborate prank on them, it’s why they had to find another game to quickly substitute in for in the Western markets
The jews murdered JFK, bobmed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
>apparently because they got the usual Japanese complaints that MM1 was too hard since they hate difficult games
Most people don't like difficult games. It has nothing to do with culture. Seriously, look at the overwhelming majority of titles that are discussed here. RPGs, easy platformers, movie games, the like. The Japanese simply lack the bizarre and childish faux-masculine bravado that Westerners have which keeps us from openly complaining about such things. Quit chest puffing over inane shit like a 13 year old boy. Or, at the very least, talk about games that are actually challenging, like STGs or something.

How is the pokemon trading card gbc game? I never got into pokemon beyond gen 1, but I always liked collecting and making decks from the tcg more than playing the red/blue/yellow version rpgs. never got around to playing this, but ive read that it's a decent game, so im curious what people here think.
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it's definitely accessible. hard to gauge how long it would take but once you understand the ins and outs it's fun and a breeze to go through

definitely a big change of format, it's a lot longer with way more cards but it's more of a wacky linear adventure with kidnappings and bullshit, it's not so much a build your own deck and play a few matches at leisure type structure, there's always obstacles and requirements to proceed keeping you on your toes ("if you want to play against me you must have 4 magikarp in your deck", "if you want to play against me your deck can only use grass energy" "if you play against me fighting type resistance doesn't count" type stuff. On one hand it's more of an hassle on the other it forces you to try different builds and strats you otherwise wouldn't". wouldn't say it's either better or worse, just different, though if you liked the first you'll likely enjoy it. new art is more colorful but also more hit and miss
Those two are literally babbys first TCG. You will have no problem playing them they're literally for 10 year olds
I recommend you check a ruleguide online like the original tcg manual just to get a basic understanding of the game basics, might be less cumbersome than trying to read through rules in the videogame but obviously you don't have to nail everything and know all the ins and outs before playing since the game obviously won't let you break rules.

these are the few notions you should pay attention to:

>the three types of cards
pokemon cards, energy cards, trainer cards

>the format layout
deck, discard pile, prize cards, bench and active/defending pokemon

>the pokemon card traits
HP and attacks(and pokemon powers); weakness, resistance; retreating; basic vs stage 1/stage2 pokemon

>status effects

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I find it cheap they let you switch decks inbetween the league members. By the point you should have to commit to a deck that can handle them all
Does the jap sequel have exploits as well?

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What are you playing?
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This and I have no mouth are the best

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