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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Since there isn't a thread up
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Kinda sad that with 0.97 colony crisis they made the game much more focused on combat.
Now you really can't have a trade fleet that is super efficient and just dedicate yourself to large scale trading, since when you get colonies you will be invaded constantly.
>they made the game much more focused on combat
Nigga, what?! Game was always about combat.
Everything else is just for flavor and not really well done.
How do you even have fun with large scale trading when it just… "fly in a straight line from point A to point B"?
>see bounty fighting Remnants
>wait since I can't join the fight
>Remnant kills bounty and I get the payment
Is this deliberate?
>is AI taking jobs away from me deliberate?
Yes, because check condition is hard

I'm fascinated with the possibilities between different unit types and gear/tactical instructions. I'm only about 10 hours into the game and trying to dip into the finer details before the difficulty curve becomes less comfy.

What builds are you guys running and what lessons have you learned?
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cat hood on rando, ramona/wereowl for pp feed, yahna/sorcoress with millenium staff and amber sniper lens, and blindness/debuff res of your choice
nice turn 1 killer

Actually you could do this with any flavor of charged attack, like yunifi's ice arrows if you want to mix some freeze stuff
I had a real fun magicless armour busting combo that I made with just left overs. Was fencer back middle, 2 hammer warriors either side and whatever tank you want in the front. Fencer clears out any dodge tanks and the hammer warriors are seriously underrated.
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>the PC users are all dirty pirates
>release only on console
>it get pirated anyway(on emu)
>HA, we were right!
I may try this. I've been struggling with fitting them in. They seem almost too specialized and don't have enough health/defense to be in the front row.
OP here again,

I reorganized my units last night. Will post here if I've found anything worthwhile. There's a few I'm pretty optimistic about

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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Just go and play Risk then?
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I am curious about why people in the forums seem to hate mission trees so much. I understand if they complained about how the mission rewards got increasingly better over time and all that, but it doesn't seem like that's their main argument. They complain about railroading, how it will utterly ruin the sandbox, about how it is immersion-breaking, and how it makes nations without mission trees unplayable.

But from what I've seen, the vast, vast majority of people actually like mission trees. So why is such a vocal minority screeching so loudly about how their perfect sandbox is ruined by having them in Project Caesar? Can't they understand that 'something I personally don't like =/= something bad'?

Idk, call me smooth brained or a normie for liking mission trees, but it just feels like not having missions in Caesar would be a bad move. It is one of Eu4 and Hoi4's most popular features, and from my experience most people both in real life and in games actually do like to be railroaded and to have a narrative to follow or goal to reach.
The latest dev diary is gonna be posted soon
You guys excited?
If you unironically like mission trees please kys
they could just add an option to disable them, or even better bring back the EU3 mission system so each time you're free to pick the historical or sandboxy option.

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>meant to save gaming
>no thread on /vst/
What went wrong?
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>3 minutes in
How did the ai manage to claim 3 regions then?
Hildebalt can't gain influence that fast.
From the first trailer this game already caught people attention
Tbh i highly doubt this solo dev or way later the publisher have millions to spend on marketing like big AAA studio like the schizos here love to shitpost.
Personally i think it simply nailed the medieval aesthetic really well, like, who wouldnt want to look at a pretty town instead of the hellhole we call modern city nowaday
ai is not playing the game the way you do, hes like those bandits. You are not supposed to contest his every claim, just survive until you could fight back.
i think you can surround the whole map on the edges and it will not break the game but its pointless and time consuming
Mods fucking When?????

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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How would you go about coding maneuverable columns of men in a 2D grid like what we have?
I'd really like to implement stuff such as constraining army movement by topography and/or local food supply.
I think this would slow wars a bit and make operations more sane/interesting.
Right now terrain doesn't matter much.

Plus, this would make village players actually matter somewhat to military mains (for securing local supplies) instead of only being vassalised for map painting / RP reasons.
Besides, (solo) village players have gotten away for too long. Even friendly armies ""foraging"" in their area should bring hardship on villagers. Hostile armies would be much worse.

I'd also like to make population a limited resource instead of settlers arriving automagically so that there would be conflict over population centers instead of wars happening only because of RP feuds / OOC grudges.

To answer your question, this would all be rather difficult to implement with how individual units work now so I'd probably chicken out and abstract away some aspects of those units.
I know it's kinda the point of this game that little is abstracted away, but the unit AI is braindead anyway and they don't add much in RP value for me (except for the physical manifestations of lords).

I guess you could keep those units as they are now, but glue them together into armies for operations.

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>lordships can't automate horticulture or forestry
immersion immediately ruined, game ruined
I did a spreadsheet to figure out what non-extracting business available to my village nets the most amount of difference of price from input to output. I came to the conclusion that if you're buying stuff to refine and then sell the profit margin is a sliver
>the (hay + water) -> cow -> meat and hides pipeline barely makes a proffit
>(wheat + water + wood + salt) -> bread barely makes a profit
>(hay + water) -> horses is a huge net loss
the only refining business that can be reasonably profitable is buying limestone and wood to produce lime. Other businesses require you to own the mines, forestry and farms and to cart stuff manually into the city to produce a sizeable net profit
That's why i stopped building schools in my villages. The villagers' role is to quarry stone, gather wood, hunt. Maybe rarely pick fruit, do vegetables, breed sheep or chicken.

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Why is the ability to blob bad? If you don't want to do it, just don't.
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Yeah just like Rome at Cannae.
Give players the means to enforce ethnic purity and this wouldn't be a problem. But kiked developers never allow this.
The only downside to blobby is AE and magic admin points lost. At least in Imperator you received pretty heavy internal malus from AE, and if you blobby into foreign cultures they will despise you and often rip your gigablob apart from within. It was always funny how in EU4 you could directly annex the whole of France or something with little penalty.
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Fucking blobers man, why can't they just play realistic?
Blobbing and map-painting refer to a when expansion becomes so trivial it's indistinguishable from just literally pulling out a map and a brush and starting painting it your color. I think we can both agree that's extremely boring.
They can, they just don't want to. Because people who want the game to be easy are a majority of their customer base.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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It's the first thing I prioritize when assigning new recruits to training. You can still get lucky hits in with shitty aim, but you need to be able to lift the gun.
Wait, you can PRIORITIZE stat training?
TU > reactions > weapon skills > strength > HP/armor
No, I mean that the peasants with worst strength get training first.
I find armour/HP much more valuable in X-Files. Your dudes arent superhuman and cannot move from hard cover to distant hard cover every turn. Also Solar has better intuitive grasp at balancing the game I suppose.

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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>Left Varamhar sticking in there
Impale her on my thick lance, not an euphemism, by Adean, I will treat her like Vlad Tepes would.
She will give me many strong Half-Orc sons
reminder that if she didn't die she would have bore silmuna heirs
There are multiple races in Anbennar that don’t exist in LoTR bro, it’s pretty clearly based off D&D.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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>reached 70 matk
I did the numbers and he seems like he got to a good point in his growth. He'll do fine.
For reference, most of my slaves end up here: bbplanner.xyz/?name=Slave+FL&perks=kAJIAAIA&stats=001045095032100052037002002&gear=ETALC9EJAAB8ATBuAAAA
inb4 anyone asks why such trash gear, all non-essential stuff is sold to fund the real heavy-hitters, I only keep bandit stuff because A) it doesn't sell for much B) is quick and easy to get and C) it gives just enough leeway to keep them alive until relief arrives
>caravan gets attacked just as it reaches town
>game won't let me leave this screen
all that progress, gone
oh never mind, the game autosaves when you take a contract
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here, take a random BB image i saved for some unknown reason

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How long do you think its going to take before its polished? IMO probably a year at least, perhaps longer if DLCs slow things down and then need to be fixed themselves

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Some of the spirtis should be moved to the starting age, simple as that.

>Reduced Daiymo and Shogun Regional Efficiency bonuses (from 10% -> 5% from Daimyo, and 20% -> 10% from Shogun Innovation).
>Reduced the Samurai Combat Bonus gained when in an Army with a Shogun (from 50% -> 20%).
owari da
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Right now I'm perfectly happy with the state of the game but I really despise the chaos mechanic. Someone else declares war on you, the only way to get them to stop is to take a city, which guarantees you'll get a random negative event in 5 turns max. Very first event I got was a barbarian warlord attacking me, which spawned eleven barbarian warlord units within my borders, if I wasn't playing as the bow hunters I would've just been fucked. Once I can mod conquest to cause zero chaos I'll revisit the game.
Use culture to lower chaos.
Chaos feels like a anti blobbing mechanic gone somewhat wrong. I don't hate it myself, I just wish the interface was better.

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Can someone explain why every version of pdx games gets cracked within a week, when there are like a hundred people at most in the world interested in them, while games that normies actually want to play never get cracked?
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"Generally" if you been lettered by your ISP, it means someone torrenting with you (or specifically their bot) leaked your IP or the site sold you out. ISPs can, generally, only see the main domain you visited and the amount of data going through, so unless it's like a famous pirate harbor they won't know (if they even care). Now most IPs are pooled and switched back and forth by most ISP, so just knowing the IP doesn't automatically mean you specifically are busted (again if they care at all). You could just ignore said letter by plausible deniability.

What would be harder though is denying while your bandwith reached like 10+TB in a month and/or you're already on a shared blacklist as a known seeder (which is apparently common for first sharers). I mean it's a low chance of you getting into trouble now a days with 4K streaming, but you know good opsec is good practice have.
>Shit first world losers have to deal with
>Now also with pajeets and muds everywhere around them
Imagine waking up and shaking in your boots about isp, thought police or bandwidth usage
You’re a fucking idiot
>Yr a bloody bich lasagna basterd benchod
Yeah but i don't have to tolerate bullshit from my nonfunctional government like you and your new neighbours rajeesh
Mostly try to wipe out Russia and Vietnam.

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Dune II thread
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infantry can be pretty good? im pretty sure thats never the case in this game
Troopers have greater range than combat tanks (5 vs. 4) with better ROF (50 vs. 80). A trooper squad has lower damage (5*2 vs 25) but due to range and rocks protecting them from being crushed they can deal with tanks rather well. And their intended purpose is dealing with trikes and quads, which they can do great, and not being impotent and fragile when capturing enemy structures.
Also after the patch they can target air units.
I now realize that the soldier squad is called "infantry" in the game and that you must have thought of that. I mentally only ever refer to them as "soldier squads" analogously with troopers.
I guess soldier squads aren't completely terrible but they are bad, yes.
best house?
i remember seeing the Sardaukar portrait as a kid and thinking they were the coolest
> It's pointless to use infantry there
No? They are vital for blocking some early rushes the AI throws at you and are fantastic for clearing basses since turrets do basically nothing against them.

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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Why the FUCK does this game not run on GFN? REEEEE.
What do you do in kenshi or mountain blade?
Games For Niggers?
it does work though, is it in maintenance or what, I never played on gfn but people are playing no problems
Most major mods require dlc split and Terran for sure. If it's a feature mod like auto explore sat dropping or something simple you can likely get away with vanilla. Personally I have all dlc since it gives all major factions. I didn't like x4 at launch it was like rebirth but none of the charm. Split dlc was good and Terran was the pinnacle dlc for me.
No story. There is no win condition only death.

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How do I make the midgame less tedious? I keep losing interest and starting a new game.
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Put them into cryo. Every map should have ancient ruins/danger or whatever it's name is that have those long before you get to research them yourself.
treat it less like a game and more like a story generator. By that I mean become autistic like me.
>starting a new game
You are playing it right
Tynan has been telling people to do this from the beginning.
Is Anomaly as annoying as it looks?How big of a gameplay impact does it have and does it actually add anything ineresting if I don't care about SCP shit?

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