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This is what they took away from you.
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Suspension is a marketing gimmick
no it's not?
I miss the 26 inch wheel as well

700c road bike or 650b tri bike became standard mtb why.
rollover probably
suspension goes in the seat. via steel springs. anything else is gay and over-engineered garbage.

For those who are sailors, what sorts of books to you take to read while underway?
Read "the eduction of a wandering man" by Louis L'amour. Describes his early life as a vagabond, sailor, surveyor, freight hopper. He lists all the books he can remember from that time. Some interesting reads in there, the book itself isn't bad either.
I have a 2TB SSD filled with nothing but hardcore gay porn

annas archive is a good resource for books

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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is this a ss from that snooker interview where the dude sucks the kids ear?
What's the best way to clean contaminated pads and rotor? Cooking them? Alcohol? Nail polish? Sanding? All of the above?
brake cleaner. who'd have thunk?
the shit they sell in auto parts stores for $4, not some fancy bike-specific brand

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/bbg/ Bike Building General
"I'm not paying Park for a fucking bike stand, or cleaning my shed" Edition.

A place to ask questions, and to share tips & resources. Post your projects, your finished & in-process builds, restorations, etc.

Barnett's Bicycle Repair Manual - https://www.flwlib.org/DocumentCenter/View/2461/Bike-Repair
UCSB Associated Students Bike Shop Manual (2022) - https://bikeshop.as.ucsb.edu/files/2021/08/AS-BIKE-SHOP-WEB-MANUAL.pdf
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info - https://www.sheldonbrown.com/
Bike parts, tools, etc. - https://www.universalcycles.com/


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what do you mean? they're just clamp on dt shifters. look like arx shifters i had once, but i'm sure they're probably cyclone or something based on the rd.
They look way chunkier around the barrel then any other DT shifters I've seen, but that may be a quirk of the photo. I agree they're probably early Cyclone.
This is a bogus claim. I use oxy ace but using oxy propane or literally any other oxy fuel setup gets you there. If I didnt happen to have the oxy ace setup I wouldnt have gone the ace route and would have opted for oxy propane instead because theres not a single reason not to. But alot of upsides, handling, safety, cost, sometimes even law.
So yeah, explain why oxy propane would be inferior for brazing. Protip: You cant.
cut at the correct angle, use a half round file (they are 25 mm and 30 mm here) to get you close and a smaller half round or round file to get bang on. Other than that use anything, ive adopted a shaper and at another time a pantograph copy mill to make it faster and easier work but alwwys followed up with a hand file. Because you got to piss with the cock you have.
>Because you got to piss with the cock you have.

>cycling on sidewalks is... le misdemeanor!
>you should drive on the streets with a speed limit under 50 km/h
name a more braindead law than this, jesus fucking christ
99% of people riding bicycles do it all their life
I am convinced the only reason this law exists is so that the ONE time some cop(s) with nothing better to do blocks your path, they can milk you for fines and report all your personal info to the big brother system

the whole fucking point of a bicycle is that you are not a car and that you can go places cars cannot, but carbrained lawyers the want to regulate the shit out of it for some reason, even in le walkable non-carbrained EU city

fuck I'm so pissed off right now
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The average healthy adult isn't made out of metal.
The average healthy adult will get a broken arm at absolute worst if a bike crashes into them, and spend a month in the hospital at absolute best if a car crashes into them.
The sidewalks in my town are absolute shit
I don't even want to know where all the NH tax dollars are going
You're SO close to getting it but your commitment to defending the official policy positions of the American Automobile Association is too strong for you to ever accept the truth
>non committal non answer

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Hey guys, new bike day for me. I pretty much just ride for exercise but the road bike has gotten a bit boring... So I bought an entry level trail bike and although I likely overpaid I'm still happy for now. Gonna try some easy trails in the next few days and see how it goes. How important is it to have knee and elbow pads? On the easy stuff?
Also how much hate should I expect for going with a trek?
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nice rig. rotate the bars so they have some rise instead of only sweep.
pads are personal preference. i haven't felt the need for them on my local trails, but i will be picking up some knee pads for bike park days.
nobody gives a shit what brand bike you are riding.
>nobody gives a shit what brand bike you are riding

I do. Seeing a trek on trails means that it's time to stop riding there
If everyone you meet is an asshole...
>says everyone he met in the last few days mtbing were nice and friendly
>says meeting roadies were usually d-bags

nah brah your just proving my point. Go troll somewhere else
I've met one or two roadies who seemed like jerks, out of hundreds. The vast majority are friendly and have good manners.

Most MTB people I meet are obnoxious low class boors.

>Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its $1.5trillion plans for a 106-mile linear desert megacity, according to reports, in a humiliating climb down for the kingdom.

>The Line - part of the country's audacious and futuristic NEOM project - was meant to be home to around 1.5 million residents by the end of the decade, with plans to ultimately increase its full capacity to nine million people.

>Now, according to people familiar with the project, the development will only stretch 1.5 miles and house fewer than 300,000 residents by 2030, according to a new report from Bloomberg citing sources close to the project and documents.
Lol it didn't take long to happen exactly what /n/ said would happen.
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Your average amerifat constituent can't even find Saudi Arabia on a map, let alone gives a shit about their petrodollar-funded pipe dreams.
but looks they cleaned the sand half of that distance
Why don’t they just build an actual decent city
Yup. Now they say there's no scale back.
>scale back
that's funny
you mean "abandon"

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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Big red bitch survived the winter. Got to test the Dia-Compe 980s over the winter and they're fucking fantastic. All I've got planned for this year is a derailleur swap to my LX rd and a pedal swap. Hope you guys have a nice spring full or great riding!
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>post your board edition
due to a forced vacation >>1994305
I took my deck out for a spin, it's been a few years since I last skated but I get it now. I'm still clumsy compared to biking but something clicked today. I had this deck for 15 years and always blamed the hard af wheels but it infact was a skill issue. I mean, I want softer wheels but I had so much fun today

I have big things planned, boringbike version 4 on the way, new wheels and tires for the delivery bike, and now I'm throwing around ideas in my head for boredboard version 1, a commuter focused skateboard
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>commuter focused skateboard
yeah nah. 55mm wheels cannot roll over our decaying infrastructure. you didn't overcome any skill barriers in 1 day, you just had some fun.
I was thinking the big ol 75a soft longboard wheels
>you didn't overcome any skill barriers
to be fair, I'm noob tier on a board, before today I could only skate on the smoothest concrete at the skate park and parking lots but I braved it and managed to handle street with my not noob friendly board equipped with 53mm 99a wheels but I'm proud of myself for realizing skating isn't as bad as I thought it was, some of the asphalt though is so bad these wheels can't do it but the sidewalks are adequete. A few times a tiny rock or ledge launched me forward lol I did have fun, I also want froot boots now too but I can't spend any more on toys

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Why does this keep happening?
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Obviously won't happen over France tomorrow due to ATC strike
>I should know, I’m a pilot
you say this to the cashier when checking out groceries, or the UPS guy when he delivers a package, don't you?

i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Those clowns over in ATC need a refresher course on Vitaly Kaloyev.
>i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Thank you for kneeling, subject.

What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
Singapore, but the cycling is terrible

Which is weird because they make really good bib shorts
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unironically tokyo, because of public works programs focused on grade separated highways, and of course their public transit which speaks for itself. for a country that adapted so much good urbanism from the western world their bicycle infrastructure is shit though, close to american-tier.

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Is there anything more soulful than taking a Greyhound bus from coast to coast?
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>fat nigger methhead detected.
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It's was nice back in the day. Too many wild "Youths" aboard today.
Imagine the smell.
Yea me banging your mom
>sovl is when you spend a week in a smelly bus with an overworked driver about to steer you into certain death and 20 druggies that take every coach stop to smoke crack

Thoughts on Comac's C919? Would you fly on a made in China plane?
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Sorry I don't speak anime
The CCP shill replied almost instantly to my post that happened 3hrs after the last bump hahahaha.
You can try to be a little less obvious Zhang, it would help your cause.
Your aircraft will only be sold to third world countries, at a loss, in USD. The world knows what to expect from China and an airplane built to those expectations will never be anything but a total commercial failure.
I'm singaporean, senator
Sorry but even my normie not online friends are talking about how to avoid flying Boeing
I don't know why you're stuck in the early 2000s but China technology level has clearly surpassed Japan in many many areas. Like the only technological lead Japan has over China is in robotics and in niche areas of the semiconductor making process like photoresist.

Also China has a large enough domestic market to fully serve the C919's demand side. Part of the reason why the Spacejet failed was that Japan was having issues with the FAA certification, and there wasn't going to be enough Japanese demand for the jet while they waited for how many years to get approval from the FAA. And most countries would still go with Boeing/Airbus anyway. So the economics didn't make sense

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New Apartments Edition

Discuss transportation, zoning and walkability improvements in your city or nationwide.
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What do you think of Baton Rouge, Louisiana basically splitting into two cities (or rather, its suburbs incorporating as one)?
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Delicious NIMBY tears lmao
I read about that. I assume the suburb will go bankrupt so it’ll just be a good lesson for them to learn.
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Alberta bros how we feeling?
That is the tax base seceding from the uh... "strength".

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3 speed
All you need
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they have shit gear range
>loses 50% of pedaled energy from mechanical losses
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Not quite all I need but makes a nice bar bike that is not too fast.
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Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
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i ended up just putting a teflon tip on the dial
contact point*
will a 20f 24r wheelset be fine for someone who is 130lbs? is getting enough tension using the ping ping musical note method good enough for creating enough tension?
think i will build a set of h+son sl42 with sapim double butted race spokes using miche primato hubs. maybe i'll find a set of used hubs, i dunno yet. trying to keep costs down overall.
I'm running 20f but 32r only because I wanted to reuse my existing rear hub, and I'm 185ish.
pretty sure you'll be fine.
I built both wheels and tensioned them both to match my existing 32 wheels and the 20 detensioned on my first ride. if you run less spokes, they need a lot more tension, it turns out. live and learn. at least I didn't taco the damn thing
>if you run less spokes, they need a lot more tension
yeah that's basically what i understood

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