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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Source on niche Youtube channel focused on societies future and AI

about 10k or less subscribers. Youtuber is a bald, white man, sometimes he records in nature, always has a left side list naming the general topics of what's discussed in the video. His videos contain almost no editing and their lengths are roughly between 30 and 50 minutes of him talking, he uploads a new video once or twice a week. I remember he cited
Whatifalthist in one of his videos as his source on how societies function for each culture. He always goes very deep into his topics and talks in length about the future. He mostly tries predicting what will happen in the future with AI.

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How do you get low cost dentistry in 2024? I'm in the US. Do people really travel to Mexico to get a tooth pulled?
get a job and use their delta dental benefits
Live in a country that doesn't have shitty healthcare.

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Post images/screenshots of the glorious days of ancient 4chan

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What was the red translucent plastic's purpose on old Samsung TVs? I had one for like 15 years and I still have yet to find out why it's there

All I am doing is browsing the internet and have steam open. Tower is barely dusty. Thermal paste was redone a few months ago.
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Perhaps. Have you physically checked whether your computer actually run notably hot? It should be perceptible at this supposed temperature. I doubt it's a faulty sensor, but better to just eliminate all possibilities even if remote.
check the CPU usage first, if it's above 70% you are positive that there is some process eating away your resources. if you know the process, you can adress it by ending it or uninstalling the program. if you don't know the process, there's a possibility that your ocmputer has virus
CPU usage never goes above 25%
Haven't done that but will do so
then i'd bet on problem with CPU cooler

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Why is this webm file size so big despite it's small length and resolution? I'd like someone to try and keep it under 4 MB. Thank you.

The link since I couldn't post it on /wsr/
If you have the original then I can convert it under 4MB but converting that one again will just make the quality worse.
>"board": "wsg",
>"title": "Worksafe GIF",
>"max_filesize": 6291456,
>"max_webm_filesize": 6291456,
>"max_comment_chars": 2000,
>"max_webm_duration": 400,
>"bump_limit": 310,
>"image_limit": 150,
most people use Handbrake but I can't go back after using this one

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Quick question regarding the original LoTGH. Is it true you should skip the narrator intros for your first watch? I heard that some are spoilery and I was skipping them, but I watched the intro on episodes 8 and 9 and it seemed like they were giving important lore on the Kaiser and Empire. Now I'm conflicted. What should I do?
Just watch it as it is. Nearly every single time you come accross these "skip these episodes" or "watch these things that came later first" or whatever the fuck else, it's either convoluted or unnecessary or might make the experience worse. The show was crafted the way it is and the intros are a part of it.

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Looking for gifs of a movie/cartoon car crashing because they were staring at something/someone too hard
why are private cars so easy to break why not make them sturdy
because if the force of crash isn't absorbed by the car, it's absorbed by the driver and/or the pedestrian

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Anyone know if Clip Studio Paint 3.0 is cracked anywhere? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.

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I just saw this and can no longer access my picture collection. What is this and is there anyway I can fix it? Please I can't lose this folder, it has all the pepes I've collected over the years.
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I can still see the folders when I go to the File Explorer I just can't access it. I still have hope that the pictures weren't deleted.
When did you last rename it?
None. I just booted up my PC and I can't access this folder anymore. Weird thing is, only this specific folder has been affected. I can access all others just fine. Its not the Pictures folder from the Documents btw. I made this one in my D drive.

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7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Five threads seems a bit ridiculous dude.
wtf? i didn't make the last two
Did you find it OP? All I know is that it's a SRPG Studio game (but you probably know that too)
>are you a fed?
nta but I actually am, you downloaded your first three requests webms from these threads:

do me (and yourself) a BIG favor and never spam on a slow board ever again.
it's so easy to deanonimize posters on the slower boards, and there’s a lot of powerful individuals watching.

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3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
You could've just made one thread and posted all three, idiot.
that would lower their exposure rate i really need know sauce
We don't care how many threads you have, it's the fact that you are spamming that bothers us
like i was saying i requested sauce
Go to a Wendy's if you want some sauce lol

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Did you seriously just spam the board to kick off my thread?
im sorry i didn't realize i was spamming, what was your thread? i will remake it at the next available quota

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How do you bookmark boards like in this image?
maybe custom board navigation - click down triangle, header, edit custom board navigation - but I never changed it from the default.

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