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Only the brave edition


Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

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Teddy Bulbasaur's videos are the equivalent of r/mfa infographs - bland, forgettable and designed to covertly advertise normie-tier products.
I think you know what I mean
How much does that watch cost? Can you remove the glass mole?
I am a normal guy. Would it be outrageous to spend 50k on a watch?
I never face that problem
>6'2 with 6'7 wingspan

Previous thread: >>18100884

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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Random haul from an antique store lately:

- Some old Stetson. It's more opaque, a bit richer and vaguely peppery, really fantastic and still the same soft feminine floral little lovely guy.
- A discontinued White Linen flanker called "Breeze", turns up the radiance, loses the weighted blanket pressure of original. It's sorta dominated by celery and musk. More fresh and clean which was the presentation of the original even though WL ironically has this kinda funky borderline animalic aspect.
- Teeny tiny bottle of Beautiful, it's so cute it's the size of my thumb.
- Old bottle of green Polo missing the cap.
- This weird bottle of old aftershave called "Dalai Musk", very nice bathroom bauble, gentle lightweight caressing oriental kind of profile.

Store owner said she was gonna raid this old woman's trailer and apparently there's some fragrance in store with that so I can't wait for the next visit. However, in the standard commercial domain, I also got fresh bottles of both Youth Dew and Azuree for my catalogue of classic Lauder's and the works of the titan Mr. Chant. Azuree is quite intense and the Aramis dna is immediately apparent. What's the deal with this Estee Lauder Legacy Collection? I guess I get the desire for a resurrection, but these bottles are 3-Hundo cause of what, the Freddie Malle association? The need to differentiate the good stuff from their contemporary shampoo smells? "Ladies, don't shamble over to that Black Opium counter! Ya ever heard of a little something called Knowing? Yeah um we *never* had it behind the counter at all since the apologetic fountains of Gorgeous Goddess nonsense"

Don't be a reformulation queen, that's the providence of aging women who think they have a special antenna for picking up what is mostly evanescent bullshit.
I have to admit, Gisada Ambassador Intense was a swap out of curiosity, as many have said it smelled like Elixir (which I actually like, h8ers gonna h8). It's just a worse Sauvage Elixir. Elixir mogs it in every aspect.
However, it makes for a good shitposting inclusion.
Not a reformulation queen myself, but I follow actual changes in the ingredients lists, as tracked by some forum autists.

Here's the most recent Cool Water changes:
Until 02/02/2022:
After 02/02/2022:

Most importantly, BHT was dropped (potential endocrine disruptor or cancer risk or something like that). Lyral was dropped (the carboxyaldehyde), as demanded by regulatory changes. Some of the other ingredients swapped places; the place usually stands for the amounts of the respective ingredient in the formulation. Whether or not anything that would be included under "Parfum/Fragrance" was added to make up for the loss of lyral is not known.
I have the perfume for girls
Based, I love SMW. As >>18103852 said, copying it seems difficult. Jerkoff tried it with Mefisto, but it smells more chemical and stronger, which makes it less pleasant than SMW. The drydown also is worse.
31 Rue Cambon, it replaces Moss with Patchouli, so it is a more modern interpretation of Chypre, but still great.
Needs Sauvage EdT
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Very interesting. Thanks friendo.

where the FUCK do I buy clothes from if I'm living in Aus?
>international shopping too expensive
>going in-store is a limited selection
>even then buying anything at all is fucked since AUD is shit
>OP shops (thrifting) is slim pickings
>specialty shops are overpriced as fuck
what do?
You're supposed to max credit card spend and get loyalty points, transfer them to someone for real $
Also get a proper job
>t. Luxury consoomer with only 5 digit salarydoos
>>international shopping too expensive
No it's not. Most places are free shipping for over $100 or if under its only $20

>going in-store is a limited selection
Where do you shop?

>>even then buying anything at all is fucked since AUD is shit
That's a you problem. Shopping at a store like COS in Australia is unironcially cheaper than in Thailand.

What do? Stop being a poor retarded idiot.

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have sex
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Shame, he used to be very good looking
Eh his long hair now mogs his past hair
holy fuck mexicans are gross

When will this body type become popular again?
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Kill yourself modelschizo stop spamming every fucking board
It already is among MtF trannies. Get with the times, grandpa.
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very popular on instagram already, although some of them have started budding.
Its very difficult for obese fucks to get this. When will it be popular? When the average lazy person can take drugs to get it. But is it still sought after? Is it still attractive? Is it still what women want to look like? What men find beautiful. Yes.

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these guys have never held a power tool or had grease on their hands, and it shows. moustache privileges revoked
I grew one because my grandpa has one. Too many weird wish-they-were-art kids have them now so I've grown a goatee to go along with it.
Zoomers try and bring back everything from the past 60 years because they are incapable of independent thought and innovation. Then they promptly abandon whatever style they try because they look like shit and can't figure out that simply aping whatever someone else wears doesn't mean they'll look good.

Zoomies delenda est.
hopefully not
moustache is pedocore.

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/pol/tards go back. /fa/ggots don't care about cuck polcel fantasies.
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"the bad jews" implying zionists are any better than diapora satanists?
even churchill acknowledged both types of your ilk are rats, in their own ways.
nobody except maybe children/teenagers will fall for your desperate attempts to force one to pick a side. i'm on team: total and complete eradication of jews. firebomb synagogues. send ALL jews back to their creator satan. god quite literally commands humanity to slaughter every last kike, the women, their children, the livestock, and to cast the wealth they stole from you (me) into the ocean.
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>Rothschilds are known for..... what exactly
>Supporting both sides of every war in Europe financially regardless of their personal opinions on it
>Barely sent Hitler any money
>Cut off all funding immediately once realized that Hitler was bad for world Jewry
>Narrative falling apart
inbred brain
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Who funded and build Israel? Jews or european zionists? Stop the coping, YOU are the "jew", orthodox jews aren't the bad guys.
The writing is all on wall, stop blaming the jews, idiotic zionist.
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>you must pick a side between zionist and diaspora jews

Is it me or do these flat art school theatre chicks like Zendaya or any post 2020 modern hollywood actress disappear when next to actual hot girls IRL
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Yeah the human body is fucking ugly. You're fetishizing a sack. And, it's not even a real woman in the sack. They've been lying basically. Lol, that's so cool. I'm so impressed at god.
what is it with the jewish girls that make them so hot
YO fucking weirdass LOL

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I got a pretty bad black eye last night and am looking to cover it with makeup for work tomorrow. I’m taking today off to ice it because it’s completely swollen shut, but does anyone have any tips to cover it with makeup once the swelling goes down? Is it socially acceptable for a man to even wear makeup over something like this?

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Is anyone else's closet stylistically incoherent? I think I've fallen for too many -cores. I have tech ninja shit, linen trousers and shirts, track suits, joggers and pull over hoodies, OCBDs, random suits that don't even fit right, cheap and expensive denims. It's just anything and everything at this point.
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This is what I was leaning towards at first but I do feel like each style is "incomplete" like I have to try and finish fits with clashing pieces
But maybe its not just me who doesn't know what they are, but everything and everyone around me. For context I live in a suburb where a lot of the summer wear is tshirts with some sort of phrase or logo and basketball shorts. Its a fashion void, essentially neopeasants. Though I am advancing in my career, I think I'm going to begin leaning more heavily into that office-fashion
Grow out your hair, get jacked
all i have is 'workwear' type stuff that i actually use for work outdoors and a Sunday outfit for special occasions and church. i moved down from the north so i need more hot weather clothes, probably from the western wear store
it sounds like you need to have an adventure or something. good luck bud
it's 2024
at this point all you need is a pull over hoodie, wrangler jeans and cowboy boots
when it's hot change those jeans to shorts and cowboy boots to new balance
>Its a fashion void, essentially neopeasants.
> I live in a suburb
there's your problem buddy
there's nothing worth being a part of going on in suburbs you gotta move to at least a town or something, a small town, whatever. do that and most of my advice still stands, like >>18103756 said, you gotta go somewhere worth being

>I think I'm going to begin leaning more heavily into that office-fashion
good luck.
I'll recommend some good material on that subject:

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Is this a masterpiece of a fragrance? I need someone who has it to tell me, should I buy it
Why are zoomers unable to make small decisions by themselves?
Just tossed the empty bottle yesterday. I wont buy it again, but only because I‘m now 30 and moving on to a fragrance that is less "young".
It‘s a masculine, somewhat aggressive scent and I used it when going out for drinks etc. Not ideal for work. Overall very solid and if I was still in my mid 20s I‘d get it again.

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There are too many ugly people here with bad opinions
bait and gay
>an opinion
So timestamp a pic
How do I get my hair to look like this?

At what age does wearing all black become immature and make you look like a douchey groomer?
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It all depends on your face, if you have that jewish groomer phenotype you'll always look like one.
You say that but your dads cock is in your ass as you scroll /fa
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How can he rescue his reputation from being perceived as a lolcow?
I'm so mad I actually have those cargos hasan is wearing. Whyd you ruin those for me OP?

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how do i be self-confident? 5'6 with pectus, high hairline, thin hair, round head, small jaw, and can't grow facial hair.... i dress well but it doesn't help. what do i do bros....
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is this an evan thread
>work out
>fix your teeth
>realize women are worthless
>lose everything and embrace consequences
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in case you guys are unaware of what's going on here:


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