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Where can I find women in the UK that don’t have orange fake tan? I’ve been using dating apps and every fucking woman has fake tan. It’s the most disgusting and revolting thing ever. It’s like they’re trying to become latinas

Where are all the women that don’t use fake tan? Are they all hiding in wales or Northern Ireland?
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>Where can I find women in the UK that don’t have orange fake tan?
The middle class, but they make up for it by having the most boring, atrocious, conformist and frigid personalities in the history of mankind.
Somebody please tell me why I am seeing this same anime girl spammed all over 4chan lately.
Look two retarded asa fags in one thread!!!!
le anime femcel
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It's a trannie dog whistle, if you use this image it means that you already took your HRT and is close to getting your frontal removal surgery.

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>Graduated high school last year
>Recently got a job as a door to door salesman selling charity
>Been working for almost a month now
>Pay is full commission making about 70 dollars a sale
>Job teaches a lot of skills with the boss teaching us new things every morning
>Can only make about 2 sales a day, sometimes I make one, Sometimes none
>Struggle to find the motivation to keep going
This job seems like it has a lot of potential but I don't know if I should stay with it, Could make more money wage slaving minimum wage but this job has the potential to make a lot of money, What should I do?
if you quit in 6 months, hiw valuable are the skills you will have learned and gotten? if you put it on your resume could you get a good job somewhere else as well?
it's a pyramid scheme isn't it

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how do i be self-confident? 5'6 with pectus, high hairline, thin hair, round head, small jaw, and can't grow facial hair.... i dress well but it doesn't help. what do i do bros....
Go to war. After you've shot a couple of Chads, you'll never feel inferior to them ever again.
i don't wanna kill anyone lmao
Well in that case I am out of ideas. Sorry bro. Maybe try the gym. It may not make you taller or whatever, but it can help outline what is best in your current physique. That can help confidence.

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Etiquette question. Is it appropriate to hug women in a professional setting? I work in news and when my reporter and I wrap up a story after a couple hours of shooting she'll go in for a hug with a guest. If the guest is a man, I'll follow up with a handshake. No problem. But with women, I feel like following up a hug with a handshake feels sort of stodgy or stuffy. I don't really know these women well so I feel like a hug isn't appropriate either. Thoughts?
perhaps only in requital
Half-hugs only and be consistent across genders.
Follow their lead, but if you're unsure just go for the handshake.

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How do i stop craving dildos and just lead a normal, heterosexual life? Im looking for real advice. If you came here to say "nobody cares", or "just accept your sexuality bro" or "it isn't possible", don't bother responding.
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nobody cares
just get a girl to peg you i guess
just accept your sexuality faggot
it isn't possible sissy boy.
are you clean (from drugs)

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I come here for help because I'm indecisive and fucking useless at negotiating.

I want to buy a house to live there AND for lodging. the housing market in my touristic area seems particularly bad atm and I'm trying to take advantage of it with the cash I've managed to save, but the best located properties all sell at, say, 120k and want 100k AT LEAST, but I have 90k in cash, not enough to pay that. also, the cheapest houses have the shittiest constructions, which means I'd have to rebuild from almost zero.
I have at least 3 options right now:
- shitty old wooden house + 700sq.ft. lot for 100k (original price 110k). well located (relatively far from the city center but not by much, relatively close to the beach) for future commercial purposes (or so it seems, the area seems to be developing), but the place itself is noisy and I want a quiet place. would have to ask for mortgage. I guess I could get the owners to lower the price further, but if not, then fuck em.
- big ass 2-story house + 800sq.ft. lot for 130k (originally 150k). construction is solid 1st floor + wood. it's close to the one above but kind of "hidden" and quieter. best one I've found so far but the owner didn't want to lower a single cent more, would have to get a mortgage which scares me. owner told me the sewage pit is right under the house so I fear there might be something wrong with it. no idea who to hire to check that, though.
- old house + 450sq.ft. lot, built from the shittiest materials. close to the town center and VERY close to the beach. 1st floor is solid, but smells humid. 2nd floor will have to be completely rebuilt. offered the 90k, owners want 100k min. there is a small square at its side which doesn't make it too good (some fag said lots of shitty people visit it, drink and even sleep there). there are many other houses being sold in the surrounding area, which seems highly suspicious.

which one would you get if you were in my shoes, and why?
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my parents can do whatever they can to try and take my half of it. they will learn a lesson in how not to treat people if they try taking it from me, though. they made me live a shit life, I'll make theirs hell on earth if they try again...
I'm just not able to do anything with it for now because, legally, I'll have to wait some time. when the papers are signed, my half will be mine, and I'll use it however I please.
I’m liking number two. I also agree that interest is retarded but, it can generate more cash, more fast. If you must get a loan, leave a cushion and only put 75k down. You can kill off the remaining mortgage with profit and throw that cushion at it in a refinance. Instead of simply considering putting maximum money down, use speed to beat the cost of financing. Pay it off in two and a half years. Get the most you can afford. The septic tank is not an expensive issue. It is basically one pipe that funnels all shit into a tank. You can run a new pipe to a new tank in a new hole in the ground and just leave the other. You can pay a kid a hundred bucks to do the work in a day +tank.
Kek what a shit life loser
the 90k would be the money I'd put in the house. I do have more money as a cushion.
I was thinking of putting 85k so that I can pay off the debt in a year or so, but I'll get a long term mortgage just in case

>use speed to beat the cost of financing
what do you mean? getting a short term mortgage instead? that would be a terrible idea, it would leave me no money... were I fired, I'd be in hell

>The septic tank is not an expensive issue
yeah. sewerage is coming in a few years. I'm more worried about the structure and its integrity...
You can pay a 30 year mortgage as fast as you want. The interest is front loaded. If you take twenty tears to pay off a thirty, you already paid all the interest, so pay the principal faster.

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>bf calls me mommy/big sis even though he's 6 inches taller than me, 1 month older than me, and I look nothing like his mother or sister
why tho
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why the violent response
Is it just a sexual thing?
What do you think about that?
he has an incest kink ?

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Even if his view will be mostly accepted, he is simply wrong, reproduction is not a “natural” instinct. Please explain it
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You write like AI and I bet you’re a tranny. You know how hard it is to become a pilot? You need to be smart and understand many things. That’s the wonder of being a pilot, you need general knowledge in everything. I have a lot more perspective than you and that’s what life is all about.
You’re wrong. Maybe just tell them to have sex. That btfos most people here.
Just so you know, I flew my first airliner at 20 years old
What’s your preflight check routine?
What do you mean?
I mostly arrive at the airport, captain and I meet at the paper work place, they give us the operational flight plan and fuel and everything for the flight. I do the walk around then we calculate the necessary things on the electronic flight bag and then we enter everything and boom

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How bad is it really being an adult virgin in the eyes of women? Lets say 25-30.

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guys please tell me how you stopped being a lazy fucker and got ahead in your careers? I do my job fine but I need motivation to study harder and get qualifications for better career prospect but im addicted to youtube.

What worked for you guys?
>guys how do I force myself to grind away at something I really don't give a shit about?!?
gee man i dunno. maybe find something that you care about.

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I always thought I'm supposed to be cold towards women, ignore them, give them a cold shoulder, mean mug them etc.
That this is how you get them to like you. It's not like someone told me that specifically, but I always had this belief.
Is it really that common for losers to think this way? Why is it? I am autistic btw.
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That is the most pitiful lanklet virgin cope I have seen today.
How is it different from
>you think they're pretty
>you want to fuck them
It’s literally the same fucking thing
>just dont be a creep guys
I will always be a creep because I'm ugly, insecure due to it, and failed socialization due to said insecurity; it's never as simple as "just act natural bro :)" when people have the ability to pick up on the slightest weakness in you and write you off due to it
It's genuinely over for me, I lost the game early
This sounds weird, but does anyone else look up their former crush on facebook or instagram once in a while?
Don't worry, >>31158794 is fucking braindead. They cant possibly come up with why they think someone is "pretty". Its like they need the obvious spelled out.

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I have job interview for a sales position as an anti social autist. How fucked am I?
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You're good anon. Not sure why you'd apply for working with convincing people to buy your stuff as an antisocial autist, but it's all right. I love you.
Lets just say the aesthetics do not help at all
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Not fucked at all. Learn from your bosses when you don't know what to do.

You get better social skills and more money the better you get by learning to do sales better and better
Use your autism, become hyperfamiliar with the product in question and use that knowledge to rattle off details. If it's your job nobody can call you weird for knowing it all and caring about it. Yeah you'll still be dealing with people but company policies usually prefer you just stop replying than engage with someone who gets angry. You can work it in your favor.
Work is a larp. You can be a different person.

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I went to a club and two women approached me. The first one introduced herself, I introduced myself as well, and then she walked away lmao.

The second one was really drunk and we danced for a bit, but later she just walked away too. How do I move past the introduction phase?
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I always feel bad for this dude, Iunno if he just works on his forearms and never does squats or w/e but he looks like a chill dude.
why do you feel bad for him? he seems like he's doing fine with women
kek, yeah but getting that reaction from a girl always hurts, even if we don't show it.
They're professional wrestlers doing a bit.

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What do I do if I legitimately don't like anyone?
>Never had any friends (not even in kindergarden)
>lost almost all contact with my father (he's an asshole btw)
>hate my stepfather
>don't dislike my mother, but she doesn't give a shit about me
>most men make fun of me
>lost all non-sexual attraction to women due to resentment
The closest I ever came to genuinely caring about someone was my ex back when I was a teenager, but after we broke up I realized I was probably just a practice bf for her.
I feel lonely when I'm alone but whenever I'm with other people I feel like I'm surrounded by enemies.
Now isn't that an interesting question? Humans are social animals. It's hard for us to live on our own, but when reason and pain suggest that that's better, that's what we do. I have a friend like you. He just doesn't leave the house, and mostly engages with escapist media in addition to working his remote job. I am more or less the same, except I spend my time reading nonfiction, browsing this forum, and doing coursework for my postgrad degree, which I don't really care about, but I gotta do something I guess.
The vast, vast majority of activities that bring humans fulfilment require other humans. If that's not an option, we have to pick out something that can act as a substitute, and stick to that. My friend chose escapism. I chose reading books and scrolling social media. I don't think either of us feels very fulfilled like this, but the problem with dealing with other people is that at least 50% of connecting to them is up to them, and not up to you or me or whoever. A non-supportive environment is impossible to make up for.
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Yeah, but I want to raise a family - if anything, to pass my genes forward.

Stepmom straight up just said not to step a foot in my home again after she found out that I'm trans. I did my best to not let other people find out about that but it still happened. For once I was happy and I was able to live myself for the past 2 years. What happens now? Who's going to pay my tuition? My rent? For my meds? I feel so helpless. For the first time in my life I feel scared.
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Update it’s when basedstepmum tells your dad lol.
Have you considered just not ruining your life for the fetish of the month?
Gr8 b8
>Here's what my step mom said. She said that she will tell my father about me.
Do you think that your father will also react badly to finding out? Or is there some way you can get through to him somehow?

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