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Welcome to /ic/. If you are looking to hone your creative skills, please consult these general resources:

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Do you practice urban sketching regularly?
Practicing urban sketching is the only thing that gets me out of the house, and it has been essential for me to improve my freehand drawing and observation. I usually only carry 3 fine line pens and a sketchbook, but I'm thinking of getting some watercolors. I usually go to squares that aren't very busy, as I still have difficulty dealing with crowded environments.
It's a very positive and therapeutic activity. I used to be very depressed, but when I'm in crisis I always take my materials and go out to draw, regardless of the time of day. I don't think about making beautiful or perfect drawings, I just let the stream of consciousness flow and capture the essence
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i walk an hour every morning around a wooded neighborhood and just recently started taking along a sketchbook, doing few-second street-view gestures as i move past. it rains every day, so i juggle an umbrella, too.
it’s funny how people react.
>pre-sketchbook, they briefly greeted me if my umbrella was closed,
>and frowned if they couldn’t see my face because the umbrella was up and open.
>if i’m sketching in motion or no, cars slow down to rubberneck, and even the most rigid passersby always suddenly brighten and smile like i’ve made their day.
>and even the most rigid passersby always suddenly brighten and smile like i’ve made their day.
It seems like sketching in public does bring a lot of interest. I did it very briefly and secretly like four times in total and once I heard a passerby commenting to another about me drawing.
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I'm so autistic when someone comes up to me while I'm drawing
cute old ladies
very cool stuff anon very disciplined and well distributed hatching, are you using a fineliner? I wouldve lost the patience drawing those windows but youve inspired me to also try to study more environment, I always prefered drawing nature to urban environments but I get the feeling drawing some "artificial" nature my benifit me too

im curious, do you think you could draw some complete scenes out of memory by now?

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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

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drawing done for another thread thats now gone, i figured it might fit here.
not anymore
You shouldn't use AI. That's lame and very small dick energy if you do.
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when you only practice eyes

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Why do beginners and nodraws complain about AI while pros are not afraid to explore new technologies to improve their artwork?
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that's not how AI works you stupid dumb cunt
The fact that there are more and more lawsuits against companies like OpenAI, and the pivot into licensing other companies' training data and paying for it is the funniest thing ive seen.

Obviously there would be no reason at all to buy training data licenses if everything was free to scrape and train your models on. Legitimately retarded AI sloppers who argue for this shit are so braindead I can't take any of this seriously anymore
Pic rel is kinda dogshit. It assumes a lot and makes a stylistic choice.
Thats the thing though, you'll put in more time tuning the prompt than actually painting it.
Besides, any 3d artist who can't read line art with minimal shading is a fucking retard.
Cause they're fucking frauds. The guy is looking at getting investment from some chinks with infinite money who won't hold him liable when this golem folds. And he gets his Lambo plus a cozy house in Dubai.
Time to gatekeep the gatekeepers
But they did scrape everything for free and won all the lawsuits so far, soooo...

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Bye bye begcels ahahahhahahah
see you tomorrow after you run into your next wall
Sure anon, godspeed. Now pyw please, love you kiss kiss
My biggest click in 15 years of drawing was after I started training myself like how AIs are trained. It's all so clear now, I feel like when Neo BTFO the agents for the first time.

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I think most male artists dreamed with drawing batman once in their lives
Is this true for you?
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Nah, I never once desired to draw him or any superhero. Before I got serious about drawing, I would doodle Vegeta.
non americans arent artists. especially bugmen tracers.
Is bugmen a super hero?
I prefer batman but you do you
OP is a faget
moving goalposts

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You're only saying this because you feel insecure about creating something good once and not being able to keep up to those who use your ideas and methods.
Worthless thread
i'm interested in making original art, not xeroxing other people, learning from others is good for practice, but if that's all you do, frankly your art is worthless rubbish and you need to go for some soul searching for why you even do this damn thing to begin with.
art is about deriving from your own experiences and visions to bring forth something from inside of oneself, if you can't do that, bro, you ain't a fucking artist. put some sweat and blood and real pain into it or shut the fuck up and go put your stupid frog up yer own arsehole, lobotomite

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This is a thread for /beg/s and /int/s (there is no /adv/) to share and discuss art.
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I always only draw quick figures, the second I try to draw longer everything looks like shit. How fix?
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I hate drawing

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Has anyone found a crack for Clip Studio 3.0?
The other versions are all on nyaa but no dice for 3.0 so far.
stealing throws your soul straight to hell no matter what religion

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Will drawing 8 hours per day unironically help me get good in 1 years?
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If you cannot read Japanese or Chinese, or have no knowledge of Kanji characters, you will never truly achieve peak skill in drawing.

Your brain is just too fundamentally undeveloped, without the skill to read pictographic languages.

European scripts, and all other alphabetic scripts in general, lead to lower iqs, poorer mental healthy, and all in all and general unability to learn complex, higher order skills such as drawing or painting.
>10 years
Just a a zero there and you will git gud.
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Didn't we have this thread not even 3 days ago?
Welcome to Gabe season buddy
>8 hours per day unironically help me get good in 1 years?
Dave Rapoza studied for 2 years and he drew for 14~16 hours per day. Jim Lee did up to 10.

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It is 2024, and AI Art is now mainstream. The normies on Facebook and instagram love it.
Almost nobody gives a fuck about "AI art is theft", and corporations like WotC, Blizzard, Disney, Anime studios and art studios are now using AI art in secret.
I saw a skinny metro california guy "taking a stand against AI art theft" and it was the most cringe shit ever. Even if img2img is theft, the consumers don't give too many shits.
It was a nice run everyone, but the public has sided with AI, it has won.
We fought, we lost.
Now we rest.
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>It was a nice run everyone, but the public has sided with AI, it has won.
>We fought, we lost.
>Now we rest.
How's the weather in India at the moment?
you can also get any picture ever for free, just draw it bro, right? why do commisions exist then?
Are you just that dumb, the artist is what matters if they resonate with you right? If one of their works moves you, you check out what makes them so unique and distinctive. Why do you think people pay breakers for card opening streams that are overpriced than just buying the card itself. You want the experience and service of that specific influencer/person. Even better if there's a community behind it because you can show it off to the same people who like their work.

What am I getting by paying a schmuck that generates something? I'm paying for the sole result only and at that point, if I can get it for free why would I bother with that

>just draw it bro, right?
Yeah too bad it's actually a skill that takes a long time to develop, so you're not gonna be able to replicate that unless you use AI if you want something in seconds
they thought of that and wrote laws many years ago forcing employers to pay people to work. Most of those laws still apply today.

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>go to art school expecting to do and learn art
>get bombarded with endless essays to write
I'm tired
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writing is another form of art, anon.
>go to art school
that's your mistake for getting meme hobby degree.
Well I've finished my semester now guess I'll use my summer to think it over on whether or not I should continue
Honestly my dilemna almost sounds exactly like yours
I want to go to art school but they said I am not creative enough
Give me ideas for my portfolio and be more creative
what are you going to study you could try tailoring it to that

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I got the idea to use color palettes ripped from album covers as a way to cheat having to pick my own colors, so far its a massive pain in the ass, but a lot of fun. Ive only listened to 3 songs from this album, go ahead and call me a poser and a fake fan lmao, but I love the cover art and decided to have a go at it since i suck major ass at dealing with complementary palettes. Hopefully this thread doesnt die immediately lol, post drawings using colors from album covers, music videos, band posters, etc !

Abstract art is art insofar as cultural institutions say that it's art.

To create art is to create harmony. It is to demonstrate a relationship between the disparate elements of a thing by which those elements all accord with one another. This harmony is beauty.
The way abstract art works is that the artists take a quite random jumble of things, and assert that they are in fact harmonious in some way. This is different than traditional art, which tries to make things actually visually harmonious; it's not creating harmony, it's ASSERTING harmony.
Abstract art is inferior because it relies on the viewer knowing and caring about the assertion the artist makes regarding the beauty in the piece. Generally, abstract art has accomplished this by leveraging institutions (museums, galleries, magazines, etc) to give their assertion of beauty more impact. That's why abstraction didn't really take off until the CIA astroturfed it into existence, by the way. At any rate, once these institutions lose their cultural force, so to do the claims of the artists. If someone who had never heard of abstraction found a Pollock in the trash, he'd think it was some sort of test canvas. It's art that can only exist within a limited cultural context.
This is distinct from art which is too intellectual for the average person to comprehend. Monet wanted to capture the particular character of light, and pursued that goal (showcasing the harmony of light without strict form) intelligently. An intelligent observer can decode Monet's work without knowing anything about Monet, and perceive that value.
Pollocks work, on the other hand, cannot be decoded. Even if it does, as he alleged, create beauty by displaying his subconscious urges, those urges can't be detected by someone viewing the art. If he wrote a description of what he felt he had imparted in a particular painting, the reader would be as informed by the description alone as by the description combined with the painting.
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>still no answer
>Wealthy people tend to have shared values and the common denominator determining influence in powerful art institutions is money
I'm not sure it's that unified. Not saying it isn't either.

For example some rich people upheld Christian values (consider some of the people talking at the "Alliance for Responsible Citizenship", an anti-Davos convention), but you never hear about them in movies or in the news. We only hear about bad guys. Same thing for art: many artists do regular portrait commission for wealthy people, but it's not what we hear about.
The fun thing is that you can research the actual way abstract art came to be and ignore midwit rantings like these
its the price people are willing to trade it for in my case. true or not, abstract art often looks easily recreatable by a common person, thats why valuating it so high seems more like devaluation everybody elses artistic side

I have no problem with the artwork, even if I dont see the aesthetic or beauty all the time I can believe and accept that others do.

I wouldnt mind such pieces hanging in offices or waiting rooms for example, but valuing it so much higher than the best craftmanship is absurd to me, and makes it seems to me like a scheme for untalented artists to get rich and rich people to flaunt their wealth another way
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what, you mean this occurred as a natural extension of surrealist ideas and all the CIA did was pay for exhibitions, cause raw raw American art movement. No no, magic all powerful people who hate us made this.

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How do you go about shading a line artwork?
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the chad stride
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You won't get a response. There's nothing human left there. He was a normal /beg/ who kept getting told to grind gesture until he went mad. Killed his whole family and painted gesture drawings on the walls with their guts. Now he sits in a forgotten corner of an asylum, wordlessly churning out these scribbles, hoping one day the voices stop telling him to grind gesture.

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