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It's uh, it's not looking good. For example.

>6160 Spider-Man: Dresses up to take his wife to a fancy dinner date to have a tense chat with his latest friendemy

>616 Spider-Man: Takes his wife to a date at fucking Chuck E. Cheese.

I'd almost consider this a dig against Hickman's Ultimate Issue 4, except the Free Comic Book Day issue leaked long before the FCBD issue did. So maybe Ultimate Issue 4 was a dig against this instead.

What I will say is that I feel vindicated regarding prior arguments that the lawyer bitch Michelle (not to be confused with the previous lawyer bitch Peter dated named Michelle) wasn't the one on the date with him. It's instead the less bitchy but still bland Shay, who is a nurse at Ravencroft.
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It's the Green Monkee!
Spider-Boy was in gang war.
Did Norman run out of Goblin Serum and switch over to meth?
You mean a tie in book Slott wrote and not mentioned anywhere else?
No, the ending, which Zeb wrote. Bnd boy got his bros back.

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Why did Roger Rabbit fail to become an iconic character?
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>Missing the joke in the post
Any of Jessica?
Still reference? I haven't seen anyone make references to Who Framed Roger Rabbit in years. Think the last time I saw any kind of reference was the OJ Simpson skit from Robot Chicken. To people the most recognizable character named Roger is from American Dad.
He does have that look of the artist trying too damn hard to make a wacky character. Like the kind of parody Waldorf from Drawn Together represented. Instead of just being an animal that was crazy like Bugs, Daffy, or Screwball Squirrel, he was off with the polka dot bow tie, the pants with little color patches and weird hair thing.
I don;t know if they reference the character as much as the setting the movie created with cartoon characters working as actors. And even Warner did that back in the 30s.

Animaniacs did a better job of the whole idea anyway.

Will you miss it? Also, post matchups that you like that aren't shit.
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>captain feminist and dr troon against CHADmite
You have to be joking right? (Btw I single handily changed this boards opinion of batCHAD)
Deadpool lost to Big Head and Doomsday was going to lose
>db uses superman and goku to represent america and japan
> one is a jew and the other is Chinese
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And Batkike never won once while his superboyfriend took all the credit :)
Shut up nigger go back to your owl house thread

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Will it be kino bros?
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I mean does he even have the ability to actually stop movies like this from happening? My understanding was that he does not retain the rights to the movies because of the original deltoro series so he can't actually stop them. Like I know the discworld series got awful adaption after terry Pratchett died, his daughter shit on it too, specifically because while he didn't have the rights the studio knew he would tell anyone who asked him that it was garbage and if he's dead he can't do that
dreamworks used AI in kung fu panda 4 and no one cared
Mike Mignola doesn't get a single penny from Hellboy and instead has to rely on commercial work to get by.
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>Does Yunger have any actual art experience background

His IMDB is wall-to-wall "Producer" credits, no experience as writer, director, or anything artistic. He did a few "lol, I'm in the movie!" background extra parts, the truest possible sign that he's a rich asshole.
This is a producer bragging about how he can fire the entire art department and replace them with a random number generator.
>"This is Mike's fault for accepting the money!"
>(Editor's note: Mike did not accept the money, he has no say in this shitshow)

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Fundamental Paper Education bread?


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Although this is a rare attempt at an interesting topic

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New deel just dropped
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Grimace Jr where art thou
Kiki is Norwood 3, it's over for her
trips confirm
atleast she’s not a curry
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these character designs were so good man, it sucks that we'll never get to see them anymore

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Thoughts on Mabel Pines?
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girl of my dreams. no one fucks like mabel.
10/10 design 0/10 voice
lies, her voice is the SEX voice
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why boner

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He had a pilot for Nickelodeon that had enough of a demand for it to be a show. Only to rip off from various anime that only people born the 80s heard of, what the hell happened with his career?
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I wonder if anyone else brought this up, I never heard of this.
I can’t hear shit and 3/4’s of it is about some random KF teen and not Kyle.
no subtitles?
Never had a decent career to begin with
The industry doesn't want show off, they want someone who can consistently make something passable even if its mediocre, being actually good is just added benefits, welcomed but not required. All the animation goes to Canada or Korea anyway so actually being an artist is not important.

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Maybe we could see them older someday
I want its sequel to be like its characters, imaginary.
>Planning Mac's birthday party
Now this is sexy.

I'm partial to either Adult!Mac X Cougar!Frankie or Adult!Mac X Adult!Goo

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Sari’s the best, she'll surprise with her grace,
Sari’s the best, she can beat monsters!
Sari’s the best… even if they were her friends....
She’s tough enough to save the day!!!
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How do you search Newgrounds for artists offering commission?

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Bubblegum thread
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never really watched adventure time past the first season of it when I was a kid while it was airing, though I really do like the fat art of bubblegum and marceline, is watching it in its entirety worth it?
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while i generally prefer the earlier seasons, i recommend you partake in viewing the show in its entirety at least once as there are a few good episodes later on here and there, such as apple wedding and princess day.
Show butt
preferably naked
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Couldn't agreed more.
How would Finn handle Eranikus the Green Dragon of Nightmares?

Will you be buying?
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Don't you have a tiny list of nepotistic credits to suck, Grabenstein?
Hey Bryan
I feel like there's simply no fucking way an animation or comic is going to come close to how incredibly well done the movie was. The video game references were better seen animated than static and cringe on paper and Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Aubrey Plaza are hot as all hell and Wallace was awesomely gay when their portrayals in the comic were kinda shit.

Like for fucks sake there is nothing visually redeeming about the original art style, don't fucking burden the animation with that dogshit especially when the art can't compete with the live action. Make the art at least try to excel beyond the live action.
>I feel like there's simply no fucking way an animation or comic is going to come close to how incredibly well done the movie was
The movie was highly experimental and it shows. Some of it works perfectly, a lot doesn't. It's also really dragged down by Cera's casting, and almost warped into a totally different story by virtue of the way he plays the character.

The style of Takes Off is fine, and there's obvious appeal to the original art and the Paul Robertson art. Animation is vastly better suited to the task than live action.

Now that the dust has settled, what was the point of the lesbian plot line again?
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Seems probable considering it not only was never brought up again we never had Mariner and Jennifer interact in the next season. The plot served its purpose and they were done with it.
DEI. I can't believe you faggots actually believed Mariner and Boimler where ever going to be a thing.
Watch your mouth because it still could be. Hopefully it won't because she's a fucking disaster and he can do so much better.
It was hot.
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Nah, she's a lezbo and a lezbo she shall stay. Kurtzman Trek would never be so based as to have a guy dick down a dyke and make her cock crazy.

>I rolled a d20, you are now under my complete control.
Who's this?
Names Marcy, but you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity.
Ah, a cartoon I didn't watch. Gotcha.

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