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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Previously: >>92656911

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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Thoughts on this classic EDH kinomaster in 2014? I'm thinking of making a fair edric flying man tempo deck with no infinite bullshit and no Kinnan faggotry. How does he do in the current meta of cards WotC pushes for EDH?
>running mana fixers in the color that the mana is being fixed for
are you retarded
It has a drawback, only hitting nonbasics, which more than makes up for the fact that it can't be shut down with a tap. In addition, and more importantly, hitting nonbasics is based. I'm only sad because I can't grab it with Trinket Mage.
What does it matter if homarid type would get removed then?
What would it matter if zombies, skeletons, vampires and so on would get blanket type update all into undead?
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>What would it matter if zombies, skeletons, vampires and so on would get blanket type update all into undead?
holy fuck what a retarded take

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Sisters Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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Find a kid with a hot single mom, bang her, give her the models.
What makes you think that space marines wont change their tactics when they fight another enemy?
Are you dumb?
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Heavy Bolter go BRRRR
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>take land raider
>use it for space marines, thousand sons, generic chaos space marines, blood angels, deathwatch
>don't change the paint, just have a little chaos icon or death watch icon you put on it
>do this with other vehicles like predator
>half the army is shared with other armies
GW hates this.
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>What makes you think that space marines wont change their tactics when they fight another enemy?
They can and will, but their enemies will adjust their tactics to fight Space Marines as well, and it won't be the clean flawless victory they had there.

Are same sex couples tolerated or actively persecuted?
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Lesbians have been boring since 2014
That's because they're not written with straight guys in mind but as self-inserts or boxes to tick by modern writers.
It doesn't exist (except for opportunistic and/or sadistic cases of rape and sexual harassment). The gods created mortals to procreate and multiply.
Game set on Earth in the future, population is 15B and climbing. So gays are more welcome than anything, as they slow down the planet crowding.
no its because they are boring

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>setting is supposedly a European medieval fantasy world
>town guards
>snobbish, arrogant nobility
>bastards are not acknowledged, shunned and disinherited
>nobles who marry commoners automatically forfeit all titles and become commoners, even royal heirs
>there is a town jail
>certain crimes require a time in jail, but not execution, simply paying a fine isn’t enough
>there is a magic shop anyone can enter and buy things from
>feuds don’t exist between nobles, only wars and duels
>there is an eternal inner peace in the kingdom
>the king has legal dictatorial powers over everyone in his kingdom and even nobles are at least de jure required to do everything he says
>every single commoner has to be polite and submissive to every single noble
>no real identifiable national identities, only different accents
>civilians usually aren’t armed and are harmless
>mercenaries are individuals and not part of a company

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How can they crawl up your ass if they're dead though
Zelensky won’t fuck you for this one, bro
Do you have more info about this so I can research it more anon? I'm interested in Norway during this period
A railgun isn't listed as a throwing weapon, so no, unless you're using it as an improvised thrown weapon.
>all of that shit

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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is there a repository for the young adventures guides. Anna had a few but not all.
Looking for "Perils & Princesses". Thanks.
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Does anyone have the english copy of gurps Is supplement?
It's called ring dream second edition

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Pundit's Prissy Pole Plus Parchment

SS /file/0oyins

What is the most "videogamey" system you've played? Did you like it?

The thread I pushed off the 10th page is a 40k thread.
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We had a fun/meme one-shot in the skyrim system (dont remember if that was official or fanmade) and the DM included all the funny and weird quirks of the videogame like putting a bucket over someones head so you can rob their house without them noticing, horses being able to walk up almost anything and sometimes NPCs glitched out. It was absolutley hilarious but personally maid rpg was better for the funny oneshots.
Peak 3.5 Brain. Where’s your rules for quantum tunneling?
The difference is the GM, the GM handles what the rules don’t cover holy shit
So a real TTRPG doesn’t exist.
They’re all video games.
Lmao even
Shadowrun 5e, and yeah, it's fun. Hellish to track if you don't buy hits on big pools though.
My take on the sleep problem:
Coup de Grace exists in 4e, it deals an autocrit.
Yeah that’s 1d4 base damage on a farmer with no experience.
He’s got 6 seconds in a stressful combat situation.
Just because the player says „I cut his throat“ doesn’t mean that happens.
Just like „I strike him with my sword“ which is 1d8+str damage doesn’t behead the enemy. It might just glance off. If the guy now KILLS the ork with that attack? Yeah he beheaded the guy.
Same goes for the throat slitting.
Let’s say the Bandit lord Is KOd, he’s out for probably 6 seconds because chances are due to his physique he gets a + to saves.
So my groups daggermaster rogue coup de graces him, this guy is trained with a dagger. Chances are with an auto crit he does something like 50 damage at least which might kill the guy. In this case he clearly cut the guys throat, or if he survives he’s got another 50 ongoing damage so he’s bleeding out in 6-12 seconds which sounds reasonable to short compared to what would happen IRL.
Remember kids, the rules aren’t in the way of us telling a story, the rules are telling us what’s happening in the world.

If you cut someone’s throat and deal 1d4 damage, chances are you didn’t actually cut his throat

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Reading up on FTL travel in a handful of game systems so far I have seen it in one of three methods
Method 1: The handwave method. This one I've seen more often than I like, even in systems that aren't narrativist trash. While activating the FTL drive may have a complication, ultimately it's the magic "get us to the next plot location" button.
Method 2: The bad at math method. This one I have mostly seen in 90s and early 00s RPGs where they say shit like we're moving 2 times the speed of light!
Not realizing how fucking slow that is for an intergalactic campaign. Even better when they say that's only attainable outside of the gravity well of a star system.
Method 3: The autistic method. This one I see mostly in homebrews, where it's about acceleration factors and maximum shielding. Potentially the best but also requires having a calculator ready, heavily reducing its usefulness if your campaigns aren't on rails.

What methods have you seen? What are your favorites?
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yeah, this or some other alternate/warp space tend to work well while decreasing the chance of running into the problem of creating a kinetic bomb of arbitrary momentum that can destroy anything up to and including a planet
It's all handwaving.
How do you want to wave your hands?
What do you want the setting to do?
What kind of stories do you want, and what types of characters do you need to get them?
Multiple galaxies as a setting element can be pretty fun. You don't even NEED to use autistic levels of worldbuilding. Random generators and a more casual playstyle can work wonders.
>Random generators
I've been trying to find suitable random generators for a space opera game with random quirky worlds.
So far I have found generic SciFi ones, Starfinder, and Solar Blades Cosmic Sails, and they're all lacking.
FTL performance is pretty flexible at a system level.
You can find something you're comfortable with and make any changes you want.
Most times ships are only going from A to B unless you want them to fight or break down

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqyw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92656416
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>completely antithetical
That's a pretty high bar. Off-hand, I'm not sure of any setting that completely rules out an occult mystery premise.
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i figure there might be some completely mechanistic take on it somewhere out there, but i think my point is made
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I don't know who I am, all I know is that I must kill demons.
The Punisher
>Starting Location
13 - Floor 137 of a Skyscraper in Dubai
Advanced Combat Training
Divine Insight
Hammer Space
I want to know about what I face
>Guard Dog
Can't go wrong with a good doggo
Mastery over matter and space? Hell yeah.

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Work in Progress, "Potential..." Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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>yfw I literally did start with an airbrush, work up from cold greys and panel line with a blue wash
>and it still looks like a ten year old slathered it with White Scar straight from the pot
All things considered it would be worse. Given the amount of detail that tends to be on Infinity miniatures it is pretty easy to get demoralised thinking it looks bad. In reality though just getting clean base coats on the thing and giving it a simple wash is decent enough until you learn proper layering and highlighting.

Are those all metallic paints on there though? Or given you were attempting something with a drybrush earlier is it contrast over a zenithal prime? Or both?
Don't know what you tell you mate, I can't really see any directionality with the shading/highlights. So if you did have that to begin with after the initial airbrushing you have managed to lose it during your layering. It might be a result of the light, angle, and level you took the photo at, but otherwise your overall tone is too bright for the highlights to stand out. Maybe try glazing some gray over the surfaces with it concentrating more on lower surfaces? Or maybe things will even out once you have some weathering on it?
Really it's just that I was being sloppy as fuck in poor light away from home/most of my stuff, so what started as quite a nice base for armour ended up getting 'fixed' into oblivion with a pure white. I'll try and save it but if not, learning experience blah blah
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With some added chaotic bits and some chains and a fresh coat of primer they look a lot nicer already.

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This is how I halfling paladin.
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The purpose of the Paladin in this scenario is to weakening the opponent long enough so the clerics can just cast the Cures of Yondalla.
This is just newspeak for "I'm projecting and want to feel validated!"
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This is how I Party Face
Well Paladins are just less-capable Clerics so it would make sense they would be the -3 str class of the two.
Based and Murlynd pilled

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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Worried, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Did I miss something? I thought endless spells are still in the game but are just more interactive now. I guess them being free is...something I suppose but overall in an actual game it seems to be fine.

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>players get floorplans of the heist location
>security includes electrified fence
>party face goes to case the joint
>leans on fence to chat up the security guard
>security guards rush Face inside to give Face medical attention
>Face is now on the inside...
That WOULD be really smart, but he was already on the inside, since he had fake ID that got him through the front door. He was literally just chatting up guards.

In hindsight, it did give him an opportunity to ask the guards "what other dangers should I know about" as a joke, but they told him, so he got the info nonetheless.
And 15 years later, the two still fondly tell their children the story of how they met.
He did get the guard's name, and made a point to schedule the heist at the same time of day in hopes that he'd see the guard again...

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
"The word cloud lies" Edition
Previous Thread: >>92646764
52 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
Very interesting...
That's what the rules say, unfortunately. They require literally every single sigil connected to them on the left.
That's sooooo bad.
tbqh, those abilities are pretty busted. Parasitology is potentially a limitless army of 40-50 point monsters. Mageweaver is 3 (or 4 if you manage to boost it) ally mages with Xuth level spells. You could buy out the entire tree and do nothing else but still be an extremely strong build.
>Parasitology is potentially a limitless army of 40-50 point monsters
...that have no inclination to obey you except wanting to return being human and being killed by you. Betrayal at first opportunity is likely. You must get Fallen Peace powers to control them. Granted, it's something you're likely to get anyway, either by yourself or a minion, if you're running a minion build.

>You could buy out the entire tree and do nothing else but still be an extremely strong build.
Mageweaver is the strongest power in the cyoa, but it's not *that* powerful (unless minion looping, but that's an exploit). Just the Bitter Dissatisfaction tree can't compare to a full build, but it is strong compared to the average mage.

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