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Picking up chicks edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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>You've created a fate that affects the civilians as well.
In with:
>Adult Shirabe is going to be the Vega-type bombshell warrior-mom of Symphogear NEXT.
Heck, her weapon of choice is even the yo-yo!
But Kiri would die from oppai overdose, it's like the starving WW2 prisoners that suddenly ate a bunch when released and died
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What would Kirika's reaction be upon meeting booba shribble?
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She needs 'Cool Hands'

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Previous Thread: >>22604112

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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Just wait until Foundation X makes greyed out Clone Chemy.
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Bring back fem-Glare!

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Second batch. Done in joint with /m/subs, as always, read their writeup as well.



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New enemy “Nexeed”:
A space plant that floats through space and devours planets. What they seek is nutrient-rich soil and water, and they fly to the solar system to sacrifice the earth for the next bloom. Galfa's new enemy, ``Nexeed,'' is a gigantic parasitic plant the size of an asteroid. As they float through space, they find and devour planets that provide food for them, rich in plants and animals.In terms of the cosmic ecosystem, they are humans' natural enemies. It is centered around one giant mother tree, consisting of two types of solid bodies called ``plant bodies'' that look like plants and trees themselves, and ``katsudo bodies'' that take the shape of humans who become soldiers to drive out foreign enemies. They are a simple and highly complete national society. They are not evil beings themselves, but their normal life activities are incompatible with humanity.
This is not the first time they have fought against human-like creatures, as they have long lifespans, emotions similar to those of humans, and high intelligence.
They were aware of the existence of Dendoh, Oger, and the seven data weapons, and took a certain plan against the two Gears.

Space Pirate Castanea Heath:
For Nexeed, who desire healthy soil, Alktos, despite its rich appearance on the surface, is not a target for invasion because the planet's interior has become mechanical. With Earth as their goal, they use GEAR's visit to Alktos as an opportunity to plan to contain the two major Gears. During the several weeks it takes for Nexeed to capture a single planet, they send an assassin to Alktos to pin the two Gears to Alktos. Space Pirate Castanea Heath, who is a human but joins forces with the Nexceed, who can be said to be humanity's natural enemy, and he uses the Gouren, one of the seven lost Great Gears. We are finally starting to organize ourselves as a country. Alktos, which was trying to enjoy peace, is once again attacked by war.
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Main Characters:
Shuji Tsubaki: the main character of the story and a 5th grade elementary school student who attends Tsukikage Elementary School. Although he is an excellent athlete, he tends to be isolated and tends to do everything by himself. He is the type of person who cannot take action unless he is convinced by logic, and his personality is quite stubborn. He becomes the pilot of the heavy GEAR fighter "Flame Talk".
Paul Gallagher: Shuji's classmate who just moved next door to the Tsubaki family from Hoshimi-cho. Although he is a crybaby and timid, he is very curious and surprisingly active. He pulls Shuji, who is cautious and slow, around. He is selected as the pilot of the air combat GEAR "Wingroove".
Shigeru Kai: A sixth grader, one year older than Shuji and the others. He is the hated upperclassman at school who hangs out with his friends and bullies the weak. He has a dog-monkey relationship with Shuji, who stands out among his lower-class students. He was later chosen to pilot the underwater GEAR "Wavelade".
Yoshimi Kato: A 5th grade elementary school student who attends the same school as Shuji and his friends. She is a mysterious girl who is always protected by a black panther-shaped data weapon. She has a quiet personality and is somewhat shy. As for her, let me state this first, but she didn't fall from space.

Secondary Characters:
Sarah Gallagher: Paul's older sister, a second year junior high school student. She is also a former classmate of Eris and serves as her support in Tsukikage Town. She has an unfazed personality and is quite natural, and although she lives with British parents, she was born in Japan and her English skills are poor.
Tomomi Kai: Shigeru's younger sister and Shuji's classmate, unlike her brother, she is a solid person. However, thanks to her hated older brother, she is kept at a distance from her other classmates, and she does not even speak to Shuji.
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Secondary Characters (cont):
A mysterious ninja who appears out of nowhere when Shuji and his friends are in danger. He uses a variety of ninjutsu and coordinated attacks with the data weapon "Silver Owl" to compete against the enemy's combat mechs.

Illhim: One of the three battle commanders in the Nexeed movement. He is the youngest of the three and has a very serious and direct personality, and he himself goes into battle in a battle mecha, and views Shuji's GEAR "Flame Talk" as his rival.
Zera: She is one of the combat commanders and is a rare female type among active groups. She has a habit of enjoying battle, and is combative and cunning. She leads the cyborg insects and takes the lead in the first battle of the Earth invasion operation.
Ukfurt: He is the oldest of the combat captains and has been around for nearly 1000 years. Contrary to his strong appearance, his actions are delicate and faithful to his duties, and he is also a supporter of the two young men.
He is an old friend of Heath.
Castanea Heath: He is a cyborg who has lived for over 300 years, and is a bodyguard of Nexeed even though he is a "human". He is also the pilot of "Gouren", one of Alktos' seven great GEARs.
Ouju Deripel: When Nexeed invades Earth, he infiltrates Alktos alone to stop Dendoh Oger.
Hiki, a Nexeed who has lived for tens of millions of years while devouring many planets, and the king of his clan. He came to the solar system to sacrifice the Earth for the next flowering.
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Mecha (returning):
Name: Gear Warrior "Dendou"
Affiliation: Earth>GEAR, a secret agency under the banner of the United Nations
Pilots: Ginga Izumo, Hokuto Kusanagi
Specs: Reversible, versatile, no fixed equipment
Data Weapon (DW) Phoenix Yell (Akatsuki Odachi)
DW Unicorn Drill
DW Leo Circle
DW Dragon Flare
DW Gatling Boar
DW Viper Whip
DW Bullhorn
Misc: It is the last of the seven major gears of Alktos, and is the only gear that is compatible with Galfa's anti-program.

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Mecha (new)):
Name: Heavy Gear Warrior "Flame Talk"
Affiliation: Earth>GEAR, a secret agency under the banner of the United Nations
Pilot: Shuji Tsubaki
Specs: Three seats (one pilot), semi-universal type, equipped with plasma booster
Weapons: DW Wolf Spartan, 30mm 5-finger Vulcan, 4-finger linear gun x 2, fire string
Misc: It was the first of the 7 major Gears to be built, and it is also the gear that is most likely to be used as a weapon. It has a unique amplification device called the Plasma Booster and boasts the greatest power and destructive power of the seven, but on the other hand, it is the largest and heaviest, so it lacks maneuverability and has low flight ability, so in fact it can be said to be used exclusively for amphibious warfare.

Name: Gear Striker "Win Groove"
Affiliation: Earth>GEAR, a secret agency under the banner of the United Nations
Pilot: Paul Gallagher
Specs: Single seat, air combat type
Weapons: DW Falcon Slicer, Flash Lightning Blade Attack
Misc: One of the first generation Gears created in the next generation near Flame Talk.

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Step aside WIMPS!
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can't catch me, feddie fuckin shits
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I got your six my dude, lets show them what we got!
zudah, wouldah, couldah -- but didn't.
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step aside everyone

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>Mecha is a genre primarily centered around asians driving vehicles.
>their rides inevitably get totaled.
>american goes 5 minutes without being racially motivated challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Have some sense of humour, D*el, you slant-eyed sack of shit.
>Asian AND female
Funnily enough whenever a female character from the big three (79,Z,ZZ) got into the main Gundam usually in a aggravated emotional state, it always was nearly destroyed somehow

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Lost Stories 2nd anni on 5/17.

Previous thread: >>22553086
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Cool, I don't play the game so you're more qualified for this stuff
There's now way Rozé will be worse than Akito, even if the explanation for the classic characters not intervening is lame. Rozé actually has a personality and Kaguya isn't a houseplant like Leila was.
I really hope the next poll is a good one. Original KMF is already cool, I don't know how they top it. But I'm fine if they repeat custom/original as a poll.
We don't know how original Marianne's KMF is gonna be, could be another Mewdrad or something completely unique.

Doing more original KMF designs is a must as R2 is ending and we don't know if they're gonna do OZ/O2.

I tried, I really really tried, god knows I tried but this game is so fucking boring.
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Nta but even if the story is filled out with stuff that didn't need spelling out, I still found it interesting
Yeah a lot of it didn't need to be there but I was invested enough in the characters and how the world worked that I didn't mind it
Mind you, I first played the game when I had nothing else going on in my life and it was kind of the only game I was playing so I had a lot more time to just take it in and see what happened next
The only filter in this vidya is the quest progression.
I got stuck in the forest, then I got stuck in the cave, then I got stuck in the base, then I got stuck in the kingdom and then I dropped it.

Having to talk to every npc 5 times to find some arbitrary detail about opening some well or be gameplay free is just not my kink.
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Don't you like how Gears is like the one game that stands to adapt the best if it got a HD-2D remake yet Square sits on it?
But I believe the only reason Square didn't do any sequel/prequel/remake is because without Tahakashi it'd be so different to the point of not bothering at all, just pick a different IP or make a new one.
>captcha: AGVN (angry game video nerd)
Look, they didn't do FM in the style, they aren't gonna do XG.
Now, why they haven't activated the infinite money singularity that is Chrono Trigger in that style, that's a real mystery for the ages.
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No mystery. Overrated game and more importantly Squeenix doesn't see profit for this.
The PC port had a bad start but got good after some updates and is now seen as the "definitive edition" anyway

See fucking thread name
It's like Valken but better and with more autismo stats

Get it now
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Dunno why you are crying to me when the anon above your other post was asking for the ISO already.
some people will always pirate and never planned to purchase in the first place. at least he is honest
Again, I don't have anything against you personally, wait for sale or something, game won't go anywhere

But I do think that endless chase for "value for money", "amount of content" and them being "new", when buying game resulted in worse games being made in general.
Especially today in oversaturated market.
Like no one can make game with limited scope for niche audience and actually be in black. Because their game is not "20/40/60$" material via some imaginary standard.

In this case game first time officially released in english, which is alone more than our happy 65% community could ask for.

thank you for reading my blog.
The cost of production was covered 20 years ago, this is as bare effort of a release a company can do. The Leynos remake which actually took some effort to make from like 5 years ago is $20 for reference. This rerelease is just a quick cashgrab and should be treated as such. As said, I'll support the game when it goes on the deep sale they've already set it up for with that $25 price tag. $5 is a perfectly reasonable price.
You underestimate how much it costs to translate and port this shit.
Not to mention securing license.
But I guess we'll not see eye to eye for it. Let's just disagree and not clutter the thread anymore.
I just sick and tired of people treating games as worthless items not worth anything ever.
Especially that for these 20$ today you hardly can buy as much as you could 20 years ago.
I honestly do believe that this race to the bottom for game value is the reason we don't get that much of good things anymore. Like FM remakes exist precisely because no one but cheap polish subcontractors can make game that cheaply so game sales can cover development costs.
Can we have more of that Saturn recovery works?

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A containment thread about the non-dictatorial world of synchtubes. Dorkly's mog-rog streams of Fridays (along with other specific channels he host). My PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film subplanting Dorkly's Tuesday schedule, and Agguguy's MGRnR200X on weekends occasionally.
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Refresher stream starts in 2 hours.
We've begun.
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The channel is wideamari.
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 17
Girls und Panzer OVA 5, 6
Girls und Panzer der Film
Preshow begins at 7:27 Eastern, with a look at America's answer to the Maus.
Preshow now!

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Its not bad but it also wasn't lighting the world on fire. Gameplay is very "fast", so if you are one of the peeps who likes his AC games with lots of weight to them, you'll feel betrayed. Also ironically, yes, this and AC6 kinda went in similiar design directions.ddkgm

Fun gameplay.
Bad story.

I got a few multiplayer games going which was nice.
>Bad story
The "story" is way, way too random to be called as such.
However, still looking forward to the game as well.
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Wasn't the Switch already too taxed by this game? Is there enough power left to squezze a sequel in it?
The story's just really, really undercooked. I'd call it unfinished, almost. It's like the skeleton of a story, but missing everything else. That being said the game itself is really fun, if unpolished. Both of those things are why I look forward to whatever sequel they're doing, if it's improved all-around I think it'll be really great.

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So seeing how Armored Core 6 and the Front Mission remasters went what do you think the future looks like for /m/ games? Is more mecha even viable within the current video game industry?
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This. Kiting builds are extremely good and whittling down opponents without depending on stuns.
You really hit the nail on the head with 'optimization autusm' lmao. Some people find optimization fun intrinsically for the process, others extrinsically for the result of a super effective build. Other people optimize to bolster typically less-effective builds. Others still will literally just slap shit together and go ham.

Then you have retards who will optimize their build just because their ape brain compels them to. They dont even enjoy the process or the end result, they just sperg out about how the game is bad because it 'forces' them to do xyz.
The only thing AC6 proved is that normiefags are filltered by raw mechs.

Immersive and cluncky gameplay has to be scrapped in favour of cinematic expirience and gorillion eva refrences, which defeats whole purpoes of the game being mecha to begin with.
Pop culture strays from anything that is an extension of male hobby.
Is the Front Mission remake a decent way to play it? I played a bit of the DS version when I was younger and liked it enough but I don't think I have the cartridge anymore. It's like half off right now so I'm tempted to get it, but I have like four other mecha SRPGs to finish (SRWs V and 30, G Generation Genesis, and Relayer).
clunky is not immersive, and AC6 was as far from a sony movie-game as you could get

We are currently in Golden Week for GBO2 for console. A good time to enhance any of your favorite MS with bonus hanger and banners which grant you extra mechanic tokens and mod kits.

The new MS for the week is one handmade by Scirocco which is part of the Valpurgis Plan and is has the power of the Curse of Gryps which ended Scirocco's life, Over.on has arrived as the next 4-star MS.

On stream we are in the 1st Anniversary Celebration pre-event with special step ups and an MS request campaign event. The new 4-star MS is Perfect Gundam Perfect Gundam [TB] with Zeta Gundam 3A Type as the next MS.

GBO days will also arrive for the usual first week of the month.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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>supafupa AND Bluesayo on my team at the same time
I shouldn't have had as much hope to win as I did (zero).
fuck off
It's a gerobi but not a meme beam if you ask me. It's actually a practical weapon.
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perfect gundam? lol.
Ecelebs? More like special eds.

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Fumo, fumo!
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I want new season
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I do too, but what studio would ever touch the rest
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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:
HG Huckebein Boxer info

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Anyone would look like a Saint compared to the other factions in CE.
Prove it.
They said they already stopped using letters
SRW 33, 34, or 35 as the next mainline title.
If I want to make a Doom inspired SRW what series should I use?

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