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Do you like him?

-Target exclusives The Rival and Cassandra Cain Batgirl in stores and shipping now
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack up for preorder
-Ambush Bug, repaint Mr Freeze and Booster Gold (Future's End) went up for preorder
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers showing up in stores

Previous thread >>10963889
Why is the new thread dead?
no breaking news, my jla wave hasn't shipped, the first couple days of the work week are busy, the trolls are sleeping

Old one fell off, so I'm stepping up.
Company status:
Joytoy: thriving!
McFarlane: hanging in there
Bandai: they're still around!?

Let's keep it to the toys, and no lore.

Thread question - is there a repaint that you'd really want, but hasn't been done yet?
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The weathering (of which there isn't much and it's inconsistent) is just thrown on there to distract you from the fact that it's a $50 "Megafig" that's barely bigger than their normal figures, and has next to no paint. It's an embarrassment when you consider gloriously huge and paint slathered figures they released just a few years ago, like Violator.
Relative to what? The line scales extremely well, you can get into it at nearly any price point. Yes, there are super complex figures for like $60 each, but basic Intercessors have gone for as cheap as $16-17 shipped. That's like $10 less than a Marvel Legends, and it includes shipping.

Learn to use Ali, learn to stack coupons and coins and wait for events, and you will soon be getting some good deals. Even checking in daily nets you like 20-40 coints (cents), with bonuses for repeated daily checkins. They don't let you use all your coins at once, only a small percentage, but it's still free money, and it's nice to get a little knocked off the top. Oh, and compare prices for your item from every major JoyToy store on Ali before purchasing, and then you can pick the cheapest one, or the one that offers the most store perks.
Alternatively, get into the ecosystem at Gundamit/ShowZ. Every thanksgiving they sell memberships for like $5 ($10 normally), which is the cheapest way to get in. With a paid membership, you get 3x the points, and if you buy your stuff from there, they add up quick. You can also get points there for commenting.
Like, every review of the latest wave has said (and shown) that the figures are more shells, and less solid bricks of plastic like they were before, and the torso joint is REALLY flimsy.
Also, they gave them some weathering? They also raised prices by quite the margin (+50%), so not much of an improvement...

I can't see them ignoring basic infantry, no way!

Bruh, you can get intercessors for like $17, that's cheaper than a marvel legends or star wars black series. Even the schizo that tells you not to buy the line, buys the line.
There's a big difference between a scaly monster and a figure with a lot of smooth armor everywhere.
Of course they can slather on the washes on the monster to show off the detail. Cheap and fast.
The Terminator gets washes on its skull emblems and that's about it. The armor doesn't hold washes well and can get pretty ugly fast, ala gundam marker panel lining. This is why they instead used sponging on the feet and legs.

Other 1:18 lines offer bigger figures for the same price Joytoy charges for 4.3" figures. Better quality too and also include working electronics. The Robocop 2 robot in this picture was less than $50 and also features a bunch of extra limbs, moving fingers, etc. Stands up to 7" tall.
Hiya is a Chinese company, same as Joytoy, yet also uses more durable plastics. Their toys don't feel Chinese.

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Previous Thread: >>10946823

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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Does anyone here have experience with those Figma capes that came out a year or two ago? I have a problem with it staining one of my figures and this general is probably more active so if anyone can help I'd appreciate it: >>10972627
Basically all modern figma cloth goods stain figures and the only way to prevent it is to put a protective plastic sheet between the figure and the cloth.
>friend got me saber maid alter from Ax years ago ahead of time
>bought the bike in anticipation
>put her on the bike and decided to change pose
>the fucking bike already stained her skin
More like figma colorings just stain if any other colors even make contact with it.
Wrong, there's a second way to prevent it: Throwing the piece of shit capes away.
My problem is I missed the prevention stage and now I don't know how to fix the problem. How do they get away with selling this shit if it's a known issue?
If no one here can help me does anyone know a good thread to ask in?

Discuss any related anime character you wish to see in figure from.

Be nice and no bad behavior.
Ed Edd n Eddy is my favorite anime
Give me super articulated Figma grade Plank
Any pilot from a mecha anime.

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What happens to shelf-warmers that can't even sell at places like Ollie's and other discount stores? What is the final resting place for toys like these?
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They need to stop making figures of characters that only people who don't buy toys like.
It's still pretty sad. What if there's like 3 people in the world who wouldn't mind it, or maybe a community who could use it for custom fodder? I guess the last hope is that it circulates enough through swap meet/donation bins that someone would find it
You love to see it.
I paid 24 dollars for this chink just for the piece, fuck me.
This is why 1/12 is a bad scale.

DC has the best villains
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ai can do it no problem
Are these for sale? And if I buy them will you actually ship them out this time?
No the fuck it cannot, this is the kind of art Ai gives me
Yes send me one thousand dollars and they’re all yours
what the fuck The Tick-ass version of Clock King is this. like yeah i know he had a clock mask in the old comics but what in the fuck

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Recent announcements and updates
>Robot Toys (Metagate) Legends Bumblebee and Cheetor
>Lucky Cat Legends Nemesis and SG BB Prime
>Magnificent Mecha MPM SG BB Prime
>Rising Force Legends Menasor
>Iron Factory Orion Pax (white)
>Mechanic toys Legends Broadside
>Jingong (Metagate) MPM Drift KO
>Cyber Era MPM Drift OSKO
>Bingotoys Windblade and Shockwave
>Unique Toys Abominus and Springer
>Planet X Trypticon
>Iron Factory Ultra Magnus
>XTB Ultra Magnus.

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chigau this one has prowl in it
The last one had Grimlock, it's still Devastator
Not touching this after their Superion, broken bits everywhere. Once his second arm comes in I won't be touching him again either.
Looks like they went and improved everything
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So fucking cool. Devastator is really out of left field, was really expecting Menasor or even Bruticus first. The forearms look like they partsform and the feet are built in which is the Inverse of Superion. Was never a fan of screaming Devy faces but maybe it'll look better in color. And on that note what do you think the colors will be? Chrome green and purple? Bayverse/Diaclone individual colors? Will it be weathered for the realism angle or clean to show off the metallic parts?

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Previous Thread: >>10948050

>Eternia playsets should have shipped for most everyone now.
>Sy-Klones speening all over the place
>Extendar expected to be next on Mattel Creations
>Krang hitting shelves at Walmart
>Sla'ker arriving in Target stores ahead of street date (April 28th)
>More Turtle of Grayskull figures coming including; Hordak, April, Alternate Leo, Turtle Armor He-Man, Deluxe Rock Steady/Bebop, Splinter, Stealth Ninja Leo and He-man, and Merman
>Pre Orders for new Origins and Masterverse stuff went up already. Collector and Cringer with Prince Adam CC
>Masterverse Horde Trooper coming in Fall as Mattel Creations Exclusive
>Upcoming Masterverse: Skeletor and throne, Movie Beast Man, Snake Sorceress Teela
>Origins Demo Man and Geldor coming in Autumn
>Crowdfund vote winner is the Snake Lair, Crowdfunding campaign date pending
>Skeletor/Demogorgon are starting to show up, He-Man/Vecna should be next
>Moss Man might be on clearance at select Wal*Mart locations your mileage may vary

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I've debated on buying out all the stock they have on the pegs, waiting until they restock, and then returning all my shit after or to a different store. Just don't have the time to do that anymore though.
One time I did that for a Walmart exclusive set of toys the day they released (not to scalp, it was blind bag unfortunately). No other Walmarts around me got it except that one. The next time I visited it, and I swear I'm not lying, they restocked that same item 5 times at only that Walmart. It was insane, like the entire shelf in that area was overflowed with them. It was like the algorithm went
>oh that is popular at that one Walmart? THEN SEND ALL THE STOCK TO ONLY THAT WALMART PRONTO!!!!!
Just another mystery in the Walmart exclusive wheel. Got to love it.
You know they think the same thing about some over weight drooling fuck wit stomping their feet about something. Stop looking down your nose at people, get off of your holy high horse and be a normal fucking faggot that shops at walmart.
>durrrrrrrr just let the diseased ridden fucks slack off all day
>durrr your the bad guy for expecting these subhuman fucks to do their job
Faggot cocksucker
don't blame the stockers, blame pokemon card and hotwheels scalpers. the latter are apparently notorious for annoying the shit out of staff over one-per-case minor variants of cars (keep in mind a single hotwheels case is MASSIVE)

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Previous thread: >>10965519

>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Target Haulathon event currently going on with online drops from April 12th to May 10
>Turtles of Grayskull pre-orders are up for next waves!
>Playmates Mutant Mayhem mix & match wave and other figures shown
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates reveals their "original sketch" dumpy Turtles
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Playmates 2k3 re-releases hitting some stores
>Fury Toys Samurai Animals NotDonnie, NotSplinter, & bonus accessory pack are shipping now!

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/

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So post yours.
I am taking them out of package now and will post a group shot. Very high quality, very impressive, very exciting
You're very full of shit.
Think I'd find any of these at a thrift store?
the fuck happened to previous thread

>I hate this pedo
>each time I click on his ad, it costs him money
>I've now clicked it a hundred times
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Wait, you guys don't use adblock?
Would clicking it potentially speed up how long his ad shows up? I’m seriously tired of seeing it already.
I'd almost bet money that it would. Just keep clicking, ideally with as many IPs as you can, and it should make the ad expire.
It's 2024. How are you not using an ad blocker by now?
He pretended to be an underaged girl to catfish people for free toys. Basically stole a 14yo girl's online identity and corresponded with her friends to keep up the facade. His wife left him around the time this became known, so it was possibly a reason for her leaving him. It was mentioned in one of the recent Scott threads.

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Look how they massacred my boy
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>it's cheaper
>it's worse
It has been that way since Siege.
The one that doesn't have an entire torso of unpainted translucent plastic
It is odd they used such a light color for it. Even G1 Bumblebee toys have tinted windows.
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Preorder date is 5/8

Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)

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honestly I had to think long about this and it still seems pretty niche, but I have some ideas, I tried to include something for most of the characters
1. Principal Nezu - would mostly be static, maybe some basic arm articulation could come with cup of tea and maybe a swap out head
2. Swap out Aizawa missing leg- happens during his fight with Shigaraki so it makes sense
3. Endeavor unpowered face - I tried to avoid swap out heads/faces but this seems like something that should have been with the original figure
4. Hawk’s endeavor doll - could be a cute accessory for hawks to hold
5. Deku crying face - I mean it’s Deku and it’d be pretty memeworthy
6. Bakugo’s best Jeanist swap out haircut - again, another funny moment and would work well if we eventually get best Jeanist
7. All might action figure or doll - would work well with deku
8. Swap out battle damaged arms for all might - this is part of his pose after he beats all for one and is an iconic moment, could come with battle damaged head as well
Again, this would probably never happen and probably wouldn’t sell well but I was bored and I’m probably forgetting things that would work as better accessories but oh well
>work time = time to release
That's not how it's done...
AY superheroes especially the women figures are going for that anime proportions. That's evidentially clear from the fake Shunya style sculpts. Not the crazy idealized reality proportions of comics and thus their figures like Multiverse and ML. So it's kinda dumb to compare them. Catwoman's head size is a step in the right direction as she looks like the same scale as the male AY. Just compare her to the tiny head like WW.
Hmm sounds like cope. Females shouldn't have the same head size as the males. They gave her a fat-faced, oversized head.
>Females shouldn't have the same head size as the males
"...on average, adult males have a head size that is 2% larger in volume compared to adult females"
Is what I've found. 2 % is unnoticeable at 6 inch size figures. They did the right thing they were way too small before. Now should she have a wider torso? Then yes but again this is more of an anime proportions problem.

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Are Power Rangers toys saved after six years of ineptitude, or has the damage been done?
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The movie also bombed retard
You don't buy toys
that's starting to look like the best outcome.
Kids don't want this Power Rangers shit anymore. It's dying for a reason.
Might make decent action figures, I would hope the plastics they use are better than the soft shit Hasbro used at the very least. Zords I have no idea how they'd fair, but they did do Legendary Defender Voltron.

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Previously: >>10961925

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (no pre-order date, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

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It's unironically true.
it literally isn't you delusional sicko
This custom fucking RULES
>Why is Ghost Rider so cool bros
He's a vengeful skeletal fire demon (Blaze/Zarathos), but benevolent (Danny/SoV).
Also he carries a shotgun. Now I only need a 2099 wave to die in happiness.

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What kind of jobs do you people have to be able to afford $100+ toys?
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Not breached 30 yet but I also live with my parents. Make normal money but they don't change rent, I just give them some if the need it. I spend like 80% of my wage on dumb shit, but I keep like 6 months worth of my pay in savings. I need to curb the spending though, looking to move out at some point and find a roasty of my own or something.
it's over before it began anon
work full time retail but i live at home so i dont need to pay rent. Car is already paid off too so basically my only bill is my phone bill and i pay half for my car insurance.
everything else i make from work i just save up or just spend it on shit i dont need like toys. but im not even that big of a collector in the first place but because of how much i have saved up, it does allow me to purchase some expensive toy every now and then.
I just go to the bank and apply for more credit.
Managed to get a relatively cheap apartment in California, make a modest 50k/year at a grocery store, import everything from Japan since the exchange rate is fucked. Easy

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