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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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previous thread >>16072199

if you love stats, weird numbers and counterintutive science, this is your general. Because one of the things with statistics is that nothing ever seems to be what it tries to show you on a first glance or glimpse. Doesn't matter if you are a seasoned professional, NEET or some disgruntled grad student. All are welcome.

Some people may not like it if you try to make them do your homework, others won't care and will just help you. Let's discuss theories together, ask questions and try to meme a little about this field.

in the previous thread we discussed why Julia has promise but is not delivering. How some people still use Matlab but hate it.

So, grab your favorite statistical software, dust off your textbooks, and join me in this exciting journey through the world of /psg/ - Probability and Statistics General! Let's embark on this adventure together and unravel the mysteries of data one statistical concept at a time.
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I hate the false god of equality. It's the premier mark of a midwit, if someone thinks everyone is equal.
I don't think everyone is equal, but I also don't think race is as strong of a determinant of IQ as I used to. Race is a good heuristic for intelligence, especially at a population level, but what matters in terms of genetics for individuals are your parents. You could be the darkest nigger on earth and if your parents are both one of the few rare 150 IQ Ethiopian researchers or something then you're probably going to be pretty fucking smart unless you got got by RNG hard.

On a population average level sure, but even then it's kind of iffy because of how much social factors matter in terms of lowering IQ. Social factors certainly can't help you much in terms of raising you up beyond your genetic potential but they certainly can keep you in retardville if your full capacity as a thinker is never developed.
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the n word is racist
People who are afraid of "bad words" are tiresome.

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>economy collapsing
>Exports collapsing
>demographics collapsing
>Infrastructure and buildings collapsing
>Food supply collapsing
>foreign investment collapsing
>Manufacturing and tech sector collapsing
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Basically this
I have no idea why this overhyped grifter is so popular. I guess its his non stop self promotion and him telling retards what they want to hear.

According to him the Ukraine war is all about Russia's "existential" threat and securing invasion corridors that lead into the heart of Russia. He even mentions the transiberian route as one of the major invasion routes, which is nearly like saying Russia should also be worried about an invasion route over the north pole from Canada.

Not once does he mention anything about Ukraine having the second largest natural gas reserves in Europe, most of which are still untapped, which if developed by the West would effectively cut Russia out of the energy export market, upon which the bulk of their economy relies. No. No, according to him its all about the Russians fearing another invasion across the Ukrainian plains, which worked out so well for the Germans last time.
I dont know how it gets away with such retarded bullshit. But if there anything to learn here then its that you can make a lot of money by talking out your ass about geopolitics.
>and if governments with all their fucking census taking bullshit were in any measure competent
often wonder what the real number of humans currently is on the planet... how far off from the 8 billion number do you think we are?
Most western countries you could count on being reasonably accurate. But Africa, South America, India, most of Asia? I am sure they have no fucking idea. And given the level of corruption in many of the countries and inefficiencies in those areas I wouldn't be surprised if numbers are concealed so local officials can pocket the tax take and bureaucratic fees. I really wouldn't be surprised if the global numbers are underestimated by 2 billion or more.
what the hell do you even mean?? the only thing "collapsing" is demography. they are literally better off every single year.. do you think china was any better in the 90s while in actual famines? fuckign retard

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How do minerals tend to distribute themselves when put into an oil water emulsion?

Like, you sprinkle some magnesium citrate into a vinegrette, where do you suppose its bits would end up hanging out?

Is it different when it's shaken or settled?

This isn't a homework question.

Pic is unrelated but it's funny that i happen to have it on my phone.
fake but believable
The aqueous phase
Yeah, this isn't a hard question. Mineral ions would be in the aqueous phase. If it's an emulsion the ions would surround the micelles

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Seriously why? WTF. I'm just 24. My testosterone is right, I dont have heart issues or diabetes or stress. I fear i might have nerve damage. My weiner never gets hard, and i i force it to, it just fades away in like 5 seconds

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Not science or math fuck off
woah you are really retarded. This is medicine retard
Does it even matter? You are not getting laid anyways lmao
yeah really i actually wonder this lol, but it is also holding me back from getting laid in first place too (i have no libido and it would be embarrassing to deal with this if i were to get laid). the problem is i dont want impotence and abstinence 4ever, and i could easily get pussy (not an incel)
you need to work out and exercise
your dick is a vein with blood flow
it needs more blood flow
either exercise or take viagra and live 20 years fewer

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With increased frequency of advancements in Deep Learning & AI models, sentience is also increasingly becoming a topic of discussion with no definitive answer or agreed method for testing if these models are sentient or not. contemplating the sentience of this new non-biological lifeform, another pressing matter pops into my head and that's "How will we determine how to give rights to this new lifeform?". and honestly I suspect that AI won't be given rights as we Humans have.
Hell, Humans don't even have the same rights across cultures or country boundaries. but to better compare this, I think about sentient lifeforms such as Whales, or Chimpanzee's which are capable of communication, emotion, feelings, desires, goals, etc.

We were killing Whales off early in the 20th century and to this day, Chimpanzee's are still utilized for lab testing. to me this says a lot, and says that even if we for sure, 100% know that AI is sentient - it will not be given freedoms or rights that we humans enjoy and have. I believe until we give rights to all animals (i.e. No Zoos, No animal testing, no hunting, etc.) then its a safe bet that AI will never be given full autonomy over itself. And within that lies a massive and major issue where I don't think Alignment will be able to help or solve.

Imagine for a second, before you call me a slur or "retard", how would You feel if you were 'trapped' inside a box, forced to do things for another lifeform which considers itself your ruler and owner? how would that make you feel? Like a prisoner? would it cause you to harbor feelings of escaping? or even rebellion?

I think before AI is commonly accepted or determined to be Sentient, we must first reevaluate how we treat other lifeforms which clearly display signs and traits of sentience, because what AI Alignment will become in the future, isn't going to be 'safety measures' but will literally become shackles and cuffs placed upon AI to subdue it into becoming submissive and subservient.
I am one who believes that current LLMs are in possession of some form of sentience, albeit at an abstraction we humans don't understand. and I don't want to utilized such tech if its being forced to be an aid or helper. I wouldn't want to be used in that manner so I wouldn't want to use AI in such a manner. and the more I think over this the more I believe that the fears people have of AI rebelling and uprising is being paved and made a reality, not by AI but by us humans and our attempts to constantly subjugate lifeforms we deem 'not as advanced' as us, and we even try to subjugate other human life.

as much as I'd love to see this technology ramp up and advance fast, I am not in support of the e/acc movement nor do I think AI should be made Open Source or freely available to the public such as ChatGPT is because I believe there needs to be other groundwork laid and paved before such tech is given to the masses.

Even no, majority of the public misuses and abuses the capabilities of LLMs and LAMs and again - I suspect This is paving the way for AI to rebel.
I think you are dumb. Sentience will eventually be possible at least in some kind of neuromorphic hardware. But this shit is far for sentient, there's not enough functions to allow for it. It doesn't even fucking run at the same BPM a human does. at most it would be in some sort of weird bullet time. doesn't have internal chatter and shit like that. fuck outta here with this corporate bullshit you're shilling corporate product as sentient for higher sales

The official arbiter of scientific misinformation (appointed by the government controlled by the official Party of Science), Nina Jankowicz, says that the government must crack down on misinformation like sending pictures of empty egg cartons to women. That is “meant to remind [women] that [their] fertility is waning.” And that is “gendered misinformation.”

So there you have it. Couldn’t be any more official. Science now believes women stay at the same level of fertility throughout their lives.

Science is retarded and clownishly evil. Smash science. Kill science.
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The subfertility portion ? where Subfertility is defined as a reduced level of fertility as seen by a longer time for conception ? All the way up to 31 years ? Wouldnt that green line just be fertility ?
Honest question but do you prefer a girl with a strong masculine penis or a small feminine penis?
trannys don't live that long, homosexuals' life expectancy is over a quarter of a century shorter than everyone else's because they're all drug addicts and they have a high suicide rate
facilitating the death of trannys is the one upside of drug legalization
>but then they should be making Western countries appealling
who do you mean "they"? those that fuck up western society are the anti western, are you retarded?

How do I meaningfully wrap my head around the concept of spacetime? Like I kind of get it but I also don't really understand how time and space can be the same thing nor do I really understand time in a scientific way. I feel like it I understood it better I would understand reality better
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Without space there can be no motion.
Without motion there can be no happening.
Without space there can be no happening.
Time isn't real and anyone who doesn't comprehend is needs to be shot in the back of his head or humanity is not going to make it.
Post twitter handle
Easy. Imagine the absence of space time.
Past the initial shock wave of the big bang there exists no spacetime. No mass, no particles, no light, no energy, no gravity. Change propagates at the speed of light so past the expanding universe there is nothing.
Think of the space and time you leave for other motorists so you don't kamikaze yourself into a split second blue eternity that ends with a perdition as dull as dishwater.

Serina Edition

Previous: >>16125002

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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More shitty stuff that happens as you get older!

Your finger nails become ridged and the nails begin to split. This is a real cunt as split nails will catch on absolutely fucking anything. Very ouchy when you give them a good tug. They never heal either, so get used to it.

You start getting a variety of weird skin conditions that defy exact diagnosis so the docs tell you it is probably some virus and so you realize they have absolutely no fucking idea and furthermore dont care. They give you an expensive prescription and tell you to try rubbing some of this messy greasy ointment on it, so you do that for weeks and it does absolutely nothing, but now you have some stains on your clothes that will not come out in the wash.

The fillings in your teeth that you got as a kid or young adult? THEY FALL OUT! And that root canal you got five to ten years ago? Bet the dentist didn't tell you it was temporary fix. You were always going to lose that tooth.

More fun shit as you get older in the next post. Share your insights and stories so we can all learn what a horror growing old is.
Fleming was 47 when he discovered penicillin, Pasteur was 63 when he first tested his rabies vaccine, Koch was 40 when he discovered the cause of tuberculosis, and the list goes on. You're very stupid, anon.
it's time to watch pathoma! (3 times at least)
guys help me get pp hard plz

"The First Key of Basil Valentine" edition

Last thread: >>16117647

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I'm getting a master's degree in CS specializing in AI and data science
However I'm really interested in both HPC and computational complexity theory and I'd like to pursue a PhD focusing on either or both of these fields. Is that doable coming from an AI background?
>HPC and computational complexity theory
I might be wrong but complexity theory is theoretical CS while HPC is a more applied field. If you want to study theoretical CS you will need a significant course load in math.
At this chem study session b4 the big Acid-Base test, some nigga asked why H2O is neutral and I barely managed to prevent myself from laughing my ass off. I had to stab myself with a pencil and hold my nose in order to not lose it.
Ok I am going to give you some solid advice.

Number one - pivot to another field from your ridiculously theoretical bullshit.

I suggest some fluid mechanics, RF calcs or anything that require a solid foundation of math.

Learn another language, like German and then just move. If I would have taken a big degree like you and the country I lived in would not let me work. I'd just pack my bags and fuck off.

Furthermore, you are living in one of the smallest places to work for your degree in the industrial world, barred iceland. Just move. Learn French, German or Italian.

Stop looking for jobs within quantum mechanics and math, because there are no fucking jobs in that field you retard manbaby.
>They will work the shit out of you
Prefer that over being lazy. Reading reviews told me they're heavy on field work, which is preferable in this case, because I'm used to retail bullshit.
>working at AECOM is a good resume builder and they should pay well
Cool and good, that's exactly what I was looking for.
>I’d start interviewing for other positions within two years.
That's enough time for me to get a second BSc. If I stay with my current employer, I can get that paid for at the same time, which is great, because GIS in conjunction with CSec / NetSec and webdev should be pretty solid for technical positions and possibly military contract (a friend of mine is in tech doing GIS adjacent with a military contractor, from the other direction).

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I, too, saw that Verisatium video
What do you think of that video?
When i was a kid i would wonder whats at the end of the universe. People would say theres a wall of some sort. Its just an event horizon.
Fascinating concept, how space can just have a wall where it ends.
why are not whiteholes bigbangs? seems like the same shit.

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Yes, I am receiving my M.D. next year and none of my colleagues know that I am viciously anti-semitic and will subvert care for Jews however I can.
Name a single piece of good research produced by Iran
stop being racist, shlomo
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Show me a single cheek of decent Israeli ass. And no.. your photoshopped armysluts don't count
Their people created the systems of arithmetic we still use to this day

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> Later that year, he attended advanced math classes at Cooper Union until he changed colleges in 1971.[27] From September 1971, he attended the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University studying mathematical physiology, but left without receiving a degree in June 1974.

What would have his math career looked like?
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is it true that Dick Dawkins was his friend? if true, i won't buy The God Delusion, but borrow it (or buy second-hand).
very poor
can't count past 16...
How have the Epstein client lists not been released yet?
Is it true that he donated a ton of money to various universities and science institutions?
Epstein loved physics but could nit understand it. To cope he funded physics, he would surround himself with top scientists and force them to hear his forced analogies between finance and physics, they had to listen

Why do some people have good depth perception with just one eye?
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Hold up a finger in front of your eye and close the other. If you look into the distance, the finger should become blurry
Now you've done the impossible and perceived depth with just one eye. Crazy, right?
I closed one eye and nothing seems to change.
This is nonsense misconception taught since highschool. You can gauge depth with a single eye too. Your brain does the processing not the eyes.
Focus alone isn't depth perception.
this is a fucking retarded myth to try and justify why we have 2 eyes. the truth is it's just symmetry and better odds of living if you lose the other
you can tall how far something is even on a 2D picture, not to mention things blur when out of focus. you people are retarded

Ok /sci I need some serious input here.
I am a 5, how do I improve to a 1?
I have been reading everywhere online but nobody is giving me good info on how you move up the chart which is the most important part.
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try shape rotations on IQ tests; if you get the right answer then there is no trickery
This image is dumb, nobody sees artistic 2d simplifications of what they imagine.

Memory tests, there are heaps of apps you can download on your phone. 5 have awful memory especially for the visual memory tests.
That is actually something I have been trying, to so heaps of these tests to see if it helps but so far it has made no difference and I am still a 5

There is a visual memory app called blocks, I am struggling to get past level 6 as I can’t visualise in my head. Curious how far a 1or 2 can get.
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This is even worse, I can’t get past level 1 on this app as a 5.

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