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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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What are your honest thoughts on protests happening across US colleges

>would you join
>do you think it will eventualize into anything
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I want to see Israel win
Lol so much of it is just normalfags enhancing their COLLEGE LIFE BRO experience.
>Then they should really be appealing to older more moderate genx crowd, which is probably what they'll end up doing since they're losing all the young people.
They already tend to win that group. All thats left are zoomers, who make up less than 20% of the vote.
But really, if they wanted people to vote, then participating in politics would be accessible to people who work. As it stands, you need to go to midweek meetings at 11am to get versed in local politics, never mind national politics. For the 9-5 crowd, its TV/internet news or bust.
I dislike Jews more than Palestinians.
I've noticed alot of the the fringe hatd right are also pro-israel despite also believing in the whole JQ and all that stuff.

I think it's because there is no edge to supporting Palestine, they're kinda just victims getting bombed to smithereens, meanwhile theirs alot of edge to Israel being the number one international lawbreakers, not giving a fuck and just bombing who ever they choose. Doesn't really matter tho, discourse is meaningless and just bread and circus, political ideology is just a proxy for personality that's all it is for the commonfolk.

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Why not just blame your alcoholism on someone?
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OP is that a baseball bat in your hand? Are you a literally me character?
Its a katana, ive been known to larp as sitcom characters
You can skip all of that by just ignoring or denying it in the first place.
jimmy buffet said "some people claim theres a woman to blame, but i know its my own damn fault" in margaritaville
Because I'm the one who stayed drunk all that time. No one else did it for or to me.

ding dong thalala lala womp womp edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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Pixai works pretty good too!


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A bit too goldenrod for my taste.
woa very cool blond Hana
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Good morning! You were up quite late, it's good that you got some sleep.

I like it (but I'm biased)

>"Now give her red eyes"
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Yeah I like it quite a bit. More than I thought. Black hair gang, I don't feel so good...

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Total Bi Death ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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a woman will NEVER touch my penis, hag
i'd unironically rather let story suckle my cock than let a female even look at it bare
storyanon post boobs
Your penis will be severed and added to my moid jar. You are nothing to me but another specimen to laugh at. All moids deserve to be tortured forever in hell.
>eat food
>clean and put away dishes
>suddenly mood drops
what happened

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Alright r9k!! time for another MTFemboy drawthread brought to you by our sponsors. You guys know the drill at this point: AMA and I will try and do shitty little doodles here and there.

Nobody has talked to me today, so I've just been in my room listening to music kinda staring at the walls all day, I took a nap earlier. I should have played Sons of Liberty today since it's April 30th, but I didn't. Executive dysfunction and all that. I don't know.
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so was the waffle house any good
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it was awesome, did you miss the last of last night's thread? i got a chicken melt hashbrown bowl with two eggs and there was nobody in there. i got to be a Normal Person for a bit. and I took this picture
>man you guys SUCK tonight
wtf do you expect retard it's r9k
>over 35
a lot of people start using this site when we're underageb&
Speaks volumes how you are if you were on 4chan since ten. It rotted your brain.
Oh, absolutely. One hundred percent.

Fair. I dunno. Sometimes we have fun. Mostly this board is complete bullshit though, literally nothing but hornyposting and racebait threads and guys bitching about egirls. I'm really just here out of habit. There is nowhere else that I can go and say whatever I want and post whatever I want and not have it attached to my name, you know?

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men are dildos with legs
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I dont even exist to women
especially when they're circumcised and literally have an unfeeling dildo between their legs
can i be ur meat dildo
want to see my meat dildo :p

can anyone explain this to me?

is this some lolcow shit or did people genuinely like it?

is he really a low functioning turbosperg with a government assigned handler?

Is everything autism?
>ignoring the danger
What exactly is dangerous about a sofa?
i think im autistic bros
This seems based, what's this one about

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i ate some grocery store fried chicken and i feel like shit and can't get hard
wat do?
lmfao why are you jerking off and eating chicken

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I'm going on vacation in a 'mindfulness retreat'.
Let me guess your parents or whoever wrangles are making you go? What did you do?
I threw a tantrum on a sonic the hedgehog online forum. The mods reported it to the authorities and I got arrested by the FBI for online trolling.
Dont really have any advice my stay was a shitshow
I think I'd really enjoy solitary confinement for a few months.
Enjoy the peace and quiet. Sometimes I acted up just to get benzos. Not the worst getaway you can have

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can someone explain what's so bad about goyslop? it's delicious
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I don't think it's idiocy, I think it's just a good thing to do. I don't think I am THAT good, I just want to do something for other people. You both clearly gel, you should be talking whenever you want and not just whenever OP (or you, IDK if you him) make(s) a thread.
>like aside from being here i feel like it made me a loser in every other aspect. like what do you think i was doing before speaking to you?
idk but you can't blame the internet for everything
>what would've been a more acceptable thing to say? i feel like i wouldn't be the same person if i wasn't mid desu
that's not a good thing... you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be the same femanon i love. it's really painful that you wish you were someone else
you are a real bro and i feel i owe you
>or you, IDK if you him
yes i am
It shouldn't make you sad, I am not really a person to care about that much. I don't think I am that interesting or memorable, or at least that is what it seems like. My life just sucks, and whenever you do something good for someone, you feel better. I think that is the case for everyone.
*you ARE him. "you him" makes me sound like a retarded caveman.
>idk but you can't blame the internet for everything
i know but it's easier to do that because it doesn't make me feel like as bad about being a loser
>that's not a good thing... you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be the same femanon i love. it's really painful that you wish you were someone else
well it's a hypothetical duh and that's why i appreciate being the way i am (no i don't) but for the most part i'm just content and not complaining :)
ok if you keep talking like that i'm gonna get mad. if you were as uninteresting or unmemorable as you say, i wouldn't be speaking to you still or recognizing you!
>but they'll probably ignore me
Stop. Bad. No self doubt. Just go into it with a open mind. Why would you think they will ignore you?

what truths can't you unsee?
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Most incels are right about blackpills. The only thing they always get wrong is they just give up. They spend their time on forums all day. Not getting women, not getting money, not training at a hobby. So they spend all their time talking amongst themselves about their woes and troubles, and eventually they come upon a truth that strikes into the core of how the world works.

Then they just give up and do nothing with that knowledge. What's the point of learning the system if you're not gonna master it? You'd be more happy be clueless, you'd fit in as a normie. But no, you choose to be autistic, you choose to obsess about what you can't achieve, then you learn how people work, and don't abuse that info. Doesn't make sense. This board has everything you need to know to start dating, but nobody bothers to actually put it to use.
everyone is just passing through my life and no one will be there for the whole thing

The blackpill is understanding that no matter what you do women will reject you because of factors out of your control. Applying that knowledge only works for chads or chad lites that simply have a bad attitude.

But you're right about wallowing in despair about it being a waste of time.
i don't want to use people
tittyfuck knight: sex defender

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>be straight guy
>getting stoned with gf over weekend
>want to combine it with something for fun but we don't have anything else on hand
>gf then gets an idea and suggests I take a few of her female pills, you know the hormonal birth control whatevers, starts with the letter p
>she takes them by sticking them up her pussy, so we figure I should take them up the butt because that's sort of like a male pussy and that'll probably work
>take them, edible starts to kick in
>for the next 9 long hours I get stuck with an all-consuming, overwhelming desire to be impregnated
>like, it was such an overwhelming desire, you have no idea, I wanted her to grow a dick so she could enter me and put a child on me it was insane
>tell her this, she seems to really like the idea
>by the time the night was over she was slow humping me in missionary as if though I were the woman and she were the man in the relationship as our hands were interlocked, we kissed a ton too and I wrapped my legs around her to pull her into me hoping in vain to pull her inside me, like you have no idea how badly I wished she had a penis right then and there
I'm really really really confused now. Am I a faggot now? The desire has faded in its urgency, but it has not left my mind. I still want her to take me and I want to be her wife and bear her children and I feel really fuzzy and tingly just thinking about it. I don't even want to fuck her normally right now for some reason, I just want that. Fuck, I'm a fag now aren't I? She has a strap-on penis from her previous relationship with a female and she wants to try using it on me on Friday, and yeah I said that I'd do it. I'm so ashamed that I want this now, like fuck dude, what kinds of chemicals were in those pills? Is this what's making everyone gay, because it's in our tap water? What is happening to this country?
>take psychoactive drugs
>it alters your mental state
but i'm sober and I still want that. also why it make me so fucking desperate to get knocked up by my girlfriend? am I gay? :(
does anyone here not have any advice ? :(

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