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The American right is communist infiltrated. It's over.
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pic related displays the end hame of the putinist/duganist PSYOP being run on the MIGAtard "right wing". Muticultural/multu-racial/islamo/christian communist third worldism is the supposed alternative to globalism.
post nose rabbi
Hes a jewish supremacist like the rest, like the gop, like the dems, like europe, like putin, like christians, like muslims, like all of them. Only major group that seems to have some level if j-wokeness is china.
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>That is some impressive next-level pilpul
Believe what you want. Gorbachev was an open book in regards to being a deceptive liar, his real mentor was Yuri Andropov. And it went unquestioned because the infiltration on the American side was/and is very high.
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Jay Dyer, Jackson Hinkle, Stew Peters, Nick Feuntes, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, ect, all of these fuckers shilling russia and or china are just the pied pipers who are shaping the kosher dialectic of the supposed alternative to the US ZOG/NATO side. Putin is a stooge of the jews, and he is running his own form of "the great replacement", which is decimating the population of russia and ukraine, to replace them with fresh off the boat africans and muslims and mongoloids.

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Why did food prices go up under Trump, but Biden is when rightwingers finally noticed?
Is it because it took a few years for the sugar crystals to clear their eyes?
Your own graph literally shows that it's the lowest under Trump.
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Why did they go up?
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>Make the ultimate sacrifice in the most painful way imaginable
>already memoryholed
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he started the fire
"Its been burning since the worlds been turning!"

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>Previous Threads


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they don't have many masks left.
"We will not be making any arrests. We are just here to disperse both crowds"
- said cops who didn't do any of that.

Ball is in your court jews. Make your move and give us a happening already. Passover is done and you need to get back to work.
His Grandmother is a lolocaust survivor. There's so many of those it's crazy.
soon they won't even have a tunnel left to crawl into
Something weird is going on with my pp when I look at this.

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Funny how white oppression is a psyop
The jewish definition of racism says white men are the only people that can be racists. Also, free palestine.
So why everyone here larp/want to be white straight male
Having all kinds of racial dissent causing domestic unrest and conflict always helps nations who are acting against our interest.

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>makes pedo wignuts seethe
>makes zoomettes seethe
>makes feminazis seethe
>makes changs seethe
Why is the hagpill so powerful?
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You either die a single man, or live long enough become a race traitor
This is Hat Kid now... feel old yet?
those with full sterility are already lost, so that only works for those in the subfertile range but you might need to try persistently for a year or more just to get a single bun in the oven.
If you're lucky you might get 1 or 2 kids out of a 30yo until she expires fully not even reaching replacement fertility of 2.1 needed on average.
Only by marrying a fertile 20yo do you have a chance to reverse population decline by puming out 5+ white kids, ensuring your bloodline legacy for the forseeable future.
>If you're lucky you might get 1 or 2 kids out of a 30yo until she expires fully not even reaching replacement fertility of 2.1 needed on average.
another retardo talking out of his ass lol, lots of women still manage to have kids in their 30s

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Russia could subvert and conquer the world with their women alone if they weren't so retarded. We could live in a world where we would worship beauty, art, tradition, spirituality. Instead we have mutts subverting the world with gay parades, feminism, race mixing, drag queens, diversity, satanic judaism, brands, child circumcision, degenerate porn. It's unbelievable that the entire world sides with satanic mutt abomination. Fuck this fake world.
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russian women? or imported sex slaves?
Fair point desu. However we can't be sure because the previous generation couldn't afford cosmetics and was burdened with alcoholism.
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Russian women are violent and don't breed worth a shit.
Fuck them women Russian or otherwise. We wouldn't be in that mess if a woman didn't eat the apple.
nastiest whores you've never smelled.

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french and american troops vaporized in Odessa last night

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>nato and ukraine are desperate to get the bridge down because it's a symbol which can affect both the Russian collective psychologically as well as the Ukranian one
the Kerch bridge is just ukrainian symbolic autism by now, they have new train lines through Kherson so nothing would change even if the bridge exploded
Ahahaha you're alright. Americans existing makes me like other Europeans more desu.
Did they record fucking smoke signals to communicate?
Good. Macaroon was told straight out that Frenchy troops would be a high priority target. He simply just sacrificed them anyway. It wasn't even a bluff, it smells strongly of satanic human sacrifice, for his masters.
Idk why Frenchy military hasn't coup'd the fucker yet. Actually, idk why military in every western nation hasn't coup'd every leader. Idk maybe it's all Trust The Plan and wait for Orange Man. This is a bad plan.




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Filter pedos, zoomers and foreigners.

>Australia's property market is showing no signs of slowing down, with data from CoreLogic showing property prices increased by 0.6 per cent in April.

>NSW premier Chris Minns: Dad dies after 'massive' heart attack

>Moorland bestiality: Man allegedly known as 'Beast Boy' is unmasked after being arrested and charged with vile animal sex crimes
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The indian girl in the interracial abc story is called pooja, I mean seriously pooja? Who is coming up with these names this must be a joke
ID: Washing Cum
[x] memeflaggot
Bro is at the front
I am in two minds about pajeetas. They are clearly much more attractive than male pajeets, when they keep the weight down. But it's still brown, which is wrong. Perhaps if they just suck my cock, that's ok?

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Jewish dude hits Palicuck hard as fuck with a wooden cudgel, concussing or braindamaging him. Then in a panic his mate besides him strikes out with his own metal club, but only hits another Pali protestor (one in the multicolored jacket) in the ribs as hes being dragged away by the Jews lol.
Then said jacketed cuck proceeds to get brutally beaten up after hes dragged off, hit with poles, pipes, kicked, etc.
Then a goy maces a Jew but gets taken down hard, gets jumped and receives a floating rib kick which will leave him pissing blood for a week. https://twitter.com/PakFrontier/status/1785561785493278847
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>Jewish dude
why are jews so cringe
just fuck off retarded kike
>Based. Death to communists.
indeed, DC democrats next
Kikes are above the law. Per on the ground reports UCLA security was deliberately told to stand down.

It was allowed to happen.
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>Were those Jews arrested? It's against the law what they did, right?
all these faggots a breaking various laws

university police have jurisdiction - other forces should not intervene (and generally won't unless called)
I ain't going to lie, that's really bad ass.

Both sides are showing bravery and actually fighting for what they believe in.

And jews strangely are showing some competence in manhandling these leftists.

No matter who "wins", it benefits me. I'm hoping the jews are defeated though only because they are the greater enemy and the leftists will be easier to destroy after jews are wiped out.

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if some anon posts a couple hundred of these around Columbia university this week, and subsequently posted a btc address a week later with proof, many people would probably donate to him
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Criminalize judaism. And kill yourself, OP.
Criminalize judaism. And kill yourself.
Criminalize judaism. And kill yourself
Criminalize judaism. And kill yourself
Yids rape kids

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Philip II of Spain was an inveterate occultist. A lot of persons confuse his religious piety with fanaticism, which was false, he was the one who gave an Aztec magic mirror to the occultist John Dee during his stay in England. He also ordered the construction of his palace, Escorial, in the image and likeness of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, a fact that complements his custom of wearing black clothes, not so much because of his religiosity but because he was looking for, following the advice of the Arabic grimoire Picatrix (which he kept along with many other esoteric books in his palace library) attract the influences of the planet Saturn, that is, knowledge but also melancholy.

Historians, either out of ignorance or on purpose, ignore the role of occultism and esoteric knowledge in historiography, they often ignore that kings, presidents, politicians and emperors surrounded themselves with cabalists, magicians, sorcerers, Jesuits and mystics.

>First we will speak of Saturn. Saturn is the source of the retentive virtue. He rules profound sciences, and the science of laws and seeking out the causes and roots of things and their effects, and speaking of wonders and understanding deep and secret qualities. Among languages he rules Hebrew and Chaldean; among the external organs the right ear; among internal organs, the spleen, which is the source of melancholy by which all members are reciprocally connected

>Among religions, he has that of the Jews; and among clothing all black clothing; among professions, those that work with the earth, plowing, digging, extracting minerals, builders, and architects; among tastes, those that are unpleasant; among places, black mountains, dark rivers, deep wells, and desert boundaries and places; among stones, onyx and all black stones; among metals lead, iron and all metals that are black and smell bad; among trees, elder trees, oaks, carubia trees, palms and vines;
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I think this is the result of migration patterns. They probably mean arabia. Arabs likely came from where Cush or Kush is.

Let me get my research quick links (ie wiki articles)

The Badarians (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badarian_culture) were the original inhabitants of Kush. They lived there for about 10,000 years. A bunch of lighter skinned niggers or what we associate now with ethiopians or abyssinians (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savanna_Pastoral_Neolithic) moved in because they could no longer live in the same cave as Nilotic subsaharans (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmenteitan) and who could blame them? Niggers are repugnant. Initially the contact was likely peaceful with the Badarians (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badarian_culture) keeping most of the power but by the time of the historically recorded kingdom of Kush proper (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerma_culture) the light skinned niggers (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badarian_culture) basically moved on into arabia and became the qahtanites (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qahtanite)
Secret societies, like gentleman clubs, Davos, etc allow those in power to coordinate outside the formal structures of government. The benefits of this is that they can speak their mind and discuss matters of state without a paper trail, and under the protection of anonymity.
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incorrect. i dont pay my taxes. i know "God" doesnt choose leaders. my self-determinative actions can and do alter the trajectory of history. unlike the people who believe that picrel, i actually have free will. how? i dont worship a jew who rapes kids as my creator. i am white and actually have a soul unlike the npcs who need a jew to represent them to their creator rather than just having a direct relationship themself. im also one of the leading authorities of npc science, and was among the first here on this board to scientifically prove their existance, not just as a meme.

for example: you might be an npc if you cant abstract thoughts beyond a single order of magnitude
The monkey wikipedia spammer is back

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I had the unpleasant experience of stopping for one hour in the city of Monfalcone, Friuli.
Italians, what the fuck are you doing? That city has literally become a muslim enclave.
I saw bands of thugs (5-6 people) going around chanting allah allullillah whatever the fuck they sing on a MONDAY EVENING.
All the italians are too scared to go out and hide in restaurants guarded by bouncers or stay at home.
There are so many bangladeshi muslims (rohingya?) it's unreal. A woman told me they started coming working for the Fincantieri military docks PAID BY THE ITALIAN STATE!
what the fuck?
I never had my survival instinct so strongly activated in an italian city... all the muslims were staring at me, I was the ONLY white walking in the main square, and there were like 150 muslims and veiled women (luckily no full burkas).
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it's america's fault... (((american))) propaganda destroyed Italy's young generations.
>Trash on a pile in plastic bags waiting to be taken away is the same as just throwing it in the river
Kek you are such gyppos
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Another cope Facebook post from the croach
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>We are deindustrialized like Albania and breath the same air quality
Kek OK Albo

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Previous: >>466711927

▶Day: 798 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Drones struck Ryazan oil refinery, ~500km from the border of Ukraine
>Odesa shelled with Iskander missiles multiple times, there are dead and wounded
>NATO GenSec Stoltenberg announced a creation of a special fund for financial support of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the amount of $100 billion for a period of five years
>Starting from November 1st, Russia will begin sending electronic draft notices and restricting military-age citizens from leaving the country.
>In the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the island of Nestryga, - Syrskyi.
>Australia will send $100 million worth of military equipment to Ukraine, including drones and AA
>At the same time, drone attack on the Krasnodar Territory, Russia, strikes were made on the Slayavnsk-EKO oil refinery, a bitumen plant, the Ilsky oil refinery and a number of other facilities. The oil refinery in the village of Slavyansk-on-Kuban was blown up.
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructire: 21 out of 34 missiles intercepted, damage to 4 thermal power plants reported
>USA announced a new long-term assistance program for Ukraine worth $6 billion - the results of Ramstein
>Denmark increased military aid to Ukraine by 590 million €

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that's some area covered, its like 20 cluster shells
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i didn't know works of coal could be this gemmy
didn't fit into webm, there are 3 strikes check catbox
>they hit an empty field
big yikes
>So we agree that irrational Russian paranoia is to blame
It's not irrational, retard. Had the shoe been on the other foot, America would have acted exactly the same way. It's almost like you niggers have never heard of the Monroe Doctrine or the fucking Cuban Missile Crisis.

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Funny how the #1 ukrainian propagandist twitter is also cohencidentally the #1 Israel and jew supporter
100+ islamophobes
American jews are different than Israeli jew. Don't confuse the two. It would be like confusing a protestant for a catholic.

Support Israel, they've been trolling muslims since 1947.
Tears in my eyes while reading this post. Finally a man of decency and common sense.
It's totally unfair how easy it is to farm (You)s with that flag. Imba.

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>Students across the Middle East and globally are downing their pens, ditching class and joining in with pro-Palestinian protests in solidarity with a wave of campus protests that have swept across the United States in recent weeks.
>From Kuwait to Lebanon, in Egypt and Ramallah, students have occupied central locations on campuses and on Monday and Tuesday waved placards calling for an end to the war in Gaza and divestment by their universities from companies that do business with Israel.
>Similar protests have taken place at Sorbonne University in Paris and elsewhere, including Italy, Britain, Canada and Australia, as the global student demographic piles pressure on administrators and governments almost seven months into the war. Some of those protesting said they were directly inspired by U.S. students.
>“Palestine wasn’t initially their thing, but now they are doing more than we are, and [we] felt ashamed and that we should do more,” Ali Tayyar, a student organizer at Lebanon’s American University of Beirut, said at a protest Tuesday. “We needed to at least show some support for our friends in the U.S.”

PROTESTS ON EVERY CONTINENT AGAINST ISRAEL, just days after DOZENS of encampments have cropped up across the entire US. It's happening.
>1/4 of the planet are Muslims
Oh no
this is anti semitic
lol just like BLM
jews thought it was funny back then
now they are getting a taste of their own mediicne
That's why I like it

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Muhhh diiiick and muhhh holy jerusalem
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Oh ho ho ho. Hee hee haha. Ho.
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Niggers killing niggers...PROCEED!
>west send cluster bombs against expert opinions
>enemy starts using them too
Big brain move again by "the west"
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Charlottesville expert admits that the left are more manly than the alt-right when it comes to protests and physical violence

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some edgy dude on twitter
>glownigger who shilled for Biden posting ragebait against right wingers
Who actually likes this guy?
>I am a wizard of time.
I predict that this "expert" and the channel / media he's expressing his views on, is mostly leftist / statist.
when your voting base are sub 80's without the ability to remember 2 weeks in the past, you can say anything.
you may succeed in reconciling the two sides that way, kek

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