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It's 1 second vs. 10, assuming max stats.
How viable is 1 Fencer as Decoy the other 3 go 3x Prominence MA?
I really hope that future EDF sequels get rid of or tones down that dimming effect in order to falsely intensify bright light. It's really annoying to have most of the screen turn pitch black in broad daylight because a laser or explosion happened nearby. This effect makes it one of the only modern games that gives me eye strain.
I've been lurking this thread since the first few posts and I can say with full confidence that you really are a total pussy faggot that behaves and talks like the uppity teenage girl that everyone hated in high-school.

Your obsession with maturity and belittling anyone who is too abnormal is the ultimate give away that no matter how old you are, you have the under developed brain of a teenage girl. It's actually is pathetic and he was right to call you that. You cry like he is the one that derailed the thread but you cannot stop fanning the flames It's truly sick in the head.
>he was right to call you that
Stop acting like you're different people it's extremely easy to tell by your post cadence that you are samefagging.

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I think angels are cool.
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yeah but giving to ring to men is kinda gay...
>but Berenice rejects you romantically
but she doesn't? she's just extremely fightsexual
Depends on the guy. Travis definitely consummated the marriage later.
Gilbert is a bro, he deserves her
its fine, giving it to your (not)dad is fine. Probably the least gay one of them all.

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What the fuck were they thinking?
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another word for leftist
That guy is barely on the channel anymore
Hmm, ok so why has no game ever featured Pewds?
They just wanted to help those 2 without knowing they were grifters.
Hes an opportunist jew who says whatever brings him most attention.

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AMD CFO says that gaming is trending downwards while demand for their hardware for AI is shooting up.

Why are people buying less gaming hardware?
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it's your fault female basketball players get paid less than ups deliverymen
I wasn't aware I was that powerful. Cool. For my text trick I'm gonna kill a game studio with my mind.
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>Dean Takahashi
Aka the Cuphead tutorial guy. And the guy who said Warhammer 40K was ripping off Gears of War.
You are correct about working device, but >>675065180 is right about serious gaming being a millenial hobby in general.

PC might be kept alive by indie games introducing new players to pc gaming and eventually by the consolidation of all serious gamers once sony/ms give up on consoles, but zoomers and alpha simply do not play videogames like millenials did.

People who think that gaming is mainstream now just don't realize that it's only in their millenial bubble.

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>Not a single good game for this summer break.

It's over.
>summer break.
this nigga in middle school

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>summertime saga's tech update is real
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>the new graphics look mostly the same but also worse
How do they do it? How do they scam/milk so much but also make that art even worse such as even more sameface (didn't think it possible). Actually in awe. Imagine getting paid so much for that.
Blessed post.
aaaaaaand done
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I look like that
Thanks doc

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When did you start to notice the video game industry going to complete shit?
when millenials entered the workforce and gamedev

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a game where you take a role of a white colonizer and your task is to breed with as many brown native girls as possible
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That's just The Sims. You can make your own world with brown people.
You say that yet you take HRT and mutilated your penis over a sexual fetish.

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Are there any cool video games that are directly set in Australia?

>interesting unique wildlife
>many biomes, with the outback to tie them together
>ties to England with many cultural differences to set it apart
>more than half of the entire population live in three cities - melbourne, sydney and brissy
>aboriginal rock called Uluru. Biggest rock on earth.
>Hey matey, let me mount my Kangaroo I have to travel to Wollongong to Toowoomba
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what industry is in the wong and toowoomba?
You’re forgetting police officers and ticket inspector.
mad max
Ayers Rock

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>me thinking about how horse armor and paid online access to multiplayer ruined gaming
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What shit did CoD cause that we haven't already worked through?
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>horse armor
It was coming no matter what
Just watch episode these episodes. All the others are ass.

27 recap episode
it's crazy that people try to say shit like horse armor and tf2 crates were the start of the cancer when KMMOs were doing so much worse so much sooner for a far larger playerbase
literally all of the problems with the modern game industry can be traced back to Nexon and NCSoft
Remember when used games became an issue and they added special keys to enter pvp lol

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>the last woman on Earth's torture chamber is a yellow door sliding shut in her face over and over again
I don't get it
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AM seems to get off on despair and terror more than he does so on pain.
>See the color that reminds me of being raped
>"Ah the pain I don't deserve."
>Be burned alive as a nazi doctor
>"Ah, the pain I deserve."
as shrimple as that
The ending to that was so dumb.
>why doesn't the game just play a rape animation on constant loop
Because that's too graphic and distressing a thing to visually depict, even for a dark story like this.
The result would be that most players either find it unacceptable and stop playing, or else find it so excessive and tryhard that they stop being able to take the story seriously.
The yellow elevator-as-cage thing is far more restrained while still being upsetting enough to get the point across. Quite a kino way to adapt it actually.
AM is cute

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>Get hit in the game
>shout "OW!" out loud in real life
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>play any driving game on console [/SPOILER]
>tilt controller whenever you turn
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>snow level
>feel colder irl
What in the tarnation
Meh w/e
>be 8
>watch friend play Ocarina of Time
>he starts fishing
>he actually stands up and pulls the controller back towards him when trying to reel in a big fish
We lost touch over the years, but he's a high functioning autist and I wish him all the best in life
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>Get yelled at in videogame
>start crying in real life.

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you're going to get various diseases and have a horrible life. your parents tried to save you. get help.
>abused by parents
Just let the drugs and disease take him. It's better for everyone this way.
my mother stabbed my father in the back with a kitchen knife right in front of me when I was 5 years old
he's still married to her and she still lives with us
he never pressed charges
I still flinch when I see someone walk up behind me because I think I'm going to be hit
rookie numbers

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>Bad Karma for... saying MEANIE THINGS!!!!
Did millenials write this game?
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Fallout 1:
Vault 13. Should be obvious. They are a pre-war Vault designed to last through the war, so they have stocked supplies for that exact purpose.
Shady Sands, the have fields and brahmin. As an aside, to say this now, the game implies that Shady Sands is far from the only town of its kind.
Junktown, they are a major stopover for caravans, Gizmos casino brings in caps and visitors, underpinning the economy such that they can actually purchase shit from the caravans that stop by.
The Hub, a major oasis and the center of trade in the region. Being the home of three separate major caravan companies, caravan companies that are present because of the oasis, naturally it's denizens are wealthy enough to purchase food from the outlying region.
The Brotherhood of Steel, engages in trade with the Caravans, being a major research and development house, they don't have manufacturing shit to trade.
Adytum, has a field where they grow food, one of the quests is repairing their irrigation system.
Necropolis, built around a Vault, see Vault 13. It's also implied that Necropolis is a total shithole where Set rations everything to his lackeys.
Mariposa, raids caravans all throughout the Wasteland, also supplied through the Cathedral.
Now do you want me to move onto Fallout 2?
It takes a while faggot, calm down.
Okay retard
See >>675065064 or literally every other "what do they eat" thread on /v/. Keep coping about your shit game.





BROTHER, NO!!!!!!!
Yeah like all of this shit can be(and has been in this very thread) said about Megaton and other cities in Fallout 3. Megaton trades, Megaton has pre war food. Megaton has brahmin Megaton is one of the biggest trading towns and so is rivet city. Little Lamplight grows it's own food. Rivet city grows it's own and trades and has pre war food. You're not saying anything special. You're just explaining how things get food in these games and pretending like you can't do that for the game that isn't goofy as hell and cartoony.

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Wake the Fuck up Samurai

Cyberpunk thread
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This game is not good. Let's admit it

It's still very shallow
More like top 20

I think the major problem is that a lot of peaceful sidequest are extremely short.
It's a genuinely terrible game
Who? I don't remember a single character aside from the lesbian fapbait and Jackie

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Opinions on the supposed Tarkov killer?
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They do. They get mad or act like the game is bad when they can't. It's like you don't even browse /v/.
Not that I think this game is good, it's just more GAAS trash.
i think this game has a pve mode too
I will buy the game just for this, then only play alone and stay at least 500 meters away from all other players to make it as much of a single player experience as possible
how did they manage to make it run so fucking bad holy shit
>but i played before they did because i liked that it was the only game featuring real life stuff i use
The only draw of Tarkov really, although half the stuff on there is airsoft. The only other game that scratches the itch even a little is Insurgency Shitstorm

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Why do women only play any of the following?
>Animal Crossing
>Stardew Valley
>Any FPS game that isn’t Halo
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Does Splatoon count as "an FPS game that isn't Halo" even though it's third-person?
My wife in her college years used to organize gangbangs atleast twice a week for years that eventually grew to 23 people. She took those poundings for years i bet she could easily beat your wife
Dead by Daylight has a decently-sized female playerbase. They usually only play survivor though
Doubt it, but who knows. I married her because she also does martial arts. And while it's not always practical in a street fight, which is why we also own a shit load of guns, her being a black belt certainly helps. Besides, I'd shoot you and your wife before you got close. Hell, I'd shoot anyone, including trashy ghetto kids, that threatened my family. But hey, this is just internet tough talk and if your wife is trained in some sort of martial art discipline then that's awesome. We need more actual strong women and less blue fat haired tranny feminist wastes of human garbage.

Would you play a AAAA Shenmue MMO?

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>Both Lies of P and Stellar Blade have continuous crashing issues on my launch PS5
>No issues with any other games, just those two
>Both South Korean games
>Japanese console
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>Jomon brutally raped and conquered by Yayoi for thousands years
What does this mean?
Oh lord did Chigyuposting become mainstream in the western internet?
This is probably the first time I've seen it again in a good while.
Why does Korea keep blaming Japan for things only happened long ago?
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No need to pick sides, enjoy cute girls from all races!

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Well some insane autist said, "I think I'll try fixing Crash 4 today" and did just that for the most part.

>Nverted Mode
>Shitty box placement
>Nsane relics
No longer necessary to get the 2nd ending
>Costume unlocks
Just get the wumpa fruit
Only the hidden and box gem exist now
>Exclusive Battlenet and Playstation skins

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Caddicarus 5.6M vid where he shits on it is still up
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My kids are my own.

pic related
I mean he made a video saying the same thing, not that he deleted

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Coco sexo
Mod in classic Tawna too and I'm game

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