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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
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AX has been gutting more staff in favor for vendors
Leaving a convention to go look at some buildings is not the upside you think it is
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low quality bait from a redditor
and someone fucking fell for it.
what a stupid fucking hat too
Lol nah just tired of dumb shit on Facebook where people are like oh this person is still on staff and he harassed me and they won't do anything boooooo just fucking name them. The whole Failed by Fanime thing is fucking stupid.
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bait and reddit spacing m8
rule 4 exists because the dipshits nolifing it on /b/ couldn't stop sending swat teams after each other over petty internet bullshit and california may be a commie shithole but there's enough people heated over sex assault and harassment that someone getting doxxed in connection could very well end with someone catching a bullet anon

Last thread went sage >>10849072


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

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Does anyone know where to find the global tracking code when shipping to the US? The waybill number only shows the local ZTO Express tracking.
How is buying direct without using a shoping agent now a days? I used to do it all the time years ago, but I haven't touched taobao in in years now. I don't speak any Chinese - have things stayed about the same quality and process wise? Or is it better to have an agent now?
iirc if you can read and communicate with google translate, and you have an alipay account, then you can buy from taobao without a shopping service. However this means no quality control pictures and minimal to no after sales services. It's not that rare for sellers to ship the wrong size or color, and in that case you would be out of luck if you don't use a shopping service.
I buy directly from Taobao and it's overall fine. I speak Chinese though. It's hilarious that sellers will straight up tell you they can't refund because profit margins are raZor-thin and the slogan "Chinese people will never deceive Chinese people!"

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Asuka Cosplays
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Her ass is easily her best feature.
belly button
you're fat
Her face is very good for asuka too
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If I buy a Unit 02 kigurumi and carry around Kyoko's Asuka doll, will that be enough to attract hugs from Asuka cosplayers?

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Post cosplays you're working on, plan to work on, or want feeback on, and motivate each other. Let's get back to our roots and away from the softcore porn, or at the very least survive alongside it.
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You could try heating up the plastic and squeezing it into shape once its flexible. Alternatively, just shape a new nose out of a light air dry clay or something similiar. Then you could even add in some of the weathering/cracks with a dremel
Path of Radiance was my first game
*in the series
I sorta planned a Kenshiro Cosplay, but I should workout more...

I also want to do Gregor Eisenhorn (pic related), but that...
Will take some time...
At least I have the gun
Sort of
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I’ll probably pop off the eyes later and reglue them in later but it’s a proof of concept. There are LED’s right behind the lens

Does visible acne (maybe even with no attempt to cover it) ruin a person's cosplay for you? How much does it bother you compared to other commonly-complained-about accuracy dealbreakers in cosplay like obeseness/scrawniness, height, wildly inaccurate races, etc?
It makes everyone look terrible, yeah it'll ruin any cosplay
Acne I can ignore because depending on body chemistry it’s not always preventable. Those chapped fucking lips on the other hand are very preventable
It honestly depends on the one's acne, but if all if his or her face is a fucking covered in landmines, It's bad.

May 17-19, 2024

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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I saw a bubbly (and cute) Zhongli crossplayer on Friday. I hope I see her again at ACEN. She was very funny and high-energy.
It's so they can get around the awkward issue of when they try to drag new anons into their discord they can go "Oh nonono, you see the shitty people are in (other discord) we are the actual cool discord". Then proceed to talk shit about everyone and list every weird drama-y thing during their room parties or meetups. I learned the hard way after colossal because they would not shut up for 10 minutes about if (persons) were here.
>I learned the hard way after colossal because they would not shut up for 10 minutes about if (persons) were here.
Last year I made it a point to ignore them. I caught a few of them in passing but didn't engage at all and it was drama-free start to finish. Meanwhile they were throwing hissy fits on here? Coincidence?
Not even slightly. Remember kids, if a strange man invites you to a server called "Midwest Congoers" immediately find an adult & contact the police.
>Fiona and Shrek pushing a baby stroller...full of drinks
>a really great Han and Chewie pair
>a Bo-katan with highly realistic armor and soft goods
>a Joker and Harley couple who clearly practiced their laughs
>two different very tall, very high-quality Deadpools
>a guy carrying a box of AstroTurf who allowed me to touch grass

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FAQ (last updated: May 19th, 2023): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-URQl5wxxBzP4-VWfMKfLG8ZqOkGt9Yoyo6Qbm333vs/edit?usp=sharing

Cosplay recommendations thread: none atm
Crossplay/crossdressing thread: >>10907099
LARP thread: >>10873579
Sewing general: >>10865253
Makeup, hair, skincare general: none atm

Taobao thread: >>10903761
Stupid j-fashion questions thread: >>10902439
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I really want to recreate the belt she's wearing. it's a studded belt with a layered pleated skirt on only one side. just glue? I've never tried to "sew" anything onto a belt before, definitely never worked with studs either.
Yup, you'll just need to be specific about how you pin up your hair and the wig nets you use. There's some great tutorials on youtube. Buying from manufacturers who make wigs for larger heads might help too.

In my many years of being a woman, I haven't really found that the brand matters. I'd just find some on amazon with good reviews or your local clothing store and try them on.

Nylon/polyester webbing. It's the same thing the straps of a backpack are made of. More to the point, you can also just cannibalize a backpack. The straps would be more comfortable.

My guess is that the pleated part is actually sewn over the belt like a casing (and not actually attached to the belt at all) and the studs are pressed down into the leather on top of the fabric. Or it's just glued either underneath the leather or in between the studs and leather. It's hard to tell because the rest of the belt appears to be the same color/pattern. Tbh I'd just go with what looks best to you.
Yes ALWAYS clear your paints. The usual clear coats are fine, or you can get automotive 1k gloss clear if you want it to be really shiny unless there's a metalic.
Second, do NOT use rustoleaum metalic pants at all. Always go for a lacquor metallic, specifically testors extremes if you can. Always do it as your final paint layer though, especially if you're using an enamle paint at any point.
And also make sure you're using a normal primer as your base, not a paint+primer.
Yeah unless you find a way to import it there isn't a clean alternative.
Poly is close, san is more an inbetween of that and plumbing insulation foam. It's really more for being easier to bend into place and hold for contact cements then for any other reason though.
All in all you'd be able to do the same with EVA foam you just need to heat and form parts after they're glued.

But if you're in the US like, printed helmet kits are an option too. Then that's just spot putty filling and sanding.
How do people find cosplay photographers at cons? I'm cosplaying for the first time in years and deciding to go all out with everything (commissioning someone to make part of the costume, weight loss, practicing makeup until I'm happy with the results, etc.)

I really want to get good photos of the costume when it's all done, but I have no idea how to go about it.
I have been 20-30 lbs overweight my entire life, but I have a lot of natural muscle mass and the frame to support it. No one has ever shown me how to start going to the gym or pushed me to get in shape and I don't know where to start.

How do I start? Or how did YOU start? I have all the other skills to start doing really great cosplays but I'm a fat, lazy fuck barely motivated to get up and go to work.

Post kumya themed coords, kumya collections, etc.
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what the mccalls

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Years ago, when cosplay started getting popular, but also sexual, I remember being a big fan of a certain cosplayer. They turned out to be quite rude to their fans, and I was left being disappointed by it.

Later as the years went by, I came upon information that her cosplay hype died down, her twitch and vtuber arc couldn't lift off the ground, and she lost her twitter verification, and just isn't popular anymore.

Basically what I'm trying to say in this thread is; fuck that whore. But also how has the cosplay community/scene been? Has it gotten more slutty? Worse? Better? Are people chill, or rude? Tell me your experiences from before (5-10 years ago) v.s now.
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And some cosplayers just want to sell each other the same products they're all promoting in the same affiliate programs.
Feel the same...
I just looked at the current state of it in my area and I had a single tear going down my cheek, like that Indian from that one commercial (or was it The Simpsons?)
My era (2011-2013) was so much more genuine and innocent. It really was... 11 years ago...
Unexpectedly good post from a chuddie
I assure you, it's not. You've just never been invited to one. These events are invite only and you're not going to bumble your way into one by showing up at a randos door with a bottle of jack. Well, unless it's a bunch of gfurs because I have accidentally walked into that shit.

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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Probably hyped for the new madoka movie?
Madoka cosplays are a mainstay where I live. The outfits are relatively comfortable and the wigs are pretty easy.
Went to a con on the weekend and yeah, Hazbin was everywhere. Alastor was the most common but I saw basically every major character besides Vaggie and Sera.
see? excellent cosplay, simple ass
but make it extra legit, 123123% bomb girl but autistic and schizo as well
I'm not sure if it will take off with regular congoers, but I could see some of the more complex costumes getting popular in the competitions.

I figured I'd make one. I only ever come back for cons I'm going to. Any of you men going?

Yeah I know it's expensive. And mostly drunk. But I enjoy the atmosphere and laying by the pool during the day.

I've been serious on the diet and exercise train. Should be looking good enough for my Krauser cosplay in a month.
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Just heard about this $40 Foam Club shit they came up with lmao. Anyone that pays for that shit is an absolute fucking denthead.
More paywalls for a convention that people only go to for room parties.
At this point anyone who pays for this shit deserves to have their money taken.

The absurd inflation of cost to attend colossal because of retard cosplay thots and losers afraid of a real party festival have ruined this con. It's impossible to get an on-site parking spot, let alone a room anymore. Drinks, Swim passes, and everything else has skyrocketed because neanderthal knuckle draggers will pay it for the chance at a drunk hook-up.
>retard cosplay thots and losers afraid of a real party festival
That's one of putting it that I never would have thought up myself. Me, I couldn't give a rat's ass about this but might try sneaking in just for the novelty. Their security is known to slack off already
They should make the rooms more expensive
Agreed on all counts.
Colossalcon is really starting to go down the shitter. And for those of you that are thinking East may be better, it definitely isn't. I won't go on a long rant about East here since it's kinda off topic, but suffice to say it has plenty of problems and the con head completely ignores all of them. The Poconos staff absolutely hates the convention and its attendees and they do more things every year to fuck with them.
DESU I feel like there are some really simple things that could be done to greatly improve the convention at both locations, but con management just doesn't care and won't make even the smallest amount of effort to do anything.
Colossalcon was the fucking best, and it makes me sad that it's gotten to the point where I'm not even sure it's worth going to anymore.

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Probably because I imagine fewer of that color make it to secondhand market because of staining? Blouses I get, but white main pieces are pretty rare to begin with I think? I’ve seen a few Lolita weddings but usually they’re wearing a cheap white TaoBao dress, but I guess it’s possible people snap those up for a Lolita wedding? The most likely explanation still is probably that white colorways are just not so common in general. That combined with the way westerners treat their clothing probably sucks most out of the market before they even make it to LM to begin with.
AP literally just released a couple, but i agree it can be hard to find good quality white mains. these days every brand is using paper thin fabric. you might have luck with old IW.
brands keep using chiffon and other polyester materials and a lot of people dont like it. they look good but are not breathable at all.
Is there an actual gyaru discord?
Everything I find is just fugos and roblox.
i left because it is dogshit. they're only concerned with pc sjw shit now, as if gyaru are supposed to care about that. i resent every gaijin gyaru who was a former lolita.

Old thread >>>>>>10660802

>Please read the FAQ before posting in the thread (always updating)
>Artist Spreadsheet
>How to order from Vograce (now with video on how to set up files)
>Convention List (always WIP)
>IP taketowns (based on artists contribution, may or may not have been a one time thing, use as a guideline)
>AA Inspo (thanks anon!)

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I want to start my own online shop but I'm having trouble with branding. How did you guys come up with your shop names and what to do for the logo?
Don’t write your signature on the front of the prints, unless the buyer explicitly asks you to. Unless you’re a big name in the artist field, avoid doing any celebrity tier shit and just write your signature on the back. If you display a print with no signature and hand the customer the print with the signature they might want a refund. If you’re adamant on putting your signature on it put it on the back or only put your signature on the front on half of your stock of it. Also, make sure to have your socials on the back of every print, customers like to know who they’re buying from and they could possibly become a routine customer buying your products online.
ive seen a lot of artists sign the front of their prints in lieu of a watermark, which i guess makes sense, but it's really annoying and distracting
What's been the response from people selling preorders at events?
I want to start selling t-shirts but I don't want to have to bring stock. Has anyone had any success doing it this way?
i would never do that, or buy from someone who does. watermark is to prevent someone from stealing your digitals, print is the product.

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>covid is over
>too shy to cosplay without a mask
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If your immune system is so week you are still afraid of Covid then you should probably just never bother cosplaying again anon.

2024 and people still don't realize Covid was a giant fucking scam. So long as you were healthy, that shit did absolutely nothing.

>inb4 muh counsin's friend's dad's brother's stepson died from covid and he ran every day and totally wasn't doing meth!
Con's attract a particular type of autist that rarely goes outside and believes everything they read on their blogs and from influencers as it were a religion. Literally no one who touched grass gave a shit about Covid. But hey, it got me out of work for like 2 years so thanks for the free neetbux autists.
>I was vaccinated 4x and STILL almost died from covid, and I have no underlying illnesses.

Quit being fat.
Read the OP again. Slowly this time.

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