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I have had a super crush on this girl for about 2 years now. Those 2 years I have been going to the gym and eating well to try to look good. I have never spoken to her we just went to the same school. Anyways I found her twitter not too long ago and she seems like she is completely depressed and suicidal. She likes tweets that say "nobody cares about me" etc etc. She has posted pictures on insta before and then deleted them. I think she has low self esteem. I am seriously considering just texting her on snapchat to do something and meet her? wtf do i do? i can't keep waiting forever
Tell her you've been stalking her twitter and ask if she needs help with possible depression.
If she refuses, then you know it's all fake shit for attention.
i thought about that but i don't want to come off as weird. ive thought about maybe doing that on my burner twitter which is anonymous and then go from there but idk. i think its just better if i text her directly on snap and take a yes or no basically

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My dick is at best 6.5x5 and it's ruining my life with how small it is.
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It is small. Most people ITT are bigger
If it makes ya feel any better OP, I have a 9x5 cock and like is kinda good
Mine is 6.8" bp and 5.6" girth. Never had any complaints and my ex gf wouldn't let me pound her in missionary mating press longer than like 2 minutes before bottoming out and forcing me out because she got too sore. She is about 5'7" for reference, so maybe stick to girls that are shorter than you. All the tall girls I fucked felt way too loose like they could take another 3 inches more than what I had to offer with no problem.

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Help i feel like i'm being forced to have friends, what do i do?

I thought that it was working, because I don't pace around much anymore, but I still have trouble remembering things and I spend a lot of time online scrolling mindlessly rather than doing tasks.

I know it's suppose to "suppress" ADHD habits and not get rid of it entirely, I had moments where when I was on medication I could focus for a bit, but also had days where I couldn't focus at all.

I read posts where people say they immediately felt a change and that it should work as soon as you swallow it. But others tell me to wait, and be patient. I can't exactly test it as I am taking classes now, and I have to find out since my doctor will retire in a few months.
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Do some research. No kid gets tested before being put on drugs. Its all rhetorical and explaining symptoms. Getting an Adhd diagnosis is as easy as studying the DSM.
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what type of test would be adequate?

-are you talking about the typical battery of ADHD tests that are sometimes given?
Those can be pricey, and there's only so many people on Earth who can administer them

-or you mean a test for biological markers?
Aside from frontal lobe size & activity, what would you look at?
ADHD (insofar as it exists) is not like a physical ailment where you can look at a person's body and tell for sure whether this vague label of ADHD applies to them or not

I got an ADHD diagnosis as an adult (I wasn't looking for a diagnosis related to attention, I just wanted to stop being so fucking tired and anxious all the time; had no idea at the time how it related to ADHD).
The things I've experienced - which looking back, arguably goes back to childhood, are real. I don't think it can be understood unless you've experienced life before and after the condition. It's like explaining color to a blind man.

I agree with you about it being reckless to toss medication at problems and hope for the best, especially for developing brains. However, you should consider that untreated ""ADHD"" can negatively affect a person's quality of life (including being socially ostracized due to intense unregulated emotions), such that the risk could be worth the benefit.

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Can't reply to all that but what in referring to is the idea that there's something permanently wrong with someone with "ADHD", there's not. Adhd symptoms can come from a number of things like the other anon was saying, lack of exercise. A quarter of adhd meds are blood pressure drugs. Throwing simulant drugs at a child and forcing dopamine does have problems physically and psychologically. The idea that you have to take drugs for some problem you dont perceive yourself or never was old enough to expirience and remedy yourself. Or stunting your growth, accelerated heart rate, higher metabolism all to appeal to a grading system or abusive parents. Its too complicated. In theory I can recognize that you can use stimulants in a very limited and effective way to improve someones life, but i dont see that happening very often, I see much worse. If you can scan my brain and tell me with 99% accuracy if i actually have adhd or tourettes, then ill eat my hat but theres no such thing currently. Not only that but its another debate of nature and nurture and if psychiatric drug treatment in children is actually even preventative or transhumanist. As usual I suggest its an exact mix of both.
fyi i have no problem with consenting informed adults using drugs nor do i disagree that "adhd" symptoms are real. They are real but can come from so many different things that dopaminergic drugs is overkill majority of the time.
>I checked out the r/audhd leddit board and they largely seem type just like how I'm doing now (droning on and on and on)
I believe the subreddits are made just to sell the drugs for those things

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Long story short, I hooked up with a very attractive girl. I didn't have sex for about 4 years, so I was a bit nervous and I wasn't able to hold an erection after a little while.

I've never had this problem when on my own, so I'm assuming that it's due to anxiety.

Other possible explanations:
-I'd be very surprised if it's due to porn addiction, since I rarely watch porn (maybe 3/4 times per month) and did nofap for half a year not too long ago.
-I exercise regularly (5x per week weightlifting), so I'm assuming it's not due to blood flow issues either.
-Could also be due to the alcohol, as we were drinking beforehand.
-Condom made my dick nearly senseless, very hard to feel anything, even though the size was correct.

She seemed disappointed but was otherwise pretty cool about it. I'll be seeing her again this tuesday and I'd like to know what I can do about it if we start getting frisky again.

Any help is appreciated, thanks anons.
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>They all think its something they did or how they look.
Word for word what she thought too.
I'm comfortable enough to tell her that I'm nervous, so I'll try that next time. Very valuable advice, thanks a lot!
I'm not
Pt 2.

Okay now you've got your breath and you feel centered in your body. Start working your way out from there. If you're kissing focus only the kissing. How does it feel? Is it good? Is she doing something interesting. You're probably touching her. What are your hands feeling? What does her skin feel like? Keep comfortably expanding your senses and taking in everything that is happening at a pace that you're comfortable with. If you start having worries take senses away. You can always go back to your breath and start over. Again, no woman is going to bitch about foreplay. So at this point you should be pretty wrapped up in what's going on physically. All the touches, breathing, anticipation. This is good. The next big hurdle is the penetration, because the two places where things go wrong is not being hard from the beginning and getting soft when you go to put it in. This one can be kind of tough because it feels like a big moment. It can feel like you can't slow down and go back to foreplay but that's not really true. One thing I found that really helps me is to start out in some position where I'm on top, either missionary or her at the edge of the bed and me standing. It makes me feel a bit more in control. Another good tip, if she isn't doing it, is have her jerking you off or doing something with your dick before you get to this point or during. Ideally you will be lined up to fuck and she will be jerking you. IF you're hard go ahead and put it in. If you're having any concerns at all just let her jerk you a bit and tease her about it. Ask her if she really is ready and wants you. If you're hard enough to penetrate but aren't fully ready a really fun thing is to slowly slide just the head in and pull back out. It's a great tease for her and I promise will build the anticipation in you which will get you going. Pt 2/?
Can you comfortably get the skin over the head and back while fully erect?
Try fapping in a condom and comparing to regular fapping. The stimulation needs to be similar.
Again, very helpful. Hoping for a part 3
>Can you comfortably get the skin over the head and back while fully erect?
I can, easily
>Try fapping in a condom and comparing to regular fapping. The stimulation needs to be similar.
I'll try, but it didn't feel like it at all at the time. I felt practically numb down there, with only small jolts of pleasure after prolonged stimulation
Between the jerking off before penetration, kissing, and the teasing with the dick of your head you should be good to go. If for some reason you aren't it's totally okay. If its a last minute no go for your dick I recommend just be honest, say you're feeling the pressure, she's very beautiful and sometimes you get anxiety, assure her its not her and the fun doesn't have to end because honestly it doesn't. This gives you a great opportunity to be good in bed (HAVE A REALLY NICE VIBRATOR HANDY. SERIOUSLY INVEST IN ONE). Offer up the vibe and yourself. Anything she may be interested in. Reassure her she doesn't have fake an orgasm or anything like that. It just gets you feeling good to put some focus on her because your shit isn't cooperating unfortunately but you can both have fun and feel good in other ways (which you definitely can). Now she may say no because some women are uncomfortable with the focus being on them and that's okay. She will still appreciate the offer. Maybe it ends there and thats fine. Sometimes it goes that way. Other times if she is a really respectful and decent person she will be totally understanding and will be okay with accepting the attention or going back to some foreplay. I find I'm relieved when this happens honestly. In fact, there have been times where my dick didn't work when I was suppose to penetrate and we just did things to her. For me just that feeling of "hey i tried and it didn't go well but we are still having fun" was enough to take the performance pressure off of me and I was fine after. So lets say you go that route and get hard and start fucking, thats great. Lets say that doesn't happen and you were pretty hard and good to go so you started with the penetration when you could and you're fucking, thats great too. Now the last last hurdle is to not worry about going soft when youre fucking. For this I recommend focusing totally on the feeling of your dick.

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I think I might have anxiety issues but I have no idea how exactly other people are living. It dawned on me that most people aren't really thinking about all the shit that I think about that tortures me. The reason why I almost never go anywhere is because I kind of worry myself sick about parking. I hate going to concerts and big events because parking just makes me not want to go. Is this actually anxiety problems or does everyone have parking anxiety when going out? I guess my mind is just so soaked in weird anxious thoughts like "FUck, did I actually forget to close my fridge all the way before I left?" Shit like that tortures me. What is a normal non-anxiety ridden mind like and how do I get a mind like that? I want to be healthy and live a healthy life but I feel nearly trapped in my own mind. Some of my friends seem so care free and I wish I could be more like them. Or rather, the shit I am thinking about and obsessing over isn't anywhere on their radar of things to worry about.
you can experience it eventually by letting go and not wanting so much control over situations. it also helps to look on the bright side. sometimes you forget where you parked, it happens, fuck it, thats what the keyfob is for. maybe you'll spend extra time looking for your car and meet a new friend for whatever reason. oh you left your fridge open? fuck it, you get to fill it with those healthier groceries you've been meaning to get. staying positive will make it much easier to overcome fear and worry. you'll feel like a superhero at some point though so don't get too grandiose and become someone with a big ego. you just want to create and manage a healthy level of optimism that will fight along side you in those moments of worry.

most importantly, you are self aware of your issues, so fixing it (or even doing nothing and living with it) will be a lot easier for you vs someone that doesn't even realize they do this
i have largely lost pretty severe anxiety. it was rly gradual so i didn't completely notice the change and yeah its chill as fuck.

cant belive everyone was like this while i was shaking in my boots constantly
How do you leave the anxiety behind? Its ruining my life.

I see. Yeah I am trying to take baby steps and defeat it but I just get heavily overwhelmed in situations where I am caught off guard. Basically, if I get into a situation I wasn't expecting, I will freak out and not be able to act accordingly. Prime example, showing up to a restaurant and it being closed due to some extenuating circumstance.
Anxiety is a constant repressing background feeling, thoughts don't even have to be part of it. I would say most people don't have it as badly as you describe and it's a slow process to do anything against it. Fighting the thoughts one by one just sucks more attention towards the anxious feeling and ignoring the thoughts will drain you.

Some things that help:
> Whenever you feel panicked use it as trigger to do muscle relaxation and proper diagraphm breathing, will help immediately.
> Keep your attention focused on the right thing, which is usually external, instead of on what should be let over to your subconscious.
> Build a good relationship with yourself. Instead of just responding to "fuck, did I forget.." with "well I hope not" or running the whole thing through your head 10 times, you should be supportive like "nah, you didn't forget it, you're pretty smart, you always leave things properly, you will see once you get back that there was nothing to worry about, so you can calm down".
> For some things you may need to dig behind your mindset or motivations to find the source of the anxiety and then change how you view or approach it.

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Girlfriend is pregnant and angry because I asked for a paternity test. What now? She is very upset.

Two days ago, I had the day off, so I woke up early and headed to my best friend's place for some beers and breakfast. It was a typical weekend spent watching musical videos and MMA. Upon returning home, I found my girlfriend still in bed, feeling terrible. I helped her get dressed and called a taxi to take us to the nearest hospital.

We wait until it was her turn to see the doctor. (Personally, I dislike hospitals; they always seem like pits of misery). I accompanied her during the examination, where the doctor asked routine questions and ordered some tests. we received the results about 30 minutes later and the doctor told us my girlfriend is pregnant. She broke down instantly repeating over and over that her career was over and she just a promotion some months ago (she is a financial analyst)
Then I asked the doctor if he knew the price of the NIPP test (the NIPP is a prenatal paternity test) and she lost her shit even further.

Upon returning home, she had a complete meltdown, "you want to test to see if it's yours, because you suspect it might not be, and that really pisses me off because im losing everything for you and you repay me with distrust, I will never forgive or forget this"

I mean what's the issue? If she is certain the baby is mine she shouldn't be bothered by a DNA test. If she isn't hiding anything what's the issue right? I won't pay for someone else bastard children, I just want to make sure it's mine and I'll marry her afterwards.
Anyway, now she keeps looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I'm getting worried. Do you have any advice?
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>It's not. You're stupid.
He's using greentext without quoting a post number so he's taking the piss.
It used to be a /qa/ thing, the only thing he missed is a jak.
Thanks for explaining the difference to me though on Antethisis' and Oxymorons.
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Get the test done and anyone who says otherwise is a seething roastie.
>im losing everything for you

Lol and she didn't even know she was pregnant

imagine spending the rest of your life with that
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To be fair its a hot topic, and a lot of us don't want to see guys get screwed over.

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How come rapists and murderers can get gf and women, but not us?
That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with.
I'm pretty sure it's just you and the subhumans like you that are having problems with women.
Cause they're cool and stylish
Rapists and murderers have big dick energy
Imma rape ya, then murder ya

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The media has deluded men into false perceptions of how women think & how attraction works.

Porn is a falsified, artificially constructed representation of human sexuality, where attraction and arousal are instantaneous, easy and abundant without true effort.

Mainstream movies, often portray unquestioned dedication as the ultimate way to woman's heart. Unremarkable, piddling men will win a beautiful woman over through some grand act of devotion, reinforcing that idea that men can be mediocre and still attract beautiful women solely through sacrifice.

Logically, we understand that movies and porn are fictional, but without experience or baseline knowledge.

These contradictory messages that women are owed to us and that they must be earned have fucked up many men's expectations and ability to handle rejection.

Men who are inundated in this mindset and who have experienced a series of rejections from women, begin to view women as a monolithic group that have rejected them in totality, who are looking down them from a pedestal. Rather than understanding that romantic/sexual rejection is something that happens frequently and is not a source of shame.

Redpillers, incels, and PUAs, are born out this. They blame women for being superficial or unattainable, they use band aids and tactics, rather than taking complete accountability an working to become an inherently attractive, interesting person. Even PUAs who achieve superficial success crumble when they encounter rejection, because their identity is largely predicated on acceptance from women.

This is not a pro-feminist post. This concept applies to both men and women. You and I completely responsible for our successes and failures, not anyone else.

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>The media has deluded men into false perceptions of how women think & how attraction works.

Maybe the media has deluded women into false perceptions of love and romance?

Or are only men capable of being influenced by the media
Porn is just the boogeyman of the season. The hold it has on the imagination of men when it comes to dating is limited. TV shows that display a life of hookups or even the simple existence of dating apps have more weight.
Imagine living one life and spending time to post something like this
>it is your fault
>the media deluded you
So how is it your fault if you were tricked?
>messages that women are owed to us
where is this message given
>PUAs crumble when they encounter rejection
No they don’t, they often say the “first 1000 don’t count” and “get rejected until you don’t are anymore”. Redpillers too. You know nothing.
>women are not owed to you
No one says they are, this is just a cop out to ignore any valid complaint or frustration.
>this concept applies to both men and women
Yet whenever women are upset by men or a lack of male attention no one shrieks at them that men don’t owe them. Nor should they, because that’s not what they were implying by complaining.
I don't watch porn or TV, however the fact remains that being the one to put in all the effort is exhausting when I could just play video games.

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How much help is too much?

>"Loan" brother $40k over the past decade to bail him out of various shit.
>I live a simple incel life with parents working min wagie job
>He married a dumbass woman who drained him of his finances and divorced.
>2 years ago even "helped" with $4k for her abdo surgery when I thought they were still married.
>Never got that back despite him saying he will pay me when his bonus was coming the following month
>During that period various outrageous spending but never got the money
>Basically he lives paycheck to paycheck and his now ex wife crashed the side of their car.
>A few weeks later she fucks up his car (apparently drove over pot hole swhich bent the wheels)
>Mind you, "his" car is actually our mothers car that he "borrowed" for the past 7 years and does clean or maintain and where my parents still pay for registration and insurance for it.
>Now he's asking to borrow our dad's car which I use (I keep my actual car in the garage)

Am I the asshole for not wanting to give my dad's car which is my daily despite having my own car. Tbh I think it's bs cos I don't know how long he expects to keep it. Or if he will fuck it up too.

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stop helping him anon. you're being taken advantage of. you shouldn't have to suffer for his mistakes. you've been more than generous.
OP here.

I've never been paid back the $40k. (They purchased a new SUV during that time yet I never got a cent back). Saw nothing of the $4k surgery money either but during that time they were able to have overseas trips, buy a dog (plus related products) that they got rid of in a few months, did up the back yard and redid their floors and lights amongst other house stuff. Purchased luxury brand bags plus a Nintendo switch for my nephew that doesn't get used.

Never asked for anything back or brought it up. I'm really getting sick of it and it's very painful to see that I'm viewing my own brother in a very negative way now.

Like I helped out with good intentions and would do the same for my sister but it's just outrageous how it's added up and seems to be in a worse position when the whole point was to get him out of the mess
if you make this thread again maybe you'll grow the balls to cut your family off and stop being a fucking pussy
You’re dumb and deserve to be robbed of all your money. Now, since you don’t need money apparently, give the rest to me for no reason.

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Is this actually good advice for dicklets? That you should tell every girl you have a small dick before you get serious so you can find a girl who is really okay with it as opposed to reluctantly accepting it because its too late?
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It makes sense though. If a girl you just met already knows you have a small dick and moves forward with you its much more likely she really does not give a fuck. And you'll feel much less insecure knowing she signed up for little dick sex instead of it being forced upon her.
yeah, broad fat shoulders on a girl is soooo fucking gross.
My sister has em and I feel so bad for her.
Just don't bring it up. Don't tell her it's small, don't ask her if it's big enough. She's not even going to notice unless it's an actual microdick or something, but if you bring it up she will, and she'll also think you're an insecure bitch.
>For girls I imagine it's somewhat the same, dick size is important like tit size
I don't know why people keep making this comparison. Female preferences are much more strict than our own. Women don't just kinda sorta dislike dating guys shorter than them, they would rather die alone than settle for that. Also women actually have the ability to get what they want. Most men can't even get a girl with fat tits, but women can hold out for a guy with a big dick, or who is tall, or their preferred race.
>she'll also think you're an insecure bitch.
But you are, that's the point. You're insecure because you should be insecure, women don't like little dicks. Notice how despite this being a board packed with women, none of them have chimed in. Women only speak up to say they don't need big dicks, but they never say a small dick is fine.

Stop trying to compensate by being fake confident.

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unironically, how do i as an incel get my trad virgin wife? there are immutable characteristics of my face that i cannot change. im not ugly by any means, i just have vitiligo and am isolated. am i just making excuses? all i can do now is nichemaxx, as in look for people who dont mind/actually seek people who look like me. i dont relate to many anons on here because my face is so odd with it, just cannot relate. where do i go? what do?
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what if i want a woman who isn't chronically ill/disabled? am i to believe that is just my lot/best shot?
well, not necessarily, lol. maybe i not, maybe i am. i get matches on dating apps but thats about it. i have never tried irl.
Be a trad husband - practicing christian, with conservative values around dating and sex, hardworking, make enough to support a household, young, with handy skills.
If you want a girl who is pretty, be handsome.
im trying to do that. but i am not christian. but i definitely do believe in God. moreso agnostic. havent read the bible torah or quran, but i am reading the bible.

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Here's one thing I wanna get off my chest I have a mental disorder and these "voices images & sensations" build meter so fast that it's like I wanna buy Marlboros if I could afford it! I've learned something though if some of you are similar: Adaptation. That's all you need for someone with mental/&emotional disorder.

"Intelligence and imagination go hand-in-hand." - Aristotle

Ugh .. Love this thread btw.
Absolutely. It's all about hearing the voices, seeing the things and simply choosing to ignore them most of the time. That being said, you should try a smoking alternative like vaping or gum. The last thing I want for anyone is to keel over at 55 because there's lumps in their lungs.
I cut someone out of my life today. It was for the best. I feel like absolute fucking shit and just want to get under the covers and sob.
Arnt you the one who cheated on cheswick with a 17 yr old? She left you. So is this money for the 17 yr old? Your sketchy as hell
Yup. I am unfixable trash. Awesome.

I hate it when you're going through something in life and some person external to you says something that they think is suppose to give you meaning or something.

Like for example. You lose your nice high paying job and then end up having to work at McDonald's. Then some dude says something like
>you gon get through this baby
>this when god puts us through troubles
>this when god makes tougher
>things be bad right now but God has a plan for you
>you gon get through this honey

Like am I warranted to be pissed off at that? Like I didn't need your unsolicited pep talk and I sure as hell don't appreciate you analyzing my situation like as if you know anything about me or my future.

Like I know they mean well but jeez. My personal struggles are not open for judgement.

Right or no? Am I the asshole here?
You are definitely on the more sensitive side, though I can understand your point
Sounds like they are just trying to help, and you are making a problem out of it
I think it depends on who says it and how it's said. Some people when they pep talk just sound patronising or even disingenuous. You're entitled to feel like shit when life circumstances change, it's healthy and normal to feel bad when things get worse. But know that some people who try give you pep talks really do care, you're allowed to not want to hear it, but try not to let it get to you.

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>known guy since preschool, was best man in his wedding
>shit has been going downhill for him for years
>2020 he started saying he was gay, despite being married to a woman (he’s still married)
>seemed like a phase
>occcasionally lashes out and goes crazy
>dude lives in a cabin in the middle of nowhere 2 hours away
>last winter stayed cooped up, his car broke down and he didn’t leave his house from Halloween til a few weeks ago
>in his free time he edits movies and makes action figures, does not leave basement
>wife cheats on him like crazy and he doesn’t realize it or doesn’t care
>comes over to play risk, first human interaction he’s had in 6 months. Starts playing tranny porn in front of 4 straight dudes.
>I make some inappropriate “send them to the gas chambers” comments

He’s since blocked me on everything. I tried reaching out by email telling him I’m legitimately concerned about his mental health and well being. He criticized me about past financial issues and past legal issues. Started bringing up stuff from years ago that had nothing to do with the argument or nothing to do with him. Brought my dead grandfather into the argument for some reason. Failed to see that the argument was started because he forced me to watch tranny porn and degraded me in front of several friends at my own house.

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>>comes over to play risk, first human interaction he’s had in 6 months. Starts playing tranny porn in front of 4 straight dudes.
>>I make some inappropriate “send them to the gas chambers” comments
You're both fucking autistic and need to learn how to act around other human beings. Neither of these actions were acceptable in any way.
He isn't your friend anymore mate. You've grown in different directions. Admittly his direction is mentally ill but you can't help that. Forget about him
I'm trans btw.
Nigger, he was playing fag porn in front of you. Nothing you could have said or done would have been inappropriate in comparison unless you whipped out your dick and started masturbating.
Retard detected

Your friend seems completely gone. If he is still mad at you best you can do is try to reach to him via mutuals at some point while he is sober.

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