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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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what is a "white"?
>What is "whiteism"? Such a thing only exists in colonial countries such as America

Why was classical Syria so full of American kkk white supremacists?
This is not the 80s anymore. Censorship is back and this time it's the private sector doing it so one cannot even hide behind his country's liberal constitution.
The only good kind.

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cheetah cube edition

previous >>23341113
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Wrap it before you tap it dawg

Really rich that the app developer with class anxiety is lecturing others on "degenerate modernity"
Please expand on hungary contemporary. What's going on there
i love eating food so much bros
Most Recent Diary Entry:

I’m not convinced that the pleasures of the body will make us whole.

Today I was cumming and it instantly felt deeply real that a person I could love was an ocean that I could dive into, every moment and memory and feeling of their lives a floating molecule within vast liquid space that was mine to float through. I shook with pleasure

I’ve been the horniest I’ve been throughout my entire life in the past week. Truly insatiable. I’ve been having marathon hour long masturbation sessions twice a day and feeling like my body is rippling with heat the way you feel when you kiss someone or take your clothes off in front of someone.

Today I saw a boy working at the bakery that was so beautiful I almost fell over. We made eye contact.

If a rapist can write a song that makes me cry then somehow that makes it more moving.

Yesterday I asked Grandma about Dad, who she had lunch with. She puzzled for a moment then said that he smiled and laughed but that she could see the sadness in his eyes.
Same, what's your favourite?
For me, ice cream and mexican slop.
Or a good steak

Why does Reddit hate this book so much?
Because Ayn Rand is a heckin meanie who hates le poor
People hate bad books generally
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>pretending it's hated
Nobody talks about it at all

Favourite female poet?

For me it's Dakota Warren
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>you 79IQ fucking redneck
Fuck off, Chang
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For me, it's Bachmann
Where to start with her? Malina?
>calling me not white when in fact Japanese who are white people also put family name first
Jokes on you, streetshitter
As do Hvngarians

"Tattertown" edition

Previous: >>23328783

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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>childhood crush of boy is embarrassed by and spurns him publicly
>His teacher consoles and begins to groom him
What are some things she might say to both comfort him and turn him against his old friend?

I was thinking the boy would attempt to justify his love interest's actions at first and she would disagree:

"She didn't really mean it...she was just angry I called her "the light of my heart" in front of her friends"

"You're a sweet boy. But she meant every word. She wanted to hurt you so you'd leave her alone."

I'm not sure how she would console him after that though given that what she said would likely make him feel even worse.
Go see a play or something similar at a local theater. The experience will be very similar, I'd imagine.
Probably not, but I'm not much into urban fantasy. I will say that it looks well done and is professional looking, so there's that.
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trying to write visions into a story, the main character is supposed to be a prophetic eunuch chosen from birth by the town so he can interpret the sky and tell the locals when the army of earth will return and idk there are different interpretations of what happens next.
It's about a ladyboy eunuch sacrifice humilation cult dedicated to the virgin mary, the main character is the sky guardian.
They drink a halucinogen juice that is packed with female hormonesy so only castrated prepubescent boys can drink it in sufficient quantity, everyone else just siezes and dies. the main character is in a female-looking body and thats my way of explroing the idea of being an effeminate man and i think i'm doing good with that part (mostly cause im just projecting my own loser emotions but fuck it man, i need to write this) but the prophetic religion stuff isn't so easy for me. I'm a devout believing hardliner catholic (i even talked to jesus once, one on one) and thats the framework i am starting from.
In the story he is supposed to regularly be getting high off weird alien juices, and idk how "detailed" his visions should be? Like dune, he literally sees the future, or more iconographic, like he sees symbols that determine omens, like the virgin mary crying blood, or blue banners in the sky, metal birds, a new star in the sky.
Part of it is also alien birds who speak in the name od God, in his town the bird speaks in the name of the Virgin Mary, or the bird is the virgin mary, hiding behind a screen because they hate being seen by man.
The town the main character is from is a very bsckwards society even relative to the whole planet, which is some 600 years isolated from earth and is pretty low-tech and superstitous, and a big theme is that conflict, between the old and the new, the globalising current of progress and the fortress of tradition and meaning.
Generally the themes i'm seeing in my writings are masculinity, what it means to be a man, the journey, despite the disfiguring, shame and sadistic ritual, to become a man, foreigners, faith, lack of agency and the chance to have agency at a great cost.

Don't care if its a faggy ass story its close to my heart.
i swear to god you people just invent fake problems for yourself. if you don't have anything to write regarding seeing a ballet then don't write a scene about seeing a ballet, write something else. the car broke down and they ate burgers waiting for the tow truck and missed the ballet. is somebody holding a gun to your head making you write ballet scenes?

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People are driven by self-insert, they only delude themselves of normativity because society wouldn't function otherwise. Anyone who truly believes otherwise, is a sucker and there are many. That is why the rich and powerful keep winning. Religion, Politics, consumerism and even family relations are nothing more than tools used to control the individual. A individual who can break free from all of this rises to the top, the others drown in the swamp. The only person you should focus on is yourself. I know anons will call me an edgy teenager but I honestly feel like a clown for realising this, this late. I need books written by intelligent people who can articulate these thoughts better than me?
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>Individualists only take what the group provides.
change in the collective always comes from the individual
Individualism should not mean being anti-democratic. It should mean being anti-socialist.

Democracy: when each and every person has the right to pursue and satiate their desires (excluding desires which undermine democracy)

Socialism: when the majority has the right to pursue and satiate their desires (excluding desires which undermine socialism)

Democracy is in favor of the individual, socialism isn't. Learn the difference. Don't listen to Marxist drivel which insists that Western civilization's problems today are related to democracy. It's problems are actually related to socialism. We're hardly democratic anymore.
The man who subsumes himself through the mob, becomes nothing.
The man who alienates himself away from all others, becomes nothing.

You have realized nothing, you are an idiot.
This meme was made by someone with the intellect of an average 9 year old. First level thinker.

I think its a way for tryhard pseudo intellectuals to try and come off as smarter than they actually are by being overtly autistic about a fictional work.

So, why are the curtains blue? Because the author likes the color blue or it just looked better and there isn't some hidden meaning behind it
If a book is good then everything is intentional
>it just looked better
It's text on a page

>likes Cortazar novels (Hopscotch)
>likes Hesse novels (Demian, Steppenwolf)
>likes Wes Anderson movie Fantastic Mr. Fox
such a cultured Russian legal loli
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>why the fuck would anybody write posts like this other than a pedophile trying to stay in denial?
Femoid coping is another possibility.
well I for one think it is divinely cute, anon
looks like simon pegg lol
a femoid would move straight to moral condemnation, there would be no reason for her to go "guys guys i totally don't find this attractive pinky promise."
>a woman with teen looks is better than a woman with woman looks, if you disagree you're either a fetishist, a liar or a faggot
no, you're just sexually degenerate scum.
>verification not required

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All obstructionist style writers are pseuds hiding shit ideas behind needlessly complicated prose. Lacan, Hegel, and all others who participate in that style of writing are dog shit.

Also, all Freudians are retarded.
The easiest way to thing about it is as negative, yeah. It's not just trauma, although encounters with the real tend to be traumatic, but anything about the subjects' experience that's outside the imaginary or symbolic. So, whether it's death, biology, repetition, the drive, God, nothing can accurately capture our engagement with the real in a way that helps collapse it into something like "meaning."
Thinking of seeing a Lacanian psychoanalyst. What should I expect?
I'd expect to show up regularly and talk, like you would in any kind of analysis. The less you try to anticipate, and the more curious you are, the better.
Lacan is often regarded as structuralist and post-structuralist, but not postmodernist.

good lit, humanities and social science spaces, channels to follow
You mean… accounts?

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The advantage of audio books is that you can listen to a book while doing something else, like driving or working, but I tend to often focus more on the thing I'm doing and have to hit the go back 30 seconds button a hundred times. Also it's kind of weird hearing the reader do voices for different characters.
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Ignore the other poster. Epub and Amazon's propertairy formats suck. Get a dedicated A4 sized PDF native eink device instead or get used to badly OCRd text and missing pages if you want to ignore me and listen to him.
Get a tablet the size of a trade paperback then get the Kindle app. Then you can use it for other stuff
Get a Kobo Libra 2
KOReader makes reading pdfs on Kindle 100% better, but.... it's still not very ideal. Get a tablet or Ipad if you want to use pdfs. Kindle or any other ereader for book formats like epub, azw3, etc.
depends on the kind of pdf. if the pdf is mainly text, like a regular book, go for it. but you'll have a better time using epubs instead. epubs will let you change font size, pdfs wont.
get epubs off annas archive, upload using "send to kindle" and it'll transfer to your kindle.
you can't transfer epubs via usb. if you want to send epubs via USB, you'll have to use calibre to convert your files or get a kobo instead like >>23345543 (i like the physical buttons on the libra)
if your pdf is formatted unlike a regular book (textbook, manual with a lot of detailed diagrams, etc.), you are better off with a cheap tablet.
also most ereaders don't have color, if that's something you need. some do support color like some of kobos ereaders. kobos are also pretty good if you want to avoid amazon shit, but the paperwhite will be fine if you just want a simple device to dump your books onto.
koreader on kindle requires jailbreaking which is a pain in the ass. you have to keep your device disconnected at all times and wait for a jailbreak for your specific version, only for the jailbreak to possibly break if you ever accidentally leave wifi on and it autoupdates.
if you want a koreader machine, kobos are better since they don't give a shit about installing mods.

Post your favorite art edition
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>margaery's hightower mom has silver hair
>jorah's hightower wife looked like danaerys
>jaehaerys mistook alicent for saera
>daemon's daughter married and had children with a hightower
they're basically pseudo valyrians at this point
Posting the mountain clans should not be allowed, i can scarcely jest with knees so weak after reading this excerpt. But jokes aside, these lords all have keeps, family names and are clad in steel, they all kneel. If you wanna find a "first men" in modern westeros you need to go further north.
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How is it obvious? It looked a lot of the times that they were working at odds with each other, and even more so with Varys's monologue in the ADWD epilogue
Jorah the fucking simp

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Trad Chads

We can't stop winning!
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Liberalism and capitalism freed millions of people from literal slavery and made their lives happier, healthier and better.
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Cool story ivan
case and point
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>273 replies and 55 images omitted. Click here to view.

I'm a Bible teacher

Ask me anything, if you want
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You're a bad person and you suffering for all eternity in hell is justice.
nah, you're just a slanderous bitter child who assumes the worst of people and thinks himself smart because of it
How are you doing? Do you find your day to day fulfilling?
i don't have to assume anything, you people just keep saying it out loud. there's a guy in the thread going like a mantra "YOU WILL SUFFER YOU WILL SUFFER DIVINELY YESSSSS SO MUCH SUFFERING" like fucking clive barker wrote him, and you think i'm just imagining that modern christianity appeals to people who are fucked in the head? get real
It's cause and effect nigga.
We're telling you exactly why you're going to burn in hell.
That's all on you.

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