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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
If it takes 1 hour to cook a batch of cookies and Cookiemonster has 15 ovens, working 24 hours a day, every day for 5 years, how long does it take Cookiemonster to make 6 million batches of cookies?

Each cookie oven also has doors made of wood.
Trick question. Cookie monster can’t leave his trash can?
It only takes 10 minutes to bake a cookie.
Also, they use conveyer belt ovens so they just one long oven.
There are no doors, there is just these silicone flaps when they go in thru they conveyer belt.
Wtf Cookie Monster don’t live in no trash can you’re thinking of Oscar the grouch dumb fuck

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>leak in the line somewhere, replace it
>well pump burns out the next day
>another leak, but nobody can find it
>digging holes all over my beautiful yard
>$8k down the drain (literally)
This fucking sucks. Anyone else have any utility horror-stories?
Your explanation lacks useful detail so why did you bother posting? It's not /diy/ since you are doing nothing.

Wells are simple. Ensure well works. Shut off normal well output then run a bypass hose like I do to feed the house. I use farm grade hose to bypass any problems when removating. With your water supply functioning in expedient mode, replace the pipe from the well to your house completely so it doesn't shit the bed somewhere else.

Adding fittings so you can route around any damage is cheap and works a treat. For example if renovating you could put a water heater etc on a pallet, power via 240V cord to the 240v outlet you have anyway for welder and/or compressor, then use garden hose brass or stainless fittings with farm grade hose and you're golden.

What specifically cost eight grand? I'm an old cripple and can work a trenching shovel. Rather than dig hunting a pipe I'm going to replace I'd dig where I want a new supply pipe.
>Anyone else have any utility horror-stories?
no, I take care of my shit
a well pump doesn't just "burn out"

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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Ahh, you’re this guy. I can see the traces and the texture of the fiberglass mesh inside the epoxy PCB. It’s even easier to see the traces on this board than with most other boards.
The E.U. should mandate black PCBs everywhere for ease of maintenance and repairability.
> gaming keyboard
Ahh. That explains everything.
No that's not me. I'm the one who fixed the keyboard. This one was a gift from a friend.
> It’s even easier to see the traces on this board than with most other boards.
made up bullshit

> gaming keyboard
not me, but way to show your retardation
When you look down on the keyboard, through the keys, can you see the PCB? If so, that’s likely why they made it black.

At least it’s not gloss black, that would be worse and difficult to take a photo of it due to glare.
On the plus side, the silk screen is very readable.
>Why is it not valid for capacitive loads?
It is valid, capacitive loads are a type of reactive load.
>doesn't that remain constant?
Power factor may change in the 10-0.1s timespan, for example as the load on an electric motor changes. For sinusoidal current, you don't need to measure faster than each mains cycle (50/60Hz), which is trivially slow for a microcontroller anyhow. That kind of 0.1s time resolution isn't useful for knowing the cost of electricity, just for the finer things of inverter/transformer sizing or troubleshooting startup transients.

For non-sinusoidal current you're not measuring just phase angle, but the shape of the current waveform, since things with rectifiers will only draw short spikes of current at the peaks of the sinusoid.

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I want to get into DIY gene therapy and metabolomics, but I don't really know where to begin.
Typically you begin by working in a lab and getting experience working with their expensive machines. You will not get far if you're trying to LEARN with DIY centrifuges and biosafety cabinets and god for bid DIY PCR. You need to learn on reliable equipment, the cognitive load and time consequences for technical failure necessitate this.
If you have a degree in sciences and persistence, you should be able to find a lab technician job.

t. Worked in a famous gene therapy lab for 3 years
I'm not going to get all the equipment and make the plasmids myself. I want to learn how to write the genome myself so I can send it to a lab like benchling so they'll do that part for me.
And you will test your construct in what?
And you will use what as a vector?
You're roadblocked at every step if you don't work in a lab, and you're quickly going to realize that paying someone else to do things gets expensive.
It is estimated that with current highest efficiency production methods, the typical gene therapy dose for one human costs in excess of $1M.
There's a reason why almost everybody who does research does it with someone else's money.
>And you will test your construct in what?

>And you will use what as a vector?

"I'm here in my friend's genetics lab and he's letting me use his equipment and materials"
-First of all, he has access to a real lab
-Second, Jesus fuck he thinks he's got enough AAV from a single t-175 flask? We would do 30 of these 10-layer cell-stacks for enough virus for 1 human:
Also, gene therapy to the intestinal epithelium probably won't have fuck all duration as AAV is non-replicating and every time your infected cells divide you lose half.
You are probably better off engineering a yogurt with bacteria with the plasmid and colonizing your gut with lactase secreting bacteria as that should durably retain the lactase gene until the bacteria is wiped out by the next time you have other yogurt.
No, scratch that. You're better off buying lactaid. Like that guy ended up doing.
Also, with the modern sharp uptick in colon cancer, especially around age 18-35, I wouldn't guinea pig gene therapy.
Common thinking is that AAV is without risk and does not integrate into the genome at all. But, it does integrate into double strand breaks very well. If that happens in the wrong place (it happens randomly) it can cause cancer.

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how do i make my room better?

also male living space thread
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banana :)
God I fucking hate "YouTubers" and how they influence whatever they're making content on. YouTube should be for silly videos and instructionals. I wish ratings still meant something. A bunch of retards can go on some guy giving bullshit advice for 20min and it has a bunch of "worked for me!" and thumbs up when its shit advice. Then you find the real advice and it has no views and 70 comments from real people.

I also should not have to put up with the damage of some gay faggots lame advice that caught on. Stop shitting up my entire "thing" with your non content showing how much you don't fucking know. Rule 34^2, if it exists there's some nigger on YouTube giving you his opinion on it.
There was fucking 3 months where all the makers tried to give credit to trannny Fran for inventing how to put screws in without crossthreading them.n thank God they shut up

(It was only like 2 but I only watch 3)

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My retarded boomer Dad cut down a bunch of tree branches (red circles in the picture below) and now you can see straight through into our backyard. These trees are 20 years old. I don't know why he did this. My Mom is very sad that he did this, she is crying.

Mother's day is coming up and I want to be a good son. What can I build or do or plant to try and help fill this space back in and have it look nice?
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Boomers being retarded is just a factual statement, not an insult.
I'm going to go with:
He had a very good reason to trim those branches, but you and your mom are just too dumb to understand.
No, most boomers have lead poisoning and are sub 90 IQ
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Yeah they go fucking nuts when they retire.
It's sad actually. In the last 10 or so years of their career they can do nothing else but look forwards to retirement. As soon as they retire they go nuts within literally 3 months.
People need to do shit, we need to work. They spent the last decade of their career looking forwards to putting their feet up and doing nothing, and immediately realise it's hell.
As soon as the body stops working, it starts dying.
My conspiracy theory is that this is by design. In my country we have to pay on average 10% of our income year on year to our pension. This is a legal requirement so there's no opting out. Employer pensions are a legal requirement as well, so it's actually higher than that 10%, and then there's normal tax on top of that. So you pay a big chunk of your gross income every year, for 50 years, with the promise that you'll get it back when you retire, and then on average you'll live 5-8 years after retirement. Government keeps whatever is left outstanding. Massive profit for them.
Oh and also the state pension is invested in real estate, driving up property prices which won't be allowed to go down. If the housing market does crash then every boomer will realise they've been in a ponzi scheme.
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Actually, quite a topical thread for me. Zoomer here with a boomer dad who hasn't retired yet (old enough to see the moon landing), and I find that he *over* DIYs.

He knows his shit in a few places, for example he did a full cabinet overhaul for our living room and his shop from scratch, and has a carefully restored vintage motorcycle. But I find the prestige gets to him. It's making me resent DIYing. Everything has to have the "dad touch", save for some more larger and intensive projects which he contracts out. I've found recently if there's something that I want or that needs to be fixed around the house, either he doesn't fully fix the problem, or leaves it in a bandaid like state where if you touch it wrong, the whole house of cards comes crashing down and I have to have him "fix" it again.

Why would I ask dad for help with the squealing noise on my car's brakes, if when I get it back it's still making the noise? Clearly you know some things about cars to swap the brake pad, but not enough to solve the problem. There goes a day of my vehicle being nonoperational just for the problem to remain the same. I'd rather just bring it to someone qualified and have them do it for a little bit of cash.

I know you can save a ton of money DIYing, but how do I overcome this hump of the DIY not being "right"? I really don't like this attitude of "let me fuck it up first then go pay someone to unfuck it."

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Lads I'm a clueless shitposter boomer that through sheer persistence managed to pull a job interview next week for a plumber assistant position. How do I increase my chances of getting hired?
I'm a /fit/izen so I'm in pretty good shape and have a tiny bit of diy experience but that's it. Really shitty memory btw.
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>Lads I'm a clueless shitposter boomer
>shit flows downhill
Hot on the left
doesn't know about the nile...
30yo boomer
Boomers aren't 30. Most are over twice that. You are indeed clueless though.

How do i make a better electric pressure washer, i don't even know what pump i can use with electric motor running on 115, can't tell if i need 2 or 4hp
>How do i make a better electric pressure washer,

For what specific definition of better at what budget? The best "pressure washer" is a steam jenny. You can find and repair old ones sometimes. If you want serious power use 240V. Post exactly what you want one to do that existing units do not.

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I want to build my own DIY computer from scratch, but I don't really know where to start. The main purpose of it is to learn more about computers and how it all works down there. I'm confident with logic gates, boolean algebra, not so with prototyping. I watched Ben Eater's videos about his project, as well as some other videos to similar topic. What books/other materials will be helpful? What is the starting point for such project should be? Is it better to pick up something like 65c02 and build around it or made everything by myself?
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I'll give it a try, seems very interesting

What amount of effort and time you put into this? Looks scary and interesting af

I'll think about both options, thanks for information, but what is a good MSX kit out there? Quick search results in GR8Bit and Omega MSX, but maybe it's better to save money for Rosco. As for assembly I'll be learning it at uni, motorolla one, so it'll go perfectly if I get my hands on it.

Yeah, logic ICs look like my way to go, they're fun and understandable, almost like lego but with electricity.
>Rosco M68K
>Regular price: £149.99
>MC68010 16/32-bit CPU
>512KB Flash ROM (Up to 1MB supported)
>On-board UART (115200 BPS as standard)
>SD Card support (requires 5V Arduino-compatible SD adapter, not supplied)
Not OP, but even though the idea of assembling a computer from scratch sounds interesting, I don't think I'd be willing to drop 150 pounds for something that's got inferior specs to a Raspberry Pi Pico in all but storage capacity.
At least you’ll know how it works and that the chinese aren’t listing to your conversations.
You can’t know that they aren’t on a raspberry pi.
>You can’t know that they aren’t on a raspberry pi.

If you don't know how to monitor a network why do you have an opinion?
If security really matters, don't use a computer to communicate since the five eyes pwn the backbones.

Why would anyone use the internet for anything compromising in the first place? The best security is to resist temptation and not follow the herd.
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https://nandgame.com/ is a pretty good resource to learn from, It guides you through all the steps of building a computer starting from relays

Personally, I've been working on building one in minecraft. All the ALU is missing is a circuits for bitshifting and jumps and it should be ready for programming

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What is the easiest way to make a ton of 135° bends on 3/4 emt?
Fucking every conduit bender stops at 90°
triple nickel bender

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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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why is everyone who posts here poor as fuck
oh I'm more than certain that I'm making this way more convoluted than it needs to be. Part of me does kind of want to build it just for the sake of it though, despite the hardships it comes with. It will make the finished product feel more rewarding every time I utilize the features I went out of my way to add on. But I did look at outlets on Amazon after you posted that other one and I found one that seems to have enough outlets of varying makes to fit most of my needs. It would also just be cool to know how to tinker with every element of it, so if something fucks up, I can fix it myself instead of needing stuff from online, which isn't always reliable. I've looked at a couple of other things too but I think

I personally have no tools but my buddy has his own woodworking/handyman business and he's already told me that if I can get things put together on paper and pay for the materials then I'm free to use his gear when he doesn't need it. With that being said, I don't exactly know what he has either. I know he has a table saw, jigsaw, handsaw, drills, clamps, wood glue, stuff like that but I don't know the exacts.

As far as material goes, I want something sturdy and for it to look reasonably nice. Woodwork was my first thought just because wood will be timeless, and I could pass this desk down through generations when I have kids and it would feel more like a family heirloom and other sentimental shit like that, but it would also be pretty future proof. As far as what kind of wood, I have no idea, I'm in uncharted waters right now with this idea. I googled it real quick and I kind of like American Black Walnut or plain Oak but its all up in the air. Although I'm not completely opposed to something like fiberglass either since that would make it way lighter, but (I assume) more difficult to work with, but I think with this kind of time and money and labor investment, I'm pretty set on some kind of wood.
>I've looked at a couple of other things too but I think
But I think I'd be better off going as DIY as I reasonably can, for functionality and just for the experience, until I run into a hurdle that I just can't climb on my own.

had to step away mid-sentence earlier
Having something you built yourself is always rewarding. Be ready for what you are getting into though, a desk is not a small project (I've been there) . Some unsolicited advice:
1. Plywood is your friend for large dimension surfaces. Flattening a glued up panel is difficult. Hiding the ugly edges on an already flat piece of plywood is much easier.
2. Consider how you are going to move it before construction. I accidentally built a desk that didn't fit through a regular doorway. You may need to build it in pieces that can be assembled at the destination.
3. You're going to mess up. In woodworking nearly any mistake can be fixed though, except for amputations. When you screw up, ask for advice before tossing things out.
I appreciate the input, and I'm ready for the headache (well, I say that now while I'm in the honeymoon phase and just drafting ideas kek). My idea is to make it into 3 pieces anyways, I just have to settle on dimensions. The corner piece is going to have the power outlet and the left and right will be for art and electronics respectively, and I'll just assemble it in the room when its all said and done. I'll likely have to use more iron than I'd like in order to get proper support because it's going to be a "gaming style" desk with open sides and a mostly open back, other than some kind of hanging piece to screw the power outlet onto where they're still functional but not visible. And some manner of built in cable management because I'm just not a fan of those metal wire baskets that most desks present.

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Orange and white?
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bought one of these Chinese LED ring lights for $100. easy to install, fan is nearly silent but moves a lot of air and can adjust between warm and cool light.
Objective assignments
No, like most things, what damages your eyes is transitions. Once your eyes adapt to darkness they can stay there fine. What hurts your vision is dark>bright>dark>bright. That wives tale got started because reading by candlelight did fuck up your vision, which people thought was becasue candlelight was dim, when it was actually because of the flickering.
dropped IMAGE
But I feel orange lights aren't bright enough as whites are. I have op pic rn and they seem more brighter. My mom forcefully changed them claiming my room was too dark but it was easy on my melatonin receptors
They aren’t as bright. Your bedroom is for sleeping, not doing shit. Your mom sounds like a spaz.

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Contractor quoted me $7000 for an asphalt driveway (approx 800 sq ft) and that was the lowest bidder out of 3 bids. 3" of asphalt over 3" gravel.

For $7k I can put in a concrete driveway (8" gravel base, 6" concrete) myself if I rent a mini-excavator to do the digging, make the concrete forms myself, and broom finish the concrete once it's poured.

I just don't have any experience running an excavator, so I'm trying to figure out what I need to know in advance.

Do I need to worry about it bogging down in soft clay soil or do the tracks spread the weight enough to avoid that?

Will the excavator's weight compact the gravel if I drive over it a few times, or would I need to rent a compactor/tamper?

Can I drive it back to my place on a rural road, or will it tear up the asphalt? (I'd prefer not to pay for delivery if I don't have to.)
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>$7000 for an asphalt driveway (approx 800 sq ft)
fuck. i was thinking about having some concrete drivway and parking area added to the space around my garage. fuck i dont have $10k to spend on that.
The previous owner of my old house worked at a concrete company across the street for three years and every week he'd bring the cement truck home build a form and pour another chunk of driveway with tailings. The result was a very nice if mismatched U drive and huge pad with a few shoot off parking spots. One of the big reasons I bought the property. He quit the day he poured his last free slab. Pretty fucking based if you ask me.

OTOH I had a programmer friend who didn't want to pay for a cement driveway so he poured his own one single bag at a time, mixed in a wheelbarrow. Kind of insane but it's certainly possible. I never saw it but I imagine each single bag form was a small piece so a lot of little slabs I guess. Still it makes a driveway/slab and you are quite literally doing /diy/.
Thanks, everyone.


Planned dimensions are 18x30 on relatively flat ground (I'd like to put in a garage/workshop eventually) and then about 12x30 on steeply sloped ground.

A backhoe or skid steer might work better. That's a good point.
buy a mini, do the job, then sell the mini
it'll be way cheaper then renting
>backhoe or skid steer may work better
get one with a 4 in one bucket so you can use the scraper function of the bucket.

We got one step closer to getting back off the grid. 2500 watts of glass on the roof. inverter/controller is installed. shed is wired.

next weekend we plan to trench, run 00 conduit to and from shed/house main panel and install/run weatherhead DC wires PV to controller.

once we get all the heavy work in next weekend, I can finish the rest by myself. connecting it all at the controller and wiring in the batteries.

system is still due for an upgrade, but we're going to use what we have for now. once we save up (cash only buyers) we will purchase 18 345w panels and a 300AH LiFePO4 battery to replace our FLA units.
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just to clarify, since this forum does not identify:

Our system:
12k all-in-one
2500w of glass (Qcell)
300ah FLA (8× 12V - S,P)
All inside shed in OP

Our home/loads
new construction 2022/2023
1400sqft 3bd2ba

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Somewhat related questions: have any of ya solar fags gotten gov’t rebates or anything for installing solar? If so, what state and how much did you get? How was the process?

I think Florida has something, they gave me a decent rebate when I put a new AC unit in last year. A lot of neighbors have some solar panels on their roofs, I’ve been seeing more installs recently. I’m somewhat tempted by it after I put a new roof on the place, even if there’s no battery bank and I can just offset the electricity a little bit, especially in the summer.

It us my understanding, that Florida, the fucking "Sunshine State" is quite unfriendly towards solar systems and homeowners. I don't know enough to elaborate much, but I believe permitting is nearly impossible.

Federal Tax, I can speak to with knowledge. yes. there are several rebates. they are mostly capped, from my experience, at $2000 total, combined. example: we spent almost $18,000 on qualifying HVAC, stoves and water heater. that should have qualified us for $5400 since it is a 30% rebate. however, they cap the rebate at $2000. so we missed out on $3,400 by not spreading the purchase over multiple tax years.

Mobile jobsite solar exists so one could plug that in like a genset to an appropriate receptacle. I refuse to damage my roof and have ample land so if I do solar I'll fab or mod and existing trailer.
> this board does not track a consistent userid over a single thread, to be able to determine who is talking. I am clarifying therefore.. I am OP.

That's why I gave in, and started namefagging. Now anons can see my namefag across multiple threads on /diy, which sucks, but it's a tradeoff, so people aren't confused. I also use Read Chan, an excellent app I can't say enough good things about. ReadChanAnon, if you're here. It tells me when someone replied, and in what thread, allows me to pin interesting threads, put /diy first, etc. Saves my 4chan pass. Maybe the website on an android does that for you seasoned anons, but there's no way I would use a basic web browser.

> what we have

You already have the SolArk/DEYE 12k, you 'overbought', knowing you would be expanding. Other than not having enough solar, for future stuff, and not enough batteries, either, right now, you plan to expand. I don't know how far toward the poles you are. 2500 could be adequate around texas/fl. 8000k and you will be able to crazy stretch your legs with those loads, so 6k is OK. Battery similarly.
was me.

But you move polar enough, with enough overcast and cloudy weather, like indiana, west virginia, michigan, and you have to expand the solar and the battery by 50%. It's so regionally dependent.

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