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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

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How much do fork materials _really_ matter on a bike? I'm looking at Cannondale vs Trek for a hybrid and there's a $400 difference between otherwise similar bikes with Steel/Alloy/Carbon forks.
also you should mention how awful b*cycle bl** b**k is and how it should be ignored. much more relevant than bikes direct which is only mildly distasteful
If it takes wide tires and you pump them up to the right pressure for system weight + conditions the difference will only be in weight.
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This is what I did. The bike itself was rubbish though and I ended up having to spend a lot of money replacing the steel rims, then brakes, then better levers to match those brakes, then new handlebars cause the diameter was too small for modern parts.
I can’t put a price on experience though.
I know you're supposed to buy a quality used one if you're on a budget, but what's the best new bike I can get for under $300? Mainly going to be used on roads and dirt roads with maybe a little bit of trail use. I prefer thumb shifters over twist shifters. I can't buy used because I need a receipt. Insurance company is replacing one that was stolen.

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When you see this and think about how it's a 72 year old design, doesn't it make you feel like transportation technology hasn't advanced enough in the past 72 years? 72 years before the B-52s first flight was 1880, the middle of the wild west era. These things are still in service 72 years later. Wtf
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>technology hasn't advanced in 72 years
wait till this guy finds out about the camera, the telephone, barcodes, fiber optics, toasters, electric guitars, and firearms
Which one of those is "transportation technology" as clearly stated in the OP? Also what kind of examples are electric guitars and toasters lmao
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things that are already incredibly functional in their design. You can't improve the electric guitar without fundamentally changing the principles its design is based upon.
>we want a medium-altitude, long-endurance bomb truck
aerodynamic principles and the laws of physics really limit what you can effectively do with those parameters. It wasn't designed to go fast, it wasn't designed to go incredibly high, all it needed to do was deliver a payload to a target cheaply, which is why it's outlived everything else SAC ever ordered.

Sure, there are marginal efficiency gains from different engines, and deleting the tail gunner and some of the CSO stations as avionics advanced, but every single other thing you could do starts to compromise the design into another corner.

B52's on fucking mars baby.

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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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Literally how
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>was looking at SIU past 2 days
>mfw fucking clot shot requirement
Any decent alternatives to SIU that won't require me to go in massive debt? I kinda want to make money right away so I do consider hawespiping maybe on a river barge or something. Been out of work for a while now getting bored of NEETing and want to start making money again.
Imagine making major life decisions based on schizobabble about microchip bill gates vaccines that you took seriously
>getting an experimental RNA vaccine just for something a tad deadlier than the common cold
That's not for all of us but everyone else can be guinea pigs if they want.
>I'll be an unemployable freak because of something I saw on 4chan
But what else is new right?

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What are your thoughts on Embraer? what is the future of the company? What do you hope they accomplish?
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https://www.wsj.com/business/airlines/boeing-partner-embraer-aircraft-manufacturing-edf3758a it's happening
They already denied it, though they did announced studies for it last year.
Those motorcycle style yokes look retarded.
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I know, the Brazilian Air Force has something similar on their website, lots of KINO pics.
>what is the ATR
>what is the C408
>what is the C208
>what is the CRJ-200

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>accidentally bust a bravo
>gf as passenger
>told her to jerk my dick
>she jerks me
> high voltage light
> so much stress
>no phone number
>busted in her hand
>she wipes me
>turbulence starts to kick in
>landed safely
fake and gay
Mokulele is peak regional kino
>working for the devil
i'll pass

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Meanwhile on public transportation.

The government shouldn't do anything about stuff like that because people won't have any incentive to work if they know they can just get free housing and psychiatric care by being a piss-soaked hobo.
The problem is that they are incapable of being better. Having starving, desperate people on the street would actually end worse then the current state. The real solution is some kind of poorhouse system, where they’re kept in a large building and forced to do manufacturing work or something mind numbing. Or a labour camp for the more belligerent sort.
>two available seats left
>one 30 feet away downhill
>one 6 feet away uphill
wat do?
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>some kind of poorhouse system

What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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Oh word that's crazy
>yeah I spend 45 minutes of day the stores every other day, it's so much more efficient and less wasteful
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I can feel your suburban hands typing this while planning for you 3hr shopping trip next month. The kiddos need their 300lbs of string cheese after all.
I've never eaten a vegetable: the post
Thirdies simply seething

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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Early bilevel EMUs from the 80s had a hard time fitting all the mechanical components. In Switzerland the first such "EMUs" were pseudo-EMUs consisting of three bilevel cars and a matching locomotive, all coupled together into a fixed set. Then they couple those sets together, up to three per train.
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>I (mildly autistic) am to this day bothered by the design of Stadler GTWs due to that fucking engine/electrics compartment. It's like putting a small freight wagon into a passenger consist just because.
>Inb4: they need to put the engine or electrical components somewhere
>So does Alstom, Siemens and Bombardier, yet they don't need a fucking freight car for it.
I understand your autism, but it's actually not a bad solution. The advantage is that except the far ends of the cars theyhave completely level floor at platform height, while other EMUs have a much more irregular floor height with ramps and protrusions hidden below the seats and whatnot. From that perspective I actually find them superior, although I think by now this is an obsolete model.
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>The advantage is that except the far ends of the cars theyhave completely level floor at platform height, while other EMUs have a much more irregular floor height with ramps and protrusions hidden below the seats and whatnot. From that perspective I actually find them superior, although I think by now this is an obsolete model.

The new TGV-M have a little "wagon" named greffon just behind the two loco, it have several advantages, first, until now due to design the TGV must have been two types of coachs now all the coach are the same and shorten by 1m and it reduce cost increase fexibility and also shorten the loco by 4 meters so no space lost, second, technical equipments are moved in those greffon and above all they are equiped with big batteries allowing autonomous of the train for few hours in case of powerline shutdown and the ability for the train to move at low speed to a station or a functional power line. This capacity can also be used in case of overloading of the electric network to smooth consumption.

>no maintenance required
>can't be stolen
>no storage needed
Is this the best form of commuting?
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nta, but settle down you neurotic city rat. live the life you want, it's not a contest.

but if it were you guys would lose hard, just sayin'
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Yeah I know you guys fantasize about a civil war, I've been to /k/. You sure think about shooting people a hell of a lot. Must be because you're so happy
>heavy as fuck
excuses excuses
There's a police station on the mezzanine level of that station but they're probably too busy vandalizing the fare readers so they can bust people for fare evasion to notice someone dragging in a stolen citibike
Have never witnessed one of these going over 10mph.
Funny, no people like that where I live.

What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
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Tokyo highways are not good, nothing special, except for how slow, expensive, and low capacity they are. The expressway system fits the area's needs, but it is not a good system. Grade separating through such tactics as building over a river is not a good look. Tokyo transit is good, but unable to meet the demand of the area. Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary, biking in tokyo is pretty decent ignoring the climate. When I've had to commute during peak hours I much preferred cycling to the railways.
your having a laugh
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>slow, expensive, and low capacity
this describes any busy highway
>transit unable to meet the demand of the area
based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
>Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary
it really isn't, it might seem that way if you're used to worse standards but good infra makes a huge difference to the amount of people riding bikes and their comfort/safety.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo highways have ridiculously low speed limits for a "highway" in many places. Other places in the world have untolled highways. Different highways certainly have different capacities.
>based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
Unless you're referring to the Ueno-Tokyo line connection or the Fukutoshin metro, no, there haven't been any parallel routes built.
Tozai, Chuo Sobu, Sobu, Saikyo, Yokosuka, Chuo, Tokaido, Tokyu, Seibu lines are still quite bad. Getting from Chiba to Tokyo in the morning is not fun.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo's highways are all tolled and are only two lanes in each direction. For a major world city, two lanes in each direction is literally third-world tier. In most of America, even in urban areas, the freeways are 65-75 mph during non-rush hour (and assuming no big wrecks or events).

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It is happening again
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It has only just begun.

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He might be next
Protect our sad engineer at all cost
Imagine if Airbus was the one doing the killings to make Boeing look bad
The lack of baguette crumbs and cigarette butts around the bodies of the deceased leaves them looking innocent
if it's boeing
you ain't whistleblowing

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Old beater edition
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too many bicycles on this board and not enough tractors
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>50 series
never selling
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Feel the same way with the old 20 series
i am on the lookout for an old power king lawn tractor with a pto to restore at the moment

This is what they took away from you.
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looks like we didn't need to
5 year carbon replacement guarantee sorts that out for me
I have one of these it fucking sucks dude
It's for granny bikes exclusively
Wait wait wait suspension goes in the tires, via air springs. Anything else is overenguneered cope for thin ass tires
your grandma is more of a man than you are

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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im glad you fixed your seat angle
a what
Toseek is the brand of the new seatpost, I bought it from aliexpress
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I am new to biking. I use "fahrradwaffe"(her name) for city commute & for fun weekend rides. She is a folding bicycle (I am told). Opinions? How can I improve her? (I have moved the seat up since taking this)
I hate it but love you.
What are the problems you want to fix? The components are low end, but functional. I’d replace the tires with something more suited for road if that’s where you are riding it. You’ll feel the difference, knobbly tires add too much resistance.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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>muh 5mm less
this confirms what I wrote at the end of the post: for quirky stuff chinesium is good
you're quirky
Rotor, croder, TA, INGRID, shimano, ridea, sram, first, suzue, hope, sugino, FSA ...
> what did he mean by this
just to name a few that I am pretty certain all have some sub 170 mm 130 BCD cranksets in their lineup and in most cases at least a little bit more reputation than chinkshit I had to force a pedal axle in.
Whats the general opinion here about motorized bicycles?
The chinese kits on ebay look sketchy and arent all that durable from what ive read, any better ones I could use?
No, i dont want an electric one.
Like, an internal combustion engine? I don’t think you need to ask here, I can tell you live in a third world country. Just go down to your local mechanical guy and ask him.
I'm sorry you got a DUI, ride the bus, and keep your weed whacker engine in the shed.
Trave Velo is a wonderful human being.
Is waxing a chain worth it?

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