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You've been looking at the cover wrong for 30 years.
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I've seen this before. It's from one of those Reddit boards where incels try to tell other incels how to be a true alpha male.
oh shit
does it really matter?
It's stylized either way.

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Here come the gigaCHADS

all the milfs say they’re really RAD

movie out of the way failure cuck DADS

Here come the gigaCHADS

the cuck Dads can’t SCARE EM

as they are worshiped by their HAREM

The Cucks can only grin and BARE ‘EM

Here come the gigaCHADS

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>Welcome to the Island of Beatiful Men.
mods actively delete the doc about him too
Because he doesn't exist and this is ruining you.
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Yeah, it’s this again.
What does that have to do with what I said? I don't see how this shit thread is considered high quality.

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Why did nobody tell me I would fall in love with a clock when I watched this?
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>Name a sweeter and nicer MCU character with a better redemption and mental health healing arc
>You can’t

Loki is the ultimate cinnamon roll of the MCU and everyone agrees, it’s not up for debate. This show made me a better person and turned me to becoming a Lokean, I was already an INFP (like Loki in the series) and pacifist. That’s why it utterly destroys me that people dislike this show. I’ve cried before because people say they like Loki in the movies better. I’m very anti-mischief, so it breaks my heart to see people trash this show, and to be so name an and awful in general to people on this board. This show is exactly what a redemption and mental health arc should look like.

Loki is the sweetest person ever, and I will not debate series haters. If you hate this series, you hate mentally ill people healing. And it’s funny, I hated phases 4 and 5 so much bc they were so toxic. And the only scene I liked from the main timeline Loki was his evil, mischevious, hateful spoiled brat ass getting strangled. (Most can agree Loki is better in the series because he’s not only the most powerful, but he’s a pure and wholesome cinnamon roll who hates mischief and isn’t morally grey or evil. He’s just loving and selfless and loves Sylvie and Mobius- who helped him.)

I hate mischief

I hate moral grayness

I hate AI

Series Loki is my role model and my hero.

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>her storyline just ends with zero closure or resolution of any kind

This kinda bugged me, especially when they wasted an episode on people who got spaghettified.
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New to /co/?
People horny for an AI gf in the form of a cartoon clock isn't that much weirder than people horny for a patchwork ragdoll, a pile of ribbons or a piece of paper.
Moon Knight was painfully bad.

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This guy can solve any argument about racial coding in animal characters because he's just so obviously black that any attempt to deny it is just silly.
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Why are white people like this?
The question itself is holy bait
More people need to watch this video

>Do you like more characters with BBC for you're own sexual fantasy curious?
Is it that big of a deal for you that a rainbow-haired girl, a paper doll and a ghost got BLACKED?
Better than what happened with Secret Saturdays

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You lock them in a room together. What happens?
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You sure? Because it seems you think half the thread is all thanks to a single person you imagined in your schizo state.
Pretty fucking sure.
>it seems you think half the thread is all thanks to a single person you imagined in your schizo state.
Just like I said before, you accuse anyone that's not a whiny bitch in this thread as "the furry autistics" so I don't see why you hate referring to people as a singular entity when that's all you do.
I just called you autistic, one of the most common insults on this website, since you are very much sperging out at this point. Want want to start taking meds, your schizophrenia is getting out of control.
Cute animals suffering appeals to them
Its why HTF was so popular with the japs back in the day
>Ignores what I wrote for the fifth time and keeps repeating the same thing over and over.
I guess you really are a child. You should go back to school.

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>Give the baby back. I cannot allow her to be raised by an unmarried woman.
>Madam, I too work for a cruel and faceless empire. The Department of Motor Vehicles. Let me talk to you bureaucrat to bureaucrat.
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Non-HD Era watcher, when did the Simpsons go to China?
And how little of their many fucked up shit did they omit?
Yeah it wouldn't even need to be that fancy or anything. Just MS Paint would do.
parents who give away their children shouldn't be allowed to demand them back when they feel like it
also abortion should be legal
Dumbass did you even watch the episode? That wasn't the mother.
In Season 16. Pretty bad and cringy episode overall. Also this episode was pre-HD season.

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Just as it says in the title, post the most abjectly shitty comics you've ever read in your life. It can go either way, from hilariously bad to irritating and painful to read. As long as it's the worst of the worst, it's welcome in this thread.
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This invalidates gail simone by pointing out her ilk's victim complex hypocrisy
I thought Crossed was just shit.
And that Lobo Unbound or whatever where he gets circumcised. What the fuck.
>it's better for the SERIAL KILLER to become a force ghost to subvert the expectations for facing the consequences of her killing innocent people along the way.

You are part or the problem why modern stories suck. By the way they do my ending anyway in canon
Thanks for reminding me how shit their MLP comics were as well.
One or two exceptions doesn't exempt the overall lack of quality.
What happened to the Horse Show comics?

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Holy fuck, I know the comic is considered a masterpiece but I had no idea the cartoon was also so good.

Someone upscaled the whole thing and uploaded it on youtube, enjoy
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He probably got this gig, because everyone expects some hot loli sex
don't fight for israel, but be here with us, to experience the breeze of may
I remember someone posted Corto Maltese in a /co/ husbando thread a few years ago and he was just mad that nobody knew who he was. Kind of soured me for learning more about it if those sre the people I'm going to have to talk to about it.
Corto Maltese is an anti-adventure, anti-protagonist story set in a contemporary, archaic setting. That's what makes it enduring. The banality of then, vs modern now
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It's not just the father (and his grandfather, who founded the venetian branch of the fascist movement), you can say the author himself has a "controversial" past.
As soon as the Allies invaded Italy and Mussolini was arrested, Pratt joined the Nazis and their Italian satellite-state (Salò).
Soon after the end of the war, he moved to Argentina. Corto Maltese was created when he got back to Italy, but his earlier comics (except the very first one) were published in France. The french press accused him of fascism and his publisher (which had very strong ties to the french communist party) fired him for his open distaste for Marx and his "libertarianism". The fact he signed himself as "de votre fasciste Hugo" (your fascist Hugo) surely didn't help.
He was also a high rank freemason.

That doesn't mean Pratt was actually a fascist (or a communist for that matter), at least later in life. He was an individualist, closer to libertarianism than any form of collectivist ideology.

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Those aren't really "visual". You would need an artist to go full Daredevil to see it
no, and the "enhanced" sense are not even confirmed, it's just a speculation
anon, show a page, where Callisto is using her powers. I want to remind that Claremont was known for describing everything in caption boxes, like for example, when Storm was using her powers, he called her a wind rider who used her mutant powers of controlling weather yadda yadda. Meanwhile, Callisto's mutant powers were never really touched ever. Maybe Callisto is not a mutant, but just a poor ugly freak?
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>today, I'll remind them that Claremont ripped off the scene from Barbarella comic
sorry the filename should be "Storm vs Callisto over Angel"

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Select your Laff-A-Lympic team
They did this in jelly stone so I’m going with the scooby doobies because they would actually win and discover the cheating
Scooby's team is insanely overpowered AND has Taffy. There's no reason to pick anyone else.
why do villains get way better designs than the heroes?
I choose sex with all the females from all teams

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It's been a month since we lost Ed. Lets have a respectful thread where we remember all the good times.

What do you think will be the future of the channel when Jim runs out of videos? I really hope that Jim (and maybe Tom) comes back and does some new shoot interviews.
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Black privilege is being able to creep on white girls and not get punished because your skin color is politically protected in Shartmerica
you are talking out of your ass - they shared editing tasks 50%
Ed could have easily done a come back with some donations and an excuse/explanation video.
If you're in your 40s, you shouldn't be hitting on 17 year olds

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Kill troqs. Behead troqs. Roundhouse kick a troq into the concrete. Slam dunk a troq baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy troqs. Defecate in a troq's blood. Launch troqs into the sun. Stir fry troqs in a wok. Toss troqs into active volcanoes. Urinate into a troqs gas tank. Judo throw troqs into a recycler. Twist troqs heads off. Report troqs to the IRS. Karate chop troqs in half. Curb stomp pregnant troqs. Trap troqs in quicksand. Crush troqs in the trash compactor. Liquefy troqs in a vat of acid. Eat troqs. Dissect troqs. Exterminate troqs in the gas chamber. Stomp troqs skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate troqs in the oven. Lobotomize troqs. Mandatory abortions for troqs. Grind troqs in the garbage disposal. Drown troqs in fried chicken grease. Vaporize troqs with a ray gun. Kick old troqs down the stairs. Feed troqs to alligators. Slice troqs with a katana
The plot line cemented the fact that Starfire should have dated Cyborg

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Honestly they did him dirty. Way too one-dimensional. They need to portray him with more nuance.
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i think villains like that work best when there's a more nuanced antagonist as well. it's a win win, you get the fun of scenery chewing bad guy, the actual moral argument from the nuanced antihero, and the pure evil guy makes the antihero look better.
Comparing systematic genocide to sinking a single ship designed for war is a bit of a stretch, doncha think?
Personally, I couldn't care less about "nuanced vs pure evil" debate.
The only thing that matters to me in a villain is how threatening they are.
>Adolf Hitler thought his ideas were too insane to deal with. Let that sink in for a bit
So like the Japanese at the time. When fucking Nazis say you've gone too far in your treatment of the Chinese, maybe it's time to rethink things a bit before someone drops a portable sun, or two, on you.
Japs were way too soft on chinks.

Also in this thread:
>Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5
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it was crazy in that Waid Daredevil run where he trying to take over San Fransisco and that was his last major appearance
He was always kind of nuts. He's one of those guys who goes deep into pretending he's a criminal so he can dismantle them from the inside and he fights crazy cults a lot. He was a homage to classic pulp characters like the Shadow (obviously) and Green Hornet originally.
Hope they remember he has the literal power of Christ when it comes to vampires.
holy shit, Herc and Hazmat, let's go
Red Band version for Blood Hunt #1 please scan the fucking book you lazy cunts and storytime the bloody thing.

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What IS the difference between goths and emos?
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neither exist anymore. who cares.
thats a lie.
those are posers. all subcultures are dead.
Shit music
Good music
Simple as
i dont think im poseur.

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