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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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195 replies and 92 images omitted. Click here to view.
yes pure SEX
under a rock apparently i thought they were just run of the mill girlcrush (with above average singing admittedly)
Trying to let you know
Sign을 보내, signal 보내 (hey!)
I must let you know
how much for a hug
>find a way off this planet

Only a Gibson™ is good enough
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bros I've been playing my Epiphone more than my Gibson lately

This shit sounds like djent Linkin Park. Why is it so hard to find prog metal that's actually good? Does it even exist?
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i got to the growling. that was not a convincing example of good prog metal at all, sorry.
>inserts unnecessary jazz and classical interludes
>makes a music video featuring ketchup and mustard bottle aircrafts
>bass player leaves band
this band is talented musicians not taking their job seriously
Czech prog metal for whatever reason love their tin can snare drum sound, have another Czech band, but this time an instrumental track

Check these

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What went wrong?
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Get a load of this sack of shit. "Me just being me is a gift to the world!" The worst most unoriginal music you can imagine, zero ideas in the music or lyrics, throwing other people's money down the drain, and being fully aware of all of this the whole time for years. Like I said before: vain, shallow, and greedy. Probably one of the worst people to ever use this site, and that is saying a lot.
He can go outside to meet a drug dealer, he can go outside and be surrounded by people to perform a set of his horrible music (iirc someone said he did). They're both defrauding the good people of Australia. Unless his dad is dressing him and changing his fucking diapers, they're both transparent fraud cases.
Exactly. We need to reveal this obvious fraud to the Australian authorities, this piece of shit and his lazy dad are actual criminals
Uve never met me
I get medical weed
I am diagnosed autistic n schizophrenic by medical professionals as well as a neuropsychologist
Where does it say ppl on welfare can’t be entrepreneurs and promote their stuff? Nothing about my life is ordinary.
>It's not easy
>to beeeeeeeheeeeee

Zoomers love Fleetwood Mac.
What explains this?
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>Only American man in a band full of Bongs and women
>Is named Lindsey Buckingham
Who wrote this script? It's shit.
I think this is the answer. Most albums from the 70s and 80s sound like they were recorded in empty stadiums or tin air raid shelters. People don't listen to AM radio anymore. Recording autism is why Fleetwood Mac is still relevant.
maybe because it's good?
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I've never met a zoomer who liked the Bee Gees.

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>multiple multi platinum and diamond albums
>deep and relevant blue collar lyrics known by any man and woman of all ages
>sexiest frontman of all time
>most popular metal band of all time

So why do y'all commie homos prefer Metallica and other diaper shit metal? Bon Jovi is music for real people, not infantile dungeon and dragons playing virgin nerds
Show some goddam respect to the kings of metal, queers
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My older brother introduced me to them. I like them and I'm tired of pretending that I don't. Same for Nickelback & Creed.
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Bon Jovi were only good on their first two albums. Everything else is garbage except for maybe one or two songs
I mean I guess It's my Life was alright
>metal band

I think they'd even disagree with that.

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The 90s were Bowie's creative and artistic peak
... you may be onto something. Low is the peak of music altogether

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Lenny Kravitz sucks
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Unironically better than Jimi Hendrix
he has one good song
the style council for plebeians
Mostly yeah but his debut album is pretty good
fuck you

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compton hobbit lol
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>whore calling a man who has a wife and children "unfuckable"
I wonder if she's jealous knowing that she'll never be a real woman and will always be nothing but a "bad bitch" (aka trash to fuck and dump). Meanwhile Kendrick has an actual woman (instead of a ho) for a wife.
why not be even more specific then? why not find the average of his state or city, or county, or neighborhood? oh because you're just grasping completely arbitrary straws?
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she's just an attention seeker
nigger comparing someone to the country they are from and live in is not arbitrary. are you an actual retard? plus he lives in manhattan beach, 80+% white neighborhood. go ahead and compare him to the average height for the neighborhood, you aren't going to like what you see

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If you need to check past music you can check the John Peel wiki as you can download his radio shows, that are very varied in terms of genres.

Some of his radio shows uploaded to youtube:
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i'm saying the historical age where people got married, a legal matter, doesn't determine whether someone is a pedophile, a psychosexual matter
some say that Our ancestors understood that only problems came from not marrying them off as soon as they started menstruating.
throughout the anglophone world since the 18th century the average age at marriage was well into the 20s for both men and women

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Someone teach him how to write lyrics
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plz help James
it's so funny in some kind of monster when he says "wash your back so you don't stab mine" and someone else says that would be a good lyric for a song and they all just go along with it when it's obviously completely retarded.
I'm madly in anger with you
most lyrics on ride, master and justice are incredible and infinitely ahead of any thrash artist or any grunge, etc. but after justice it depends from song to song, line to line.
that's a killer lyric though

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>Woman sings about depression
Even Dick Beato is getting in on it
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That is legit dumber than the shit /mu/ tards post. Why does anyone respect this faggot?
>Implying this song is some kind of modern Sonata Pathetique
/gg/schizo thread hide
it's a spinal tap reference
he's not wrong. If you wanna make a sad song then it should be in a minor key.

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Scaruffi is a literal non-rock music tourist. Eg.,: world music, jamaican music, techno, grindcore, gabber, pre 50's overlooked music (novelty, ), blues, folk, pornogrind, jungle, idm, hardcore, soca, calypso, grime uk garage, middle east music, far east music, soca, drum n bass, jungle, pre 65 rock music, black metal, death metal, grindcore, rap...

Last but not least, he overrate a) "difficult" music for the sake of it, b) fag related music and c) a lot of the music from recent years are laughable for how shit it is (eg, rym zoomer core).

He's right though about bowie, beatles, radiohead though.
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>Metallica musically better than Nirvana?
Yes, definitely. I'm not even a fan of either.
No it was not. And I'm saying this as someone who was a fan of both in the 90s.
Hetfield could never write a memorable pop song to save his life, Cliff was a way better musician than him. But Hetfield was a peak songwriter in his own metal niche, he was a reference there. Outside that niche, he's not relevant much.

Nirvana on the other hand is such a versatile band musically. You could take their songs and create renditions that sound either punk, or folk, or pop. Because the melodies are just golden. They withstand the passage of time. They're still great.

On the other hand, Metallica today only sounds as a cool entertaining metal band on their first 3 albums. That's kinda all.
The one in the left is cute
Brian Wilson had been living in fear of Piero Scaruffi, a music critic who regularly gave bad reviews to Brian Wilson's music including Smile, giving in a measly 7/10. Brian was so distraught that he decided to take matters into his own hands and confront Scaruffi. He drove to Scaruffi's house and knocked on the door. When Scaruffi answered, Brian fell to his knees and begged that he would suck Scaruffi's cock if they gave his albums all a 10/10.

Scaruffi, in his broken Italian accent, said "No, I do not support the gay marriage". Brian persisted saying "I give really good technique! I can lube the inside of my mouth by eating cheeseburgers!!", but Scaruffi replied "Are you a teenage girl? If not, I do not care!"

Brian then started forcefully pulling Scaruffi's pants down, which drove Scaruffi furious. He pulled out a 45. Magnum and shot Brian in the head repeatedly, each bullet hole disfiguring his face so grotesquely with bloody teeth, skin and cartilage flying around until you could see the concrete through Brian's gaping hole.

Scaruffi then wrote "Brian Wilson was shot dead today. Not a big loss for music. Mike Love, however, has proven to be one of the greatest and most experimental artists of all time, and I wholeheartedly recommend his album Unleash the Love!"

Brian tried desperately to salvage his legacy, but it was Piero Scaruffi who had the last laugh as he continued to give bad reviews to Brian's discography for years to come.

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Drake is entirely a product of marketing. Nobody would know who he is without a record label shoving him down our throats 24/7. He could never do it on his own, no label no promotion, like Kanye's doing.
Just say you don’t like him and leave it at that, you sound fucking delusional and stupid tbqh
op here i'm trans if that matters btw
demetrius is mary ann now
Fantano waited for the fans reaction first before making a video, kek.

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