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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Hello, requesting instructions on how to mirror what's on a USB to my PC so I can put it on a different one in the future in case the first USB dies. I've recently made a Batocera bootable USB but made a lot of changes directly in it, and I don't want to have to do all that again in the future. Thank you.
HDD Raw Copy
Make an image of your USB drive, write said image to other USB drive of equal or larger size

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Help, I'm going senile. I am looking for that ancient meme in which some guy with a motorbike helmet slid away from someone chasing in a plastic crate, propelling himself forward with his arms alone.
This was also used together with a soundtrack from some age-old commercial or something iirc.
I just can't work the search engines correctly to find what I am looking for. You are my only hope, anon!

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does anyone know how to log into reddit on the tor browser? I got permabanned from reddit and I thought tor browser would be the easiest way to avoid being auto permabanned for saying retard or whatever the admins banned me for but now I created an account on tor using a temp email and I can't log in. idc about anonymity I just want to have an account that I regularly use.

also if I can't actually log in can anyone give me any recommendation on how I can easily create an account that can circumvent me from being auto permabanned.
Lol it's you again huh
who are you talking? I made a thread trying to find the artist of a comic yesterday but other than that I didn't really make any other threads on this board.
There was another thread a few days ago asking us how to get unbanned from reddit
>idc about anonymity I just want to have an account that I regularly use.
open your favourite web browser that's not tor and create account there. works for everyone else

Requesting removal of the logo at the bottom left please, thank you.
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There's a higher quality version with no watermark
Here's an edited one in case you need that aspect ratio. It's slightly bigger than yours so let me know if you need it the exact same size for some reason
This is perfect as is anon, thank you.

How do you cut your hair with a knife?
What haircuts can you do using only a knife?
4 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
go to hairdressers. using knife or scissors will end up with you looking like a medievil farmer peasant
No hairdresser in romania
it's called mom/sister/wife
cutting your own hair is always bad result
No mom/sister/wife in romania
gay boyfriend works also in a pinch

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whats a good tv list website?
MAL is garbage.
aniDB is the "patrician" alternative that predates MAL.
Anilist is the zoomie alternative.

There's an IMDB front-end

I want to split it in half and print both halves on A3 paper (Total size will be that of an A2). Afterwards I will frame them with a black border and hang them in my room.

If any of you have suggestions, feel free to drop them :)
I used www.upscale.media to up scale it and enhance it.
I didn't look for an actual larger version of it by the artist
Thanks for the image and the site, much appreciated!!

Have a nice day ;)

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Any Bernds here who could figure out the lyrics they are singing?
Ausländer raus, Ausländer raus,
Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus


Foreigners out, foreigners out,
Germany for the Germans, foreigners out
heavily based
There's also something else in the end, is it intelligible?

What are some fun anime with intense situations verging on absurd, done with humor, not edgy and serious. It can be old or newer ones, idk.

Series that fit this description which I already watched and enjoyed
>pic related (I prefer older parts, 1-4)
>Kaiji (maybe with less humour here, but still great)
>Samurai Flamenco
>One Piece (although it has too many sobby backstories, I'd prefer something completely lighthearted)
>Prison School
Soul eater
One punch man
Mob psycho 100

Might be a bit on the humorous side but anything else seemed too serious
Jewelpet technically counts, right?
i know all of these, but they don't quite fit the bill in my opinion. they are not zany enough, too "normal" I guess.

maybe not something with little girls as protagonists

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Hey /wsr/, help me settle something. Rate the attractiveness of these girls on a scale of 1 to 10. Individually is preferred, but you can just give an average for the group if that's too much hassle.
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
okay but can we get some numbers?
a 5
b 6
c 5
d 6
e 4
f 6
g 4
h 6.5
i 6.5
a 6
B 5
C 4
D 4
E 3
F 5
G 5
H 4
I 6
Average is about a 5. None of them are particularly hot but they're generally not repulsive either.
I like D and F the best. The others are not to my taste
The group average value is 7.5

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I bought an used stock ender 3 pro off a friend for quite a cheap price because he was buying an 700 dollar printer, and have mainly used it to print off minis and battlemap props. So far my prints were great, just a few failures here and there due to leveling but I have noticed with my last three prints that the quality went down quite a bit and can see some errors in the layer lines (pic related). Anyways, what i'm trying to get at is to how to diagnose these types of failures and what can I do to fix them?
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This is what the model looked like on cura. Of course I used some cura settings I got off reddit to print minis on an ender 3, so the printing time is abysmal.

Anons, I'd like you to suggest me funny characters to make a smash or pass with. Characters from cartoons indians watched as a child, brands they see around them, or just common characters from around the world. The funnier it is, the better. Bonus points if with pictures!
Indians really like Doraemon for some reason.
They're also all nostalgic for that 80's American sitcom 'Small Wonder' with the robot kid.
- Pikachu or any pokémon in general
- thomas the tank engine
- peppa pig characters
- mr.beast
- duolingo owl

list not that funny but it should be good enough for your requirements.
- There's this Indian kids' magazine called Tinkle. Characters like suppandi, shikari shambu etc.
- Kung Fu Panda
- Ben 10
- If you're feeling naughty, maybe mythological characters kek
>maybe mythological characters
Lol yeah

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Does anyone have the AI-generated image of a guy pouring oil down the sink and shrugging? It was made to look like a Pixar film poster.
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i think it was bc the oil contaminates too much water, also i heard that it can ruin the pipes
Not really abt the contamination, it’s that it can congeal in parts of the pipe and cause blockages. This can mean anything from a ten minute plumber visit to the city digging up and replacing the sewer line depending on where it congeals lol
clogs pipes and is hard to get rid of
my mom accidentally did it when i was a kid and our shit was clogged for months
i have to say though pouring boiling water into the sink and seeing tons of orange grease bubbles start bubbling up is a very satisfying experience
Remember kids: in a rental, the oil goes down the drain. When you own the place, the oil gets disposed of properly.
Remember kids: it's not your fault rent costs $2000 a month, it's Obama's fault

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How do i force a vomit?
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
The dangly thing at the back of your throat is called your uvula. You will gag if you push on it, and you'll vomit if you continue to push on it.
visit LGBT sites

or, water with lots of salt, probably
if you're an anorexic or underweight then don't do that shit. I'd be skinny as fuck myself and I'd force vomit out sweets or chips believing that I'll be fat.
If you're fat then don't eat as much and stick to a proper diet.

but to answer your question
two fingers in your throat and force it
Your teeth will decay and fall out if you do that, you'd look better obese
>or, water with lots of salt, probably
It'll make you throw up, but it'll also fuck your system in the process

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