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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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praise zelensky!
Still have seen nothing i dislike from the DDs
it's zelenskyiv, chud
Mixing up articles suggests a slav
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Looks like the lordship of ireland is some kind of subject type instead of being directly controlled by england

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What went wrong?
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It wasn't set after 3
wrong on all accounts anon. anything else you'd like to add before I fucking end your pathetic life for good?
Very true on all accounts, this post summarizes it.
actually you've got it wrong - that post was made by a retard that was accidentally given access to a computer. hopefully i've cleared things up for you anon
It either needed to be a 'reboot' set in antiquity or go further along the pipeline in history. There's no reason for it to be set during the same time period as AoE2 because it just felt like a half assed remake of that game instead of having its own identity.

I haven't played Enemy Within since like 2015 and I wanted to try out Long War for the first time. Can we have a thread about the nu-com games please?
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Any mod that stops armor tiers for changing cosmetics?
Im real tired of the game slapping random shit on my customized soldiers
closest you can get for ew I think
I like how the ai has some semblance of self preservation in long war:rebalanced theres way too much overwatching suicide charges in vanilla

Fuggin kek
forgot to mention for xcom 2, thank you anyways

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Is anyone else crashing a lot during matchmaking?
19-21 POP 4 MAAs rush + infantry armor, after which I get Supplies and keep making MAAs, my pocket has Scouts to handle the archers while I either kill the Scouts or rush the everloving shit outta of the pocket
Murder Holes was a waste of resources, but now it's useful in Imperial Age.
Thanks for the Hera vid summary
How do I bust open a castle without trebs?

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tranny battle soon
get ready to spam 41 in the chat
Which transwoman are we rooting for?
>putin l-ACK

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Pausing every second to close 100 pop-ups simulator.
What's that, you want to watch your cool space battle unfold?
Too bad, we found an ameoba on an asteroid in buttfuck nowhere - what's the plan boss?!
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okay. can I set a modifier for ai_will_do to be 100 for having a civic?
>can I set a modifier
>line 711:
>ai_will_do = {
>factor = 10
>modifier = {
>factor = 0
>NOT = { has_citizenship_type = { country = from type = citizenship_full } }
it's scriptable and I will allow it

>modifier = {
>factor = 0.25
>from = { is_galactic_community_member = yes }
I tried having a modifier with
>ai_will_do = {
>factor = 1
>modifier = {
>factor = 100
>has_valid_civic = civic_my_civic
or even
>has_origin = origin_my_origin
and I didn’t start with a specific living standard, even though I have it available. What am I doing wrong?
Subterranean Hivemind.
But seriously, was just ripping off SotS's warp techs really that hard? It's not difficult to balance asymmetrical travel options

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Since there isn't a thread up
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You can see if there are no planets before entering them.
That isn't the point. What I mean is nothing ever spawns in systems without planets. So half the map is useless.
It's almost always the same with the way shit spawns and its very annoying, even in systems with tons of planets. If I don't find something at the first two planets I travel to, there's almost never any need to explore the rest of the system. But if I find something by the gate or at the first planet, I know the enitre system is going to jam packed with research, mining stations, probes, etc.
Most systems are either empty or full of crap.
It totally negates the point of exploration.
>That isn't the point. What I mean is nothing ever spawns in systems without planets. So half the map is useless.
Don't know what to tell you besides "werks on my machine". Even before I tried mods there wasn't an abundance of empty systens,
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I love this little nigga.
That's because it's so broken.

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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ngl it's shocking to me that someone who'd use a word like "coded" isn't into rimworld or anime.
>all my irl friends didnt believe me when i kept saying it wasnt really "out"
That image alone will ensure I never play the game. Indies need to learn to not use "styles' that invoke intense disgust and revulsion.
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It's pretty comfy if nothing else. Not much to it besides managing to grow larger. There's no unhappiness system as far as I can tell. One family moved out due to poverty? No big deal, someone else will take their place in a week. Maybe if you actually run out of firewood and food you'd lose people for real.
your just autistic
graphics are just art, and art is NOT a prerequisite for a good game.

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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Gib link for the Steam version with modded-out faggotry and trannyism plz.
You will never be a real game.
>spoonfeed me things that have been literally posted ITT
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managed to dig to the bottom without discovering a single cavern
they fucked over the controls

So, I'm playing C&C Remastered. It's practically identical game as old 1995 original, and I'm having a lot of fun. More when compared to much newer games in the series, or newer RTS games. There is some jank with unit pathfinding, some NOD missions are designed for save scumming, but everything else is holding really well. AI is smart and challenging. There's plenty of unit variety. Campaign is replayable, while story and lore are fantastic.

It got me wondering if the genre moved into the wrong direction by embracing multiplayer, or if they simply focused on the wrong design elements. Or it's the lack of production values that's missing.
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Man, RTS is just what we had at the 90's-00's outside board games, other than that, troop combat is done WAY better by games focused on it now, strategy, specially macro is done WAY better by games focused on it, and city building is also done WAY better by games focused on it, there's no point in playing them anymore
this guy has been here making these posts for years now and to my knowledge he has adamantly refused to name a single game for all this time. i've never seen it at least.
People would rather play other games. RTS games didn't take a huge nose dive in quality the general populace of gamers just lost interest in the genre.
Of course it'd be rare, they want to blame the exact opposite of normies.
>some rts that worked on voice commands but that didnt work very well.
i think that was in the early promotional material for endwar but i don't remember hearing anything about it after release. someone correct me if i'm wrong

>lose one single fight
>the game is now unwinnable because of how hard it snowballs
>the only way to avoid this is to have a tp in your inventory at all times so you can teleport out the second you suspect that a fight might not be in your favor
Heroes are such a shitty mechanic.
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luckily for you the same company made an identical game without heroes
I have been in this thread before
>Playing 1v1
but is that fun? about as fun as retreating in dow 2/coh i guess
Where can I download WC3? Not the Blizzard AIDS version, but the pre-reforged version?

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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>People break the law all the time
>any enforcement against a taboo where everyone that disrespects it can gain an immediate advantage over others would end up looking like a swiss cheese.
>Most mages are not actually able to do that and there are better ways to deal with that beyond banning it altogether.
That's why almost nobody does that?
>People break the law all the time
And? A ban against magic could very well mean execution as soon as found out.
>Elves are physically and intellectually superior and that's an objective fact
Who let this retard on /vst/? A single Human farmer could smash the skulls of a hundred elves without any effort, and it's quite clear from all the great things that they've done since they migrated to our shores(neeting it up and living off of gibs kindly given by gracious greater races) that the only thing that seperates them from the ruinborn is the colour of their skin.
In practice the ban or distrust of magic would fade as individual rulers and communities actually end up using magic, realizing that it makes no sense to not use to avoid a remote risk.
The 1700 year long ban on magic is not plausible nor are other forms of anti-magic attitude seen everywhere else, discriminating skilled people based on a remote risk is not realistic based on actually attested human history.
>That's why almost nobody does that?
No one should do that.
Which only works if you have a centralized authority with an entrenched ideology or material interest in preventing mages from existing, which doesn't exist.

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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Is there a mod that let kingdoms form alliances?
in my mind this should just be a thing in the base game, only reason i can think of for not implementing it is that 2 factions could ally then take everything, imagine a valandia-khuzait alliance
also it would be nice if the rebel factions could create their own kingdom, not just join an existing kingdom (except the players, because fuck you apparently) if multiple rebellions happened at the same time they could form their own faction and have a chance at doing something other than immediately get destroyed or just get taken over by an existing faction
Wait this isn't even a feature a Bannerlord? How does it make combat a major focus yet take away or neuter mechanics from Warband?
nope, the troop formation thing at the start of thr battle has 8 groups, you can set infantry, archers, cavalry, mounted archers or mixed cavalry, thata basically it, you can set groups to favour certain weapons like 2 handers or shields but thats pretty fucking useless, if you have two different types of troops that use the same weapons you can't separate them at all
and dont get me started on sieges... watching troops endlessly run across the siege camp to put up a ladder then run back to where youve told the troops to hold, just to run straight back as soon as the enemy pushes the ladder over, again and again and again is absolutely dogshit and has been happening from day 1
you also cant starve a town/castle anymore, you can only starve out the garrison, the milita and any lords parties inside apparently dont need to eat and never starve
i do like bannerlord but jesus they managed to fuck some shit up
lords wont join your faction on their own anymore, you have to convince them to join you, every time
towns can rebel if their loyalty gets too low, they usually get taken back pretty quickly but if they survive long enough they become and independent clan, other kingdoms can recruit these lords, they player cant
when a kingdom has its last fief taken they immediately get declared not a faction, the lords clans all then become independent clans, which again you cant recruit but the other kingdoms can, if they dont get picked up by someone within like a week the clans get destroyed

Will you finally buy it?

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This strategy may have worked for Epic at some time in the past, but in the modern day more and more video games are fighting for your cash. It just makes these games get buried from the public eye. I feel like SINS 2 announcement wouldve been a fairly big deal in the strategy space, but the Epic announcement straight up has people in the thread not even aware it was announced. Sad!
a real fucking comedian
The White Male is still taking centerstage on the promo art so thats still a W
The epig vs apple lawsuit showed that fewer than 7% of people who installed EGS actually spent money.
Man that's fucking pathetic lmao

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