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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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What places have you visited, or want to, that you'd describe as a shithole, whether endearingly or not
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Berlin, Paris, Athens, all big European cities which are getting gangraped by refugees.
Not the anon you responded to, but... anywhere, even in the business districts around the capital. I stopped checking bumble after 5k+ likes. Many will go with you after the first date - and I'm taking educated women with careers. It's nuts. The big downside is, they are Filipinas, i.e. they are still a product of their culture. So expect them to gossip, be jealous of other people, and prone to petty acts of revenge. Plus, they will get fat fast, the food over there is on another level. Probably worse than in the US and that's saying something.
Mega based but what's the BEST place? Manila strikes me as a shithole and not in the good way. Where's a nice shithole in the good way?
I loved a visit with a friend n Haiti some years back... but yeah, it is pretty obviously shithole-tier. Which is a shame. they have a lot of really great people and could so easily have been a tropical paradise spot.
Would not go there now for any amount of money, and have no real hope that, even if the gang anarchy is brought under control, the country can ever get unfucked.
Always been curious about that place. Do you remember it being cheap? I love the Caribbean but hate the tourist economy kitsch.

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Around this time next year I'll just be finishing off a ski season in Hokkaido, Japan. I expect I'll have around ~5k USD equiv. budget and I want to explore picrel area. I should probably head home to the UK around the end of august/beginning of september. Which countries should I visit, which ones should I spend the most time in and which ones should I skip? I'm especially interested in countries like Thailand and Vietnam. How should I budget if I am planning around 4 months of travelling around here on ~5k. Do I need a higher budget? Any info is appreciated.
> Philippines
>South Korea
> China

Everything else is optional imo

Do you have 5k to spend once you get to these places? Or does this not factor in flying. Because I don't know how cheap the flights are for you but that will drain your 5k so fast you won't be able to spend much in these countries

> How should I budget

Only by from local/ street food vendors don't buy from chain restaurants eat local stay local or you'll be getting the same price you would back home. Hostels and cheap hotels as well as airbnbs.

Public transportation will be a most to stretch your money as well as walking when possible.

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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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I walked into a bar (it's not a gay bar) and sat down at the free spot, the two guys next to me looked at me and said "ikemen desu ne" "mhm ikemen". I didn't what that meant so they thought about a bit and then said "hansomu".
Afterwards I was talking with another older customer at the bar and the bartender(female) a bit. That's when the guy said "Anon wa naisugai desu ne" and asked the bartender something about "kareshi" (also didn't know what that meant at that point). I thought naisugai means nice guy so I told him "no you are naisugai". So he probably thinks I'm gay now kek
lose the tooth, it'll be a conversation starter
I wanted to move to Japan/Korea because I got really into vaporwave and Asian cinema when I was 16, the escapism that both those things made me feel just hit so different that I was convinced that moving to East Asia was the only way to ascend
Over the years I built up this image in my head of Tokyo as this utopia where all these super fashionable young people were constantly doing cool shit 24/7 and that they'd all become super tight friends with me, that Japanese pop culture was always super boundary pushing and superior to western stuff, I basically thought it was IRL Jet Set Radio/Fruits Magazine
I've recently taken the glasses off and started researching Tokyo objectively and... it honestly just feels 'normal' but with Asians instead of the stereotypical anglosphere demographic mix. It still warrants a visit imo but that essence I thought I'd find if I escaped there forever no longer exists, maybe it existed in the 90s and 2000s but maybe it never even existed to being with? Tokyo honestly appears to be disappointingly clean cut, maybe Taiwan or SEA would give me more of those warm fuzzy feelings that I was chasing though even then I'd expect to be let down by those places too

sorry for the blogpost does anyone else know what I mean?
Anon I felt the same way. I'm probably a bit older than you, my dad's friend lived there on and off in the late 90s and early 2000s/2010s. He would always send me stuff back and it was pure SOVL especially in the 98-02 timeline. I was also a 2007 newfag so I've always been immersed in anime etc. I recently went for the first time for my honeymoon and it definitely helped with my rose colored glasses. I'm still considering moving there for work temporarily but we'll see.
Yeah anything in Shibuya and ropingi is going to be expensive luckily you can find pretty good and cheap apartments else where in Tokyo

The problem I'm trying to overcome is the administrative and bureaucratic part. Like if I was to get a apartment through gajin pot are they going to take care of all the paperwork needed to start renting before I get there? Then when I land I pay them in person? Last thing I want is to have to go through months of paperwork hell just for everything to fall through

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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What’s a good place to drink in Hanoi by the streets, near a body of water? Like by a river or lake. Do people sit along Hoan Kiem and have beers there? Or do you need to go to a proper bar.
You can do that a block from my apartment but I dunno if I want 4chan retards shitting up my neighborhood.
Fuckin' eh.
I made this at an asian spot I worked at.
So good.
That herb salad looks fire.
Damn bumble here is full of hot girls but I have a feeling that they’re all fake profiles.
I'm shocked that you guys talked about mosquito and not how terrifyingly hot it is right now. Thought you white dude would be murdered by the fucking heat, are you all aussies or something?

I keep hearing
>Japan is a great place to visit, but a terrible place to live!
Those who've both travelled and lived in Japan, is this true? If so, why?

I visited Japan last year, I know that obviously being on vacation with no commitments is a completely different experience from living somewhere and having a job, but still, to me it seemed like a place I would be happy to work in.

>can go for a walk at night and don't have to get worried about getting robbed by a crackhead
>know that if I leave my wallet somewhere, it'll still be there when I get back
>if you live in a major city, you don't need a car, can basically get to anywhere in the country by bullet train
>japanese people are polite, pleasant to be around, and keep to themselves which is great for an autistic introvert like me

I know that Japan's working culture is extreme, but that only really applies to actual Japanese people, right? As a foreigner you won't really be expected to conform to any of the strict social rules
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If you have self respect you want wife up or turn a girl who has a high body count into your gf.

>does this actually happen though

Apparently in Japan being a semi hooker isn't that uncommon. Not saying it's something you'll see Everytime you go out but not as rare as you would think. It's unfortunate at how much Japanese girls are a bunch of whores.
you're basically right. it's pure fantasy escapism and we all indulge in it, but i think it's important to maintain that awareness. you should go to Japan. but also, in all seriousness, you cannot run from yourself. Japan will not fix it.
yeah I'm definitely travelling Asia within the next couple years because there's still a load of things I want to see over there
And who knows, maybe I fall in love with the REAL Japan or the real version of another Asian country and end up living there for a few years? But I know for a fact that I will never be able to live inside Lily Chou Chou or a Wong Kar Wai movie by moving to Asia like I thought I would
Right now I think I'm better off moving to a city within my country with loads of young people and loads of things happening, that'll do me much more good than running away to Asia and expecting it to be like my vaporwave albums lol
My body count is at least double the total he gave, but I stopped keeping count
Are you a man or a girl

>My body count is at least double the total he gave, but I stopped keeping count

Are we supposed to be impressed?

I just came back from my visit to Charleston SC and was blown away. 80% white, very nice and well mannered people, amazing Latin Mass at a Catholic Church, food has small portions but good, nice, beaches.
Do you guys think this is a good place to move to, I am a leaf from Cuckada.
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I guess that shithole would eems nice if you grow up in an even worse hellhole like summerville you sound like a 2nd gen yankee transplant fag
whats up south carolinas, I'm from Niggerburg. Come throw some tourism money our way and look at our Denny's corporate building and the BMW plant!
>> Ghetto part is the best
Went to there for a few days you fucking stupid poor nigger. Keep seething about not being able to afford it. LMFAO.
Tell me about Greenville?
>80% white
south carolina has the highest percentage of african dna in white americans of any state

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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Check the 4chan irc. He’s there begging the Jannies to take delete the comments mocking him. The ones he claims he doesn’t see.
The lady doth protest too much
Best places to visit in the Philippines for a single male with disposable income?
Trying to decide if I want to add the Philippines to my SEA travel list.
I love food and culture.
Whatever, make some more posts that are just going to hit my filters and not get read. Cry when they get deleted, remember I don't see them so I don't even report them. Waste your time ban evading to do it. It's your time not mine.
>Best places to visit in the Philippines for a single male with disposable income?
Basically everywhere.
>I love food and culture.
You might have a rough go of it. While I'm defensive of Filipino food and maintain that you can find some that is good if you really look around it's not exactly an aspect of this country that is tourist friendly. You would get the best results moving around and trying the different regional cuisines and that also plays more into the cultural aspect too. But let's say you wanted to go to Bicol to try the food there. I've been there and it took many hours to get there riding on a bus from Manila. That's not to mention how there are different islands to travel between too. Travel here is time consuming and you will need to do a lot of research to get the best out of it.

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Did you go and what did you think?
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Do you even know what a Burqa is ? Because it's banned in France and Belgium.
You think muslim women give a shit? Clearly you never left your home town if you think no one wears burqas in france
A beautiful city inhibited almost exclusively by traitors and invaders.
>century old colonizer gets colonized
karma's a bitch
Enjoy it buddy, but just a heads up: for some reason you won't find their ribs either in their online nor the physical menu at the pub, but they DO serve them. Just ask for them and you're set. They have a myriad of beers on tap, too.
I'd also recommend going there for dinner to eat and chill, and during the day visit the IWM which is a mere 15 minute walk up the road. It's huge, it's amazing, and it's free.

Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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Don't you want to hear Americans and American cocksuckers (Europeans) talking about how evil Glompff is for 4 hours straight?
They unironically, genuinely believe they are the chosen master race to rule the world. Every single Israeli spends 2 years killing children in Palestine as part of their conscription. You are nothing but livestock to them, a filthy animal.
Just seeing them is already enough desu. I remember walking though Jeju-do after a storm. It was quiet, the air was cool and peaceful. I felt like the last man on earth until some fat, white 6' girl in FUCKING YOGA PANTS showed up out of nowhere. After seeing nothing but delicate slender kgf for 2 weeks the whiplash nearly made my throw myself off a cliff.
Go to somewhere other than Italy or Paris and you'll never run into that. You'd know that if you've ever traveled before
Shalom goyim
Seeing 1 Israeli person
Seeing more than 1 Israeli person

What are the "types" of people you always see traveling?
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It's true. I've become burned out on travel, as soon as you realize being "that traveling guy" is kind of a faggot existence and pathetic in your 30's to have nothing to really show for it in terms of skills and no one really gives a fuck that you got on a plane and went somewhere. There's also a reason every perpetual traveler digital nomad I've met is an insufferable cunt it's because they project their ability to live in a hostel as having 'broken le matrix xd'
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What, did you only just learn about Paris Syndrome? Lmao!
I kek’d a little bit. I’m on track to become that fucking loser 34+ year old that makes people uneasy.
>yea bro I just kinda go where life takes me
Tbh tho I think it’s cringe and NPC to write someone off just because they don’t have an established dork career like accountant, SWE, etc. I’m NOT saying you shouldn’t write off blatant backpacker barnacle losers on a shoestring budget, but it’s not that black and white imo
I'm not saying to respect established dork careers, but at least learn or do something of value besides having some sort of seasonal no skill job which is basically what every 30+ fucking loser still staying in a dorm tends to do (especially if they're American or Canadian)
Yes. You know why

Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
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Those would just be average people in NYC
The areas surrounding Philly aren't Philly
>Montgomery County. No, they don’t everything. The richest people in the Philly are all white people. Vanguard is out in Malvern. Chester Co. is one of the wealthier counties in the country.
So not Philly?
Skid row is similar. and that area in Vancouver seems just as bad with drug use. Only been to skid row and Kensington though
Political boundaries around cities aren't often useful outside of... politics. Urban and metro areas are much more useful comparison tools and more useful in daily life. Phoenix city covers a huge land area, so the suburbs are included in the political city. Quite different from how Philly is set up. To say Phoenix is a bigger (population) city than Philly would be correct in political definitions, but incorrect in common usage and other more meaningful ways. Jersey City is better integrated with the core of nyc than much of nyc itself is. The culture of Hoboken is no more different to the east village than the culture of bay ridge is to the east village. The most accurate definition of Tokyo as a city (the 23 wards) doesn't even exist as a political entity anymore.

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What US city has the best-looking women?
Los Angeles or Jacksonville

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>an island smaller than California
>produces so much unrelenting kino in so many different aspects
Why do they mog so hard?
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That's why they had to be eliminated.
yayoi kusama
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I need to go back bros, maybe I will be there at the end of the year for karissmasu
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I just came back from my month April trip. Already bored back in the UK, not really much to do here compared to Japan. I'm planning for a November trip now. That's keeping my motivation alive and depression away
Why is their porn so fucking good?

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