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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Goodbye forever.
After a bit over 5 years of service, the servers for Kirara Fantasia have been shut down.
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Did you like the episode?
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There was no camping
It's time.
Did you like the episode?

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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>Everyone knows that Galatea likes you. Not to mention how she tries to show you her charms every chance she gets. But not this time. She’s just innocently eating some ice cream. For real. Maybe it’s just your imagination. I mean… we can’t exactly deny that she’s charming.
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oopsies bad quality image
She has that "I want to make babies with you no matter how young you are" face.
Still ugly
RPGX EN has been such a shitshow, I couldn't bear it long after launch. Wish some competent folks did it.

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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As jank as it would probably be, they should've had a way to assume manual control of your pokemon, like Resident Evil agent hunt
The new PL is okay I guess. It's nice that they have all the exits together in one place, but some of the rooms are pretty damn big. Extra intermediate rooms for random chests are also annoying.
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so can I have sex or what? the first camera angle she reacts to your hand touches, but every other angle she just moans and stuff, kind of underwhelming, was hoping for more reactions, can't even lift her skirt. The skin is god tier though.
I don't even mind the extra rooms now since it's still a lot less useless clicks compared to before. Using all of the past maps is also a nice touch.
To be fair, legitimately nerdy faggots (who actually play video games) usually enjoy really sexy designs too; the overtly sexy femme fatale is usually the favourite trope there, like how Bayonetta is like a gay nerd icon. It's really the younger zoomzoom faggots who only ever played The Sims or whatever who bitch and complain about fanservice, every other cocksucker is playing the same huge titted moaning cameltoed anime bimbos right along with you and you'd never know.
t. redpilled faggot

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>TW/JP servers EOS. TW players offered diamond transfers to Global.
>Global server is still good for now, 7 months of main story chapters left at the current rate of release.
Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Santa Mammon
>China Dress Beelzebub
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>Crimson Emporer Satan
>Swimsuit Mammon
>Streetwear Leviathan
>Teahouse Raphael
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron
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Alright, after getting my dark Lucy up to 4 purple stars today, I can now list what you need for EX Evolution for everything except the final (sixth) star:
>1 star: 10 1* books, 4500 evo gems, 1 skull testament
>2 star: 20 1* books, 10 2* books, 6000 evo gems
>3 star: 40 1* books, 20 2* books, 5 3* books, 3 skull testaments
>4 star: 80 1* books, 30 2* books, 10 3* books, 9000 evo gems
>5 star: 160 1* books, 60 2* books, 15 3* books, 10,500 evo gems
I'm currently cockblocked by 1* dark books but once I can get her up to another star, I'll post the final stage's requirements and then be able to list the total number of mats needed to go from zero to max.
Ah, that was a nice ending. Wrapped up the story at last.
The bonus stage in the final chapter sets thing up for a whole new plotline, buckle up.
Yeah I like the ending as well, feels like everyone where mentioned. Can’t say the same for the side characters, I guess side characters are more fleshed out of their own stories than their part in the main storyline
Looks like I’m answered my own question. I will start recording the main story and all the kizuna quest
Has anyone been able to 3 star the Panagia fight on Hard mode? It feels impossible because she keeps entering that stance where she only takes 1 damage for the next 12 hits and she's immune to move gauge removal.

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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I don't know why everyone in Japan hated this event so much. I thought it was a lot of fun.
Who’s the barney on Appmedia who recommended using stalling tactics for Koyan, Sitonai just beat the snot out of her
Well the "lottery" seems kinda shitty and it's way too long (just like the last event), but I bet they hated it because it's too western or some other stupid reason.
bunyan reminded the salarymen too much of their bosses
I wish my boss was Bunyan.

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But it would be REALLY funny
I dropped SF Beta, Alpha and Gamma from my teams, they're powercrept but they're old so it's understandable.
Isn't SF Alpha good in loli Beta teams?
Yes but weaker than Victoria and SF Rose so bye bye
>new unit has arrived!
>not bunnys
I sleep

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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looking for some fun experience, guess imma try this game out, any characters you guys recommend get when the game starts for comfy explorations?
>Watching gameplay of Calcharo
Fug, convince me not to go for him, I was wanting to use the five star standard selector or whatever it was to get a cute grill, but this dude looks flashy as fuck.
Girls are gonna get shipped with someone else instead so who gives a shit if you go for some cool looking dude
this gets asked every single time as a pathetic cope whenever someone criticizes the awful character designs in chinese gacha games
the truth is, you and i both know these designs are dogshit and no matter what i post as my idea of a "good design" you are going to samefag multiple times ridiculing that design to "own" me

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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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>at the next location, Lulu gets a bad feeling
>they're surrounded by monsters
>was it due to the hell call?
>maybe they're attracted to Vivi's spell charms on the swim board
>Io and Lulu also want to write stuff on it now too
>the remaining 3 snakes have also arrived so we need to capture them now before the sealing can proceed
>the students celebrate as the snakes are all captured with Io noting that their schools can get along well which makes Vivi happy in a way MC calls her creepy
>onto the actual sealing procedure, all the students write their additional references and jokes on it
>what do they do with the actual board now though
>Vivi suggests planting it at this tree like a tombstone
>finally it's time to return to the rest of the students
>Lauren and Suzu wonder where the hell they've been
>Kuromi got into a fight with an underground monster while Melon discovered ancient treasure after lifting up a big rock
>seems they were having adventures too
>Vivi says it was worth choosing this destination though she had another reason

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Anyone got Ilias's scenes? I checked the catbox links in thread, didn't see any for her, but did see Tamamo and Alicetromeria.
>MonmusuTD Finally got a client version
Ok I guess I'll keep playing a little longer
Also if you play get 1500 gems launching it
I'm just glad the wiki is back to updating quickly so I know which scenes I actually care about seeing.
I wish I had a Bicorn.
That nurse skin is pure sex.

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What we do here is go back
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Oh man, Idun rerun JUST when i wasted all my gems on Cleopatra
Is that a cheater or the game is just coded like ass?
Coded like ass probably. But most of the big whales can get big scores like that.
People say some demons are worth rolling on reruns, but for me, it's better to just save up for the next busted thing at that point. We know how sega does things, if Idun stays relevant for more than 1 year like Demeter, they'll come up with hard counters.

I remember years ago when Demeter was getting reruns and everyone said it's unskippable if you don't have her. Fast forward to today, Demeter doesn't exist in PvP.
Power creep is so bad at this point that the next busted thing is at most 4 weeks away

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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>It's not that.
Why did you quote the first and last reply there, exactly. The first is just explaining that she didn't have to have a light sgma, and even so it wouldn't have needed to be aska. The last is just saying that there was a fuckup and she shouldn't be aska.
that doesn't mean they didn't forget, that means the writers didn't forget and cleaned up after the dev team lmao
Just because she said it didn't work before, doesnt mean it was never going to happen if she tries again years later. There was nothing conclusive about it. Stop being a retard, or keep going, doesnt really make much of a difference.
is it even years later? it's a video game, it's not like real world time matters

it wasnt conclusive, but the explanation given in the story is kind of stupid. i dont know why youre getting mad on behalf of the devs
"Tenebrae's element is dark and that was affecting Marta" sounds like something they just came up with. He's still accompanying them too. Ratatosk is actually a spirit, and the third arc seemed to be hinting at Marta getting a Spirit Gear with him as the medium, much like Luke got Lorelei. They just didn't follow through with it for whatever reason, so they came up with some random excuse.

Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's, but we are given no reason as to why Mithos got Shadow either. Feels like Rays was just phoning in for this event.

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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>got temesia as my first M+
>got her weapon to +5
>she's fucking useless and dies before she even gets her second cast off
oh no no bros I think I might have bricked myself
why would you ever invest into Temesia as your first M+? Why is she even in your wishlist?
>finally get to champion in arena mode
>literally everyone even the leftmost opponents have at least 50k power more than me and multiple supremes
>can't even choose a doable opponent in 7 refreshes
Is this it? How do I complete my weekly wins now? Am I getting farmed in defense until I drop down to legendary?
>why would you ever invest into Temesia as your first M+?
because she is my first M+
>Why is she even in your wishlist?
because fuck rowan
Women are a mistake

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So how is the mega mooth event going for you jp players, do you think you will be able to beat it before it ends ?

game is battle cats btw
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To those of you who want the Metal Slug Collab ASAP, I hate to say it, but the wait will be long and gruelling, akin to the 7 months that the Genshin-Project Sekai anon/Event Data Release Date Informant had to slog through for the Miku banner, because of the Tower of Saviors event.
Anyway, I wonder if the Tower of Saviors banner will suffer the same fate as Crash Fever, which never saw a reprisal like PPAP.
>To those of you who want the Metal Slug Collab ASAP
Dod the added True Forms make the units at least halfway decent?
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>1000 Energy for Mining Epic
I'm sorry, what?
I'm really missing the Energy Glitch now
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Tower of saviors is here
>tfw no wild trackswaps to get to the ToS Uber either or a regular banner or the collab one with the extra Rare Cat
Oh well, I guess I'll drop some more CF to get the new Big Titty Lady, it'll get me closer to Plat Ticket Dhono.

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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I see, thank you. I've been trying Tama through orb bosses and dungeons and yeah she's alright but perhaps not worth replacing my already comfy Mari/Muua combo. I guess she will be useful in future main story content now that multiple squad fights are becoming the norm.
accidentally replied to myself, meant for >>1460413
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I saw some fanatics complaining about the explicit indirect kiss, but they clearly don't know what's good in life.
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Good thing I don't care about 1m, because I feel like it'd be rather tough this time. No aoe ice blaster.
Anyways. Misato is actually quite good. You can just use her ult once to generate OD, and get everything Kozue set up by turn 9 with OD 2 available.
They did, Kakinuma just said there won't be any style reveals today. They've completely given up on this GW, the 30G banner didn't even make the top 10.

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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Roko with her Corrosion status carried me here. The boss had 70% status resist. It didn't matter. I may have had to use a Rela on 04 to delete the initial swarm of enemies, but after that, defensive AG + Roko damage carried me. Final team was Morris/Nepgear/Roko/04.

I had no idea I could beat this!
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Here's another daily update! I've managed to complete all the Permanant Event content (don't look at To Glory, it has a troublesome EX-4 stage I don't want to do). It took quite a lot of time to do. This gives me a little under 34 rolls, which with a release of another Permanent Story in 2 days, 3 tickets from login rewards in 2 days + main story progression will push me towards first Black Heart pity, which will give me a final BonBon. That'll be it for this event in terms of rolls.

I've tried very hard to make Extra stage NewThx consistent yesterday. I've only found out that the best team around for it is Morris/Nepgear/Black Heart/04, as ailment procs on the boss with 70% resist are inconsistent at best. I'll have to do this boss today too for 150 event currency, what a pain.

After this mess, I'll finish up Nepgear's gacha and try to progress in Main Story as much as I can. So how is your progression? Are you doing well?
Recently got a 6* shield that basically doubled my siris' critical damage so I'm doing alright. Taking a break from farming centaur to get some thunder upgrade mats
so with this, we'll be two AGs away from CN server
i didn't even know white sakabula existed
Today, I've done it. Rolled the last 40 pulls on Noire's banner. Got TWO (2) Black Heart ranks, plus the one from pity, plus the last BonBon from the charge track. Amazed at such a display of love from the game, I promptly decided to rank Black Heart up further - she did, after all, have straight +ATK rankup bonuses. The final result is Neptune at Rank 3 (rolls spent: 270) and Noire at Rank 4 (rolls spent: 90). Noire LOVE

Today I've started work on max level Alice - the wiki says she's bread and butter for so-called cleave setups, which forego speed and health for the sake of more damage in terms of gear. Given that I have no gear to speak of at this time, I think it's a worthwhile investment. Here's hoping this pays off.

Special shoutout to alliance fren who generously donated three 3* skill level chips. I've leveled Roko's S3 up to the ailment boost with your help, man. Much appreciated.

Nice one, congrats!

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