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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

This game sucks. Seriously though, what's supposed to go through my mind when I walk into yet another random encounter and know exactly that I'm getting another easy "fight" where I select the same shit in the same menus again? This stuff was already outdated by 5th gen and that was already my opinion then

The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously, the characters and the fact it never ends not helping
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You're supposed to enjoy the game and level up. Now equip enemy away materia or shut up you little baby.
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Probably more of your speed, OP
>The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously, the characters and the fact it never ends not helping
Remake/Rebirth had more serious writing while still retaining the most memorable aspects of the original game.
You could give that a shot.
the lizard part of your brain is supposed to enjoy watching small numbers become big numbers
numbers big

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Have you ever bought anything from Limited Run?
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do they write them at least on lowest speed?
I bought the Sigil special edition, the C&C collector’s edition, quake, doom, and system shock. I’m STILL waiting on Sam & Max 2 years on and haven’t seen anything I’ve been interested in since. The floppy disk usb drives are very cool but they don’t bother even with those anymore; zero effort
I almost got their Shantae stuff but I bought an SNES instead.
I bought a collectors edition from LRG because it's one of my favorite games ever.
It took -two years- to show up.
The belief is that pressed CDs last longer than CD-Rs, but depending on the type and quality of CD-R, that's debatable, since quality "gold" CD-Rs can match or maybe outlast even pressed discs.
I know I have an X-Files pressed DVD from the 2000s which no longer works properly, but some CD-Rs from the very early 90s which are still fine.

why does /vr/ never talk about business sims?
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i will now play your business sim
oh I can change history alright >:^)
NTA but in Pizza Syndicate you would practically order a irrevocable pizzeria bombing with this on your menu. Where's the essential big slab of juicy steak on top?
We have RCT threads on the regular, anon
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I have a lot of happy memories of playing Chocolatier when I was quite young, but I've never gone back to it because I'm afraid I only liked it because it was the first business sim I really played and I don't want to tarnish my feelings about it.
Has anyone else here played this or the sequel? Does it hold up at all?

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>nephew is checking out my game collection because I'm the super cool gamer uncle with a bunch of tendie games
>he sees Sonic Mega Collection for the PCROM and asks me about it
>I explain that it's for the PC but PC's can't read CDs nowadays
I guess I should get rid of this but I doubt anyone is gonna buy it. What did you do with your physical PC games?
This is the most Reddit thread I've seen on here all week.
>What did you do with your physical PC games?
I put them in my disc drive and installed them.
I gave a copy of this collection to my nephew like 10+ years ago. He was little and I doubt he tried it out. I regret it now
burn em to ISO and upload to archive org

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>is supposedly part of the geforce 4 family
>its just a beefed up geforce 2 with at the time newish features
how did they get away with this?
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>he doesn't know
may wanna research that "dx9 compatibility" boyo. It was basically Geforce 2 v3 with some sloppy workarounds to technically run newer games. It was not practically a DX9 card at all, in both compatibility and performance.
thats my point. After the backlash from GF4mx being dx7 they made all fx models "fully featured" and you ended up with true dogshit like the fx 5200
this. never trust scamvidia.
my guy you buy anything nvidia below the xx70 range and you are basically buying previous gen tech.
on the upside: the FX 5200 has really good compatibility and will run anything up to 2000-2001 just fine
it can even run Vista/7's fancy aero desktop without major issues
and because it's both in huge supply, and known to be kinda crap, it's also cheaper than dirt. so it's a decent pick for a retro PC nowadays - search for anything better and you'll pay the usual RETRO VINTAGE tax

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There is a $99 clone of the DE-10 Nano now, less than half what an official DE-10 Nano costs.

Will still need testing to see if it's a 1:1 replacement for an official DE-10 Nano, things such as RAM or analog timings, especially for more complex cores like the PSX, Saturn, or N64, are at most risk for having issues if it's not cloned as well, but otherwise it could severely slash the costs of building a MiSTer if it's the same performance an official board.
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Is the platform licensed in some way that would even prevent someone (who cares about copyright laws) from manufacturing compatible boards?
mister DOES support carts
you can use the "retrofreak" cart adapters with it
i dont know why you WOULD but you COULD
>If the existing DE-10 was able to do it then we would have seen evidence of it by now

It could be more a nobody gives a shit thing. Like how there is no CD-I core even though the MiSTer should have no problems running that, it's just that nobody has cared to try to make one.

I would like to see cartridge support (and I mean real cartridge support like the analogue consoles have, not the nonsense like the Retron or Polymega that just use them to dump a ROM) too, but I have to admit I am in quite the minority in wanting to be able to play my real carts on a MiSTer since the vast majority is perfectly fine with using ROMs.

The MiSTer does have support for loading data off an actual cassette tape for the computer cores that support it for example, but almost nobody bothers installing the aux jack addon for that, even though it's both cheap and simple to install.

I know that Terasic didn't make most of the key parts, they just assembled them into a single dev board. Intel makes the FPGA chip, it's possible to buy the chip alone (for about $300), not sure who made the ARM CPU but I doubt it's Terasic, and even if they did not hard to swap in a different one since the ARM CPU just does auxiliary tasks like run the UI that aren't related to emulating the games.

Terasic likely does own the copyright to that very specific board design, but not the rights to exclusively using that FPGA chip, bundling a FPGA chip with an ARM CPU, or FPGA dev boards in general. Good luck getting them to stop if they are coming from China though even on the copyright grounds of it clearly being a copy of their board. If this was intended to be a drop-in replacement for the DE-10 specifically for MiSTer usage though instead of just a generic clone of it then they would have to keep the same shape (at least keep all the GPIO and general other ports in the same locations) to make them stay compatible with current MiSTer addons/motherboards.
From what I can tell those are just USB cartridge dumpers, no different than how Retron or Polymega does it. It's not running the game off the cart like real hardware or Analogue does, it's just dumping the cart and acting like a USB drive for the ROM file.

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We need to take a few minutes to talk about everyone's favorite Street Fighter character: Sawada. Will Capcom finally cave to fan pressure and bring him back in newer SF installations? They can't ignore his millions of adoring fans forever.

honourable mention: microsoft encarta
Did you watch the movie Dangerous Creatures? It's easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Right up there with Ladyhawke.

Post a cropped pic of any game screen and anons try to guess where it's from.
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yeah. Awesome game
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Railroad Tycoon 2.

Not really sure but it looks like 4D Sport Driving.
>Railroad Tycoon 2
Yes, it's the stock market screen of RRT2

>4D Sport Driving
It's not 4D Sport Driving. It's a game where you do big jumps and stuff

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The main problem they all share is the rate of encounters on the overworld map. Every single time you move one pixel, BAM, "random" encounter. It can take an hour to walk across a field to the next town because of the random encounter rate. And if you skip battles? Well, you'll get trapped at a boss and punished for not grinding, and have to start the WHOLE GAME OVER.

Is there any way to fix this?
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Sure thing, faggot.
>durr durr durrr
Like I said, retard.
Kill yourself, retard.
Easy fix that others rom hacks have done: 50% encounter rate and 200% XP and gold drops. So you get the same amount of xp and gold with half the grind. I never see these hacks on FF games, though.
>actual gameplay
Define this is a useful way. What's "actual" gameplay? Is Policenauts an "actual" game with "actual" gameplay? You just sound like a peevish child or thirdie.

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just how powerful were 6th gen consoles compared to contemporary highend pces from 2001? I know this may sound offtopic and not vr but I'd also like to know how was situation for 7th gen as well
could a pentium d and radeon 1800xt combo beat the likes of xbox360?
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Meh. It's just a modified GF3 with some tweaks. The whole thing is just a PC in a box.
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PCs back then had inferior GPUs but massively superior CPUs with really high clock speed and multiple times the cache size of a console CPU. Only the Xbox's Pentium 3/Celeron hybrid CPU came close.

Nah, the L2 cache was halved and it had no dedicated VRAM. It would have better graphics than low end PCs at the time, but those PCs would have been capable of higher framerates.

No, having shared RAM limited its memory bandwidth. PCs with dedicated GPUs were not bottlenecked like that.
Halo had a massive world with a ton of stuff going on in it. The enemy and squad AI was advanced for the time. It probably didn't have the population size of Battlefield, but it was still damn big for the time. Max Payne though at first glance didn't seem mindblowing like GTA or something, was a graphical achievement with high res textures, very detailed environment geometry, advanced lighting system, debris and particle effects, and realistic enemy AI and physics simulations. The other two though, Devil May Cry and Luigi's Mansion were just like the average console games at the time, designed specifically for console hardware (powerful GPU, weak CPU).
no anon one thread is not enough, it requires two entire threads discussing the same thing

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Just avoid the RG Nano
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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oh wow more handhelds using a two years old chip
>they're both chinkhelds
>ie. things that actually matter
being actually able to play my fucking games DOES matter anon
any device can be piracy crap and do it better than a 5yr old discount chip from mainland china
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Two year old snapdragons, unisoc's and mediateks would be a godsend. Rockchip NEEDS to die once and for all
>There are STILL anal loggers who think the pocket isnt a chinkheld
How the fuck?
>designed in california by non-chinks
pick one

We haven't had one in a hot minute I'm feeling nostalgic. Post about anything Atari from Computer Space to their 6th gen releases. I might be the only person in the world right now who wants to sit down and play Video Olympics for hours kek.
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Robot Tank is fucking mindblowing. Amazing that Activision was able to take Atari's game and make a blatant clone of it that was actually better than the game they were copying.
No one cared beyond the graphics.
Imagic is the obvious choice but for me personally it's 20th Century Fox. They weren't prolific and most of what they did was just license games from already established developers like Sirius but a good number of the games they put out on the 2600 are genuinely great and mostly forgotten.
>Worm War 1
Like River Raid but with a bit more of a strategy element as you can clear the screen by blowing up fuel tanks
>Spacemaster X7
Fast and frantic arcade action which has a perfect ramp up of challenge and some absolutely classic sound effects
>Crash Dive
Quality vertical shooter with some neat little parallax backgrounds
>Mega Force
A fun take on Defender which plays much better than either of the official ports of Defender 1/2 or Chopper Command, plus you're on a flying motorcycle which is baller
>Fast Eddie
Better than the 2600 versions of Donkey Kong or most other single screen platformers on the system, pure arcade adrenaline
>Fantastic Voyage
Not anything groundbreaking but a fun horizontal shooter, gives Vanguard a run for its money
>Crypts of Chaos

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The machine used an incredibly expensive hall effect joystick which made it a very pricy cabinet. On top of that the stick was real tempermental and couldn't be swapped out for a regular stick. Add in that the game came out right before Atari was split and sold as two different companies and it ended up becoming a cabinet that didn't sell many units and the ones that did sell didn't stick around long in arcades.
The Earth Dies Screaming isn't bad either.

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This isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Its honestly pretty fun once you get more options for your deck.

If this came out today on phones people would be eating this shit up.
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Devil's Advocate: this is for the poor suckers who couldn't just simply look for the upgrades.
The only reason we never saw this again was for the fact the concept of ripping off scrubs wasn't profitable enough.
Looks like no big deal compared to what Bamco would do to Tales of Phantasia on iOS.
>This isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be

I've never heard anyone say anything bad about it before. I've played MMBN1 and the gameplay was fun. What's the problem?

I mean if someone's shitting on the story... well... it's a video game, video games tend to have awful stories and that really doesn't matter much.

If people are saying other series have better gameplay... okay. Whatever. That's doesn't have any significant bearing on whether MMBN1 is bad or not.
OP's talking about Battle Chip Challenge, not Battle Network.

BCC is frequently considered the worst by a large margin because it's nothing but gacha and watching the results of your deck building with virtually no input.
It's pure passive grind but being forced to watch every battle.
I don't know anything about the story of BCC though.

MMBN1, the story is notorious for mostly being villain of the week stories, then dropping an incredible lore bomb at the game's climax.
BN2 onwards took the story a lot more seriously and gives actual weight to the incidents, and significance to character developments.
Except BN4 anyway, that one fucked up a lot of things and is very easily ignored despite it having the most consequential event in the entire series: successfully preventing the earth's destruction from an extra-terrestrial asteroid-shaped missile
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>This isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.
You think that, until you get to the last stage.
Then you never want to play the game again.

I got to spend more time with Meiru and she's really cute in the game, so I don't think I wasted my money, but it's among the worst games Capcom has published.

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