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Female chastity

>only cunts, no dicks
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I read the VN Wanko to Kurasou a few months back and I thought that the setting was nearly perfect for chastity/orgasm denial.
In the world of this VN, there are catgirls/doggirls living in the world alongside humans, usually as pets. They appear human except for the obvious cat/dog ears+tail and while they are usually less intelligent than humans, certain breeds can reach near-human levels.
Anyway, the catgirls and doggirls go into heat twice per year and this is where things get interesting. Sexual relief is not guaranteed for them, mainly because they are not good at 'doing it on their own'. Furthermore, near the start of the game the MC reads a booklet which states that owners should olnly let pets masturbate under supervision.
Later in the story, it is revealed that one of the doggirls is taking medication to supress the effects of her heat. But it gets too strong she is overpowered by her arousal (quite a nice scene imo).
So this all had me thinking that there is already a strong sexual/orgasm control theme in this setting. It wouldn't be inconcievable for there to be special pet chastity belts for when they are in heat and owners who require their pets to wear them. Mayve some owners use the cobination of chastity and orgasm control to better train their catgirls, or to just have fun.

Anyway, the VN itself is very sex-positive. The MC is practically a sex god so all the catgirls and doggirls go to him for relief when they are in heat.
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that was a nice one
and yeah, bdsmlibrary is a bit dated and you can't actually post to it anymore like asstr so I think it's only a matter of time before it dies out entirely
that being said though, here's a story I remember from it that was also pretty good
it's been a while since I last read it so I don't remember if there was chastity explicitly, but there was plenty of denial involved
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I'm dumb and posted the wrong link.
Here's the proper link.
It's a sort of medieval fantasy(?) story with lots of princes and kings and a castle and a court

>You are in cryosleep on an intersteller journey
>Various sensors are attached all over your body in order to monitor your vitals
>This includes the latest 'belt-monitor' which also features with two internal probes for enhanced readings
>You nearly died from embarassment when you had to put it on infront of the station nurse
>She even had do help 'warm you up' down there so the vaginal probe could be inserted safely. You have never blushed soo hard, but she almost seemed bored
>Now you are asleep in your cryochamber, your metabolism reduced to a bare minimum, and your vitals delicatly kept in balance by the ships systems
>Only, you aren't perfectly asleep...
>Every so often you feel yourself drift into a dream like state of consciousness
>You feel the gentle hum of the cryochamer
>You sense the minute eletrical tickle from the various pads and probes
>And you begin to feel a faint vibration against your most sensitive areas...
>The sensation always increases agonizingly slowly, building you up towards a mighty crescendo
>But then it stops just before you reach that climax

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>What is your preferred premise and set-up for a female chastity story?

For me it's a combination of powerful woman + inferior subordinate turning tables.

>an amazonian barbarian warrior princess vows to only marry the man who can conquer her will. A younger sorcerer man tricks her into wearing an enchanted chastity belt which also lowers her inhibitions

>a victorian era lady is at the top of the social ladder and gets off on abusing her maids until they break. Her mother decides to hire the toughest maid ever, the elite Mary Poppins ojou-sama breaker to bring her to heel. Not!Mary Poppins ends up bringing back all the maids the lady broke so she can personally apologise to them, in increasingly ironic and erotic acts of compensation

>a cyberpunk futuristic corporate agent equipped with top of the line combat modifications is celebrating another successful mission with their colleagues. They get blackout drunk and wake up with a top spec slave-training belt equipped with pavlovian conditioning probes and an advanced training AI. They spent the whole night mingling with a LOT of frenemies and have to uncover who put the belt on them before they are trained into the perfect slave

>a powerful, ancient archdemon of lust is being summoned into our world. A paladin imprisons the demon in her own body, becoming a succubus. Her order helps her keep the demon side of her well-trained

And somewhat different:
>a high flying corporate office lady has to balance being the top of her corporate ladder with her home life where she is a loyal, loving slave for her husband

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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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Of what? The set? I would guess it's gone like a lot of early pixiv stuff since I can't find it, though I just barely recall the art was pretty crude, which is probably one reason it probably got deleted
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Sticky Edition

Previous Thread: >>10939538

Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
>New thread guide & template:
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>but I'm also in the mood for roleplaying a slutty fox spirit
Did you try MonCurse yet? It's short but allows you just that when you get possessed by a fox spirit
I mean, the engine was made for interactive fiction. Zork and such. Nothing particularly large.
Although that would beg the question of why the dev even picked that engine in the first place.
Both of them are by /d/ game standards fairly ancient games made before things like Twine or even Unity were made accessible. Just be happy they weren't made in RAGS or Flash.
Is it possible to run those anymore? Even years back, finding the specific version required for each game was a bother.
It's fantastic but yeah, still not a lot of content unfortunately.

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Tall Cousin 2 Update: Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest. The wait is gonna kill me!!!

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10906454
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Newest teaser
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And that is all I got from his fantia account that I haven’t seen anyone here post before
>Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest.
ah ffs

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Previous thread >>10890811

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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And, for that matter, how tiny a bikini? Gotta make sure we have an accurate mental image of the overspillage.
I too am interested in this information.
>serves no purpose since I'm a fucking bottom
Actually, it can be:
- eyecandy for your top
- symbol of how much of a bottom you are
- a fun handhold
- maybe a little obvious, but, hard to hide horniness indicator

Also, decen of >>10983702
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We're talking a solid 20-21 cm long erect with 4 - 4.5 cm girth. The dream of any top slapped on a tgirl because fate has a lovely sense of humor lmao. Also it looks even bigger because I'm very lithe and tall.
As for the bikini it's just going to be summer soon and since it's going to be my first post transition I need to buy a bathing suit and I'm really struggling to find something that will hold the whole package. I think I'll go with something that comes with a skirt to avoid too much staring at the bulge.

And yes I have looked at trans specific brands but they have like 5 choices and they are all fugly, and in this house we want to be CUTE.
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I think big dicked bottoms to be incredible cute but alas, part of the fun of loving girls with dick is being bottom sometimes.
As for the bathing suit, I've seen pics of brazilian shemales in bikinis and they, somehow, managed to hide their monster dick perfectly. I didn't dig for more info but they use tapes (sometimes glue) and use some technique to hide their genitals.
I suggest using a wrap skirt over your bikini, like you mentioned. Not only it looks nice but can also help hide your bulge.
A shame most people don't accept that some girls have bulge. One day it'll happen.

If you're feeling daring, host a pic of you in bikini on catbox and post later.

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Previous thread >>10938070

The system thinks the post is spam so I'll write some nonsense here to pass the check
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Same. I’m a bedwetter irl and I’ve always found art of it super hot
there's only some cosmetics lying around that can be found on bepis.moe . I'd love a full mod like COM3D2.
Ugly disgusting retard ruining our thread yet again with her shit-eating nasty bimbo face.
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Ugly disgusting retard ruining our thread yet again by doing absolutely nothing but bitching about stupid shit
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>aifaggot vs schizo hater

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Thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question Of The Day
How long do you plan for and prepare for your masturbating sessions? Does it build up some sort of anticipation to the moment and get you exited about what's to come? Tell us about it!

Previous Thread: >>10948869

>FAQ - Please read before posting

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training/Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

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You're beginning to become anal slut
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Fast the day before, enema's that whole day. Some deep anal in the shower that evening. Then the next day I start off in the shower to make sure I got it all then move to the bedroom to ride, thrust or get fucked by my machine overlord.
It definitely is a case of anything I eat will show up after roughly 3 hours, I just wish it would then also pass again but no that will then be drawn out for a whole day. So it's gotta be fasting, I used to be good with it but now I'm getting older and I get headaches. I find it's dedication to the act more than horniness that pushes me past feeling ragged.
Also I just don't want to spend money buying gummybears or something to appease the stomach with something that digests completely.

I'm super curious, does the wife know or is it a secret? If she knows but apparently doesn't share in the activity, what does she think? Is there some kind of agreement or understanding?
Wild amount of prep work, I just have 2 teaspoons of psylium husk every day. More if I remember. Shit in the morning, have a smoothie for lunch and I'm clean as whistle at nighttime every night. I usually test the waters with a plug though. I'll know if I'm clean or not after having a plug in for a few minutes. You can feel your guts reacting.
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Just had my first bitchgasm :
Used a vibrating prostatic massager. Leg were shaking. I was moaning like a slut.
As it turns out, it's a virtuous circle. The shaking and moaning are not just caused by the orgasm. They are a integral part of the orgasm buildup too.
Fuck "putting yourself in a confortable position". I was standing on my toetip, bent over my desk; which was why my legs what caused my legs to cramp and shake in the first place. It just work.

For the longest time, that vibro did nothing for me btw. In fact, I used the vibro part as little as possible : I set it to the lowest intensity, and actually oriented it AWAY from my prostate.
The real trick lies in our butt muscle. It's all in the squeeze. So begin honing that anal sensitivity and endurance, fellow anal slut.

picrel is my mood right now

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>NovelAI: online, non-free
Tags for Furry V3 model (new, best): https://e621.net/tags
Tags for Anime V3 model (old) : https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags

>Stable Diffusion: local, free
Giantess LORA: https://civitai.com/models/199258
Ochiko LORA (new, made by anon): https://civitai.com/models/389429?modelVersionId=434534
For more info, check the threads in the "Related boards" section below.

>General NovelAI guides

>NovelAI guides for size

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Back when dalle released, the whole giantess sphere of content wasn't associated with negative alarm bells in the slightest. In fact, it would let you get away with MORE than usual on account of the visual noise disrupting the various safety checks done at certain steps.
I blame myself for posting too much of that on the early /g/ threads and alerting the microsoft 'jeets to it.
>Back when dalle released, the whole giantess sphere of content wasn't associated with negative alarm bells in the slightest. In fact, it would let you get away with MORE than usual on account of the visual noise disrupting the various safety checks done at certain steps.
Yeah I noticed that too, even did some vore/maw shots with it and did get dogged. I did some really cool scenes like a giantess stomping a pirate ship in half and tiny seaman flying around. Lots of explosions too for some really dynamic pictures. Pretty sad that we are already at this level of 'prompt' understanding and still have to use 'old' technology because of censorship. Hopefully sd 3 comes out this year and can be run on mid hardware as well.

>I blame myself for posting too much of that on the early /g/ threads and alerting the microsoft 'jeets to it.
Nah, Im guilty of that as well. Participated in lots of /tv/ threads as well, shit was fun, whos to blame lol
Keywords: Anime, United States Marine Corps, Beautiful, perfect, rifles, girl, battle formation, cute
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Good start, but now make her 400ft tall!

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Camping Edition
Previous: >>10974656
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There's a larger version on sadpanda but the quality still isn't great.
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It's not sexy
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it is very fucking sexy
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Big feet made for smothering little guys.
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Rare PC98 cuties
Mai makes a perfect big

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>>Fake tits, Fake asses. Enhanced bodies. Lets go.

Try to keep the focus on the fetish. Juiced up bodies full of saline, silicone, combat gel, mana or whatever other crazy shit the artist or editor of the art comes up with. Characters whose bodies have been built or rebuilt for sex. Keep it 18+ and appropriate enough for a Malaysian basket weaving fetish sub forum.

>>Remember, if they glow you know ;)
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>What kind of stuff do anons wish there was more of?
Absurdly round, bolted on looking, and veiny.
Nice, wouldn't mind seeing more captions.

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Preferably wide, and not just long.
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shiver's tongue does things to my brain that shouldn't even be possible
please return this pic to the uncanny valley where you found it
and then bury it somewhere where no one will ever find it again
mmm juicy

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Girls get bigger breasts.

Previous thread: >>10903333
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sure, but this is not the thread for that. bigger only
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Previous: >>10935858
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Give me hypers being girly

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"From Internet Cult to State Religion" Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: >>10869227 (https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10869227)
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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I would remain in the backseat. More specifically, I would remain sleeping in-between her divinely soft flesh folds, constantly dreaming new ways to get myself eaten and absorbed, giving her some ideas for having fun with mortals. Stuff like tying little mortals in her hair and slowly absorb them - first the limbs - while overloading them with pleasure so that they will moan and laugh the entire time.
Man imagine this scenario from the outside perspective
You are just a mortal worshiping a gentle lovely and beautiful goddess
She falls in love with a mortal and decides to fuse with him so they can be embraced for eternity
The new goddess is even more curvy and beautiful, but also the mortal aspect has turned her into a pleasure maniac who sees mortals as nothing but toys for her own pleasure
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>whilst omnis get all the fun of changing reality, there is one thing they cant change or see
>mortals are able to interact with others from across the infinite multitude of alternate dimensions and realities
>theres a constant stream of random topics and threads in this dimension spanning
forum detailing the absurdity of different gods
>rumour is some kind of pantokrator-figure, a literal god of gods, created it as a joke
>you flick through posts that take your interest
>"anyone dealing with a recently ascended omni? if so, do you get used to her growing?"
>"why does my omni enjoy eating planets? are they stupid?"
>"forced worship sucks bros, i dont want to be a panty slave"
>"our omni sleeps all day and everyone is too scared to wake them up"
>"if my omni keeps roleplaying as a magic girl, im going to end it all"
>scrolling through and browsing, there is a startling and horrifying level of degeneracy other gods get up to
>it makes you realize your god is actually one of the more normal ones out there
>Is one of the most normal ones
Oh no, the mortal is too used to their god being a degenerate it doesn't realize the degeneracy!

Unless I really, really liked her, I'd just take control and make sure she didn't have any safeties, eject her as a mortal, become male and break into other universes looking for another waifu- and make her watch.

I might give her another chance later, but being part of a collective entity is the lamest version of being a god and if she does it to me she'd do it again for sure

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there was a thread like this up ages ago that never got a sequel. post stuffed sloshy guts that are loud enough to warrant noise complaints. bonus points for visibly rumbling tummies!
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