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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Let's settle this one once for all.
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elliptical is a torture machine
anyone who said it is an easy machine for old people is a fucking retard
I hate sharing equipment with other people THOUGH.
this board is fucking dead
It is a gay machine for gay people. And old people.
Kettlebell swings

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managed to crack my back a bit. today has been a good day.
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Boyfriend rammed my ass with his rock hard cock, and when he pulled out I explosively shit all over his dick
I’ll shove that poop right back into your ass… with my cock
me? my sternum goes uncracked
I was able to do some pull ups again, the elbow pain is slowly going away. Feels pretty good

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How does one achieve this mode and what is it called again?
I want to worship him
It's called faggot.

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previous: >>74168967
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What mode is this?
Airsoftfatty mode
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The school system didn't have a problem with her having a TikTok, there are tons of other teachers who are active on TikTok. They just don't want them to sexualize themselves in the same classrooms they teach children at.

Bragging about her 5th graders saying "oh my gosh" to her booty is crazy. Can you imagine if the role is reversed? Like if it was a male teacher and he made a Tiktok of 5 grade girls saying "oh my gosh" to his bulge? kek
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>I’m gorgeous
Do they think that if they just keep repeating it it’ll become true or something?

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>mom and I cooked some chicken breasts today
>parents wanted to put this dogshit shakenbake crap on it
>look at ingredients
>liquid aids
>can't convince mom to bake it without putting aids on it
>left two of the breasts bare for myself
>tastes good
Small changes every day snowball into big results, friends.
my mom hates me so i cant imagine cooking together
Nice job. Hopefully one day you can afford to move and leave your 70 IQ parents behind to get the 'beetus in peace

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I personally go to the gym to lift some heavy ass weight, pose in the mirror a little bit when I have a pump, and look at other men lifting to see if they have good or bad form and if they’re lifting respectable weight or not. I also like to see which guys are getting close to my muscular size so I can find a gym rival to push me harder when I lack motivation sometimes.

When girls come in with their tight ass leggings or extremely high booty shorts, I literally have to look at the ceiling or the floor otherwise I feel like I’ll get reported to management for being a creep. It pisses me off, because I want to look around the gym, but I can’t do that when there’s a lot of women around me wearing revealing clothing.
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I’m straight so no, I love it
Post your body
More like a mid life crisis. I finally got fit after getting married and suddenly more women talk to me. I feel like I missed out on casual sex and hooking up.
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Once I seize power every volcel (there are no true incels) is going to be barred from the internet until they get laid.

>waaaah muh roasties
>I need my mannerbund
>I don't want to think about sex ever
Cuck your wife if she doesn't lift and bimbomaxx!

Why are there so many gymcels? Shouldn't being fit translate to more confidence around women?
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r9k thread
>inb4 bars, clubs, social circle, dating apps
Church, coffee store, rec sports, friend groups, interest groups, bars etc
>>just bee yourself bro
Not what I said at all. Said you have to work on social skills, specifically the parts where you initiate social interaction with a woman and then eventually convert that into sex. Also boosting your general non-romantic social life is important also.
>women threw themselves at me so I definitely know what you need
I specifically responded to anons who said they were tall and attractive but otherwise bad with women. That was me exactly. So yes I'm not talking to bitter ugly manlet incels who only want to spew rage and circlejerk with other incels about hating women for being women and not wanting to suck their pathetic loser microdicks. (Even though the world is full of examples of ugly men who are good with women anyway)
Yep. Only ones actually worth a damn. Heartiste was more consistently on point with assessment of what women are like.
projecting and seething normalfaggot fuck off

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they aren't exactly fit but everyone loves them
why is that?
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love their hair, voice, eyes, face, smile, body, yummy
Shut the fuck up manlet chink

Ugly asf
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roger that
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you jealous madam roastie?
another azn manlet here. i would lay over a puddle and let Azn hotties walk over my back so their feet could stay dry.

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Is anyone else unironically doing starting strength right now? I feel like a complete retard but squatting every other day is kind of fun.
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People feel retarded for doing SS on here now? The newfags won didn't they?
It's honestly hard as shit. I know it's just three exercises but squatting, pressing, and deadlifting for max weight x5 in the same day kills me.
My lower body is so disproportionately larger than my lower body from doing SS and other programs in my nooby years. I have a nice upper body with a pump but my massive fucking ass and legs mog it so hard I look like a little boy even when I’m just training push/pull days.
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i leik 2 squat
mirin depth

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>bro you need to gain muscle first then cut weight! you'll fill in your flabs better!
>nah bro you need to cut first and then gain muscle! you'll have better cardio!
getting tired of this. which is it, /fit/?
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I'm so tired :(( bro do u expect everything to be spoonfed to u like what do u want. do you want me to lift and eat for you too
I fell for the bulking meme and now I’m 5’6 and 175lbs. Should I just lose weight until 140 then never gain again?
If you're fat; cut, lift, eat protein, cardio
If you're skelly; lift, eat protein, increase daily steps slowly over time
If you're not seeing results, CICO or you're not lifting enough
>it's that ez
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if you're new enough that you don't already know the answer to this question, your noob gains will carry you and let you do both.
>i ate like a fat pig and got fat what do i do guys should i give up

Wait So you're supposed to breathe once for every push-up you do?

I hit a hard wall at 50 pushups and couldn't get past.
but if I breathe super fast, I can push past 75.
Muscle need oxygen
More breathe in oxygen
More muscle
Probably because you are using momentum to do cheat reps. It matters less the number you can do and more the control you have over your form… like literally every other lift
A year and a half of lifting and I'm still wondering how you're supposed to feel your chest in this exercise
how do you use momentum to cheat for push-ups when you're going down and up?

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>have gym fetish
>usually workout at home
>uni has a 1-week membership giveaway
>go to the gym
>surrounded by sweaty, grunting, half naked people pumping iron, working their muscles
>imagine how sore they're gonna be after
>pants soaked and chafing
>mop up the goo in the shower with hand towels and go home

What equipment is best for someone living in a small apartment who's tired of bodyweight workouts?

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Working out means you have the same mindset as a slave.

You are literally accomplishing nothing. Most exercise only burns calories or builds muscle, both of which have zero real utility.

>But I'm overweight and must lose the fat
Just skip meals and walk outside more often.
>But I must be le strong like le shonen protag
You want pussy, but women universally dislike big muscles.

Everyone knows these two things, so why do so many people (especially men) continue to punish themselves so much? We made complex machines so our bodies could perform less work, the industrial revolution happened because even the most competent humans have limits to how much capitalists could exploit their labor. All that becoming huge or getting a perfect body does, is give you a false sense of status which is invalidated by income, height or your friend circle.

Moreover, if just as many fit people die early as fat people, then that would mean the best way to live a long life is to do jack shit. All that really matters is not eating processed food, having decent posture and being able to hold a squat. Everything else is slaves coping with their neo-caste position by picking up objects and running in circles.
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>Asking for a definition of how to spend our time on this Earth from someone who thinks it's worthwhile to post how much he hates fitness to the fitness board
>Most exercise only burns calories or builds muscle, both of which have zero real utility.
If you think being stronger, healthier , and looking better has no real utility, you are retarded.
Slaves are always banned from the gym, retard, without exception throughout history.

If I catch you in my gym I'm going to whip your lazy ass back to the plantation.
checked and based
>bizarre fixation on slavery
>demonizing work ethic
You are black and on welfare.

Will Gen Z be the most fit generation due to the social media fitness trend or the least fit generation due to the digitized lifestyle or the medium fit generation because the two trends cancel out?
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bAsed and rat habitat piled.
You falsely think Gen Z is fit for two reasons. You are into fitness and hang around fit people and it skews your ability to see thungs unbiasly. Gen Z are still relatively young and fit.
Based ranking. 1 is a sleeper pick
belly piercing

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