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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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I have a dream to see the Wollemi pines in the wild. But the actual location of the valley containing the trees within the national park is a closely guarded secret. Wollemi NP is massive and almost entirely wilderness; I'm pretty sure I could search for years without ever finding them.

Does anyone have any leads or know anything about this?
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So what's stopping one Aussie autist from propagating them in the wild in random canyons. You can't always depend on the government for conservation, in fact you should never depend on it for that.
You can't depend on random idiots who know nothing about conservation either.

>So what's stopping one Aussie autist from propagating them in the wild in random canyons.
If you don't already know the answer to this question you're proving my point. You need to learn about something first before acting impulsively.
The government and conservation agencies are already at the stage of attempting and/or discussing wild propagation from cuttings. There is a study out right now on propagating them from cutting without rooting hormones. The fact that it took decades for them to get to that stage should tell all you need to know about government and institutional bureaucracy. You don't need any random idiot, you just need people that are passionate enough about it to learn it and then set them loose.
>muh backyard science is just as good as legitimate science
Jannies are actively deleting posts to help keep the secret. Hope the sacred pines like roundup.

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Alright wtf are these zoomer talking about
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There are no bears in Hawaii you absolutely fucking inbred retard.
"If you're scared, stay home"

That's what people said during covid. The same applies in the wilderness.

Scared of running into a bear? Stay the fuck home.
Scared of running into a man? Stay the fuck home.

Nobody owes you the perception of safety in wild spaces. If that's an unacceptable risk for you, then stay in civilization or get some sort of protection (gun, spray, dog, man, whatever).

Nature isn't going to be sanitized to cater to your precious feelsies.
See: >>2727181
Theres bears in Florida
To emphasize the point of the first sentence. I can see how that overcomplicates it; next time I'll stick to three monosyllabic words per sentence to make it easier on you.

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What this guy says
He's a professional larper and you can take his word for this theoretically correct response
Whatever the tallest 'mountain' in scotland is. Everyone took the zippy zipper sit down thing but i was trying to get in a cali girls pants so we walked. It was windy at the top and foggy
so did you get herpes or not?
9,159 feet on a tourist mountain you can drive up most of the way. I've hiked and camped higher but not at a summit.

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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>t.cucked by his own skin color
I never heard that and I don't care what europeens think about anything.
Wrong. It's a white man's world so therefore all biomes are fair game
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Implying I give a shit about what a European thinks of the greatest country on earth. We already know we live rent free in their heads. Don’t bother replying. I won’t be back. Just seethe.

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Opinions and facts about cheap high quality forests to live near.
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WV panhandle and remote parts of rural PA is the cheapest houses in close proximity to /out/ i can think of that isnt in a completely cucked pussy state
Kentucky has really good ones but it has a problem with mad max tier rednecks on meth so it's a good idea to carry a gun in the boonies not because of bears or rattlesnakes but because seemingly the entire population is willing to engage in thoughtless violence for a sense of honor I can only imagine goes all the way back to Gypsy caravans in Scotland and Ireland.
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Here, put these on.
a lot of nice scenic places mentioned but the real killer is the gun and knife laws, here in ohio i can go camping with a 50 cal, two swords, and a pair of nunchuks...
northern michigan has plenty of beautiful forest
and i haven't even seen the upper peninsula yet.
one day i'll be a billionaire and reforest the entirety of ohio and reintroduce buffalo like we had in the 1700s before the entire state was razed for farmland...
rip america's old forests i can't even imagine what the continent looked like before the masses made it out west
A better question is what the hell is an expensive forest to live next to?

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theres a mountain about 3 kms away from where i live and there are always tons of rabbits there.
maybe im autistic or something but i think it would be really cool to try hunt them only using primitive tools/weapons (nothing more advanced than a bow, and thats already pushing it).
has anyone tried it? or tried rabbit hunting in general? im just looking to get a couple every few weeks or so, nothing too crazy
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Can't argue with that
You’re delusional
>curve your shot downwards
What do you even mean by this kek?

But look a bow is obviously alot more quiet. You can also shoot it with relative imputiny as far as there being anything behind the target goes. Having said that, it is about 50x inferior to a firearm obviously if you are actually trying to kill something to eat. For me it is almost strictly sport though I dont have much desire to eat a rabbit. It is fun and rewarding to shoot something with a bow mostly- but it is hard on the animal and some people have certain sensibilities that make this aspect repulsive to them.

I didn't realize you'd be walking around d inhabited places with it kek.

And no I don't do a whole lot with them. Throw them over the back of a chair or set lamps on them etc. that sort of thing.
why would you even post this?

im not, the point was that different things have different uses, a battleship railgun is 5000x better than a firearm, are you going to use that to hunt rabbits?

>What do you even mean by this kek?
i didnt word it right, and my dinner was on the stove so i needed to be quick typing it.
you know how in those old roman documentaries how they get their shields up because arrows are shot into the air and then they come down? you cant do that with a gun. it was the first thing that came to my head really

>if you are actually trying to kill something to eat
this isnt the goal, and if it was i would use traps. its more for fun that might have a reward if i hit a shot. that being said maybe it would be cool to go /out/ with just a slingshot and a loincloth eating raw rabbits

>you'd be walking around d inhabited places

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>im not delusional
>i think i can shoot a rabbit by raining arrows onto them like a line of bowmen against a shield formation

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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Mint is a palate cleanser, hence after dinner mints. You're just behind the on the hedonism curve, in no time you'll be French.
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Breaking in a new Peterson 268. Probably the best smoking new pipe I’ve ever had. Gonna be getting a few more of this shape in different finishes.
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This is my favorite pipe and my favorite Peterson shape, i forget what it is though...
I think a 124. Basically a slimmer, longer version of >>2727204
Again I completely disagree.
Cigars have changed a lot in the last 5 years.
You can get everyone of those flavor notes from cigars.

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For all things fire lookout / fire tower!

Previous: >>2694387
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I’d say that trainspotting is more autistic but basically yeah
No idea.
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Green Mountain Lookout in Oregon, looks like a military installation
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so does Thompson Peak in Montana, but goddamn did it have the best amenities of any lookout I've ever stayed in. refrigerator, electric cooktop, baseboard heating, recessed ceiling lights. it was a trip.
fucked up pic, not rotating dont care

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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
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I need to improve my sleep system for the summer. I have a Teton Sport winter bag which is great but it's huge and heavy. I'm looking for something more compact and lightweight for the warmer months, though I live up north so I would still be looking for 35-40 degree bag. I'm hoping to spend around $100 or less if possible, doesn't need to be Gucci just a little more compact than the giant Teton stuff. Quilt or bag is fine.

Any recs?
checked. And sometimes having no idea what you're doing can be good. Don't over-plan your trips, leave a lot of wiggle room to do things on impulse that you see along the way.
You need an archive for all the shitposts here?
Thanks for the reply. I guess I'm curious if anons have relied on chopsticks for prolonged periods of time and if their experience was positive enough to recommend it.
You sound like a gawky boi.

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What’s it going to take to stop this man?
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>hires PI to stalk people and threaten them for saying mean words
Pick one
i would pay good money to step 3 with steve, get a heavy crossfade going in the middle of fuckin nowhere with some fine canadian kush. really i hope he makes it out these tough times alright, he seems like a legit good dude.
>I always appreciated the fact he’s not a gear whore and is often using a pretty simple kit.

I think the vid where he made a real life blanket fort was one of my favourites he's ever done.
slenderman is going to come and kill you unless you get all the pages dude
i find it fun and endearing

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sup /out/ggers. i just filled my northeastern townships collection map and as (You) can see, it's embarassingly empty.
i know a lot of you are from the northeast or often travel to the northeast, so if you like blogposting about your trips and at the same time unlocking new subdivisions NEVER EVER travelled before, you may be very interested about joining the /extraflags/ general on /int/, aka >>>/int/extraflags/

if /out/ had flags such a general could be here, but unfortunately that's not the case. plus /out/ is not suited for blogposting, just discussions

this activity is not limited to the US of course, i have collection maps for multiple countries and i plan to make maps for as many countries as possible as detailed as possible. now i will dump here all of them
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>>2725291How are you able to do this much traveling across the country?
From the highways I'm seeing it's called driving through a lot of places before stopping at your actual destination.
A couple of those in my state are incorrect.
i've never been to the US after discovering extraflags; those counties were taken by several american anons (and probably some foreign travellers too)
for instance; anyone, including you, can contribute to the map by joining the general


happens all the time giving that there are more than 2000 counties so some of them might get outdated over time
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come on niggers nobody here likes blogposting about his trips? howdy

Magic mushrooms + hikes in nature

Best time ever
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cant wait until mushroom season again
No, they effect your serotonin receptors. If you think you're a fucking jedi it's not the mushrooms. I'd bet everyone around you are laughing at you acting like a retard.
This. The only thing druggies are good for is laughing at when they start going on about "muh connection to the oonivoors"
ive never done them myself, but, i have a friend who is pretty into drugs (softer ones, not like heroin)
and she figured out i was a pretty outdoorsy guy who frequently picks plants and mushrooms, so i showed her were i usually see them
she is a good friend
either I overestimate how much a shroom weighs, or I'm getting some weak ones. Have to eat like a full stalk + cap to even start getting visuals

#503- “Not A ManAss” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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I forgot to add that when I was walking out, I scared a woman. I was coming out of a tunnel near student housing. This young woman in neon was running towards me. I was wearing a school cap and waders, and I was carrying my rod and a ski pole which serves as a wading staff. I wasn't dragging the ski pole like a horror movie villain, but once she saw me, she ran the opposite direction. Based on her direction and proximity to the student housing, I am very confident my presence is the reason she turned around. It was also getting dark, but still, it was kind of fun. This must be what it's like to be a black man.
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>carp busting on the surface
Those fish are probably not catchable in that state. Carp do just jump out of the water for the sake of it sometimes, but unless you can find them actively feeding you're probably not going to catch it with a fly rod.
With your expectations properly tempered, carp flies vary wildly. My personal favorite is a creation of my own I call the backwards bug, it's basically a small foxy clouser with rubber legs (ice tied up to a size 4 and down to a size 10)
Other options include soft hackles and nymphs with bead chain or dumbell eyes to ride hook point up, cottonwood seeds, I've had them rise for terrestrial patterns, people tie mulberry flies and crawdad flies. Bonefish flies can work. Worms, rabbit strip things, It's hard for me to reccomend patterns other than the ones I tie because I kinda just go off and do my own thing.
>pic semi related, a heavy daddy bugger
I tied that one for smallies but any carp that would eat a crawdad would absolutely munch this fly.
You definsteky need to cut and re tie something. If it's a small wind knot, cut either side of the knot off close and toe the sections back together. If it's just in the tippett it's easy enough to cut and re tie
Tippett rings are gay as hell
They do what they say they do, sure, but they're so gay. A loop to loop connection does nigh the same thing and once it seats it's way sleeker, I actually change musky flies that way. Theres a foot of wire tied to all of my flies and I use a loop to loop on 40lb mono to change flies.
Basic west coast surf/rocks fishing setup? Right now I'm looking at a 9" salmon/steelhead rod (for things in the surf like perch and stripers. Also steelhead and salmon when the season opens again) and 7" medium heavy rod (would use for rockfish, lingcod, maybe halibut, it seemed to be the popular choice of rod at the local pier).
Also line and reel size combination recommendations would be appreciated
My university is next to and owns a portion of forest with a nice size lake in it. I've been wanting to fish it just to see what's in it but campus is closed because of protests and university pd are anal about it. Thinking of going to fish it anyway. There should be at least trout
I saw some huge carp last fall, but they always hold right under a low head dam. Any tips for targeting carp in fast current?

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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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It the fed, the park roads memorial day.
You can always part your vehicle near one of the east side trail and hike up and in.
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Find a camping spot off china hat road, and hike in.
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highly highly recommend Lost Lake Butte

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