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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

>Who is the nobody?
An attempt at making the next antichrist. The world isn't ending, glowies are just trying to sap the powers of psychics and MKULTRA types. We make the world better together. There is no messiah, only us. If you get baited into this, you're only going to make the book of Revelation doomsday happen.

If you actually had control of your powers, you would be healing others.

We must love each other.
It's the only way.
Remember, everyone else is only you. Do you love yourself, or hate?

Sophia represents the love coming back. We are smarter than this.

The nobody is the elites wish for an antichrist. They're never getting one.
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Everyone lives the duration of their life entirely, forever as they lived it. All the good, all the bad, all the everything they did, live in a great record, and that great record plays on forever. The 3 red dots are the core of the galaxy in awakened mode, when the sun and Saturn and Jupiter are all lights in the sky. There is no hope for humanity at that point if they choose to stay on the earth, there is no fire in hell to purify that kind of corrupted soul.
That's not fair + you always had control.
Oh like this? *middle finger*
Flex your left arm in the mirror and look at it.

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I have the craziest story that no one will believe. I think I'm in either a simulation or some kind of bot group that is altering the world around me. Before my eyes, things are imprinted onto my walls. Everywhere I go, white dots cloud my vision and someone told me they're called observers. I'm in and out of a dream world where I'm tortured.

I'll post pics of my walls and door. These images were not put here by me. More detail appears with focus.
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You're human. You're just likely psychotic and thus able to see more of the psyche then others normally can. Stabilize.
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Woah dude , if what you say is true then I guess you have it really bad. Might be the effects of Starbursts on the surrounding life via cosmic rays altering your perception and making you a paranoid and delusional schizo. No place is safe for you except maybe DUMBS. But chances that you'll even be allowed to see it without clearance is basically zero.
My hands are clean on this matter. There are bands of schizo and it seems like you are still on one of the lower ones.

May God save me from becoming like you.

The truth you seek is deep within your soul.

Don't climb the higher levels !!!
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Literally everything in my house turns into scary images. My vision and hearing and mental acuity are constantly changing. I'm hearing crazy things and I'm transported into a weird dream world. It's the same all over my house and then I'll see more everywhere I go. It's everywhere I look. Even YouTube videos, movies, clouds then to shapes. Never allowed to offer a true thought, all sensible things in my head are cut off. There's weird things screaming over my nerves and I can't explain my situation properly.
Seek professional help, anon.

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Torrent lives edition

Remember to ignore off-topic posts and only reply to quality contributions


Hindu — Raja Yoga, Hathayoga, Shiva Samhita
Taoist — Foundations of Internal Alchemy
Theravada — Knowing and Seeing
Sufi — Sufism for Non-Sufis
Jewish — Jewish Meditation
General/Thelema — sacred-texts.com & hermetic.com/figures/index

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Ipsissimus yet?
Yes, you can use local replacements. Do your best to meet the requirements, but your first year is never going to be perfect. Order what you have to.

That's too simplistic. Having the internet is never an excuse to take the easier option, but what is being asked of you in the work far exceeds getting all the props.
Ape never left
Folks also forget this is a four person system, and there'd be a division of labor in the preparation of the rites. People need to make provisions for being the sole person responsible for everything if running it solo, especially without a mentor.
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What's the spiritual reason they are spraying?
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as the other anon posted, its a nanomachine delivery system and them attempting to block the Light that's changing everything on a molecular level.

This is basically the battle against God the source of the Will of creation. Or the natural patterns big and small. They cant be stopped and people in the know have vested interest in doing so because the status quo is simply that pleasurable for them.

The obvious conclusion is that if the pattern continues, which it will and always there will no longer be a situation in which men control men. not like now.

everything is being used to essentially delay mass awakening, but ironically are creating the exact scenario needed for such a thing. Like how the Satan analogue in lord of the rings fought against the Monad/God analogue, going against the song of creation because it thought it's own was more beautiful. Creating a flawed world, only to discover that it's rebellion was indeed always part of the song.

Best thing to do right now is meditate in complete trust. Live in complete trust. Surrender fears, surrender paradoxes, surrender all discomfort and negative reactions, surrender all mistrust and confusion. do this in darkness for 40m to an hour a day. Listen to Theta binaurals, Your brain is at 26 hz right now.
needs to be down to at least 14 which is alpha. You don't start experiencing anything till then.
4-7 hz is Theta which is when you entire baptism/ cross the desert to reach the promise land/nirvana/mountain of light. The promised land is the one inside you u can only reach by getting the fuck out of the way and letting it come to you with diligence.
Lil strontium douglas says "no bueno"
Condensation doesnt sit around for an entire hour. You dont get a condensation trail that sits behind you for an entire half an hour, you gaslighting fucking jewish piece of shit
Does anyone think it's a prologema or Archetype of the War against the Principalities prophesied as the War of Gog of Magog? Same way the vaccine is an Archetype of the Mark of the beast

Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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I will do 3 readings, maybe more.
>Description and Defining Features
>Colour Shape Combo
>Method (Empath, Runes or Tarot)
Next work? Thanks.
Light skin, blond, green eyes
Blue hexagon
Do me and her (dark brown hair & eyes light skin short) successfully form a connection? When do we meet again?

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Do you think maybe the only reason that makes sense about why the world is the way it is with all the death and bullshit is cuz the god of this world grew up in a universe pretty much the same as this.
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>primary ruler
i think you mean ultimate
there is probably a primary weaver with greater influence that is extended to them
but that is like a role or station that may change
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Why would God grow up?
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Allah, may you find Him
Ur bounty is going up
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It really does have to do with the Tarot. I don't care how nerdy you think it is. The Tarot has the answers.

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is hypnosis real? probably a common question but i'm curious. if so, to what extent? just putting people into a trance, making them forget stuff, or making them do stuff? how does it work, where is it used, etc.
pic unrelated
Yes, it's real
Many people in many communities will say it can't make you do anything you wouldn't already want to do and can't truly make you go against your consent, similar limitations
I don't have the energy to explain, but out of personal experience, it absolutely can. So, in terms of extent: More than you or le majority of people interested in hypnosis believe.
anyway, it's like meditation, it bridges th gap between normie and /x/, as such there's plenty of scientific documentation and recording, and it can be diluted into a science to some extent and you can easily learn how to do it yourself if you go looking, so go looking, it will be fruitful. I know that's unhelpful srry lol, I have a widdle archive on this and I'll try to look through it and give you book reccomends later.

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I have figured out a reliable way to unlock super human powers. I'm talking physical and mental/psychic powers here. I wanted to teach the whole world how to do this, if everyone could do this it would elevate the whole planet. But every time I do it they just throw me in the psyche ward. They can never keep me long term because I'm not actually crazy. But they do everything they can to suppress the powers and now I'm scared to access that state again. I want to, but I'm not going to be any use if they lock me up again. What do I do and how do I spread this information? I have a way for any human to have a direct link to God and supernatural powers. I don't want to do anything gay like start a cult or religion or anything, I don't want to be known for this, but I do want to unlock this ability within others, just without being injected for the rest of my days to keep me quiet, or potentially even killed off. How am I meant to go about this?
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he means lifelike virtual porn, the industry standard has been 100% digital humans, no real people.
the industry has ai that can show you what kind of porn you watch.
The issue is it's lengthy (unless I'm in person with you, then it's easy) and I really need to get this all right, I wasn't intending on posting it in this thread because I need some time to pull everything together
No, all normal healthy people irl. But one of them did end up permanently insane which I deeply regret.

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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>in america, but didn't bring a gun when going innawoods.
OP should've fucking crushed that thing like a hamster under a workboot.
Bet it wouldn't have that shit eating grin on it's face after getting 15 rounds of 10MM JHP dumped into it.
Absolutely not. How is there no match on google reverse search?
Sometimes it do be like that
>OP took a photo of a normal animal like a dog or something
>apply photoshop magic
>make OC and post on /x/

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I want to bury my face in her milkers until I suffocate
Succubi ain't shit. If they were so great then they'd appear in my dreams and fuck me. I dare them.
>they'd appear in my dreams
It's worse when you aren't prepared for them you can't find a way to resist them before it's too late
I do not care about old, used up holes
They die alone, hungry and homeless as punishment for a life of prostitution.

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What are some good things for acceleration of self-gnosis, to expand my own consciousness faster?

Is it some sort of bioalchemy? certain supplements? diet? fermented cheese? milk? Because fasting certainly seems to have an effect, so why not certain amino acids and minerals?

I keep hearing this thing of "tap to higher self", but to me it doesn't seem like something you can just "do", it seems more like a process, information comes at certain moments when you're receptive for it, and I seem to struggle to get myself in that "receptive" state. Could this be my problem?

Also one thing I've noticed, probably related to moments mentioned above, is that there seems to be waves of "vibes". Sometimes, for whatever reason, things just flow more smoothly, to the point it feels like universe itself is trying to tell me something through someone else etc. , maybe some call this syncretism. I may be in a thread of my own or someone's thread, and when I'm feeling this "good waves" (because that's what comes to my mind, some wave/vibe) either I'm more easily able to receive the information some kind anon is willing to share, or because of this state there are kind anons willing to share their bits of wisdom they know with me. Do I need to make myself more sensitive to these "movements" or waves of energies, so I can more easily prepare for them when they do happen, and then it's be easier for me to catch them/surf on them when they do happen, is that it? Or what is this about?

Has anyone found ways to make this process of self-gnosis faster through any means I've mentioned, or some other means? I'd like to be able to progress further, as it feels like somedays I make progress, and other days there's no progress.
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Of course progress can be fast, no one has found hard limitations.
"Self-gnosis" literally means "knowledge of oneself through experience". Basically, live at your fullest. Try things. Test yourself. Get out of your comfort zone constantly. Go wild.
That is self not Self

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Even here NASA shills are trying to shut down debate/discussion on this topic:

Kek when AI is even calling bullshit on the fake photos.
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I looked up joe rogan on jewtube and i discovered i watched all the clips without realizing it. I think we all new to sub spotify and ditch the fake jews or something for real
There needs to be more fuck you NASA kino in the world. Even more 'fiction' like Capricorn One, just because fuck you NASA, and even if it was all true, the so-called 'conspiracy theory' will always be more entertaining.
this has the same energy as that webm of pajeet making shit pancakes
yes that's where all the SFX technology in movies of subsequent decades came from. All the money they poured in to fake it.
bump for disclosure

Anyone have the picture of the shuttle crew that didn't really die?

This is now a viva la Columbia connection thread...
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whats with the jew flag?
do you really have to even ask at this point?
>Do you think one of them just hit the explode the ship button?
>2 Women and a nigger
what do you think?
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[Do you have any idea how expensive it is to launch fake space shuttles to fool all the dumbass “goyim”. The federal reserve usury scam has begun to hemorrhage money since 2022 and the scam is all but over, but back then it was quite profitable to rob the American population while they predictable ate it up fell for every fake war to reset the fiction banking system lol. Without those crucial fake crashes the fiction space program would’ve actually had to show results and gone somewhere like when you build a boat or a car then everyone gets to start participating not just 33 and above trusted story tellers. It worked and everyone gave up and stopped talking about space or the moon so no one had keep inflating those lies. Defense industrial security command was the real space program which is the basis for what people now call the secret space program but there are so many well crafted israeli run psyops around that now that most have no idea about anything. Imao of you think the plandemic was bad wait for the (a)lien invasion false flag, so when a vowel like a is at the beginning of a word like alien, the a means no and lien means debt, so the very word to describe someone not from this world, is to describe them as someone with no debt, how can no see they are slaves here when its in your face like that.]
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I have read some say that Marxism is radical Christianity
The Kingdom of God on Earth is just a communist utopia, which will inevitably happen.
I don't think capitalism is compatible with Christianity at all.
>And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:24
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See? I made a single comment that seemingly hurt your feelings, so you put me in a box in your head with all the other people you don't like, despite knowing nothing about me. ...And then when I point this out. You call me ignorant. You don't see the irony in any of that?
Mao Zedong chased the bad spirits of China. Read of Marxism deeply.

There are two poles - light, dark, love, hate, left, right. You must choose for yourself.
It may be the case that left is above, and right is below, or the inverse. That is known to initiates. Do not think they are lateral or equal, that is a great deception.
Marx was a Communist and as all Communists, he's a Satanist. The Kingdom of Heaven of God on Earth isn't a communist utopia since there's no passage in the Bible that speaks against the monopoly of the means of production in the hands of private individuals. Your knowledge about both Marxism and Christianity is utterly incorrect in all aspects.
>Hurt your feelings
Boy is that assuming an awful lot. I simply have zero patience for people who can look at truth and stay within the bubble of their confirmation biases because it is unpleasant. That ideology is why the world is a dumpster fire to live in.
>I live MY truth!
Is it absolutely true that truth is subjective?

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