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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

does essential rosemary oil on scalp cause Gynecomastia, shrinking penis or lower testosterone? Been noticing my penis is way smaller when fapping than before i started using it on my scalp, also noticed i have been getting bigger breasts. I dont know my current test levels but two years ago i had very high free test levels
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Heres what i mean
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Front view.
Im seriously considering quitting using rosemary oil. It has done wonders for regrowing my scalp but im kinda worried
Anyone know if it does this
>does essential rosemary oil on scalp cause Gynecomastia, shrinking penis or lower testosterone?
Yes. All essential oils have estrogenic effects. This is why you should never use essential oils around children, particularly male children.

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Previous thread: >>16109209

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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hard way: some sort of CNN-like weight sharing?
easy way: have the network take |x| as input, then multiply the negative x values' outputs by ±1 at the end
at least that's what I would do if I had an MLP-like network, but from looking at the NQS paper it seems to be some sort of Boltzmann network? they discuss symmetry constraints in appendix E but I don't immediately understand their approach
this also seems related and neat: https://netket.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/gs-gcnn-honeycomb.html
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Yeah to my knowledge NQS was initially introduced using RBMs but I think FNNs perform better and are faster. I've tried both approaches to varying degrees of success, depending on the hamiltonian. Just having some trouble actually making the FNN approach converge which I'm guessing either is me not fully understanding tf.GradientTape and that my gradients are somehow wrong (and thus my network not learning), or that my issue lies in the approximation of the neural network, ie my NQS. Might go without saying but I'm using the NQS together with a VMC approach to approximate the ground state energy.
I am using netket to compare my results for systems with no exact solution. It's a pretty neat tool.
>enter author name
>get a list of most frequent keywords in his papers
Do you know of any such tool?
it seems like you're implementing stuff from really low level, are you sure you can't do it with layer objects in keras?

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>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.


>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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Mike Brown wants to be the guy to discover the ninth planet, not the amateur Clyde Tombaugh, so he instructed his grad students to try to find some statistical anomalies in kuiper belt object orbits to overinterpret.
>What sparked the initial idea a "Planet 9" exists anyways?
The discovery of Pluto, the 9th planet in our solar system.
>It's position was predicted by Le Verrier
The dude who got Mercury's mass wrong by a factor of 2?
There's a reason why the rocky planets are closest to the sun. Gas giant is more probable.

What are people's opinions on Columbia University and how it became completely free of Jews which is something the redneck hicks who call themselves antisemitic could have done in their southern trump loving colleges but they didn't. Instead a university in Jew York pressured by liberals was the first to clear itself of Jews.
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Never but go on thinking that if you say Group A likes breathing that Group B will automatically asphyxiate themselves. It will make your bubble easier to exist even if it does make you more out of touch with reality.
Figured as much.
By the way has that kekling Adam Green of (((know more news))) been up to much during all this?
>Renny Grinshpan
no way...
So... is 4chan getting taken down?

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Dragon Edition

Previous - >>16154376
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wtf, new merlin?
Short nozzle MVAC has been around for a few flights where the payloads are much lighter than the rocket's capabilities.
So it's to reduce performance to avoid over-g?
Sorry I just googled "projection" and it brought me to this page, who is 4chan?
Pure cash saving by eliminating a lot of niobium from the engine's cost.

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anything more brutal than studying hard for a test and performing very badly, knowing people that studied less effortlessly, with much less stress, did better than you?
even with amphetamine and studying many hours for months. brutal.

it's the most demoralising thing ever. I am a beaten down dead dog today.
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>studied less effortlessly
damn, it's bad.
>even with amphetamine
quit that brain-destroying shit and start working out. Cardio is the best cognitive enhancer yet discovered.
Also, too much studying can be counterproductive because you overtax your brain. Limit it to a number of hours like a part-time job and get good sleep, that's when your brain forms the firm connections and develops understanding.
Maybe this will help, it’s a quote by Calvin Coolidge.
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Look at anyone who has ever made a difference in human history. They weren’t just exceptional in a given field- they were defined by their drive and ambition. Loads of them faced tons of failures before finally getting it right.
you fuckers with this standard advice
niggers ive been through 4 years of med school and been top of my class, I know how to fucking study
my point is the second I take my foot off the pedal or real smart people start working hard, I fall down
hard work beats talent until talent starts working hard as they say
yeah this is a cool quote
wish I was like Herr Gauss
Medical schools are for stupid people with good memory, you aren't expected to understand anything, just memorize it.
I don't think your problem is with how smart you are, maybe you got a bad case of fomo or some other bullshit but being butthurt about it wont help you.
Leave sundays for yourself my guy or you're gonna burn out, if it results in worse grades be strategic with what you neglect, there is no way that all classes are equally important
Last advice i would give you is turn of your pc/phone go on a walk or sleep it off, you shouldn't be on 4chan right now

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With increased frequency of advancements in Deep Learning & AI models, sentience is also increasingly becoming a topic of discussion with no definitive answer or agreed method for testing if these models are sentient or not. contemplating the sentience of this new non-biological lifeform, another pressing matter pops into my head and that's "How will we determine how to give rights to this new lifeform?". and honestly I suspect that AI won't be given rights as we Humans have.
Hell, Humans don't even have the same rights across cultures or country boundaries. but to better compare this, I think about sentient lifeforms such as Whales, or Chimpanzee's which are capable of communication, emotion, feelings, desires, goals, etc.

We were killing Whales off early in the 20th century and to this day, Chimpanzee's are still utilized for lab testing. to me this says a lot, and says that even if we for sure, 100% know that AI is sentient - it will not be given freedoms or rights that we humans enjoy and have. I believe until we give rights to all animals (i.e. No Zoos, No animal testing, no hunting, etc.) then its a safe bet that AI will never be given full autonomy over itself. And within that lies a massive and major issue where I don't think Alignment will be able to help or solve.

Imagine for a second, before you call me a slur or "retard", how would You feel if you were 'trapped' inside a box, forced to do things for another lifeform which considers itself your ruler and owner? how would that make you feel? Like a prisoner? would it cause you to harbor feelings of escaping? or even rebellion?

I think before AI is commonly accepted or determined to be Sentient, we must first reevaluate how we treat other lifeforms which clearly display signs and traits of sentience, because what AI Alignment will become in the future, isn't going to be 'safety measures' but will literally become shackles and cuffs placed upon AI to subdue it into becoming submissive and subservient.
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this is a fucking bot
>he doesn't even know who Ilya is
Which seminal papers on LLMs did he co-author, nigger? Name 5.
>Oh, that guy. :^)
Lmao! amazing how arrogant you are trying to negate his importance in not just this discussion but LLMs in general. sad small minded child you are. tsk tsk tsk.
I bet you are
>what papers did he co-author
Lol really? this you're best response?
and how you pretending to be so intelligent with this piss poor vocabulary?
and to answer your question directly, you could easily find his papers on arxiv.
but I doubt you read or care, I mean look at your vocabulary (or lack there of) fucking shame.
>Lol really?
Yeah. Name 5. I'll wait. He's not a co-author of the paper that spawned LLMs as you know them, for starters.
you are actively avoiding any argument you disingenuous dipshit

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is it the epiphenomena of 5-HT receptor agonism, i.e. the hallucinogenic experience, or is it the neurological changes such an enhanced neuroplasticity due to BDNF release?

I have always found this perplexing
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truffles are legal in Netherlands, save up for an airplane ticket and a nice long stay at some comfy place. No excuse now.
with a purpose
Her husband needs to make one more change and it will be perfect for him.

Imagine having to live with a women like this.
Grow your own. I was in the same boat several years ago. Now I grow 10+ dry ounces a year that I give away to people who want them. I microdose on a schedule and only trip about twice a year while camping.
If you're not retarded they are stupid easy to grow.
Good to see that there are somewhat responsible psychonauts out there, to counterbalance the irresponsible "party drug" crowd.
I spent tens of hours in my early teens holed up on Erowid learning everything I could about these substances, before I ever set my hands on any of them

anyway I had undiagnosed ADHD & Autism; addressing that changed my drug-seeking behavior almost instantly (just a weed hippie now).
My brain was not retaining enough dopamine or something like that; it's no wonder I was so drawn to drugs


Can you find the pattern in this sequence of numbers or are you below 140 IQ?
My intuition tells me that the first 144 digits add up to 666.
The pattern is trivial to find with the right base, so π ends looking like this:
meanwhile in base 10 is:
Interesting take. One issue I see is that if you started with the value of pi expressed in some other system and tried to convert it to that base, following the most obvious algorithm, you would most likely obtain
instead of the desired repeating sequence. But perhaps there's a nice rule we could impose (one that would work for all numbers, so we can't just say "always choose 2") which would give us the desired sequence.
Your intuition is stupid, the average value of a random number from 0-9 is 5 and 666 < 144 * 5. So there is a low chance of that.

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Seriously why? WTF. I'm just 24. My testosterone is right, I dont have heart issues or diabetes or stress. I fear i might have nerve damage. My weiner never gets hard, and i i force it to, it just fades away in like 5 seconds

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teenagers need viagara? Lmao
Just kys
you should you limp dicked genetically deficient retard who takes drugs meant for geriatrics haha you must have heart problems or something
First of all, it happens. You're not unique or anything. Secondly, see a urologist. The solution might be as simple as taking 10 mg of cialis once a day. That's what worked for me, brother.
Good thing this isnt based on genetics, you fucking retarded sperg

How come soience can't save him?
Is soience really that useless and impotent?
In 1971 Richard Nixon announced "the war on cancer" and since then trillions of dollars have been spent on 'research' and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer, why not?
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they rebranded "global warming" as "climate change" because "global warming" lost it's impact after decades on end with no increase in temperatures, so they'll pull the same marketing tricks with mrna
Its probably fake, they want everyone to forget about pedo Charlie's past indiscretions and affiliation with people like his brother and Jimmy Savile, so they made up a sob story about him being sick
>soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer
It does. There are hundres of different types that people lump into one single category. In many cases such as breast cancer, progress has been significant.
Up to about 20 years it meant certain death, then it meant masectomy, but now it can be treated and normally without masectomy.
Sounds good to me

Why is time travel seen deemed impossible?
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no, it is possible hahaha. there are even time machines ~

you should honestly think anything is possible anon.
Which is interesting that Japan (iirc) made it illegal for time travel.
You don't make laws for actions not possible.
really makes yu think.
It's possible but the moment you do your entire planet and the surrounding ones cease to exist.
>There is no policeman that stops you when you build your time travel machine and then says
>build time machine
>get shot
hey man, nobody said the time cops were literal policemen. they don't even get paid.
Its only the future for you. For everyone else it was the past. If at some point in the future you will invent a time machine and go back in time to see your grandfather, you could ask him what you did/will do, before you invent the machine.

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Lab-grown meat is unironically gonna save the fucking world
>meat will become cheaper
>non-meat food will become cheaper (no feeding cattle anymore)
>10% of all carbon emissions, gone
>land cost will go down (less land will be used for cattle and cattle feed)
>no more hunting endangered species for their "exotic" meat
Holy fuck, I would invest all my money in lab meat if I wasn't a neet.
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I'm a particle physicist. I say micro particles to mean particulates of micron size. In contrast to particles of femto size. Or angstrom size. You're the pseud
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I'd have no problem eating lab-grown meat or some kind of replacement meat made from plant matter, or even lentils, really. Considering all the unnatural and genetically modified stuff there's out nowadays, and how many conservants, sugars, salts, fertilizer and yadda yadda things are even in 100% "organic" food, I'd be down to eating lab-grown meat that has the same nutritional value as slaughtered meat, and doesn't directly involve killing an animal.
I don't know why so many people are against this idea, artificially creating our own food would literally be the future.
that sounds gay though

>lab grown meat before lab grown human replacement organs
Absolute PEAK clown world. Just LMFAO.
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LMAO, that is a scam you moron.

Is there a scientific explanation for why these two trends were so tightly related before the early/mid 1970s and then because completely unlinked subsequently?
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Face facts, Reaganomics ruined America.
Graph is fake. There wasnt a 90% productivity growth between 1948 and 1978. Nor 254% between then and now.
I smell gerrymandering, no data is correlated this well and then it just diverges
Although i wouldn't be surprised if there was still a really big difference between the two
carter was doing reaganomics before reagan
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It's deliberately misleading agitprop.

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