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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Are there any secrets left to be learned from this vehicle?

Or is all this decades old tech from the US pretty common nowadays. Is this a real "get" for them or just a feather in cap trophy with no real exploitations to glean?
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It's over if they reverse engineer the abrahams, it would propel them, technologically 20 years forward. Bringing them to the 1980s, they might learn what microchips are, heaven forbid
>Are there any secrets left to be learned from this vehicle?
No, or alternatively, it doesn't matter.
>Or is all this decades old tech from the US pretty common nowadays
Again, it wouldn't matter. The main thing having enemy hardware does IF it's actually functional is let you do some more controlled opfor testing and see specifically how your sensors and weapon systems work against it. But with any vaguely modern tech the trick is in actually mass producing it, and that involves all the institutional knowledge and local infrastructure, much of which will have been intimately tied up in the design in the first place (countries design stuff they are capable of building and that fits with their doctrine). You can do an analysis and say X, Y, and Z elements went into armor or a chip or whatever but that doesn't tell you how to do it yourself, let alone how to do it at mass scale.

So no militarily it's meaningless. It's just a boring PR thing, boring because tanks aren't wanderwaffen, of course some will be destroyed and if lines are shifting around they may end up behind the enemy's lines.
the m1 will never give it up until you alpha roll it
suck a dick ivan
the russians are busy trying to learn how to make chinese golf carts instead of buying them on alibaba
the power of pallets is still beyond them.

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How far would the 1980 Embassy Siege SAS get if they assaulted the present day White House? Could they catch Biden?

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Show me some old stuff being used in 21st Century conflicts.
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Not much is 21st but this site still has tons of gems

couple factors:

asymmetrical combat, often turning into static defensive lines. both sides lacking heavy artillery, anti-material rifles became a viable sniper's option for the enhanced penetration ability of the round to go thru cover a rifle round cannot.

Also, vs the ghetto tanks and armored cars it would be effective.

not to mention, the use as a sniper weapon at extended ranges beyond reprisal from enemy fire

when there's a lack of true heavy assets or fire support capability, small arms like this become a lot more useful
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somebody post the bukhana

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>Trying to do a clone build.
Why do you need recommendations if you're copying something thats been done? Just copy it nigga, damn
>Leatherman Raptor Shears
Damn those are expensive I just use the nar ones for like $10.
It's true. Who else would get offended by the things he says?
any deals happening or should I just go with eurooptic?
For $50 those things are an absolute bargain. I wish I knew about them sooner I paid more for stripped ba uppers and now I don't really have anything else I want to build.

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Why did they fail?
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Fuck the scar, just bring the IWS variant they mocked up for cucknada sof or the rear charging mrgg scar
I have an old Bushmaster with tens of thousands of rounds through it and only a handful of malfunctions, all related to cheap steel case ammo. You are a retard. Post your $4k KAC.
ew, no thanks. I'd rather pay premium for a scar.
What the most modern choice?
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My KAC cost me slightly less than thjat.

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Let's say instead of putting a gun in his mouth, Hitler had gone full Francisco Solano López, vowed to fight on to the death, and evacuated from Berlin to Berchtesgaden before the Soviets could fully encircle the city, how much longer could the Third Reich have realistically continued fighting before it truly completely collapsed? Weeks? Months? Long enough for Hitler's mountaintop fortress to have the first atomic bomb dropped on it instead of Hiroshima?

Obviously defeat for Nazi Germany was a mere matter of time at that point but I've always been curious of how things would have gone if Hitler had lived up to the image he had built of himself and resolved to die a legend rather than a pathetic excuse of a man wallowing in despair in his bunker.
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Because he wasn't a potential figurehead for a resurgence Nazi government. That's literally the only reason anyone was executed.
They should have left Goering or Himmler alive to do just that, would have been funny.
His body was so ravaged by his hormone and methamphetamine abuse that he could barely walk; contemporary accounts describe him navigating the Fuhrerbunker by pulling himself along walls and furniture
Puppets are easiest to control when they're dead, which is why NATO rehabilitated Rommel despite him being an unimpressive commander
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Hitler and the Third Reich are still around in Antarctica as the Last Battalion though anon.

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A thread for the discussion of making and shooting your own hot loads.
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I'd say start with a cheap single stage and get your dick wet. If you like it get a progressive and keep the single around for sizing rifle cases and odd tasks. Remember it takes a while to change calibers in most progressive presses and if you just want to load just 20 rounds of something it'll be a pita.
Since you're new, want to load for rifle rounds and don't care about high volume a single stage is the right choice.
Agreed. Even if you decide to get a fancier press or put together a much more complex loading setup later on it never hurts to have an extra single-stage press (or two) around for quick jobs, decapping, etc.

Now that said, I wouldn't get anything super cheap, especially if anon wants to load for obsolete or rare calibers. Those often require oversize dies that won't fit in some presses, or they are very long and don't fit in presses with a shorter ram stroke. Any press can load 223, but if anon is wanting to load old-school black powder rifle cartridges then he may need a larger press.
I suggest looking at the Redding Big Boss II.
i dont have a chrono but 5gr of hp38 in 45 acp seems close to factory ammo in recoil using 230r fmj.

get a single stage. unless you are going to be loading and shooting hundreds of pistol calibers a week or month its not really worth the extra price for a beginner. you can always buy one later when you are more experiencd with loading and learned all the processes. a single stage will teach you the process and is very affordable for an entry point. i also say this because i know at least 50% of people give up reloading after getting all the thousands of dollars of equipment because its too tedious for their zoomertok brain. even if you someday upgrade your setup and get more presses youll always have a use for a single stage press so you might as well get one now to begin with to see if loaidng a hobby youre interested in continuing
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Got to take my test 357 rounds out today. 125 grain jacketed hollow points, with 21 grain, 21.3 grain, 21.7 grain and 22 grains of h110 out of a 7 inch Blackhawk. Lot of fun, super loud, probably going to load a couple hundred at 21.8 grains. What’s everyone’s go to 357 loadings?

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Some short Bradley kino for you today: https://twitter.com/fortifiedtaras/status/1785980302751330797
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this looks so beautiful
Shoot at it till it explodes.

One of the most shocking things to me since this war started is how high intensity war combat is closer to video games in terms of effects and explosions and gore than I ever expected. Stuff in Syria didn't look like this.
>S&W 60 Pro
That frog has taste
Nah 40mm is fat and takes up too much space. There are 40mms in Ukraine but the Bradley gets all the love
You always shoot armor until it either smokes, burns or changes shape.

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What if the Navy seal could teleport and also turn Invisible?
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They do. Paladin Danse comments on it shortly after the reveal that the Institute has teleporter technology; he says how it's nice to finally have an explanation for how 20 synths can pop out of an outhouse or something
Correct, but the Institute are academics that are more interested in doing things because they can than accomplishing actual objectives
Really most Bethesda games are shit, let's be real here. I have no idea how that studio got popular in the first place.
Oblivion was ok and the hype and initial release for Skyrim propelled them into "great game studio" status, at least i think.
I'm convinced Skyrim was specifically designed to be as initially appealing in the beginning of the game so that slack-jawed faggot game reviewers would give them praise. Skyrim is a horrible fantasy RPG. It looks pretty and the ambient music is good, and that's honestly kinda it.
Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 are unbelievably overrated games. At least everyone agreed Starfield was shit.
Imagine being this mad over successful titles

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Private investigators get fucked
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It's disgusting that a police officer should know how to use a weapon like that
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Watch your back jack
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You have not done much detective work have u anon.

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It literally combines the worst traits of a pistol and a rifle
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What's the point of owning 15 ARs?
>does thing exist?
>yes it does here are things that are not that thing that prove that thing exists
You have brain damage
>A gun is a tool, not an investment.
All tools are investments
>How much value will I get from the tool
>What is the expected life of the tool
>What is the opportunity cost of buying and using the tool vs doing something else to accomplish what I want
>What will the value of the tool be at the end of its service life
Guns are the same as any other capital
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>What is the point of a Mare’s Leg?
No, you're an idiot. Shut up.

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Weeb Gun Edition

Discuss your overpriced guns that you would never dare shoot.

Previous: >>61456425
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>Only two of my K98k bayonets are matching because I simply refuse to pay boomer prices for them.
I don't get K98k bayonet pricing. Those bayonets are just as common as Japanese Type 30s lol.
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I like the G/K43 and the G41 rifles as well as the Mauser M1916, I like 8x57 and I think flapper locking is a neat action that doesn't exist anymore.
My favorite is tied between one of my Type 30 bayonets and my S98/05. I like the long bois
>"It was sharpened so Fritz could stick people easier with it."

No, that was you and your retard brother on summer vacation in 5th grade fucking around with dad's war souvenirs in 1965. I wish boomers found the sense to understand they're not fooling anyone under 40 with these dumb stories about their overpriced bullshit
The bolt and the firing pin are insanely easy to take apart though. I would just clean it.

What makes you think that's going to happen again, let alone any time soon? 90% of that had to do with the pandemic, and I really doubt anyone who lived through the first one will be willing to go back into hiding to let the economy shit the bed and people start rioting out of stir craziness again.

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So I guess the US is also able to enjoy a war economy without actually being at war.

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