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classic super earth art
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where are the cocks
>t. dev
It’s scammy because it’s not a F2P game. You already paid them $40. There’s no guarantee of unlocking medals or supercredits in any given mission (“playing normally”). If you got 5 supercredits per mission, or even operation, I would agree. This does not even consider myriad broken mechanics and bugs not addressed
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Are some people just braindead? I dealt with 3 retards who didn't know what the objectives were in TCS shutdowns, couldn't deal with heavies and didn't destroy eggs, while the host kept starting new ops instead of the next mission. Diff 6 btw
>Diff 6
I don't get it

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GET IN HERE. Smash Ultimate super duper giganigga major featuring acola, Sparg0, Miya, MkLeo, Hurt, Zomba, Maister, Shuton, Yaura, Bassmage, and more.

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>3rd seed is a fucking Snake player
>japanese tournament so there's interesting characters / player i don't know
>only 3 steves in the top 64 seeds
this game sucks ass through a straw competitively, but i'll give this tournament a chance
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>/v/ still gets regular melee threads
>still gets threads for melee majors
>these threads die as soon as ultimate top 8 comes on if it's after melee
>any attempt to discuss competitive ultimate is stillborn
when did it get so grim
play a better game faggot

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Splatfest Incoming!
When the world finds itself coming to an end, what will you do?
>Same Ol’
>Bucket List
>Save the Day
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>Play 3 Series back to back in S-Rank
>End up with.......+12 Points from where I started.

Guys, I think I might be mid.
take a break and see what went wrong
Maybe try other gear or weapons and other combos of abilities

tho this is better than losing points
I think I'm going to finally play open like others have suggested to try and get over my anxiety. Dose it affect your series run?

How does the randomizer work for this game? You don't need items to beat it.
>the randomizer
the what
it randomizes the dpad controls each level
if you don't know what the topic is about then fuck off the thread.
>You don't need items to beat it.
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>and here we see a transperson in their natural habitat
>viciously defending their territory
>they will never mate
>but instinct compels them all the same

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visit final fantasy 14 today

hottest lalas imaginable.
coomable femras.
sleevable cat girls.
dick throbbing bun girls.

u name them. all waiting for ur incel coom.
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You're delusional if you think people won't use textools to have mods day one lel.
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It literally wasn't THOUGHEVERBEITY, and doesn't refute the fifty times I've told you of the text blatantly telling you you're wrong.
So do you want me to loop you again for another 200 posts?
>It literally wasn't THOUGHEVERBEITY
It literally was THO. Misija talks about it. Want me to get a screenshot so you can start melting?
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wtf is this meme and why do i keep seeing it

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Is the switch pro controller a good controller for PC? If not then what is? What do you recommend? And don't say playstation controllers they're garbage.
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I use mine for PC games all the time
The only major drawback is that most PC games use the Xbox button layout so either Steam swaps the buttons around to match (throwing off the default button placement), or you end up with X/Y and A/B reversed
wii u pro controller is best or xbox core
>digital triggers
could always pop the controller open and swap the buttons. Unless they're built on the moon, the button is just resting on top of the sensor.
Yeah, just plug it in, go to Steam and enable Nintendo controller support.

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Dark Age is the only correct choice.
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>>create a power vacuum for anyone with enough power to capitalize on.
Everyone with the ability or desire to seize power was utterly crippled by it. No international networks for secret societies to coordinate, every peice of tech not kept explicitly separate from the internet is dead, every major secret society is utterly. The only powers left are regional ones who don't have anywhere near the resources required to subvert people's liberty like the Illuminati or MJ12.
Dark Age ending is literally just winding the clock back by maybe 2 centuries max and would inevitably lead to a repeat of Illuminati control.
Illuminati ending is just a lame human-led global dictatorship by pretentious mutts and French "people".
Nah me being the global dictator with Helios makes the most sense and is the only real option. Just think about it logically.
Any world run by man is one that requires constant maintenance because man is inherently flawed. Its a known fact that people like Bob Page will rise again, that's inevitable, but so will people like JC and Tong. Liberty is a thing that must constantly protected and maintained. Dark ages will happen again and again for the rest of history.

Helios is immoral because it destroys JC as an entity, replacing him with a new entity, and strips humanity of its agency. It would be better for people to be free in a world of turmoil than to be kept like a pet by an all powerful AI. Even the Illuminati are still human, despite their disregard or freedom and agency, making them still better than Helios.
>crash the stock market and global economy
Oh no! not the stock market! How will the rich keep getting richer now!
Boohoo bitch.
Nah liberty is stupid and people don't actually want it anyway. Morpheus was right. People want to be datamined and judged, and they'll worship whatever does that for them.

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Technically an adult!
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Strong and cool ninja!
My witch elise just capped her mag at 39
>using a royal
Do I even need to say it?

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>playing through level
>suddenly shitty eceleb reference
I don't understand what the reference here is

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>/v/ always talks about pirating games
>nobody talks aboute pirate games
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Not him but there are two I can recall due to my young nephew being obsessed with them: One was about the fountain of youth and had blackbeard and mermaids in it. The other was some spanish ghost man who was mad at jack sparrow and also involved aquaman's tridant that controls the seas or some shit.

He liked the blackbeard one more. No idea if there are more movies outside of the first trilogy.
I'm still hoping Sea of Thieves adds this.
Those are definitely movies 4 and 5. The crap ones
The third one wasn't bad at all, I have no idea why it gets a bad rep.
two 2's

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Wasn't he making a game? What's going on with that?

I really hope this remake gets censored to hell and back. If Stellar Blade was the appetizer for ultimate meltdown, this will be the 5 course entree.
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Already shit in my eyes.
my physical 360 version will always be safe and sexy
ok, and i will continue to pirate
I don't need to buy your trash woke slop
There's also plenty of great old games.
Anime/manga studios told the west to fuck off. Even Japanese game studios are.

Never bend the knee to the woke bastards. Instead bash the woke's knees in.

They are also remastering Shadows of the Damned as well and there is a chapter where you walk over a naked woman's body and you see bare nipples. I hope the Shadows of the Damned and the Lolipop Chainsaw remasters DO NOT get censored. Sony is literally trying to cause the next gaming crash by hating eastern developers with unnecessary censorship and flopping because of it while Western games get released uncensored but woke as shit and flop[ping hard too. Sony is fucked.

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Play her
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Watch out! Seaslug's faithful warriors will have you know their game is bustling and had a middling bump in revenue!

It's Genshin-lite that's all you need to know

Former childcare worker.
>It makes no money
It made nearly 3 million in mobile revenue last month, which does not take PC and Steam sales into consideration.
There is literally nothing in common with genshin, gameplaywise.
By shipshit are you saying people ship the girls with male characters in the game despite having a (You) self insert? That's bullshit. Also PGR is pretty good at least.

homosexual artifital BULLSHIT

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Oh yeah, that happened
what happened?
Do people actually watch people play genshin or is it just watching people whale?
What happened with STellar Blade, Sonysista? THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SAVIOR OF GAYMING!

Have you ever fallen in love with a video game girl?
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Alt color
I need to know the artist for this one, please.
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Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to truly be married to her. Not just the exciting days, but all of the mundane moments in between. Talking to her about work or class or whatever is currently on our minds. Pondering the future with her. Struggling with life, together. Seeing her get frustrated or happy or irritated or sad as we live out our lives. Being surprised by her pointing out something I've never noticed on a nightly walk. Simple things like that. I would love to just show her the world. Even mundanity is special when it's with someone you love, don't you agree?
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Its a smash alt yes.
How she most likely would end up looking if Amalthus was the one resonating with her core crystal

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Uhhh…. Based??
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dark cloud 3 where i can fuck xiao in missionary position when
never ever.
They should port them to Steam
>I've got a hard one for you, professor!
Leveru Five???????????????????

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>Join 100 player server
>Scout is just plain impossible to play
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>play gimmick mode
>one or more classes becomes useless
Just like """competitive""". The game was designed for 12v12.
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>The problem is soldier is broken and ruins the game
In the dev commentary of TF2 they literally state that they intentionally designed Soldier to be OP because he is meant to be the backbone of any team. You are being a hypocrite if you are complaining about Soldier breaking balance while also shitting on other people claiming that sniper and crits break balance.
You are however correct, Soldier is broken, he is the easiest class to play by far. But I don't think that's a problem for the same reason I don't think Sniper and crits are problems. TF2 wasn't meant to be a balanced game, it was meant to be fun, and that it is.
I can tell you never been on a 100 player server or are a retard who builds his shit in front of the enemy.
Here’s a tip, build behind cover, namely your meat shields.
Wow it’s really not that hard.
Keep crying, Sniperfag
>Mad because you can't get a pick when there are 50 players running around
Never gonna make it

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the aunt was hotter.
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Even the girlfriend agreed on this.
>that face
so what does the other female in question look like, a goblin? (not the porn kind, the ugly enemy kind)
also this doesnt look like videogames, just looks like a shitty visual novel.
You mean boyfriend. You don’t have to lie here, we accept you and your homosexuality
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>People actually jerk off to this?
i do
You are a poser. I was refering to MC's girlfriend in the game.

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What went wrong?
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Grand Theft Auto Online and it's consequences have been a disaster for Rockstar Games.
GTA RP is the most braindead shit I've ever seen. The top games on Twitch are generally more of a list of games to avoid than anything else.
What do IRL streamers even talk about? Are there really 471,000 simps on Twitch?
that category is 99% softcore porn
I watched it 1 (one) time because a strimmerfag that I normally like was doing it and holy hell it is beyond dumb
there are hundreds of games that are better to larp like that in

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