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/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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181 replies and 135 images omitted. Click here to view.
sauce wow
can someone make a splitscreen with these
She sounds like a squeaky toy
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I'll make a compilation but it will actually be good so it will take a while

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Post slutty bois in any fashion either being fucked or being horny in general.

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let's so if we can straighten up this board a little
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You don't get turned on by seeing naked females?
Do you prefer watching other people having sex? Not everyone is a cuck
Trying to find a nearly decade video I had on an old device, a slightly low res video of a slightly nerdy looking girl sitting on the floor using one of those glass dildos with multiple bulb looking sections on it. No talking, just gently moaning until she creamed on it. Not very descriptive I know, but my dick needs to find it and my brain is too coomfucked to remember all of it.

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No hate here please!
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Fuck you, faggot pervert.
Oh, I know that, specifically, *you* are no threat. 4chan phobes are like the gollum of this world, lurking in the shadows, talking to yourself, hating (by yourself).

You can try to make me feel unwelcome all you'd like, but I can post here just like you. It's honestly fun to control you like this.

In a way, I rule your every waking minute.
You wake up and open your phone to hate me, you open your mouth to hate me, you create memes to hate me.

All of that effort, but if I saw you in the street, I wouldn't think anything about you. I'd just finish my day. (you can jerk off to this one too ;))
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Narcissistic delusion. I just check this thread to sample the man made horrors beyond comprehension, see this vid I saved. The sad, sad excuses you freaks make up for mutilating your genitals are a great source of entertainment for me. Like some sort of cuck castration death cult. Imagine having to dilate a rotting shit infested wound every day for the rest of your life, no wonder 41% of you kill yourself

The mere fact that there are people out there retarded, deluded, or brainwashed enough to do this to themselves reminds me that I could be doing a lot worse. I could be weak. I could be stupid. You know I could be just like you. Now go and dilate
>4chan phobes are like the gollum of this world, lurking in the shadows, talking to yourself
Ahhh, your projector is overheating there bud
>>I could be weak. I could be stupid. You know I could be just like you.

quoting three days grace to try to win an argument? Dam girl, you are truly lost in the sauce

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no voyeur shit
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>how is there so much creepshot content, does every second person creepshot nowadays
20 years ago this stuff was extremely rare (and usually bad resolution), but now everyone has a phone with a camera built into it. Most people still don't do this, but everyone has the ability to do it now, so you see a lot more of it.

But another thing that has changed over the years is stuff like this will get your account banned on youtube. Even though there was less stuff, it was easier to find it back then because there was no rules against it.
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10/10 women

Women, models, celebrities, pornstars in general with peak levels of attractiveness. No pitbull faced gremlins like Gianna Michaels.
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If you were that hot you'd be doing the same.
She's a 5-6/10, which is absolutely fine and hot in my book, but acting like she's a 10/10 supermodel is laughable.
keeper cumface holy hole. i hope she was given a deep baby every day of April.
i nutted to this vid so many times back in the day. specifically to the part where she arches her back against the frame.
>No pitbull faced gremlins like Gianna Michaels.
>posts a short fat girl with an uglier face than Gianna...
The fuck you doin' nigger

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post vtubers doing controversial shit
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how long before she starts doing actual porno like Belle
how well organized, coordinated, and believable
...no she didn't? she just doesn't talk about it, for reasons stated in the full version of that clip. stop being schizo.
I watched all of these clips waiting for some sort of substance to hate on these vtubers. Anon, this is an absurd level of autism. Do you have any pictures of your nose or forearm?
I hate how easy women have it.

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Ugly as hell >>27151605
That’s a Jew hooker fake ass as well
Fake tits and that sped up speed is trash
>paid whores
>tiktok bait vids
>used up roasties
>fake blonds who are paid
>gold diggers
>Latino dark men
>black men

Wow great thread
any Mr. XES webms?
Aellagirl used to post amazing pics on reddit years back. Not sure what she's up to these days.

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BBC on trans, sissies, and other failed boys
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It was a bit of work to groom and dress up, and my gf does give me a lot of affection.
But I kinda want that bliss of being used by a black man again. I still need BBC. It's like a drug.
I actually enjoy the process, always liked long showers and such, shaving my entire body in the shower is like a spa day :D

And yeah, my bf's 12 inch BBC penetrating me and rubbing my insides until i cum hands free is literally the highlight of my week lol
I do like the process as well!
But it's certainly not easier than just hooking up with my gf.
But I think she might be ok with me doing it sometimes. She's bi and open minded and sticks things in my butt already. Time will tell!
wtf is the difference between a trans and a sissy?
Sissy - Dress up like a girl, let men fuck them
Trans - Take hormones and/or get surgery, live as a woman.
Some overlap

Females farting.

- no fatties
- no negresses
- no men
- no trannies
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Don't know why people like this clip so much. Fart is clearly fake
Do you have any more fartintart?
>he has never seen anyone deliberately type sweaty on the internet before
so did you just get your first computer for your 13th birthday or something?
>tHiS iS a GoOd tHiNg YoU mOrOn
it is if you're autistic

Thread dedicated to Thai porn either amateurs, sex work, or professional content. There hasn't been on in a while so why not.
>group sex
>and whatever the fuck thai girls do for fun
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Nice. Now do some for Anal Jesse (you can probably guess what her porn gimmick is).
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Always gotta be the one turd dick cuck
If you’re a straight guy having sex with a straight woman, and neither of you use intravenous drugs, and there are no other complications like active speed or menstruation, the chances of you getting it are probably slightly higher than 1 in 1000 instances of sex if ALL 1000 were HIV positive. Given that the vast majority aren’t HIV positive and don’t shoot dope, and given that you can easily get PrEP here, you could probably fuck 10,000 women here raw before getting HIV. You might get other shit, but not HIV. I’m negative for everything as of last month, and I’m out here going raw, eating pussy, eating ass, etc. I just don’t fuck with ladyboys or girls that walk the street.
>active sores (stds)

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Gifs and webms featuring black people
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Top kek...gotta love hypocrisy
meanwhile it was black muslims who popularized the jew slave ship idea
hey, she voted for this.
>this shower was built by wyyy peepoll
looks like what happens when you piss of the monkeys at the zoo.

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General momcest posting is also encouraged.
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The forbidden fruit aspect of it may play a part of why people like it but it can't be the only reason. That'd otherwise imply that the same people who are into milf roleplay would've been into interracial/gay/femdom or whatever else back when it was more stigmatized or anything that's considered taboo, which isn't the case.

A lot of the big platforms have also started censoring the fetish the past years. Pretty sure the peak of its breakthrough into the mainstream has passed.
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There's an unintential cuckquean streak to Xev and Leia's bj videos that's hot as fuck. The guy is Xev's husband but Leia sucks dick much better than her and clearly gets him off much harder too. I wonder if there's ever any awkwardness between them behind the scenes.
>ultimately i think it's harmless, 99% of the people that enjoy it probably aren't actually attracted to any family members
The CC companies really fucking hated it so that's why they have to neuter the genre.
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Big asses of all races
no men
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Is that Bruce Lee Dickinson Campbell?
Need sauce for this
This is some high effort bait. Well done.
She looks like she stomps everywhere she walks
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