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How the fuck am i supposed to eat these mfs without sounding like a damn demon bro ;____; istg
bite into them
Fuck around and eat on of those round a nigga like ME?? catch that fabum tax RIGHT quick

Left or right?
put the dog in the za
and order another cola

It’s omelet time
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One day I'll convert you. Until then I made another Omelette
Hope you don't get sick from all the salmonella before that day comes.
fuck you and your brown omelette retard
Good lookong 'lette
Seek therapy

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>Go to fancy restaurant
>Front of House is staffed by overseas worker on a zoom call
What a time to be alive
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just walk out at that point wtf
insulting, might as well eat at a self-service buffet or a self-checkout mcdonalds
God damn that mfer is so ugly
Turn off the monitor and unplug and leave.
New York restaurants are doing this to get around paying the $16/hr minimum wage.
Instead they get a girl from Malaysia or the Phillipines to do this at 3 or 4 locations simulatenously for $3/hr.

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I don't know why it took me so long to buy a non-stick pot. I no longer have to deal with having to occasionally stir pasta as it cooks in boiling water.
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I mean, I always stir it cause it says to but...with how much it moves...how the fuck is it supposed to stick to anything?
That's a pan, not a pot.
I don't understand what the hell people here are doing that they complain about the pasta sticking together or to the pot/pan.
but... olive oil in?
Imagine stirring something while you cook it. Fucking scrubs.
The instruction to stir to avoid sticking in pasta recipes has always baffled me because I've literally never had that problem while the pasta's actively being cooked in boiling water.

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Eat more salt.
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On his death certificate it lists cause of death as "too much salt."
post picture of death certificate. because that's bullshit.
>humans are herbivores
did you miss the part where ONLY HERBIVORES CAN TASTE SALT. the only animals you'll ever find ever licking or seeking out salt are herbivores. that includes humans! humans are herbivores, though not the grass-eating type; rather fruit eating
Nooo salt is bad for us, the people telling us to eat 11 servings of grains a day said so!!!
we evolved from omnivores to carnivores. there was no evolutionary pressure to lose salt taste

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>ruins your life
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>quitting tea
but why
even water and milk bottles are like that now
you just know
It also has caffeine and I noticed I can sleep much better when I don't drink several cups of tea a day.
if your friends don't swallow are they really your friends?

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McDonald’s to debut its largest ever burger. “It is expected to cost between $9 or $10 dollars”

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Who the fuck is starting gay ass threads on 4chan?
It's crazy how much market research, testing, trials, and feedback they need just to have "It's burger but bigger"
McDonald's burgers cost the same as much bigger fast foods for half the size.
I think the only reason they're in business is because there's certain people who won't stop buying from them. Because even the local turk or Italian can destroy them in value for money
>le super size
>noooooooo le morgan freeman say le food is le bad
>*wait 25 years*
>le super size
It's the same size the burgers were in 2019. Now they're just bringing back normal sizes and charging more. Jewish Capitalism at it's best

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I have $20 dollars and get paid on the 15th. What can I cook that will last me until then?
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Eat the $20 and die a slow death while documenting all of it here on this esteemed internet fast food board. Lookinh forward to your posts, anon.
thats literally illegal
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2 lbs of rice ($2)
Chicken Bouillon ($2)
8 chicken drumsticks ($4)
oatmeal ($4)
>I have $20 dollars and get paid on the 15th
just have mom give you $500 or withdraw some cash from your Roth IRA
NTA but yes, yes i did.

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ITT: Signs of a tryhard cook
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Ah yes. Flax seex and table sugar pie. My favorites!
So just make to where the season is if you had could buy them growing?
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just eyeball it you coke dealer
>So just make to where the season is if you had could buy them growing?
Speak english Sanjeet

And what are the best recipes?
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Well that's just blatantly not true.
>he most likely now knows
t. Leon Black
they dont look cute eating a plate of food

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You don't order your steak above medium rare, right anon?

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The only way to eat these pieces of shit is wrapped in a soft shell with a layer of refried beans.
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Yes Dmitri. Mexico will nuke the USA. You forgot one minor detail though. Can you guess? That's right! Good boy! Unlike you, Mexico doesn't have any nukes. Pay more attention next time, uncle Putin doesn't like it when you get caught in the open like that.
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>not a 3 bite wonder
Gordon is rolling in his grave
Honestly, if you have a round rolling pin, you don't need to do shells the way he does. Just fry it flat for a bit, take it out, then place the shell on a rolling pin. It will harden and have a bigger area for fillings.

All my knives are dirty and I don't have a pizza cutter. Please help? Pic related.
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You know what just throw it in the fucking garbage
Well, at least this thread is tangentially-related to cooking, even if OP is retarded. Bravo OP, now throw that garbage away and try something else.
why do people cut pizzas
just bring it up to your mouth, bite, and chew
are you sharing it with someone and dont want their germs?
>hmm should I spent 10 seconds washing a knife
>or should l bite into this massive circle, eating it in the most awkward way possible after making a post on /ck/
>Most efficient way to eat a pizza without cutting?
most efficient way is to tear tangentally. You rip in a triangle pattern. You'll lose a little inside guts on the pull, but ya just gotta shove it down your throat. The easy answer is to fold and eat like a chalupa, but its gonna be too hot and fuck waiting the point of making a pizza is to eat that shit as fast as possible.

matter of fact, i'm gonna make a frozen pizza now and use the microwave

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Post awful cake designs
I like that cake. You have shitty taste
I mean, if it was a cake for a heavy smoker or to celebrate someone quitting, I think the ash tray aesthetic is pretty neat.
based ciggie cake

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