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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Ask your doctor if its right for you.
side effects does include a sense of disappointment and rage.

if this is all too much for you/or your a woman. Here is another blast from the past:

>Current GE predictions

>Promising english cricketer DiEs SuDdEnLy for absolutely no reason at all

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That's the saddest thing I've heard in a long time
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Good time to call our own poll here at /britpol/

Thank you to all of you who did vote PROPERLY

the results are as follows
So, /britpol/ did you vote?:
by a guest · over 2 hours ago
No, of course not 23.4% (11 votes)
Libdem 8.51% (4 votes)
Labour 6.38% (3 votes)
Tory 2.13% (1 votes)
can't vote 2.13% (1 votes)
Britain First 0% (0 votes)

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i don't got much to say no more
Not words I would associate with josh, even the weird kids would bully him
>brinny mindgames

Is it true that jews killed christ? If so, did the feds make it illegal to be Christian?
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So he allowed jews to kill him?
He was a subverting jew, duh
The Romans were the gun, the jews pulled the trigger.
Suicide by jew. A complete set up.
Matthew 16.
> Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
>21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
>22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”
23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
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So the jews did kill him?

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This is Seth Rogan from a podcast with another Jewish guy hosting:
>...would you ever go live in Israel?
>No! It would be- (incomprehensible stoner babble)
>I'm the same way and we're gonna piss off a bunch of Jews
Knowing how vehement this guy was on social media about fighting antisemitism and racists, he sure had a 180. Turns out the Israeli experiment became a liability even for the Jews all the way up in Hollywood, just imagine how scared regular Jews are who can't afford private security are. Looks like trying to fuck over and subvert the entire planet with coercion while having no real military backing for when the goyim notice has consequences.
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There shall be none remaining of the house of Esau
yeah God promises that
Honestly, this one thing Seth Rogan said has almost made me turn 360 on him.
Who's jewing who???

>Moan, bitch and whine about having to choose between 2-3 candidates max - usually don't bother to vote at all...
>"When you vote in an election in Ireland, you are asked to give your vote in order of preference. This is because Ireland uses an electoral system called proportional representation with a single transferrable vote (PR–STV, or PR for short)."

>"The names of candidates appear in alphabetical order on the ballot paper, along with their photographs and their party emblem (if they wish)."

>"You vote by writing “1” or “one” opposite your first choice candidate, “2” or “two” opposite your second choice, “3” or “three” opposite your third choice, and so on."

>"You can stop after indicating your first choice candidate or you can continue to give a preferential vote to as many candidates on the ballot paper as you wish."

>"When you vote with more than one preference, you are instructing the returning officer (the person responsible for the counting of votes) that if your preferred candidate is eliminated, or elected with a surplus of votes, you want your vote to be transferred to your second choice candidate."
Niall Boylan
Malachy Steenson
Patrick Quinlan

Are the only ones I'd give a vote to but not sure in which order. They're 3 good candidates and /ourguys/
I'm committed to voting down the list so my vote actually counts this time. Yours will be in the bin by the 5th count.

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>pls blame boss kun
>All jobs should be livable
Why do leftists deny capitalism so much?
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>goes on vacations to foreign countries
>help i cant afford my bills!
exactly my point.
>Come on man, that right there is a classic example of a bad decision.
my dad and mom dont want to go as they dont speak the language and they'd have no one in the US plus their expenses are very low here and I send them money to do whatever they want and my siblings all left for other countries. There is no one to bring with me.
>If people consistently make bad decisions their lives will suck, trying to change this will just normalize bad decision making processes and de-incentivizes making choices that do not have short term gains.
No I am just saying not to leave people to the side for no reason, give them a way out and if they still refuse then leave them to fate. Most of the drug addicts you see on the street end up there from greedy corpos getting them addicted to painkillers,benzos and all that other shit.
What type of industry do you work in?
I am talking for the average person I see, there is something very sad about seeing 4 different 30something dudes living in the same apartment to afford it. I understand that some people are doing well and I know that I am very happy about my own position, still this system has no longevity.
No, most of the drug addicts you see on the street ended up on the street because they made the decision to get addicted to drugs. Show me one drug addict on the street that got held down against his will and had the drugs forced into his veins/lungs and I feel bad for that one drug addict. All of the habit forming drugs are only prescribed after the person taking them is warned of their habit forming nature, I have some I got prescribed recently to help with sleep and to avoid developing an addiction I made the good decision to tell my wife to keep an eye on me and them.
>what type of industry do you work in?
I am in middle management, what I do is not industry specific. I am currently in healthcare right now and up until I got the job I had zero experience in healthcare. Once you get to a certain level of management experience you don't actually need to know anything about the industry you are in as it is all about managing people who do know about the industry.
>All jobs should be livable
If a job isn't 'livable' then the only way you'd be able to get anyone to do it is if they were being supported by someone else and/or the state.

Non-livable jobs by definition couldn't exist in a free market economy you fucking retard.
Even chattel slavery was a 'livable job' lmao.
>there is something very sad about seeing 4 different 30something dudes living in the same apartment to afford it.

Talk to them. I've noticed that many, many, many of those sorts of people really could afford a better life. They just throw their money away, get in crazy debt, and get stuck.

If anything, you should be angry at Credit Card debt and predatory student loans locking people into these situations.

For example, my downstairs neighbor. She's constantly late on her rent. Her car's battery died. Instead of buying a new battery, she lets the car rot in the backyard for multiple months on end. She pays to take an uber everywhere now, including, but not limited to: paying 35$ in uber fees to go downtown (1 mile away, not a terrible walk), to buy 15$ worth of ben and jerry's ice cream.
At some point she "saved up enough money to get it fixed", which basically meant she paid a guy from facebook marketplace to go to autozone, pick up a 150$ battery, drive to her house, and spend the 2 minutes it takes to install the battery. Charging her 300$ for the convenience. Not once did she ever google "how do i replace a car battery". Not once did she even watch as the guy replaced it.

So, she spent over 1000$ over the course of a few months on uber instead of the 150$ for a new battery, 30$ for a cheapo wrench set, and 10 minutes of her time to change out the battery.

And she's always late on rent.

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Why are there so many racist, right-wing, conservative, and traditional white women that only fucks swarthy arabic looking meds? Is it a mere coincidence that white women love swarming arabic looking meds?
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It’s niggers, something to give them an identity besides their stupid nigger meme flag.
Do you ever see anyone using the Republican meme flag? Why would it be Jews?

Niggaz don't even know how to post on this site, as the captcha makes their brain melt.
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sing this song!

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STOCKHOLM, May 2.2024 /TASS/.
Swedish police have given permission to hold a Quran-burning rally before the Eurovision Song Contest
in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, the Goteborgs-Posten newspaper reported.

The demonstration will take place on Friday afternoon, the day before the official contest,
on Gustav Adolf Square in the central part of the city.
According to the newspaper, the police have also received requests for similar rallies on Saturday and Sunday.

Let's hope for a lifestreaming of Swedish massacre.
Sweds are stupid masochistic lowlives. LOL
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I will love watching stupid Sweeds getting fucked up by muslims, hehe
And they will get fucked up. Blood will flow I think for sure.
The only ones that will bleed are the migrants
Ok, now burn the torah and the talmud.
Muslims have lots of experience in cutting peoples heads off, but Sweeds are such massive pussies that they can not even cut off chicken's head.

What are you proving by burning koran?
I never saw muslims burning Bibles.
I guess muslims are more civilized than stupid Sweeds.

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You zoomers will never know how wonderful the world was pre-pozz
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This. There is no place in this wiked world fir peace and love only hate, brutality, and tyranny. None of us will know peace until death.
This is d&c bot. Yeah, because people who were born in the 80s and 90s made policy. Critical thinking kills their clownworld. And they can't afford to keep clownworld running much longer.

I grew up in NYC when it was 90% White. It's 41% White now.
>posts a massive group of functionally extinct ethnic groups
You even got digits. Bye White people. Sorry you chose total erasure over existence.
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Fuck off kid, stop pretending to be one of the grown-ups.

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Previous >>466838256

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Our fighters engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces and their military vehicles storming the Jalazoun camp, north of Ramallah, with machine guns and explosive devices.
>#Lebanon: The Islamic Resistance, our mujahideen targeted the Zabdin site in the occupied Shebaa Farms with artillery shells and hit it directly.
>The Washington Post reports that more than 1,700 pro-Palestine protesters have been arrested on campuses nationwide so far.
>#Blinken to NBC: The current proposal proves that #Israel is ready to make concessions in order to reach an exchange deal.
>Israeli gov't gets new May 16 deadline in ultra-Orthodox conscription feud


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when I first read it I thought they were murdered in some shooting and their bodies dumped in the sea but that is weird asf
It’s a tanker - you just need a 10k drone.
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if you've got the fatties in your corner, you've already won.
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faggy jEWs and kike shills itt are fucking losers LOL.
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You're doing it apparently retard. what happened to the 4chanx block script?

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Palestinians already have a state, Jordan.
It even has the same fucking flag.
It's the Palestinians occupying Israel, it's they who are trying to colonise Israel.
This entire conflict is a pile of arab lies.
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>Jews meanwhile aren't a unique people
It is a unique enough group of people for arabs to recognize them as such and want to genocide. Can't say the same about pali rats, which are just regular arabs occupying israelis lands and committing terrorism.
Here's a map of Palestine from 1843 you filthy kike. You can see every town and village has an Arabic name. If there were barely any Arabs like you claim then there would have been no necessity to eradicate half of those locations and ethnically cleanse their inhabitants from the western portion of Palestine.

Jews always lie.
>It is a unique enough group of people for arabs to recognize them as such and want to genocide. Can't say the same about pali rats, which are just regular arabs occupying israelis lands and committing terrorism.
Jews are unique for their narcissism, not their ethnicity or race which doesn't actually exist. Jews are a fake people.
I can't wait to purge Jews from the face of the planet.
Nice try kike.
Well then, , in that case, I support Syria colonising and resettling Golan Heights, and giving it a none "democratical" Islamic regime.
Jews were even saying in the interwar period that they were migrating to palestine. Funny how now they're desperately trying to rewrite history.

A Polish woman attacked a Belarusian woman for speaking Russian. A couple approached a group of Belarusian women talking to each other in Russian and aggressively demanded that the women should "get the fuck out back to Ukraine!". At some point, the aggressive woman spat in the face of the 22-year-old Belarusian woman, the latter responded by kicking the attacker. "The woman turned around, grabbed the Belarusian woman by the hair, and her companion delivered several blows to her head. Belarusian woman luckily managed to partially capture the moment of the attack on video with her smartphone as an evidence for police".
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>Balts and even Estonians are more Slavic than we are, mentally and culturally.
Delusional. Lithuanians were most similar to poles but became wannabe nordics in 2000 and ditched all culture to pretend they are scandinavian. It's 100x more pathetic than Estonia. Both russians and poles are considered subhuman because they are more authoritarian, less shit is spilled on poles is because they are anti-russian. Poles in Lithuania are either die-hard catholics with multiple generations living side by side or homeless drunks.
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>Polish woman ugly
>Belarussian woman pretty
I think we've cracked the case regarding what's really going on here, anons.
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>When? I am really curious to know which era you are talking about.
966-1500s, 1989-2020
>For me the era of prosperity in Poland ended after the Smolensk crash
Smoleńsk had no effect on the economy. I can't say I exactly miss anyone who got rekt in that forest either, most of them were sovietoid boomers.
>Additionally Poland's increasing dependence proximity to USA will ensure the amerimutt cultural rot will be enshrined and protected by Polish speaking Sejm
That's inevitable for any non-islamic country, even Russia. Hedonistic, individualist culture of America is so appealing that the only defense against it is hardcore monkey-brained Islamic fundamentalism.
Pic related is how a typical tataroid """Pole"""" looks like. This phenotype didn't exist here until the Commonwealth let all the mystery meat east slavs and actual tatars to settle in the Crown.
In Poland Lithuania is pretty much seen as another Belarus. You are considered eastern, savage, soviet, russian, inferior, you name it.

All the news about discrimination laws against polish language only reinforced people's opinion about you.

On top of that all of the lithuanian thieves in thrown you into the same bag as Ukrainians and Georgians.

I'm personally pretty much shocked that such nation could even dare to see themselves as nordic, this is just next level delusion.
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you are literally a seaslav

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USAnians pretend it's not mutilation
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it is always at least partially removed, and sometimes the butcher goes the extra mile and decides to cut out more
what a basedfag
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Since you're a man you're told to just shut up and take it. If a woman complains we take her seriously, but you have to man up, endure and stop crying like a little girl even when we're talking about an ancient barbaric practice similar to the ooga booga rituals in the voodoo coocoo jungle that permanently alters the way you masturbate and have sex without your knowledge or consent.

What sucks the most is that our neighbor did try to ban this practice before (pic related) and all it took is some jews and muslims protesting to override the children's right to bodily autonomy. Of course the holocaust/nazi card was used. Europe is unfortunately struck down with spinelessness and cowardice and we can't get anything done. The feelings of some retards with ancient guide books on how to fuck your goat are more important than upholding the universal declaration of human rights.
>To be clear regarding sensitivity: it doesn't change the pleasure of an orgasm,
bullshit. before restoring I never had an orgasm ever.
there is no guideline for circumcision, and it's done on tiny babes, so some boys lose comparably very little, and some get completely skinned. and then there are the rare ones where the doctor fucks up totally or cuts an artery, and the kid dies.
You'll get growth just tugging the skin for 15 seconds each time you urinate. I started out that way and had partial coverage soft after a year.

I was in the city when it occurred. Never met anyone who was involved or knew anyone there. Total fraud
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>I guess we (thankfully) have a different mentality in this country when it comes to this shit.
yes, you gathered in groups in the streets of london to sing a song about how muslims are not violent, lit candles, and moved on
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People from all over the country and Ireland go to Manchester for events, the victims would be spread out
Outer Hebrides is in Scotland
That actually proves it was a muslim terrorist.

The fucked-up state would not go to those efforts to protect their beloved diversity if it wasn't legit.
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lol zogbots are so pathetic.
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>noooooo not my heckin' blue haired protesterinos!!!
Christcucks smoke the room and run cover for the kikes so true right wingers won't make the connections here and see who is the authoritative tyrant.
Holy based! Death to America!
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what? that breaking into buildings, stopping students from exams, multiple on camera confrontations where Jews are being blocked from going to a private school paid for with private money by students and then private institution gets class action lawsuits spammed at them for very real violence and harassment to a specific racial group $$$$

what is the redpill? that libtards breaking the law eventually pay the consequences. fuck me /pol has lost a few IQ points these last few years.

and you thing rightwingers should suddenly stop backing the police and kowtow to commie mudslim worshiping skum?

what is the redpil you Larping faggot?

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>Christianity: Ignoring world’s harsh realities and presenting people with a too good to ever be true worldview that when people see how much reality of the world differs from what Chrisrianity says they turn to actors and hypocrites.

>Islam: Truthfully acknowledging the world’s realities and providing genuine solutions.

One example is that women get turned on when their man cheats on them even though they never admit it. They see a loyal man as vegetable and low value amongst other women. They want their man to challenge them and make them compete with other women. Islam acknowledges this and encourages men to live a polyamorous life. While your too good to be true Christianity completely ignores this mindset difference among genders.

Yes Christianity is beautiful and makes you day dream about living a pure angelic life and survive world’s evil. But Islam slaps you in the face and gives you the truth you don’t want to hear in order for you to survive in a dark and evil world while preserving your piety.
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Like I said I did your claim is not supported by the evidence. Do you want to present some?
Fuck off Ahmed, I’m never converting.
Everyone knows but you. You don’t even have tabs on your browser.
So in other words you can't support your claims. In the future if you make a claim and someone challenges that claim its on you to provide evidence. The reason someone like me asks for a source is because I have looked and cant find it. That is why I asked if you could provide it.
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Pure angelic life...
Seriously, I'd rather be a half caste macaco than an angel.

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Hire Pajeet CEO and he'll fire all the talent and bring in shitty jeets.

Google has already become a second tier search engine and now its on its way to being totally irrelevant.

Pajeets WILL ruin this shit. Its a cycle that always happens.

Time to develop an internet that excludes the filthy pajeets that are invading. This platform will be the next google.

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>good morning saar
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>pajeet softserve
Fun pajeet factoid: one of the reasons they are so enamored by cow dung: it is the most solid form of feces that pajeets will ever experience in their lives. Coming from such a magnificent, and divine creature, like the common bovine, the pajeet is absolutely mystified by this perceived miracle of nature.

It is has been long suspected that the pajeet space program is the first in a decades-long, multi-agency program to unlock the secrets of the “solid poo”, so that they may one day shit like real human beings.
It's a good thing. Can we just use C and PHP again and build up actually good web programming libraries? The entire web dev stack must be purged at some point. You know it. I know it.
>google second tier search engine
So what's 1st tier now?
webrings and bookmarks. its 1993 again.

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Americans have no arguments against this.
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Soon enough, you won't have to. I'm going innawoods.
I'm not going to take sermons on dependency from a bunch of chimps in a concrete cage.
>nyc and paris both smell like piss
And Rome and the Monaco tunnel. Italy smells like piss.
Traffic has become hell because they jammed 100,000,000 third world turds into our cities without expanding the road infrastructure OR public transportation significantly. At the same time the immigrants are a net drain on the system--being low iq and poorly educated--and make it impossible to even afford to maintain the infrastructure that is being used beyond it's intended capacity, let alone build entirely new public transport systems.
So if the kikes hadn't ruined the country through mass immigration we would be able to both maintain adequate road infrastructure for our population, while being able to afford to install new public transport as well. Instead we can only just barely afford to keep the systems we currently use running, and then only poorly.

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evil side fucked up, tthey are getting crushed
>evil side fucked up
self critical jew, rare

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