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>the show ends with the founding of the first BWC church in the jaPans
I don't get it, why did Toraniga want this again?
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>first three posts are about some guys dick
Keep telling yourselves that, faggots.

What does that mean?
How can men not be aware of growers? Is this thread filled with fucking women?
There were some guys i knew that had some little small dicks, but whenever they got hard they would grow large as fuck and it would become this marvelous enormous beasts. Just something awesome to marvel at. Some really juicy cocks.
I would often seethe in even being a boring shower.
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go back to /r9k/ or /soc/, those have the gayest threads on the site

Not gonna lie, this is pretty fucking based. Everyone is realizing sex scenes are pointless.
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yeah because you've never talked to a female except your mom
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I dont like sex scenes, they're lame, never erotic anymore, actors must hate each other and find each other repulsive.
I support unsimulated sex scenes, those are always fun, never saw a bad one.
>That's what art is all about.
It's galling that you have to point this out on fucking /tv/ of all places, where the production quality difference between pornography and actual film should be staggeringly obvious. Pornos are shot in a crassly expositional way that leaves nothing to the imagination. This is especially true of modern porn, which lacks real titillation, or nuanced eroticism. It's just vulgar, in-your-face fucking without any frills or restraint for full visceral impact and zero emotional engagement. People can switch between these videos rapidly and lose no context. It hardly qualifies as real entertainment, it's more like a dopamine stimulation drug.
There's sex scenes which serve some kind of purpose in the plot, which aren't required to be erotic, and might even be intentionally awkward or uncomfortable to watch, and then there's sex scenes which are meant to be erotic. It's the latter kind that are extremely rare now. The kind of sex we get in Hollywood films these days is essentially just "and then they fucked" in the script, and the director does the equivalent of bumping two naked dolls together in how he sets up the scene.

I can't believe this happened

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If this is a real graph then I am now genuinely concerned for the future of Western society if this continues, especially considering abuse of birth control in women (always using it non-stop just so they don't have periods) is now resulting in all-time low numbers of people who want to have children. Shit isn't natural.
Whoa, I didn't even know that there were this many, what a crazy amount of mental illness the younger generations are subjected to, no wonder birth rates are plummeting, the kids use this shit as a trend for clout I bet
It's weird this isn't talked about more. I know a lot of people who used birth control and waited until their 30s to have kids and had problems conceiving and/or had kids with autism.
A big part of it is people identifying as "queer" which has no real meaning but they just continue to be straight

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What would you do if you were stuck in his position on a remote island?
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I'm a really good swimmer so I'd swim to shore.
just another weekend at Epsteins
3 days of sleeping on leaves and having coconut diarrhea and you will beg for some nuggies and marvel slop.
I would probably sleep a lot and then die of starvation
Jerk off on the beach

what happened?
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I find Inland Empire way tougher.
i almost mentioned that but i never made it through the whole thing so i omitted it
forgive me Mr Lynch
Typical violent lesbian relationship drama.
This movie was shit and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

>inb4 lynched

Pretending you like shit, or genuinely liking shit isn't something to be proud of.
it's actually great, and you being mad doesn't change that.

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ITT: failed pushes
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I don't like her either but she starred in two very popular and sucessful shows so I wouldn't really consider that "failed"
You mean manual?
every female lead ever
Orlando Bloom was in LOTR, Pirates Caribbean and The Hobbit, for a total 9 movies. Plus he was in Kingdom of Heaven.

That's like 10 movies. He had his time and it was a good one.
No, he was also in Peter Jackson's King Kong.

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Who are some ugly duckling actresses? Like out of nowhere they turn into megahotties.
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Micucci was 37 there
>celto-britons are just depigmented celto-iberians
well, obviously
Damn, it's amazing how much more attractive Moner is than that gross bong
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The prototype
Face blindness is a bitch

Is he right?
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>Abbott Elementary
girl "humor"
>grace and Frankie
girl "humor"
>Kim's convenience
girl "humor"
girl "humor"
>one day at a time
girl "humor"
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Jerry's right, but at the end of the day his people had a huge, absolutely massive part in causing exactly what he's bemoaning
i have had the misfortune of seeing multiple episodes of all of those shows except for one day at a time (i've never even heard of that one) and can confirm that they are all trash. that being said most 90s sitcoms were trash too, we just remember the good ones because that's how the passage of time works. everyone is wrong and this thread sucks.
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>sitcoms nobody has ever heard of are the best sitcoms ever made
No. The sitcom is done by the way, not because of wokeness but because it doesnt make financial sense anymore.

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So how did other movies make it into the list then?
Whatever blog they deem reliable talked about it, and those blogs are just not saying anything about The Marvels, so therefore Wikipedia just wipes their hands and say that you're doing ORIGINAL RESEARCH(TM) if you do the raw number calculations yourself.
Holy fucking shit. Just imagine the literal autistic trannies fighting tooth and nail for the word "bomb" to not appear in the article.
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$237 is lowball shit when you consider the budget, re-shoots, and marketing costs for that piece of shit.
Why especifically this movie?
They have no issue with putting Wish starring that niggress

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*deep raspy tomboy voice*
>heh, hey anon. it's kino to see you in the board again!
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it means her testosterone shots are kicking in and making her voice break like a boy's during puberty
I wish I could go back to the Twilight days on this board in 2008 and tell people that Rob Pattinson would be a really good Batman and a dad with a hot milf gf and that Kristen would be an ugly dyke
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Bitch, quit saying "kino" like some newfag desperately trying to fit in.
I missed this place.

>b b b based to see you too mam
*tips cock*

no one's ever really gone
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>that's a man, baby
>nigger sidekick
you are here
>tranny sidekick
It could work as a parody of the last three Bond films considering how heavily they leaned into Bond being too old and outdated for the job. Film everything with the same slick, overproduced camera work and unnecessary color grading. Austin gets blown to pieces at the end and replaced by a black, crippled faggot stealing his identity.
Daniel Craig is a grandad at this stage, and that's their predominant frame of reference. He has zero mojo by comparison.
We should turn the term "woke" back onto them. Realizing their mental insanity and ousting them. Thats what they fear. People becoming aware of their activities
>It could work as a parody of the last three Bond films considering how heavily they leaned into Bond being too old and outdated for the job. Film everything with the same slick, overproduced camera work and unnecessary color grading. Austin gets blown to pieces at the end and replaced by a black, crippled faggot stealing his identity.
I need this.

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Come up with a movie plot involving this.

Say ONE good thing about it. Literally just one. It can be anything.
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i never seen it though but i knew it would have lasers
It looked pretty? Not that the characters are pretty. Just that it looked pretty.
It's salt.
The hyperspace ramming scene was VERY pretty to look at.
kylo ren's lightsabre with the crossguard is cool as fuck

>horror movie uses religious imagery to be spooky
>not Islamic or Judaism imagery though
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>a man gives his permission to his wife to date and fuck whoever she wants
>gets mad when another man does not tolerate the idea of wife comitting infidelity
christcucks lmao
Proto Indo Europeans created the world, we all owe everything to them, we are here talking and thinking the way we do because a group of chads conquered the world and raped our great great grandmas, so ya we wuz Desert people and so wuz you
>*deranged cuck ramblings*
I don’t have the energy to decode your Jewish neurotic schitzo talk, but yes you are a sensitive pussy
>i read a 4chan schizopost that said this so it must be true!!
>how come all this media produced by western countries and consumed by western audiences only features religious and cultural images that those people are already familiar with??????

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