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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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Spiritual Edition

Previous thread : >>77336822

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

spiritual edition
>Do you believe in any new age beliefs that may be from outside your religion (such as law of attraction, astral projection, etc.). Has it ever worked for you?
>Do you believe in souls? What about soul colors?
>What is a conspiracy theory or spiritual belief you swear by, even if you may be mocked by others?
>Have you ever performed a spell? Did it work?

>What is this thread?

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nta but i can't tell that because i've never seen you before
you actually got pretty close except i'm a 1/10
You believe people can't grow and change? Become better?
Ugh, why can't you whores fish for attention on /soc/?
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You're fucking retarded, you can't even differentiate between posters, you low vocab, low IQ cunt.

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installed after hearing about it here, key is to keep blocking ppl you arent interested in so the bottles do not send to you again. Which makes more space for better matches.
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i got one girl from the uk but thats all
not me but i am also european so soon
ill be waiting for u
i'm also eurofag but i am out of bottles
desu i cant keep up with all these girls my dms are going crazy

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>wants a girlfriend
>calls women whores and talks about murdering and raping them
>talks about how handsome and big Chad's dick is
Why are incels like this? I think you guys might be gay or a kekold if you think about a hypothetical guy fucking every woman.
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you mean this redditjak?
If you came here just to bully people don't expect them to be civil
I dont want a gf because she would force me to get a job or expect me to work and I dont have the wageslave mindset or an interest in fuelling her insta trips
obsessed in what way? you're the one who reads the slop posted there apparently
I never expected them to be civil retard.

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Mexican Twink Edition

la ultima vez en telemundo: >>77337543
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Literally as long as you draw breath there is hope and you are being down on yourself because you don't want to admit that
It's scary to put yourself out there and work on building relationships and that's okay
But it's not impossible
You WILL be happy
I wish I had a bf who does that dance with a serious expression like that
desu you guys shouldn't act like having a date is hard
got no time for that stuffff
yeah exactly. that's what they should say instead of pretending

Hi /r9k/, I'm looking for a girlfriend
About me
>20.5 year old
>Very poor
>Into coding, playing video games and crossdressing
>Very shy
>17-18 cm dick
What am I looking for in a female
>25+ age
>minimum 6/10
>is rich and can sustain me
>have big tits and ass

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this isn't /soc/ you fucking reject. go to /lgbt/ if you want to fuck a tranny.
>>Very poor
you never finding a girlfriend, especially when you literally listed red flags the next line. Literally focus on making money
You literally want a sugar mommy.
You need to put more care into yourself and look for older women than 25

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Hot blonde aryan swedish police officers betraying their country, betraying their race and getting people killed just to get access to BIG BROWN ARAB CRIMINAL COCK.
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Women are literally not human beings, you should not expect them to behave like one, it's just not going to happen.
This why i say to be white is to be a cuck. Being a white male is not a desirable existence.
How did Sweden manage to get so cucked? Even ignoring the immigrants, why do female swedes hate male swedes?
Beat me to it

Women are NOT people. They're a resource. You don't care what a cobalt mine thinks. They should be herded and breeded. They don't deserve the mouth they spew every deception possible since the garden of eden
>fat pig brown haired swede
They would fuck anything tbf

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>own a small but comfortable home
>steady job not very interesting but with a decent salary that does not require me to do much
>no real no monetary concerns
>waking up every morning anxious after dreaming of being at school again, not having a degree or having an exam and not being able to pass it
what the fuck does this mean
I miss when I had simple dreams like that and not bizarre tests from god or mindless torture. Its gotten so bad that I can actually count each of the 90s minutes each of these dreams lasts because the dream can just stop me from waking myself up and broke all my old methods of escape.

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i want to give them all of my affection
you are all beautiful
I wish I could feel this way but i just cant. white women ARE the best
yeah sorry op, gonna have to go with the other anon here.
white women are just better

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>What time are you going to bed today?
>Are you going to bed alone?
>How many hours of sleep do you need?
>What size of bed do you sleep in?

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>when the cute guy is short
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hot, one actually ghosted me bc she was a bit weird
Damn, that sucks. Imagine passing up the opportunity to pound a cute twink, couldn't be me
holy shit i want to be fucked by "her" so bad
NOW I get it. My soon-to-be-gf at the time, which was 6 years ago was always standing weirdly whenever I approached her, I thought to myself why the fuck was she not standing with her legs straight, now I get it.
Cope, some women look just as good or even better than with make up (some makeup trends look disgusting)

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i know most based things that reach the mainstream trickle down from imageboards. foids didn't just originally discover Madoka Lain and Nana on instagroom and brain rok. Was it their autist exes that introduced them to it? Have you ever shared your interests with a woman only to have her co-opt it?
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im OP, read the post and tell me if it makes sense. i like sweaty and stinky ANIME girls. don't you experience inhibition of feelings of disgust while aroused?
i was mowing the grass and the neighbor's car was in the way so i left that little patch for next time but i won't wait forever because cutting it manually is stupid and i have to mow the garden as well so it would take too long
i would be one of those perverts
they're just appropriating it like they always do

they want the personality of those hobbies/fandoms without actually giving a shit
trying to figure out how to not be a total normie on this app any trips?

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Will you ever settle for a chubby femcel?
Femcel, no. They have terrible personalities.
yes, its actually a brainworm ive developed recently
is she not totally useless and will she put up with me and stick around forever? then yeah
is she going to drive me insane? then no.
Only if she's a virgin and willing to exercise with me.

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>feminists are disgusting, hypocritical, entitled, lying pieces of shit
>therefore, feminists deserve to get raped
>most women are feminists
>therefore, the average rape is simply justice being served
You literally can't argue against this. Rapists are based and I'm sick of pretending they're not.

You must have really bad experiences with women to think this way. Make sure to tell your mother that you love her. Do not get any ideas of raping the next woman you see, especially your own mother.

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